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- ======================================================================
- Battlefield Server Manager 2.0 for Windows README
- Version 2.0 beta 4e
- 11 July 2004
- Copyright (c) 2004, Black Bag Operations, www.blackbagops.com
- ======================================================================
- This file contains information about new program features that is not in the
- manual. Please read these notes carefully before asking for support.
- 1. About the New Ban System
- 2. About the In-Game Administration System
- 3. About the New User Permissions
- 4. User Permission Presets
- 5. Admin CSV log
- 6. Custom Console Commands
- 7. Banned Words
- 8. Editing PunkBuster Server Settings
- 9. UserAccess.con
- 10. Additional Information
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. About the New Ban System
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Server Manager nows keeps its own player banlist in the file ServerBanList.con
- on the server. This banlist is only used by BxSM and is separate from the server
- application's banlist kept in BanList.con.
- When you ban a player in SM or RM, BxSM will ban that player using their keyhash
- on an Internet server or their IP on a LAN server. If you have the "ban in both"
- option on the Friendly Fire dialog page enabled, BxSM will also ban the player's
- GUID on the PunkBuster server.
- When a player is banned BxSM adds the ids it banned on the server to an entry
- for that player in the banlist on the Bans page. A blank id field (IP, keyhash
- or GUID) in this list means there is no ban on that id for that player.
- BxSM also records additional information about the ban including the name of the
- BxSM user who banned the player, when the ban took place, when the ban expires,
- and a reason for the ban.
- When you unban a player BxSM unbans all of the player ids that are recorded in
- the banlist entry for that player. If multiple banlist entries share the same id
- (e.g. IP address) the common id will be removed from all of the banlist entries.
- When all player ids have been unbanned for a particular player, BxSM will delete
- the entire ban entry from the banlist. This is done to help prevent the banlist
- growing to a large size over time.
- You can see that the bans shown on the Bans page are a listing of the CURRENT
- player bans in place, not a list of every ban that has ever occured. The new
- admin CSV log fulfills this purpose.
- How to Ban and Unban Using the New System
- -----------------------------------------
- When you ban a player using the Player menu, the ban is automatically added to
- the banlist on the Bans dialog page. See the section "About the Player menu" in
- the BxSM manual for more information about the Player menu.
- You can also ban players manually using the controls on the Bans page:
- 1. Enter at least one ban id in the fields provided
- 2. Click Save to record the ban
- To unban a player:
- 1. Select an entry in the banlist using the mouse
- 2. Click Delete to unban the player
- To clear BOTH the BxSM AND server banlists:
- 1. Click the Clear button
- 2. Click Yes to the failsafe prompt
- Banlist Synchronisation Functions
- ---------------------------------
- There are several functions available to control synchronisation between the
- BxSM and server banlists. These functions are available from the right-click
- menu on the Bans dialog page.
- 1. Verify synchronisation
- This function does a two-way comparison between the BxSM and server banlists and
- records the outcome in the BxSM log. Use this function to determine whether or
- not the banlists are in sync. If they are not synchronised you can use one of
- the following two functions to synchronise them again.
- 2. Sync to server banlists
- This function will force synchronisation by exporting FROM the BxSM banlist TO
- the server banlist. This action can cause loss of information if the server
- banlist contains bans that are not recorded in the BxSM banlist. Use this
- function after reinstalling a server application to recover the server banlist.
- 3. Sync from server banlists
- This function will force synchronisation by importing FROM the server banlist TO
- the BxSM banlist. This action can cause loss of information if the BxSM banlist
- contains bans that are not recorded in the server banlist. Use this function
- when migrating to BxSM beta 4e to import an existing server banlist into BxSM.
- Please note that bans cannot be edited once they are added to the list on the
- Bans dialog page.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2. About the In-Game Administration System
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The in-game administration system works via the chat message system in the game.
- This feature does NOT require users to be connected with Remote Manager.
- NOTE: In-game admin only works on Internet game servers, it will not work on LAN
- game servers. In-game administration will not work in BFVietnam before v1.1.
- To enable in-game administration for a particular player you must create a BxSM
- user account with the keyhash of the player that is permitted to issue admin
- commands in-game.
- Use the new "Copy keyhash to user" player menu command to associate a player's
- keyhash with a BxSM user account. You must click Save on the Users page after
- using this command to save the keyhash permanently.
- Players that do not have a BxSM user account with an associated keyhash cannot
- issue in-game admin commands.
- BxSM looks for commands in the chat messages formatted in the following manner;
- !alias name
- OR
- !alias .id
- The exclamation mark (!) identifies the chat message as a BxSM in-game admin
- command.
- The 'alias' is a command alias configured in PlayerMenu.con. This system allows
- you to use any Player menu command in-game. Specify command aliases in [square
- brackets] at the end of a line in PlayerMenu.con like so:
- Warn server>"Please do not chat spam"|global,[gwspam]
- To issue the above global warning message in-game, send the following command
- chat message:
- !gwspam
- The PlayerMenu.con file that comes with BxSM contains a command alias for each
- command in the default menu. Print this file for use as a reference to in-game
- commands aliases until you learn them.
- You can target admin commands at particular players using a partial name or id
- number like so;
- !kick bozo
- OR
- !kick .10
- Player id numbers MUST be prepended with a period (.) character.
- You can match multiple players with a single command by prepending the @ symbol
- to the partial player name like so:
- !kick @tag
- The above command would cause all players with 'tag' in their player name to be
- kicked from the server.
- In-game Map Commands
- --------------------
- There are four in-built map commands that are available to any BxSM in-game
- admin user that has access to the Maps dialog page:
- 1. !change <mapname> <gamemode> <modname>
- This command changes the server to the specified map immediately.
- <gamemode> is the same syntax used in MapList.con (GPM_CQ, GPM_COOP, etc).
- 2. !setnext <mapname> <gamemode> <modname>
- This command sets the specified map to play next in the rotation.
- 3. !runnext
- This command causes the server to change to the next map in the rotation.
- 4. !restart
- This command restarts play on the current map.
- BxSM will display error messages relating to in-game administration as chat
- messages in-game. Keep a watch for these messages after you issue a command.
- See the section on Custom Console Commands in these notes for instructions about
- how to make custom console commands available via the in-game admin system.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3. About the New User Permissions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Beta 4e changes the way user permissions are granted in the SM and RM GUI. To
- grant or revoke permissions, right-click a user account in the list on the Users
- dialog page and check or uncheck the desired permission. Click Save to make
- changes permanent.
- 1. User can start/stop the server
- Controls who can use the Start/Stop button in RM.
- 2. User can view server log
- Controls who can view the Server Manager log in Remote Manager.
- 3. User can connect multiple times
- Prevents more than one user connecting with the same user account
- simultaneously.
- 4. User can change critical settings
- Controls who can change server hardware settings on the Server dialog page.
- 5. User can issue console commands
- Controls who can use custom console commands defined in PlayerMenu.con.
- 6. User can edit PunkBuster settings
- Controls who has access to the PunkBuster commands in the Settings button-menu.
- To make a user an -admin- user, click 'Grant admin access' in the User menu. To
- revoke all permissions, click 'Revoke all access' in the User menu.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4. User Permission Presets
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- You can configure customised presets for permissions in the BXServerManager.ini
- or BXRemoteManager.ini files by choosing "Edit permissions presets" from the
- User menu.
- Each preset is displayed as a menu item in the User menu. Selecting the menu
- item selects all the page buttons and permissions configured in the preset.
- To configure presets, add an INI file section called [presets] and specify up to
- 10 presets like so;
- Preset[#]=[name],[permissions]
- For example,
- [presets]
- Preset0=Sergeant,2272
- Preset1=Lieutenant,2528
- Preset2=Major,211455
- Preset3=Colonel,229375
- The permissions number is constructed by adding up the permissions you want from
- the following table;
- Server Page 1
- Game Page 2
- Friendly Fire Page 4
- Miscellaneous Page 8
- Admin Page 16
- Status Page 32
- Maps Page 64
- Players Page 128
- Bans Page 256
- Users Page 512
- Schedule Page 1024
- Clients Page 2048
- Start/stop server 4096
- View SM log 8192
- Logon multiple times 16384
- Critical settings 32768
- Console commands 65536
- Edit PB settings 131072
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5. Admin CSV log
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BxSM now keeps a record of all kicks and bans in adminlog.csv. This
- comma-separated-values text file has the following format;
- name, address, keyhash, guid, admin, bantime, mapname, action, expires, reason
- The 'bantime' and 'expires' fields are date/time values in Epoch format (number
- of seconds elapsed since Jan 1 1970).
- The admin CSV log can be used with an external application to provide "Why Was I
- Kicked/Banned" functionality for external users.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6. Custom Console Commands
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Server Manager beta 4e allows you to configure customised console commands via
- the Player menu. This feature allows you to configure commands that are not
- built-in to Server Manager. These commands can also be made available via the
- in-game administration system by specifying a command alias.
- Use the new "cmd" Player menu keyword to configure custom console commands like
- so;
- Console Commands>"admin.toggleGamePause"|cmd,[pause]
- The console command goes inside the "double-quotes". You can use the following
- parameters in custom console commands which will be substitued for the indicated
- value when the command is executed;
- %bfid
- %pbid
- %name
- %keyhash
- %guid
- For example,
- Console Commands>"pb_sv_power %pbid 100"|cmd,[deputy]
- This command makes the selected player a PunkBuster "deputy". By specifying a
- command [alias] you can also use this command via in-game admin like so;
- !deputy player
- The new "User can issue console commands" permission controls who can issue
- these commands. See the "About the New User Permissions" section in these notes
- for more information about the new permissions.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 7. Banned Words
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Banned Names functions in previous versions of BxSM has been replaced by the
- new Banned Words function.
- The "Enable auto-kick on banned word" function available from the Admin dialog
- page will kick any player that has a banned word in his/her player name or chat
- messages. Players are not warned before being kicked.
- Specify the words you want to ban in BannedWords.con using the same format
- previously used in BannedNames.con (you can rename BannedNames.con to
- BannedWords.con to preserve your existing list if you want).
- Click the Edit BannedWords.con button on the Admin dialog page and add the names
- that you want to ban one-per-line. By default, BxSM will look for a partial
- match of any name you specify here. If you want to specify an exact match, start
- the line with a dollar sign ($). All names are matched without regard to case.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 8. Editing PunkBuster Server Settings
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- You can now edit your server's PunkBuster configuration using the new commands
- in the Settings button-menu.
- Access to these commands is controlled using the new "User can edit PunkBuster
- settings" permission. See the "About the New User Permissions" section in these
- notes for more information about the new permissions.
- There are three commands available from this menu;
- 1. Dump PunkBuster settings
- This command causes the current PunkBuster server config to be written to
- pbsv.cfg in the PB directory on the server.
- 2. Edit PunkBuster settings
- This command opens the PunkBuster server's config file (pbsv.cfg) locally for
- editing in Notepad. Edit the file as desired and save it before using the next
- command.
- 3. Load PunkBuster settings
- This command saves the modified config pbsv.cfg file to the server and causes it
- to be loaded into the running PunkBuster server thereby applying the changes.
- The PunkBuster server config file contains detailed remarks about each setting
- and its allowable values. Consult this file and the following webpage for more
- information about PunkBuster server settings;
- http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/bf1942-ad/index.htm
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 9. UserAccess.con
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This file records information about BxSM users on the server. This file is
- normally encrypted but beta 4e will recognise unencrypted entries in this file
- which can be generated by scripted server setup systems used by GSPs.
- The file format is as follows;
- username,password,keyhash,permissions,state
- The 'username', 'password' and 'keyhash' fields are limited to 32 characters in
- length. Keyhash must be a valid 32-digit hexadecimal number.
- The permissions field is constructed by adding up the permissions you want from
- the following table;
- Server Page 1
- Game Page 2
- Friendly Fire Page 4
- Miscellaneous Page 8
- Admin Page 16
- Status Page 32
- Maps Page 64
- Players Page 128
- Bans Page 256
- Users Page 512
- Schedule Page 1024
- Clients Page 2048
- Start/stop server 4096
- View SM log 8192
- Logon multiple times 16384
- Critical settings 32768
- Console commands 65536
- Edit PB settings 131072
- The state field is either '1' for enabled or '0' for disabled.
- Server Manager will encrypt any clear-text entries it finds in UserAccess.con
- the first time this file is read.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 10. Additional Information
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This software is not endorsed or supported by either Electronic Arts or Digital
- Illusions CE. Do not contact them about any problems you may experience while
- using this program.
- For more information about BxSM read the Users Guide available at;
- http://www.blackbagops.com/files/bfsm20ug.pdf
- See the News page for a list changes from previous versions of BxSM;
- http://www.blackbagops.com/news.shtml
- You can find a list of resources for trouble-shooting problems with BFSM at;
- http://www.blackbagops.com/bf1942/bfsm/support.shtml
- Post questions and other support requests in the BBO forums;
- http://www.blackbagops.com/forums.shtml
- Read the answers to frequently asked questions in the FAQ here;
- http://www.blackbagops.com/bf1942/bfsm/faq.shtml
- Get the latest version of BVSMD at "Black Bag Operations";
- http://www.blackbagops.com/bf1942/index.shtml
- Find contact details for the author of this software at;
- http://www.blackbagops.com/contact.shtml
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