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- -- Magritte
- -- A level for Enigma
- -- Copyright (c) 2002 Nat Pryce
- -- License: GPL v2.0 or above
- dofile( enigma.FindDataFile("levels/natmaze.lua") )
- maze = new_kruskal_maze( 12, 12 )
- startx, starty = random(maze.width-2), random(maze.height-2)
- offsetx = 2
- offsety = 2
- cell_side = 5
- cell_gap = 1
- last_trigger = nil
- function cell_to_level( cellx, celly )
- local x = offsetx + cellx * cell_side + (cellx-1) * cell_gap
- local y = offsety + celly * cell_side + (celly-1) * cell_gap
- return x, y
- end
- function at_corner( x, y )
- return x == 0 and y == 0
- or x == 0 and y == maze.height - 1
- or x == maze.width-1 and y == 0
- or x == maze.width-1 and y == maze.height-1
- end
- function at_start( x, y )
- return x == startx and y == starty
- end
- random_stones = {
- "st-grate1",
- "st-fakeoxyd",
- "st-brownie",
- "st-glass",
- "st-chameleon",
- "st-greenbrown",
- "st-greenbrown_hole",
- "st-greenbrown_move",
- "st-invisible"
- }
- random_floors = {
- "fl-rough",
- "fl-leaves",
- "fl-gray",
- "fl-dunes",
- "fl-sand",
- }
- function draw_cell( cellx, celly )
- local x,y = cell_to_level( cellx, celly )
- fill_floor( "fl-wood", x, y, cell_side, cell_side )
- fill_floor( random_element(random_floors),
- x+1, y+1, cell_side-2, cell_side-2 )
- if not at_corner(cellx,celly) and not at_start(cellx,celly) then
- if random() < 0.5 then
- set_stone( random_element(random_stones), x+2, y+2 )
- end
- end
- end
- function draw_cells()
- for celly = 0,maze.height-1 do
- for cellx = 0,maze.width-1 do
- draw_cell( cellx, celly )
- end
- end
- end
- function draw_link( cellx, celly, test_link, x, y )
- if test_link( maze, cellx, celly ) then
- set_floor( "fl-wood", x, y )
- else
- set_floor( "fl-water", x, y )
- end
- end
- function draw_links_for_cell( cellx, celly )
- local x,y = cell_to_level( cellx, celly )
- local offset = cell_side/2 + 1
- x = x + 2
- y = y + 2
- draw_link( cellx, celly, maze.can_go_north, x, y-3 )
- draw_link( cellx, celly, maze.can_go_south, x, y+3 )
- draw_link( cellx, celly, maze.can_go_west, x-3, y )
- draw_link( cellx, celly, maze.can_go_east, x+3, y )
- end
- function draw_links()
- for celly = 0,maze.height-1 do
- for cellx = 0,maze.width-1 do
- draw_links_for_cell( cellx, celly )
- end
- end
- end
- last_regenerate_id = nil
- function regenerate_maze( trigger_pressed, id )
- if trigger_pressed == 1 and id ~= last_regenerate_id then
- maze = new_kruskal_maze( maze.width, maze.height )
- draw_links()
- last_regenerate_id = id
- end
- end
- function trigger_callback_1( trigger_pressed )
- regenerate_maze( trigger_pressed, 1 )
- end
- function trigger_callback_2( trigger_pressed )
- regenerate_maze( trigger_pressed, 2 )
- end
- function trigger_callback_3( trigger_pressed )
- regenerate_maze( trigger_pressed, 3 )
- end
- function trigger_callback_4( trigger_pressed )
- regenerate_maze( trigger_pressed, 4 )
- end
- function set_oxyd( cellx, celly, callback )
- local x,y = cell_to_level( cellx, celly )
- oxyd(x+2,y+2)
- set_regenerate_trigger( x, y+cell_side/2, callback )
- set_regenerate_trigger( x+cell_side/2, y, callback )
- set_regenerate_trigger( x+cell_side-1, y+cell_side/2, callback )
- set_regenerate_trigger( x+cell_side/2, y+cell_side-1, callback )
- end
- function set_regenerate_trigger( x, y, callback )
- set_item( "it-trigger", x, y,
- {target=callback, action="callback"} )
- end
- create_world( maze.width*cell_side + (maze.width-1)*cell_gap + 2*offsetx + 2,
- maze.height*cell_side + (maze.height-1)*cell_gap + 2*offsety )
- fill_floor( "fl-water", 0, 0, level_width, level_height )
- draw_cells()
- draw_links()
- set_oxyd( 0, 0, "trigger_callback_1" )
- set_oxyd( 0, maze.height-1, "trigger_callback_2" )
- set_oxyd( maze.width-1, 0, "trigger_callback_3" )
- set_oxyd( maze.width-1, maze.height-1, "trigger_callback_4" )
- actorx, actory = cell_to_level( startx, starty )
- set_actor( "ac-blackball", actorx + 2.5, actory + 2.5, { player=0 } )
- display.SetFollowMode(display.FOLLOW_SCROLLING)