popup_dialog("It is the time of the Cold War in Europe. The Soviets are strong but so is NATO... Victory Conditions: Conquer the Soviets.");
set_timer("War", 210);
set_timer("SPAIN", 1200);
if (population_cap(1) < 275) {
set_population_cap(1, 300);
if (timer_expired("War")) { //attack germany and greeks after 2 mins
popup_dialog("You have received a message from Premier Khrushchev: The Capitalists have oppressed the masses for long enough! We must destroy you before you destroy us.");
declare_war (1, 4);
declare_war (1, 5);
set_timer("US", 60);
if (timer_expired("US")) {
popup_dialog("The United States has been forced to commit all of its forces to the Pacific to counter the Soviet threat. You won't be getting any help from that direction...");
if (timer_expired("SPAIN")) {
popup_dialog("Dictator Franco has declared war on Western Europe! He sees this war as a chance to expand Spain's borders.");