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Text File | 2003-08-16 | 33.0 KB | 1,139 lines |
- -- This is the library used by all Sokoban levels
- -- Filename: ralf_sokoban.lua
- -- Copyright: (C) Mar 2003 Ralf Westram
- -- Contact: amgine@reallysoft.de
- -- License: GPL v2.0 or above
- dofile(enigma.FindDataFile("levels/ralf.lua"))
- --debug_mode()
- test=0
- --if (options.Difficulty==1) then
- -- test=1 -- set this to 1 for st-brake testing
- --end
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- -- characters allowed in level:
- --
- -- '!' space outside level
- -- ' ' normalfloor
- -- '_' normalfloor (unreachable after pushing all boxes onto targets)
- -- 'x' normalfloor (completely unreachable)
- -- '#' walls
- -- 'o' boxes
- -- '.' targets
- -- '*' box on target
- -- '@' player
- -- '+' player (on target)
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- space_faces = { "fl-space", "fl-leaves", "fl-abyss", "fl-water", "fl-sahara" }
- space_faces2 = { "", "", "", "", "fl-rough-blue" }
- spacewalk = { 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, }
- -- do NOT change the number of elements!
- floor_faces = { "fl-bluegray", "fl-tigris", "fl-rough", "fl-samba", "fl-wood", "fl-himalaya", "fl-leaves" }
- wall_faces = { "st-bluegray", "st-rock6", "st-rock1", "st-rock5", "st-glass", "st-rock4", "st-rock3" }
- floor_faces2= { "fl-white", "fl-acblack", "fl-light", "", "", "fl-rough-red", "" }
- wall_faces2 = { "st-metal", "st-likeoxydc-open", "st-blue-sand", "", "", "st-glass", "" }
- box_faces = { "st-brownie", "st-marble_move", "st-wood", "st-shogun", "st-glass_move", "st-block" }
- box_faces2 = { "", "st-rock3_move", "st-wood-growing", "", "st-greenbrown_move", "" }
- if ((getn(floor_faces) ~= getn(floor_faces2))
- or (getn(wall_faces) ~= getn(wall_faces2))
- or (getn(box_faces) ~= getn(box_faces2))
- or (getn(space_faces) ~= getn(space_faces2)))
- then
- error("wrong size in one of the face arrays")
- end
- door_faces = { "st-door_a", "st-door_b", "st-door_c" }
- door_faces2 = { "", "", "st-blocker" }
- oxyd_flavors = { "a", "b", "c", "d" }
- shogunLaser = 0 -- if set to 1 then lasers are used to activate oxyds (this only works with shogun stones)
- swapStyle = 1 -- if set to 0 then swap-stones are never used as boxes (otherwise swapStyle is selected randomly)
- useSwapStyle = 1 -- local value of 'swapStyle'
- -- Symmetry information:
- xsymm = 0
- ysymm = 0
- psymm = 0
- triggers = 0
- doors = 0
- lasers = 0
- space_count = 0 -- count occurances of space (outside level)
- triggerstate = "" -- current state of the triggers
- shuffle = {} -- contains random permutation (to select trigger targets)
- shuffletrig = {} -- contains random permutation (to select triggers)
- position = {} -- positions of doors
- positions = 0
- locked_door_triggered = 0 -- one of the doors is locked until ALL targets are covered
- locked_door = 1
- boxx = {}
- boxy = {}
- function init_globals()
- triggers = 0
- doors = 0
- lasers = 0
- space_count = 0
- triggerstate = ""
- shuffle = {}
- shuffletrig = {}
- position = {}
- positions = 0
- locked_target_triggered = 0
- locked_target = 1
- setboxes=0
- currtestbox=1
- game_lost=0
- laser_flickered=0
- end
- -----------------------------------------
- function init_shuffle(targets)
- local set = {}
- for i=1,targets do set[i] = i end
- local left = targets
- for count=1,targets do
- local sel = random(1,left)
- shuffle[count] = set[sel]
- set[sel] = set[left]
- left = left-1
- -- debug("shuffle["..count.."]="..shuffle[count])
- end
- local settrig = {}
- for i=1,triggers do settrig[i] = i end
- left = triggers
- for count=1,triggers do
- local sel = random(1,left)
- shuffletrig[count] = settrig[sel]
- settrig[sel] = settrig[left]
- left = left-1
- -- debug("shuffletrig["..count.."]="..shuffletrig[count])
- end
- end
- function unflicker_laser()
- if (laser_flickered~=0) then
- enigma.SendMessage(enigma.GetNamedObject("laser"..laser_flickered), "on", nil)
- laser_flickered=0
- end
- end
- function flicker_lasers()
- unflicker_laser()
- local sel = random(1,lasers)
- if (sel ~= locked_target or not strfind(triggerstate,"0")) then
- local laser = enigma.GetNamedObject("laser"..sel)
- local state = GetAttrib(laser,"on")
- if (state==1) then
- laser_flickered=sel
- enigma.SendMessage(laser, "off", nil)
- end
- end
- end
- function trig_doorlaser(which,is_door,targets)
- unflicker_laser()
- which = shuffletrig[which]
- local state = strsub(triggerstate,which,which)
- if (state == "0") then state = "1" else state = "0" end
- local trig_target = -1
- if (targets == triggers) then -- 1 trigger <-> 1 door
- trig_target = which
- else
- local s0,s1 = 0,0
- if (state=="1") then s1 = 1 else s0 = 1 end
- local w2 = which-targets
- local wlow = which
- while (w2 > 0) do
- local state2 = strsub(triggerstate,w2,w2)
- if (state2=="1") then s1 = s1+1 else s0 = s0+1 end
- wlow = w2
- w2 = w2-targets
- end
- w2 = which+targets
- while (w2 <= triggers) do
- local state2 = strsub(triggerstate,w2,w2)
- if (state2=="1") then s1 = s1+1 else s0 = s0+1 end
- w2 = w2+targets
- end
- debug("s0="..s0.." s1="..s1.." wlow="..wlow)
- if ((s0==0) or (s0==1 and state=="0")) then
- trig_target = wlow
- end
- end
- triggerstate = strsub(triggerstate,1,which-1)..state..strsub(triggerstate,which+1)
- local all_covered = not strfind(triggerstate,"0")
- debug(triggerstate)
- debug("trig_target="..trig_target);
- if (trig_target ~= -1) then
- if (trig_target ~= locked_target) then
- if (is_door==1) then
- local msg="open"
- if (state=="0") then msg="close" end -- state is the NEW value
- enigma.SendMessage(enigma.GetNamedObject("door"..shuffle[trig_target]), msg, nil)
- else
- local msg="on"
- if (state=="0") then msg="off" end -- state is the NEW value
- enigma.SendMessage(enigma.GetNamedObject("laser"..shuffle[trig_target]), msg, nil)
- end
- end
- end
- if (all_covered) then
- if (locked_target_triggered==0) then
- if (is_door==1) then
- enigma.SendMessage(enigma.GetNamedObject("door"..shuffle[locked_target]), "open", nil)
- else
- enigma.SendMessage(enigma.GetNamedObject("laser"..shuffle[locked_target]), "on", nil)
- end
- locked_target_triggered = 1
- end
- else
- if (locked_target_triggered==1) then
- if (is_door==1) then
- enigma.SendMessage(enigma.GetNamedObject("door"..shuffle[locked_target]), "close", nil)
- else
- enigma.SendMessage(enigma.GetNamedObject("laser"..shuffle[locked_target]), "off", nil)
- end
- locked_target_triggered = 0
- end
- end
- debug("locked_target_triggered="..locked_target_triggered)
- end
- function trig_door(which)
- trig_doorlaser(which,1,doors)
- end
- function trig_laser(which)
- trig_doorlaser(which,0,lasers)
- end
- -- actors position
- acx = 0
- acy = 0
- function set_the_actor(x,y)
- acx,acy = x+.5,y+.5
- end
- function set_soko_trigger(x,y)
- triggers = triggers + 1
- local funcn = "trig_"..triggers
- if (shogunLaser==1) then
- dostring(funcn.." = function() trig_laser("..triggers..") end")
- else
- dostring(funcn.." = function() trig_door("..triggers..") end")
- end
- set_item(triggerface,x,y,{action="callback", target=funcn})
- end
- function set_actor_on_trigger(x,y)
- set_the_actor(x,y)
- set_soko_trigger(x,y)
- end
- --spacemod = 2
- function set_space_floor(x,y)
- set_floor(spaceface,x,y)
- end
- function set_glasswall(x,y)
- if (mod(x,2)==mod(y,2)) then
- set_floor(floorface,x,y)
- else
- set_space_floor(x,y)
- end
- set_stone("st-glass",x,y)
- end
- function set_spacecell(x,y)
- space_count = space_count+1
- set_space_floor(x,y)
- end
- function set_box(x,y)
- setboxes=setboxes+1
- local boxname = "box"..setboxes
- if (test==1) then
- set_stone("st-brake",x,y,{name=boxname});
- elseif (boxface=="st-glass1") then
- set_stone(boxface,x,y,{movable=1,name=boxname});
- else
- set_stone(boxface,x,y,{name=boxname});
- end
- end
- function init(num)
- init_globals()
- local first = 0
- if (num == -1) then
- first = 1
- num = 0
- end
- spaceface = space_faces [mod(num, getn(space_faces))+1]
- spaceface2 = space_faces2[mod(num, getn(space_faces))+1]
- floorface = floor_faces [mod(num, getn(floor_faces))+1]
- floorface2 = floor_faces2[mod(num, getn(floor_faces))+1]
- wallface = wall_faces [mod(num, getn(wall_faces))+1]
- wallface2 = wall_faces2 [mod(num, getn(wall_faces))+1]
- boxface = box_faces [mod(num, getn(box_faces))+1]
- boxface2 = box_faces2 [mod(num, getn(box_faces))+1]
- doorface = door_faces [mod(num, getn(door_faces))+1]
- doorface2 = door_faces2 [mod(num, getn(door_faces))+1]
- if ((spaceface2 ~= "") and (mod(floor(num/getn(space_faces)),2)==1)) then
- spaceface,spaceface2 = spaceface2,spaceface
- end
- if ((floorface2 ~= "") and (mod(floor(num/(getn(floor_faces)*2)),2)==1)) then
- floorface,floorface2 = floorface2,floorface
- end
- if ((wallface2 ~= "") and (mod(floor(num/getn(wall_faces)),2)==1)) then
- wallface,wallface2 = wallface2,wallface
- end
- if ((boxface2 ~= "") and (mod(floor(num/getn(box_faces)),2)==1)) then
- boxface,boxface2 = boxface2,boxface
- end
- if ((doorface2 ~= "") and (mod(floor(num/getn(door_faces)),2)==1)) then
- doorface,doorface2 = doorface2,doorface
- end
- -- select style
- useSwapStyle=0
- if (shogunLaser==1) then -- shogunLaser has been set from level file
- boxface = "st-shogun"
- elseif (swapStyle==1) then -- if swapStyle is not forbidden
- local n=mod(num,17)
- if (n==10 or n==16) then -- 2 of 17 levels use swapStyle
- useSwapStyle=1
- end
- elseif (swapStyle==2) then -- swapStyle forced
- useSwapStyle=1
- end
- if (useSwapStyle==1) then
- if (options.Difficulty==1) then -- easy
- useSwapStyle=0
- else
- boxface="st-swap"
- end
- end
- oxyd_default_flavor = oxyd_flavors[mod(num, getn(oxyd_flavors))+1]
- if (spaceface == floorface) then
- if (spaceface == "fl-leaves") then
- spaceface = "fl-water"
- else
- print("warning: [ralf_sokoban.lua]: no replacement texture defined for "..spaceface)
- end
- end
- if (boxface == "st-shogun") then triggerface = "it-shogun"
- else triggerface = "it-trigger"
- end
- cells={}
- stonecells={}
- if (useSwapStyle==1) then
- local grate_faces = { "st-grate1", "st-grate2", }
- cells[" "] = cell{floor={face=floorface},stone={face=grate_faces[mod(floor(num/8), getn(grate_faces))+1]}}
- cells["#"] = cell{floor="fl-water"}
- else
- cells[" "] = cell{floor={face=floorface}}
- if (wallface=="st-glass") then
- cells["#"] = cell{parent=set_glasswall}
- else
- cells["#"] = cell{parent = cells[" "], stone = {face = wallface}}
- end
- end
- cells["!"] = cell{parent = {set_spacecell}}
- cells["_"] = cells[" "]
- cells["x"] = cells[" "]
- cells["o"] = cells[" "]
- cells["."] = cell{parent = {cells[" "], set_soko_trigger}}
- cells["@"] = cell{parent = {cells[" "], set_the_actor}}
- cells["*"] = cells["."]
- cells["+"] = cell{parent = {cells[" "], set_actor_on_trigger}}
- stonecells["!"] = cell{}
- stonecells[" "] = cell{}
- stonecells["_"] = cell{}
- stonecells["x"] = cell{}
- stonecells["#"] = cell{}
- stonecells["o"] = cell{floor={face=floorface},parent={set_box}}
- stonecells["."] = cell{}
- stonecells["@"] = cell{}
- stonecells["*"] = stonecells["o"]
- stonecells["+"] = cell{}
- end
- -- wether there's space outside the level
- spl = 0
- spr = 0
- spt = 0
- spb = 0
- spaceres = {}
- spaceres[0] = '-' -- means: don't use because it's outside the level
- spaceres[1] = '!'
- -- look at a specifix position of the level
- -- supports 1 position outside level into each direction
- function peek(x,y)
- if (x<1) then return spaceres[spl] end
- if (x>mapw) then return spaceres[spr] end
- if (y<1) then return spaceres[spt] end
- if (y>maph) then return spaceres[spb] end
- return strsub(level[y],x,x)
- end
- function rpeek(rx,ry)
- return peek(rx-xlo+1,ry-ylo+1)
- end
- function adjacent(x1,y1,x2,y2) -- returns TRUE if the two positions are adjacent
- local dx,dy = abs(x1-x2),abs(y1-y2)
- return (dx==0 and dy==1) or (dx==1 and dy==0)
- end
- -- locations of state[] indices:
- --
- -- 3
- -- 1 P 2
- -- 4
- xoff = { -1, 1, 0, 0 }
- yoff = { 0, 0, -1, 1 }
- function is_in_restricted_area(p)
- local xd,yd = position[p][1],position[p][2]
- local xo,yo = position[p][3],position[p][4]
- local xf,yf = xd+(xd-xo),yd+(yd-yo)
- debug("xf="..xf.." yf="..yf)
- local c = rpeek(xf,yf)
- if (c==' ') then return 0 end
- if (c=='_') then return 1 end
- return 2 -- unknown
- end
- --function symmetric_position(x,y,w,h)
- -- if (xsymm==1) then return w-(x-xlo)+xlo,y end
- -- if (ysymm==1) then return x,h-(y-ylo)+ylo end
- -- if (psymm==1) then return h-(y-ylo)+xlo,x-xlo+ylo end
- -- return x,y
- --end
- function symmetric_position(x,y,w,h)
- if (xsymm==1) then return w-x+1,y end
- if (ysymm==1) then return x,h-y+1 end
- if (psymm==1) then return h-y+1,x end
- return x,y
- end
- removed_indices={}
- removed = 0
- function rs_remove_oxyd(p,w,h)
- removed_indices={}
- removed = 0
- local x1,y1 = position[p][1],position[p][2]
- if (xsymm+ysymm+psymm) then
- local symmcount = 1
- if (psymm==1) then symmcount=3 end
- for c=1,symmcount do
- local x2,y2 = symmetric_position(x1,y1,w,h)
- for q=1,positions do
- if ((q~=p) and (x2==position[q][1]) and (y2==position[q][2])) then
- tremove(position,q)
- removed = removed+1
- removed_indices[removed] = q
- positions = positions-1
- if (q<p) then p = p-1 end
- break
- end
- end
- x1,y1 = x2,y2
- end
- end
- tremove(position,p)
- removed = removed+1
- removed_indices[removed] = p
- positions = positions-1
- end
- maxoxyds = 999
- function install_oxyds(w,h) -- uses Nat's method (see nat7.lua)
- for x=1,w do
- for y=1,h do
- if (peek(x,y)=='#') then
- local state = {}
- state[1] = peek(x-1,y)
- state[2] = peek(x+1,y)
- state[3] = peek(x,y-1)
- state[4] = peek(x,y+1)
- local reachable = 0
- local spacehere = 0
- for n=1,4 do
- if (state[n]=='!') then
- if (spacehere == 0) then
- spacehere = n
- else
- -- positions with more than 1 adjacent space should never be used as doors
- -- (because you may escape there)
- if (shogunLaser==0) then
- spacehere = -1
- else -- does not matter in shogunLaser-mode
- -- ensure symmetry
- if (xsymm==1 and (x==(w-x+1))) then
- spacehere = n -- use oxyd in y direction
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if (state[n]=='o' or state[n]==' ' or state[n]=='@' or state[n]=='_') then
- if (reachable == 0) then
- reachable = n
- else
- -- positions with more than 1 adjacent floor should never be used as doors
- -- (because they change the level logic)
- reachable = -1
- end
- end
- end
- if (((reachable>0) or (shogunLaser==1)) and (spacehere>0)) then
- positions = positions+1
- position[positions] = {x,y,x+xoff[spacehere], y+yoff[spacehere]}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- delete adjacent oxyds and adjacent doors
- -- [first those with two neighbours or more neighbours, then those with one neighbour]
- for delif=2,1,-1 do
- local deleted = 1
- while (deleted==1) do
- deleted = 0
- for p=1,positions do
- local xd1,yd1 = position[p][1],position[p][2]
- local xo1,yo1 = position[p][3],position[p][4]
- local oneighbours = 0
- local dneighbours = 0
- for q=1,positions do
- if (p~=q) then
- local xd2,yd2 = position[q][1],position[q][2]
- local xo2,yo2 = position[q][3],position[q][4]
- if (xo1==xo2 and yo1==yo2) then -- oxyds use same position
- oneighbours = delif
- break
- elseif (adjacent(xo1,yo1,xo2,yo2)) then
- oneighbours = oneighbours+1
- if (oneighbours==delif) then break end
- end
- if (adjacent(xd1,yd1,xd2,yd2)) then
- dneighbours = dneighbours+1
- if (dneighbours==delif) then break end
- end
- end
- end
- if ((oneighbours>=delif) or (dneighbours>=delif)) then
- rs_remove_oxyd(p,w,h)
- deleted = 1
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- delete superfluous oxyds
- local want_remove = 0
- if (maxoxyds>triggers) then maxoxyds = triggers end
- if (positions>maxoxyds) then
- want_remove = positions-maxoxyds
- debug("maxoxyds="..maxoxyds.." want_remove="..want_remove);
- end
- if (mod(positions-want_remove,2)==1) then want_remove = want_remove+1 end
- debug("positions="..positions.." want_remove="..want_remove);
- if ((psymm+xsymm+ysymm)>0) then
- local isSymmetric = {}
- local sym_count = 0
- local sym_count_single = 0
- local per_remove = 0
- for p=1,positions do isSymmetric[p] = 0 end
- if (psymm==1) then -- central symmetry
- per_remove=4
- for p=1,positions do
- if (isSymmetric[p]==0) then
- local x1,y1 = position[p][1],position[p][2]
- local allFound = 1
- local index={}
- for r=1,3 do
- local x2,y2 = symmetric_position(x1,y1,w,h)
- local found = 0
- for q=1,positions do
- if (p~=q and position[q][1]==x2 and position[q][2]==y2) then
- local inUse=0
- for r2=1,r-1 do
- if (index[r2]==q) then inUse=1 break end
- end
- if (inUse==0) then
- found=1
- index[r]=q
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if (found==0) then allFound = 0 break end
- x1,y1 = x2,y2
- end
- if (allFound==1) then
- isSymmetric[p]=1
- for r=1,3 do isSymmetric[index[r]]=1 end
- sym_count = sym_count+4
- local array=""
- for p=1,positions do array=array..isSymmetric[p] end
- debug("isSymmetric="..array);
- end
- end
- end
- else
- per_remove=2
- for p=1,positions do
- if (isSymmetric[p]==0) then
- local x1,y1 = position[p][1],position[p][2]
- local x2,y2 = symmetric_position(x1,y1,w,h)
- if (x1==x2 and y1==y2) then
- isSymmetric[p] = 2
- sym_count_single = sym_count_single+1
- else
- for q=1,positions do
- if (p~=q and position[q][1]==x2 and position[q][2]==y2) then
- isSymmetric[p] = 1
- isSymmetric[q] = 1
- sym_count = sym_count+2
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local assym_count = positions-(sym_count+sym_count_single)
- -- debug("positions="..positions.." sym_count="..sym_count.." sym_count_single="..sym_count_single.." assym_count="..assym_count);
- -- first remove assymetric positions
- if (assym_count>0 and want_remove>0) then
- for p=positions,1,-1 do
- if (isSymmetric[p]==0) then
- tremove(position,p);
- tremove(isSymmetric,p);
- want_remove = want_remove-1
- positions = positions-1
- assym_count = assym_count-1
- if (want_remove==0) then break end
- end
- end
- end
- -- then remove some symmetric positions
- while (want_remove>=per_remove) do
- if (sym_count<per_remove) then error("internal counter error") end
- local todel = 0
- for p=1,positions do -- try randomly
- local q = random(1,positions)
- if (isSymmetric[q]==1) then todel = q break end
- end
- if (todel==0) then -- if failed try by sequence
- for p=1,positions do
- if (isSymmetric[p]==1) then todel=p break end
- end
- end
- if (todel>0) then -- correct isSymmetric
- rs_remove_oxyd(todel,w,h)
- if (removed ~= per_remove) then error("internal error: removed ~= per_remove") end
- sym_count=sym_count-per_remove
- want_remove = want_remove-per_remove
- for r=1,removed do
- tremove(isSymmetric,removed_indices[r]);
- end
- end
- end
- -- now remove single symmetric positions
- while (want_remove>0 and sym_count_single>0) do
- for p=positions,1,-1 do
- if (isSymmetric[p]==2) then
- tremove(position,p);
- tremove(isSymmetric,p);
- want_remove = want_remove-1
- positions = positions-1
- sym_count_single = sym_count_single-1
- if (want_remove==0) then break end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- remove random stones for assymetric levels (or if symmetric remove failed)
- while (want_remove>0) do
- local p = random(1,positions)
- tremove(position,p);
- want_remove = want_remove-1
- positions=positions-1
- end
- if (mod(positions,2)==1) then -- final check for even oxyd count
- tremove(position,random(1,positions))
- positions = positions-1
- end
- -- end of oxyd removal
- debug("left oxyds: "..positions);
- if (positions == 0) then
- error("No oxyds.")
- end
- -- if (maxoxyds>positions) then
- -- maxoxyds = positions
- -- end
- -- transform to "real" coordinates
- for p=1,positions do
- position[p][1] = position[p][1]+xlo-1
- position[p][2] = position[p][2]+ylo-1
- position[p][3] = position[p][3]+xlo-1
- position[p][4] = position[p][4]+ylo-1
- end
- -- now really set oxyds
- for p=1,positions do
- local xd,yd = position[p][1],position[p][2]
- local xo,yo = position[p][3],position[p][4]
- enigma.KillStone(xd,yd)
- enigma.KillStone(xo,yo)
- if (shogunLaser==1) then
- lasers = lasers+1
- local d
- if (xd==xo) then
- if (yd>yo) then d = NORTH else d = SOUTH end
- else
- if (xd>xo) then d = WEST else d = EAST end
- end
- set_stone("st-laser",xd,yd,{name="laser"..lasers, dir=d,on=0})
- else
- doors = doors+1
- local d = "v"
- if (xd==xo) then d = "h" end
- set_floor(floorface,xd,yd)
- set_stone(doorface,xd,yd, {name="door"..doors, type=d})
- end
- oxyd(xo,yo)
- end
- debug("Oxyds set: "..doors.." Triggers: "..triggers)
- return 0
- end
- function correct_locked_target_position()
- if (shogunLaser==1) then
- locked_target=random(1,lasers)
- return 1
- end
- while (locked_target <= doors) do
- local ld = shuffle[locked_target]
- local restricted = is_in_restricted_area(ld)
- local xd,yd = position[ld][1],position[ld][2]
- debug("[locked door] ld="..ld.." xd="..xd.." yd="..yd.." restricted="..restricted)
- if (restricted == 0) then return 1 end
- locked_target = locked_target+1
- end
- debug("Could not correct position of locked target. Not playable!");
- return 0
- end
- function correct_multi_trigger_doors()
- if (doors == triggers) then return 1 end -- each trigger has exactly one door => no problem
- local multiTriggeredDoors = triggers-doors
- if (multiTriggeredDoors > doors) then multiTriggeredDoors = doors end
- for mtd=1,multiTriggeredDoors do
- local ld = shuffle[mtd]
- local restricted = is_in_restricted_area(ld)
- local xd,yd = position[ld][1],position[ld][2]
- debug("[multit door] ld="..ld.." xd="..xd.." yd="..yd.." restricted="..restricted)
- if (restricted ~= 0) then return 0 end
- end
- return 1
- end
- function correct_target_positions()
- local ok = correct_locked_target_position()
- if (ok==1 and shogunLaser==0) then
- ok = correct_multi_trigger_doors()
- end
- return ok
- end
- function choose_symmetry()
- if (xsymm==1 and ysymm==1) then ysymm=0 end -- prefer x-symmetry
- while ((xsymm+ysymm+psymm) > 1) do
- local r = random(1,3)
- if (r==1) then xsymm = 0
- elseif (r==2) then ysymm = 0
- else psymm = 0
- end
- end
- debug("----------------------------------------");
- if (xsymm==1) then debug("Symmetry: X") end
- if (ysymm==1) then debug("Symmetry: Y") end
- if (psymm==1) then debug("Symmetry: central") end
- end
- -- lost the game?
- function stone_at(x,y)
- -- result==0 -> no stone (or ignored)
- -- result==1 -> yes
- -- result==2 -> yes (but movable)
- local stone = enigma.GetStone(x,y)
- if (not stone) then
- -- print("no stone at "..x.."/"..y);
- if (useSwapStyle==1) then return 1 end
- if (doorface=="st-blocker") then
- local item = enigma.GetItem(x,y)
- if (item and GetAttrib(item,"kind")=="it-blocker") then return 1 end
- end
- return 0
- end
- local kind = enigma.GetAttrib(stone,"kind")
- --print("found stone '"..kind.."' at "..x.."/"..y.." boxface="..boxface.." wallface="..wallface)
- if (kind == "st-death") then return 1 end
- if (kind == boxface) then return 2 end
- if (kind == doorface) then return 1 end
- if (kind == "borderstone") then return 1 end
- if (useSwapStyle==1) then
- if (strsub(kind,1,8) == "st-grate") then return 0 end
- else
- if (kind == wallface) then return 1 end
- if (strsub(kind,1,7)=="st-wood" and boxface=="st-wood") then return 2 end
- end
- print("stone '"..kind.."' was ignored!");
- return 0
- end
- function moveable(st1,st2)
- -- result==0 -> yes
- -- result==1 -> no
- -- result==2 -> maybe
- if (st1==0) then
- if (st2==0) then return 0
- else return st2 end
- else
- if (st2==0) then
- return st1
- else
- if (st1==1 or st2==1) then return 1
- else return 2 end
- end
- end
- end
- function lost_game(x,y)
- local w = stone_at(x-1,y)
- local e = stone_at(x+1,y)
- local h = moveable(e,w)
- if (h==0) then return 0 end
- local n = stone_at(x,y-1)
- local s = stone_at(x,y+1)
- local v = moveable(n,s)
- if (v==0) then return 0 end
- if (h==1 and v==1) then return 1 end
- -- none is 0 and not both are 1
- -- do slower but safe check
- -- print("at "..x.."/"..y.." w="..w.." e="..e.." n="..n.." s="..s.." h="..h.." v="..v);
- if (h==1) then -- horizontal move is imposible
- -- check horizontal move for neighbor box
- if (s==2) then -- theres a box south
- local se,sw = stone_at(x+1,y+1),stone_at(x-1,y+1)
- if (moveable(se,sw)==1) then return 1 end -- which cannot be moved east-west
- end
- if (n==2) then -- theres a box north
- local ne,nw = stone_at(x+1,y-1),stone_at(x-1,y-1)
- if (moveable(ne,nw)==1) then return 1 end -- which cannot be moved east-west
- end
- end
- if (v==1) then -- vertical move is imposible
- -- check vertical move for neighbor box
- if (w==2) then -- theres a box west
- local nw,sw = stone_at(x-1,y-1),stone_at(x-1,y+1)
- if (moveable(nw,sw)==1) then return 1 end -- which cannot be moved north-south
- end
- if (e==2) then -- theres a box east
- local ne,se = stone_at(x+1,y-1),stone_at(x+1,y+1)
- if (moveable(ne,se)==1) then return 1 end -- which cannot be moved north-south
- end
- end
- -- finally check for a box of 4 stones
- if (w~=0) then
- if (n~=0) then
- if (stone_at(x-1,y-1)~=0) then return 1 end
- end
- if (s~=0) then
- if (stone_at(x-1,y+1)~=0) then return 1 end
- end
- end
- if (e~=0) then
- if (n~=0) then
- if (stone_at(x+1,y-1)~=0) then return 1 end
- end
- if (s~=0) then
- if (stone_at(x+1,y+1)~=0) then return 1 end
- end
- end
- return 0
- end
- function recheck_all_boxes()
- for b=1,setboxes do
- local box=enigma.GetNamedObject("box"..b)
- boxx[b]=-1
- boxy[b]=-1
- if (box) then
- local x,y = enigma.GetPos(box)
- if (x~=-1 and y~=-1) then
- local item = enigma.GetItem(x,y)
- if (item) then
- if (enigma.GetAttrib(item,"kind")==triggerface) then
- -- print("no recheck for box at "..x.."/"..y);
- boxx[b]=x
- boxy[b]=y
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- skip_timer=0
- do_recheck=1
- function timer_cb()
- if (shogunLaser==1) then
- flicker_lasers()
- end
- if (skip_timer>0) then
- skip_timer=skip_timer-1
- else
- local max_repeat=3 -- to avoid deadlock
- local rep=1
- local recheck=0
- while (rep==1 and max_repeat>0) do
- rep = 0
- max_repeat=max_repeat-1
- for b=1,setboxes do
- local box=enigma.GetNamedObject("box"..b)
- if (box) then
- local x,y = enigma.GetPos(box)
- if (x~=boxx[b] or y~=boxy[b]) then -- box position has changed
- -- print("Checking pos "..x.."/"..y.." (boxx="..boxx[b]..",boxy="..boxy[b]..")");
- local die = 0;
- local item = enigma.GetItem(x,y)
- if (not item) then die = 1
- elseif (enigma.GetAttrib(item,"kind")~=triggerface) then die = 1
- end
- if (die==1) then
- if (lost_game(x,y)==1) then
- game_lost = 1
- enigma.PlaySound(box,"st-magic");
- enigma.KillStone(x,y);
- set_stone("st-death",x,y);
- -- print("kill stone at "..x.."/"..y);
- rep=1
- recheck=1
- end
- else -- box on trigger
- if (lost_game(x,y)) then
- recheck=1
- end
- end
- boxx[b] = x;
- boxy[b] = y;
- end
- -- else
- -- print("box expected");
- end
- end
- if (recheck==1) then recheck_all_boxes() end
- end
- end
- end
- function play_sokoban(level,num)
- local w,h = get_map_size(level)
- local tries = 80
- local ok = 0
- randomseed(enigma.GetTicks())
- choose_symmetry()
- while ((tries > 0) and (maxoxyds > 0) and (ok == 0)) do
- init(num-1)
- randomseed(enigma.GetTicks())
- -- rs_create_world(level,cells,spacecell,spacecell)
- rs_create_world(level,cells,set_spacecell,set_spacecell)
- enigma.ConserveLevel = FALSE
- enigma.ShowMoves = TRUE
- if (xlo > 0) then
- spl = 1 -- there's space at the left side
- space_count = space_count + maph
- end
- if (ylo > 0) then
- spt = 1 -- there's space at the top side
- space_count = space_count + mapw
- end
- if ((xlo+mapw) < 20) then
- spr = 1 -- there's space at the right side
- space_count = space_count + maph
- end
- if ((ylo+maph) < 13) then
- spb = 1 -- there's space at the bottom side
- space_count = space_count + mapw
- end
- debug("Space aside: spl="..spl.." spr="..spr.." spt="..spt.." spb="..spb);
- -- install oxyds
- install_oxyds(w,h)
- local targets=doors
- if (shogunLaser==1) then targets=lasers end
- init_shuffle(targets) -- mix trigger-door associations
- ok = correct_target_positions()
- -- ok = 1
- if (ok == 0) then
- debug("---------------------------------------- re-initializing..");
- end
- tries = tries - 1
- -- if (maxoxyds > 2) then
- -- maxoxyds = maxoxyds - 1
- -- end
- end
- if (ok==0) then
- error("Sorry - couldn't correct door positions. Avoiding deadlock (try again)");
- end
- triggerstate = strrep("0",triggers)
- display.SetFollowMode(display.FOLLOW_SCROLLING)
- draw_map(xlo,ylo,level,stonecells)
- set_actor("ac-blackball",acx,acy,{player=0})
- oxyd_shuffle()
- -- change some names for game_lost
- if (boxface=="st-wood-growing") then boxface="st-wood" end
- if (shogunLaser==1) then doorface="st-laser" end
- -- activate callback:
- if (test==0) then
- skip_timer=3
- for b=1,setboxes do
- boxx[b]=-1
- boxy[b]=-1
- end
- set_stone("st-timer", 0,0, {action="callback", target="timer_cb", interval=0.3, invisible=1})
- end
- end