GameStar Special 2004 July
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Battlefield Server Manager 2.0 for Windows README
Version 2.0 beta 4e
11 July 2004
Copyright (c) 2004, Black Bag Operations, www.blackbagops.com
This file contains information about new program features that is not in the
manual. Please read these notes carefully before asking for support.
1. About the New Ban System
2. About the In-Game Administration System
3. About the New User Permissions
4. User Permission Presets
5. Admin CSV log
6. Custom Console Commands
7. Banned Words
8. Editing PunkBuster Server Settings
9. UserAccess.con
10. Additional Information
1. About the New Ban System
Server Manager nows keeps its own player banlist in the file ServerBanList.con
on the server. This banlist is only used by BxSM and is separate from the server
application's banlist kept in BanList.con.
When you ban a player in SM or RM, BxSM will ban that player using their keyhash
on an Internet server or their IP on a LAN server. If you have the "ban in both"
option on the Friendly Fire dialog page enabled, BxSM will also ban the player's
GUID on the PunkBuster server.
When a player is banned BxSM adds the ids it banned on the server to an entry
for that player in the banlist on the Bans page. A blank id field (IP, keyhash
or GUID) in this list means there is no ban on that id for that player.
BxSM also records additional information about the ban including the name of the
BxSM user who banned the player, when the ban took place, when the ban expires,
and a reason for the ban.
When you unban a player BxSM unbans all of the player ids that are recorded in
the banlist entry for that player. If multiple banlist entries share the same id
(e.g. IP address) the common id will be removed from all of the banlist entries.
When all player ids have been unbanned for a particular player, BxSM will delete
the entire ban entry from the banlist. This is done to help prevent the banlist
growing to a large size over time.
You can see that the bans shown on the Bans page are a listing of the CURRENT
player bans in place, not a list of every ban that has ever occured. The new
admin CSV log fulfills this purpose.
How to Ban and Unban Using the New System
When you ban a player using the Player menu, the ban is automatically added to
the banlist on the Bans dialog page. See the section "About the Player menu" in
the BxSM manual for more information about the Player menu.
You can also ban players manually using the controls on the Bans page:
1. Enter at least one ban id in the fields provided
2. Click Save to record the ban
To unban a player:
1. Select an entry in the banlist using the mouse
2. Click Delete to unban the player
To clear BOTH the BxSM AND server banlists:
1. Click the Clear button
2. Click Yes to the failsafe prompt
Banlist Synchronisation Functions
There are several functions available to control synchronisation between the
BxSM and server banlists. These functions are available from the right-click
menu on the Bans dialog page.
1. Verify synchronisation
This function does a two-way comparison between the BxSM and server banlists and
records the outcome in the BxSM log. Use this function to determine whether or
not the banlists are in sync. If they are not synchronised you can use one of
the following two functions to synchronise them again.
2. Sync to server banlists
This function will force synchronisation by exporting FROM the BxSM banlist TO
the server banlist. This action can cause loss of information if the server
banlist contains bans that are not recorded in the BxSM banlist. Use this
function after reinstalling a server application to recover the server banlist.
3. Sync from server banlists
This function will force synchronisation by importing FROM the server banlist TO
the BxSM banlist. This action can cause loss of information if the BxSM banlist
contains bans that are not recorded in the server banlist. Use this function
when migrating to BxSM beta 4e to import an existing server banlist into BxSM.
Please note that bans cannot be edited once they are added to the list on the
Bans dialog page.
2. About the In-Game Administration System
The in-game administration system works via the chat message system in the game.
This feature does NOT require users to be connected with Remote Manager.
NOTE: In-game admin only works on Internet game servers, it will not work on LAN
game servers. In-game administration will not work in BFVietnam before v1.1.
To enable in-game administration for a particular player you must create a BxSM
user account with the keyhash of the player that is permitted to issue admin
commands in-game.
Use the new "Copy keyhash to user" player menu command to associate a player's
keyhash with a BxSM user account. You must click Save on the Users page after
using this command to save the keyhash permanently.
Players that do not have a BxSM user account with an associated keyhash cannot
issue in-game admin commands.
BxSM looks for commands in the chat messages formatted in the following manner;
!alias name
!alias .id
The exclamation mark (!) identifies the chat message as a BxSM in-game admin
The 'alias' is a command alias configured in PlayerMenu.con. This system allows
you to use any Player menu command in-game. Specify command aliases in [square
brackets] at the end of a line in PlayerMenu.con like so:
Warn server>"Please do not chat spam"|global,[gwspam]
To issue the above global warning message in-game, send the following command
chat message:
The PlayerMenu.con file that comes with BxSM contains a command alias for each
command in the default menu. Print this file for use as a reference to in-game
commands aliases until you learn them.
You can target admin commands at particular players using a partial name or id
number like so;
!kick bozo
!kick .10
Player id numbers MUST be prepended with a period (.) character.
You can match multiple players with a single command by prepending the @ symbol
to the partial player name like so:
!kick @tag
The above command would cause all players with 'tag' in their player name to be
kicked from the server.
In-game Map Commands
There are four in-built map commands that are available to any BxSM in-game
admin user that has access to the Maps dialog page:
1. !change <mapname> <gamemode> <modname>
This command changes the server to the specified map immediately.
<gamemode> is the same syntax used in MapList.con (GPM_CQ, GPM_COOP, etc).
2. !setnext <mapname> <gamemode> <modname>
This command sets the specified map to play next in the rotation.
3. !runnext
This command causes the server to change to the next map in the rotation.
4. !restart
This command restarts play on the current map.
BxSM will display error messages relating to in-game administration as chat
messages in-game. Keep a watch for these messages after you issue a command.
See the section on Custom Console Commands in these notes for instructions about
how to make custom console commands available via the in-game admin system.
3. About the New User Permissions
Beta 4e changes the way user permissions are granted in the SM and RM GUI. To
grant or revoke permissions, right-click a user account in the list on the Users
dialog page and check or uncheck the desired permission. Click Save to make
changes permanent.
1. User can start/stop the server
Controls who can use the Start/Stop button in RM.
2. User can view server log
Controls who can view the Server Manager log in Remote Manager.
3. User can connect multiple times
Prevents more than one user connecting with the same user account
4. User can change critical settings
Controls who can change server hardware settings on the Server dialog page.
5. User can issue console commands
Controls who can use custom console commands defined in PlayerMenu.con.
6. User can edit PunkBuster settings
Controls who has access to the PunkBuster commands in the Settings button-menu.
To make a user an -admin- user, click 'Grant admin access' in the User menu. To
revoke all permissions, click 'Revoke all access' in the User menu.
4. User Permission Presets
You can configure customised presets for permissions in the BXServerManager.ini
or BXRemoteManager.ini files by choosing "Edit permissions presets" from the
User menu.
Each preset is displayed as a menu item in the User menu. Selecting the menu
item selects all the page buttons and permissions configured in the preset.
To configure presets, add an INI file section called [presets] and specify up to
10 presets like so;
For example,
The permissions number is constructed by adding up the permissions you want from
the following table;
Server Page 1
Game Page 2
Friendly Fire Page 4
Miscellaneous Page 8
Admin Page 16
Status Page 32
Maps Page 64
Players Page 128
Bans Page 256
Users Page 512
Schedule Page 1024
Clients Page 2048
Start/stop server 4096
View SM log 8192
Logon multiple times 16384
Critical settings 32768
Console commands 65536
Edit PB settings 131072
5. Admin CSV log
BxSM now keeps a record of all kicks and bans in adminlog.csv. This
comma-separated-values text file has the following format;
name, address, keyhash, guid, admin, bantime, mapname, action, expires, reason
The 'bantime' and 'expires' fields are date/time values in Epoch format (number
of seconds elapsed since Jan 1 1970).
The admin CSV log can be used with an external application to provide "Why Was I
Kicked/Banned" functionality for external users.
6. Custom Console Commands
Server Manager beta 4e allows you to configure customised console commands via
the Player menu. This feature allows you to configure commands that are not
built-in to Server Manager. These commands can also be made available via the
in-game administration system by specifying a command alias.
Use the new "cmd" Player menu keyword to configure custom console commands like
Console Commands>"admin.toggleGamePause"|cmd,[pause]
The console command goes inside the "double-quotes". You can use the following
parameters in custom console commands which will be substitued for the indicated
value when the command is executed;
For example,
Console Commands>"pb_sv_power %pbid 100"|cmd,[deputy]
This command makes the selected player a PunkBuster "deputy". By specifying a
command [alias] you can also use this command via in-game admin like so;
!deputy player
The new "User can issue console commands" permission controls who can issue
these commands. See the "About the New User Permissions" section in these notes
for more information about the new permissions.
7. Banned Words
The Banned Names functions in previous versions of BxSM has been replaced by the
new Banned Words function.
The "Enable auto-kick on banned word" function available from the Admin dialog
page will kick any player that has a banned word in his/her player name or chat
messages. Players are not warned before being kicked.
Specify the words you want to ban in BannedWords.con using the same format
previously used in BannedNames.con (you can rename BannedNames.con to
BannedWords.con to preserve your existing list if you want).
Click the Edit BannedWords.con button on the Admin dialog page and add the names
that you want to ban one-per-line. By default, BxSM will look for a partial
match of any name you specify here. If you want to specify an exact match, start
the line with a dollar sign ($). All names are matched without regard to case.
8. Editing PunkBuster Server Settings
You can now edit your server's PunkBuster configuration using the new commands
in the Settings button-menu.
Access to these commands is controlled using the new "User can edit PunkBuster
settings" permission. See the "About the New User Permissions" section in these
notes for more information about the new permissions.
There are three commands available from this menu;
1. Dump PunkBuster settings
This command causes the current PunkBuster server config to be written to
pbsv.cfg in the PB directory on the server.
2. Edit PunkBuster settings
This command opens the PunkBuster server's config file (pbsv.cfg) locally for
editing in Notepad. Edit the file as desired and save it before using the next
3. Load PunkBuster settings
This command saves the modified config pbsv.cfg file to the server and causes it
to be loaded into the running PunkBuster server thereby applying the changes.
The PunkBuster server config file contains detailed remarks about each setting
and its allowable values. Consult this file and the following webpage for more
information about PunkBuster server settings;
9. UserAccess.con
This file records information about BxSM users on the server. This file is
normally encrypted but beta 4e will recognise unencrypted entries in this file
which can be generated by scripted server setup systems used by GSPs.
The file format is as follows;
The 'username', 'password' and 'keyhash' fields are limited to 32 characters in
length. Keyhash must be a valid 32-digit hexadecimal number.
The permissions field is constructed by adding up the permissions you want from
the following table;
Server Page 1
Game Page 2
Friendly Fire Page 4
Miscellaneous Page 8
Admin Page 16
Status Page 32
Maps Page 64
Players Page 128
Bans Page 256
Users Page 512
Schedule Page 1024
Clients Page 2048
Start/stop server 4096
View SM log 8192
Logon multiple times 16384
Critical settings 32768
Console commands 65536
Edit PB settings 131072
The state field is either '1' for enabled or '0' for disabled.
Server Manager will encrypt any clear-text entries it finds in UserAccess.con
the first time this file is read.
10. Additional Information
This software is not endorsed or supported by either Electronic Arts or Digital
Illusions CE. Do not contact them about any problems you may experience while
using this program.
For more information about BxSM read the Users Guide available at;
See the News page for a list changes from previous versions of BxSM;
You can find a list of resources for trouble-shooting problems with BFSM at;
Post questions and other support requests in the BBO forums;
Read the answers to frequently asked questions in the FAQ here;
Get the latest version of BVSMD at "Black Bag Operations";
Find contact details for the author of this software at;