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- This License Agreement is an agreement between you ("LICENSEE") (either an
- individual or a single entity) and the author ("BLACK BAG OPERATIONS") for the
- software product "Battlefield 1942(tm) Server Manager", which includes the
- binary program files and all documentation ("SOFTWARE"). By installing or
- otherwise using the SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms and
- conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to these terms and
- conditions, as a whole or any part of it, you are not authorised and may not
- use the SOFTWARE.
- 1. License: BLACK BAG OPERATIONS grants the LICENSEE a non-exclusive license
- (without the ability to sublicense) to install and use the SOFTWARE
- accompanying this document on an unlimited number of computers free of charge
- subject to the following restrictions;
- i. Under no circumstances must users of this SOFTWARE charge a fee or be
- required to pay a fee for using the SOFTWARE.
- ii. You may not offer the use of this SOFTWARE to users as part of a service
- that requires a fee from users of the SOFTWARE.
- 2. Ownership: The SOFTWARE is owned by BLACK BAG OPERATIONS and is protected
- by copyright laws. The SOFTWARE is licensed to you for use only under the
- terms set forth in this Agreement. BLACK BAG OPERATIONS reserves any right not
- expressly granted in this Agreement. You may own the media on which the
- SOFTWARE is stored, but BLACK BAG OPERATIONS retains title to the SOFTWARE.
- 3. Copyright: The SOFTWARE and documentation are Copyright ⌐ 2003 Kevin
- Lockitt. All rights reserved. This manual, as well as the software described
- in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance
- with the terms of such license. The content of this manual is furnished for
- informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be
- construed as a commitment by BLACK BAG OPERATIONS. BLACK BAG OPERATIONS
- assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may
- appear in this documentation.
- 4. Responsibility: By installing the SOFTWARE you assume sole responsibility
- for the installation, support, use and results obtained from the use of the
- SOFTWARE. Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, tort, contract, or
- otherwise, shall BLACK BAG OPERATIONS be liable to you or any other person for
- any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character
- including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business
- interruption, loss of business information, or any and all other commercial
- damages or losses.
- 5. Restrictions: You are NOT permitted to do any of the following: a)
- Sublicense, assign, or distribute copies of the SOFTWARE to others. b) Modify,
- copy, reproduce, adapt, translate, reverse-engineer, rent, lease, loan, sell,
- distribute, or otherwise assign or transfer the SOFTWARE, or create derivative
- works based upon the SOFTWARE or any part thereof, except as expressly
- provided in this Agreement or by written agreement with BLACK BAG OPERATIONS.
- 6. Warranty Disclaimer: This SOFTWARE is provided by BLACK BAG OPERATIONS on
- an 'as is' basis. BLACK BAG OPERATIONS makes no representations or warranties
- of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability,
- fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. BLACK BAG OPERATIONS
- does not warrant that the SOFTWARE will meet LICENSEE specific requirements,
- nor does it warrant that the operation of the SOFTWARE be error-free. Though
- we shall strive to do our best in helping you, in no event shall BLACK BAG
- OPERATIONS or its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, officers,
- directors or employees be held liable for any support. If you are dissatisfied
- with any portion of the SOFTWARE, or with any of these terms of use, your sole
- and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the SOFTWARE.