0;//bar type, 0=normal, 1=show body temperature, 2=show number of items parameter0, 3=show wielded weapon ammo, 4=show armor, 5=show carry weight, 6=show seconds from game start
1;//visible (only applicable for player's bars)
1;//visible on enemies
1;//show number
3;//anchor point (0=left top, 1=right top, 2=left bottom, 3=right bottom)
-250;//location x, pixels from anchor point
-20;//location y, pixels from anchor point
bar.png;//bar picture
none;//background picture
0;//background picture x offset
0;//background picture y offset
0;//background picture width
0;//background picture height
-200;//length in pixels for maximum (negative = bar increases to left)
1;//red color component for minimum
0;//green color component for minimum
0;//blue color component for minimum
1;//red color component for maximum
0;//green color component for maximum
0;//blue color component for maximum
Battery Energy;//name
0;//bar type, 0=normal, 1=show body temperature, 2=show number of items parameter0, 3=show wielded weapon ammo, 4=show armor, 5=show carry weight, 6=show seconds from game start
1;//visible (only applicable for player's bars)
1;//visible on enemies
1;//show number
3;//anchor point (0=left top, 1=right top, 2=left bottom, 3=right bottom)
-220;//location x, pixels from anchor point
-50;//location y, pixels from anchor point
bar.png;//bar picture
none;//background picture
0;//background picture x offset
0;//background picture y offset
0;//background picture width
0;//background picture height
180;//length in pixels for maximum (negative = bar increases to left)
0.3;//red color component for minimum
0.3;//green color component for minimum
0.8;//blue color component for minimum
0.4;//red color component for maximum
0.4;//green color component for maximum
1;//blue color component for maximum
1;//bar type, 0=normal, 1=show body temperature, 2=show number of items parameter0, 3=show wielded weapon ammo, 4=show armor, 5=show carry weight, 6=show seconds from game start
1;//visible (only applicable for player's bars)
1;//visible on enemies
1;//show number
3;//anchor point (0=left top, 1=right top, 2=left bottom, 3=right bottom)
-350;//location x, pixels from anchor point
-50;//location y, pixels from anchor point
bar.png;//bar picture
none;//background picture
0;//background picture x offset
0;//background picture y offset
0;//background picture width
0;//background picture height
-80;//length in pixels for maximum (negative = bar increases to left)
0;//red color component for minimum
0.2;//green color component for minimum
1;//blue color component for minimum
1;//red color component for maximum
0.2;//green color component for maximum
0;//blue color component for maximum
4;//bar type, 0=normal, 1=show body temperature, 2=show number of items parameter0, 3=show wielded weapon ammo, 4=show armor, 5=show carry weight, 6=show seconds from game start
1;//visible (only applicable for player's bars)
1;//visible on enemies
1;//show number
3;//anchor point (0=left top, 1=right top, 2=left bottom, 3=right bottom)
-21;//location x, pixels from anchor point
-53;//location y, pixels from anchor point
bar.png;//bar picture
none;//background picture
0;//background picture x offset
0;//background picture y offset
0;//background picture width
0;//background picture height
0;//length in pixels for maximum (negative = bar increases to left)
1;//red color component for minimum
0.2;//green color component for minimum
0;//blue color component for minimum
0;//red color component for maximum
0.2;//green color component for maximum
1;//blue color component for maximum
0;//bar type, 0=normal, 1=show body temperature, 2=show number of items parameter0, 3=show wielded weapon ammo, 4=show armor, 5=show carry weight, 6=show seconds from game start
1;//visible (only applicable for player's bars)
1;//visible on enemies
1;//show number
3;//anchor point (0=left top, 1=right top, 2=left bottom, 3=right bottom)
-250;//location x, pixels from anchor point
-35;//location y, pixels from anchor point
bar.png;//bar picture
none;//background picture
0;//background picture x offset
0;//background picture y offset
0;//background picture width
0;//background picture height
-200;//length in pixels for maximum (negative = bar increases to left)
1;//red color component for minimum
0.8;//green color component for minimum
0;//blue color component for minimum
0.8;//red color component for maximum
1;//green color component for maximum
0;//blue color component for maximum
maximum amount of bars is 30
bar types 1 and 4 work both ways, if you change the amount of the bar with effect 4, the respective values change