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- -- A level for Enigma
- -- Name: Welcome to the machine
- -- Filename: ralf03.lua
- -- Copyright: (C) Mar 2003 Ralf Westram
- -- Contact: amgine@reallysoft.de
- -- License: GPL v2.0 or above
- dofile(enigma.FindDataFile("levels/ralf.lua"))
- --debug_mode()
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- first = 1
- lightfloorface = "fl-sahara"
- darkfloorface = "fl-tigris"
- bluefloorface = "fl-bluegray"
- stonefaces = { "st-rock1", "st-rock6", "st-rock2", "st-rock3"}
- rotdirection = { 1, -1, 1, -1 }
- switchface = "st-switch"
- borderface = "st-rock5"
- lightfloor = cell{floor={face = lightfloorface}}
- border = cell{stone={face = borderface}}
- --marble = cell{item={face = "ac-blackball", attr={player=0}, actor=1}}
- marble = cell{actor={face="ac-blackball", attr={player=0}}}
- test = 0 -- test layout
- easy = 1 -- 1=easy 0=hard
- mx,my = 1,1
- if (test==0) then
- floormap={
- "** **",
- "* *",
- " ! ",
- " !!! ",
- " ! ",
- "* *",
- "** **"
- }
- stonemap={
- " # ",
- " ##### ",
- "## ##",
- " # O ",
- " # ##",
- " $# ## ",
- " & # "
- }
- metamap={
- "2413",
- "4324",
- "3112",
- }
- mx,my = 2,2
- elseif (test==1) then
- easy = 1
- floormap={
- "* ! *",
- " ! ",
- "!!!!!",
- " ! ",
- "* ! *"
- }
- stonemap={
- " & & ",
- " # ##",
- " O ",
- "#$ # ",
- " # # "
- }
- metamap={
- "4231",
- "3421",
- "1234",
- "3142",
- }
- mx,my = 3,2
- end
- floorcells={}
- floorcells["*"] = cell{parent = lightfloor}
- floorcells[" "] = cell{floor={face = darkfloorface}}
- floorcells["!"] = cell{floor={face = bluefloorface}}
- -- ---------------
- -- metamap
- -- ---------------
- usedmap = nil
- usedcells = nil
- currmetacell = nil
- function draw_used_metamap_oriented(x,y,flipx,flipy,rotate)
- draw_metamap_oriented(x,y,usedmap,usedcells,flipx, flipy,rotate)
- end
- metacellstate={1,2,3,4}
- nextState={2,3,4,1} -- rotate
- --nextState={2,1,4,3} -- toggle
- function draw_metacell(x,y,metacellnum)
- currmetacell = metacellnum --store for switch callback
- draw_metamap_oriented(x,y,usedmap,usedcells,0,0,metacellstate[metacellnum])
- end
- metacells={}
- metacells["1"] = cell{parent={{draw_metacell,1}}}
- metacells["2"] = cell{parent={{draw_metacell,2}}}
- metacells["3"] = cell{parent={{draw_metacell,3}}}
- metacells["4"] = cell{parent={{draw_metacell,4}}}
- function draw_my_metamap()
- draw_map(0,0,metamap,metacells)
- end
- -- ----------------
- -- rotation
- -- ----------------
- function rot(cellnum)
- local oldstate = metacellstate[cellnum]
- local newstate = oldstate + rotdirection[cellnum]
- if (newstate < 1) then newstate = 4
- elseif (newstate > 4) then newstate = 1
- end
- metacellstate[cellnum] = newstate
- debug("rot cell #"..cellnum.." from state "..oldstate.." to "..newstate)
- draw_my_metamap()
- end
- function rot1() rot(1) end
- function rot2() rot(2) end
- function rot3() rot(3) end
- function rot4() rot(4) end
- function rot0() error("illegal rotation callback (0)") end
- function rot5() error("illegal rotation callback (5)") end
- function add_oxyd(x,y) if (first==1) then oxyd(x,y) end end
- function add_stone(x,y) set_stone(stonefaces[currmetacell],x,y) end
- function rem(x,y) if (first==0) then enigma.KillStone(x,y) end end
- function repby_switch(x,y)
- rem(x,y)
- set_stone(switchface,x,y,{action="callback", target="rot"..currmetacell})
- end
- function repby_stone(x,y)
- rem(x,y)
- set_stone(stonefaces[currmetacell],x,y)
- end
- function repby_stone_or_gap(x,y)
- rem(x,y)
- if (currmetacell ~= 2) then
- set_stone(stonefaces[currmetacell],x,y)
- end
- end
- stonecells={}
- stonecells["O"]=cell{parent={{add_oxyd}}}
- stonecells[" "]=cell{parent={{rem}}}
- stonecells["#"]=cell{parent={{repby_stone}}}
- stonecells["$"]=cell{parent={{repby_switch}}}
- if (easy==1) then
- stonecells["&"]=cell{parent={{repby_stone_or_gap}}}
- else
- stonecells["&"]= stonecells["#"]
- end
- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- -- build the level
- mapw,maph = get_map_size(metamap)
- blockw,blockh = get_map_size(stonemap)
- blockw2,blockh2 = get_map_size(floormap)
- if ((blockh ~= blockh2) or (blockw ~= blockw2)) then
- error("floormap and stonemap must be of same size");
- end
- worldw,worldh = mapw*blockw+2,maph*blockh+2
- create_world(worldw, worldh)
- oxyd_default_flavor = "a"
- enigma.ConserveLevel = FALSE
- fill_world_func(lightfloor)
- draw_border_func(border)
- -- draw the floor
- usedmap = floormap
- usedcells = floorcells
- draw_my_metamap()
- -- draw the items
- usedmap = stonemap
- usedcells = stonecells
- draw_my_metamap()
- first = 0
- document(4*blockw,1*blockh,"Sections which have the same color always turn at the same time and in the same way.")
- oxyd_shuffle()
- display.SetFollowMode(display.FOLLOW_SCROLLING)
- marble(mx*blockw+0.5,my*blockh+0.5)