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/ GameStar 1998 November (Bonus) / GAMESTAR11B.ISO / Treiber / ASUS / AGPV1326 / JAPANESE / SETUP.INS (.txt) < prev    next >
InstallShield Script  |  1998-04-16  |  107KB  |  1,066 lines

  1. Stirling Technologies, Inc.  (c) 1990-1994
  15. SHARED
  16. UNINST
  17. ISRES
  18. ISUSER
  29. _sdRECT
  30. right
  31. bottom
  32. _sdSIZE
  33. SelectObject
  34. GetTextExtentPoint
  35. EnableWindow
  36. GetClassName
  37. GetDC
  38. GetDlgItem
  39. GetFocus
  40. GetWindowLong
  41. GetWindowRect
  42. GetWindowWord
  43. IsIconic
  44. IsWindow
  45. IsWindowEnabled
  46. MoveWindow
  47. USER    
  48. ReleaseDC
  49. SetFocus
  50. SetWindowText
  51. ShowWindow
  52. LoadString
  53. KERNEL
  54. GetModuleHandle
  55. GetClientRect
  56. SetWindowPos
  57. PostMessage
  58. ShowCursor
  59. SystemParametersInfo
  60. InvalidateRect
  61. dll32    
  62. DLL32Call
  63. Silicon Integrated Systems Corp.b
  64. InstallationInfo error!A
  65. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
  66. SubVersionNumber29
  67. Version29
  68. Memphis(
  69. Windows 98(
  71. Program Files\ASUS3D$
  72. FileComponents
  73. SVGA driversA
  74. Direct DrawA
  75. Utilities...A
  76. PCVideoA
  77. DirectX 5...A
  78. SVGA driversA
  79. Direct DrawA
  80. Utilities...A
  81. PCVideoA
  82. DirectX 5...A
  83. not a possible choice - SetupTypeA
  84. setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection Driver.Install_X 128 b*
  85. sis6326.inf
  86. rundll.exebF
  87. General
  88. DeinstallStart error!A
  90. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b%
  91. UninstallStringA
  92. RegDBSetItem error!A
  93. Creating Program Group and Icons...
  94. Utilities...!
  95. utility\sismm.exe
  96. utility:
  97. utility\ctrscrn.exe
  98. utility:
  99. utility\mmplay.exe
  100. utility:
  101. utility\player.hlp
  102. utility:
  103. pcvideo\sisvideo.exe
  104. pcvideo:
  106. unInstallb-
  107. Installation complete.
  108. Software\Silicon Integrated System Corp.\Modes
  109. setup.ini
  110. 1MB Modesa
  111. TotalR
  112. OEMSetupA
  113. setup.ini
  115. Unable to create necessary lists!A
  116. Software\Silicon Integrated System Corp.\Modesb
  117. RefreshRateA
  118. win95.1|
  119. setup.ini&
  120. Startupa
  121. DevIDRI
  122. Can't identify Device ID. Setup.ini may be corrupted.A
  123. Unable to create necessary lists!A
  124. Config Manager\Enumd
  125. RegDBQueryKey Resulta 
  126. Subkeys for '%s' does not exist!b
  127. Config Manager\Enum\b
  128. HardWareKey29
  129. VEN_1039&DEV_0001(
  130. VEN_8086&DEV_7181(
  131. setup.ini
  132. Startupa
  133. AppNameR
  134. SiS Multimedia Package
  135. Packagea
  136. FolderR%
  137. SiS Multimedia
  138. Packagea
  139. VersionR
  140. Packagea
  141. KeyR8
  142. sismini.vxd
  143. Packagea
  144. DriverR7
  145. sis205.drv
  146. Packagea
  147. InfNameR:
  148. Packagea
  149. InfPathR9
  150. Setup.ini Corruptiona.
  151. Can't find InfPath field in [Package] section!+
  152. Packagea
  153. PCIR;
  154. PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_6326
  155. Packagea
  156. InfSectionR<
  157. Driver.Install
  158. Packagea
  159. DeviceDescR=
  160. SiS 6326
  161. Packagea
  162. 3DSetR
  163. SiS Help&
  164. Packagea    
  165. dllConfigR
  166. Packagea
  167. dllGammaR
  168. Packagea
  169. dllTVOutR#
  170. Utilitya
  171. ConfigR
  172. Utilitya
  173. GammaR
  174. Utilitya
  175. TVOutR$
  176. Utilitya
  177. SismmR
  178. Utilitya
  179. CtrscrnR 
  180. Utilitya
  181. MmplayR!
  182. Utilitya
  183. PCVideoR"
  184. MS Sans Serif
  185. TITLE.BMP
  187. The package does not run on Windows 3.x.A
  188. Utilities...!
  189. Copying Utility files...%
  190. utility
  191. win95.za
  192. utility\sismm.exeA
  193. win95.za
  194. utility\ctrscrn.exeA
  195. win95.za
  196. utility\mmplay.exeA
  197. win95.za
  198. utility\player.hlpA
  199. utilityb
  200. win95.zbJ
  201. utilitya
  202. sissh*.hlp
  203. win95.zbJ
  204. utilitya
  205. sisga*.dll
  206. win95.zbJ
  207. win95.za
  208. utility\drawdib.dllA
  209. utility
  210. win95.za
  211. utility\sisbkgnd.bmpA
  212. utilitya
  213. sistv*.dll
  214. win95.zbJ
  215. PCVideo!
  216. Copying PCVideo files...%
  217. pcvideo
  218. win95.za
  219. pcvideo\*.*A
  220. win95.za
  221. utility\bwcc.dllBB
  222. win95.za
  223. pcvideo\sisdrv\*.*BB
  224. DirectX 5...!
  225. Copying DirectX files...
  226. win95.za
  227. directx\directx\*.*BB
  228. win95.za
  229. directx\ddraw\*.*BB
  230. Direct 3D!
  231. win95.za
  232. directx\d3d\*.*BC
  233. Direct Play!
  234. win95.za
  235. directx\dplay\*.*BC
  236. Direct Input!
  237. win95.za
  238. directx\dinput\*.*BC
  239. Direct Sound!
  240. win95.za
  241. directx\dsound\*.*BC
  242. win95.za
  243. directx\help\*.*BB
  244. Program Files\directx\setup
  245. win95.za
  246. directx\setup\*.*BB
  247. Unable to create a directory under b
  248. Please check write access to this directory.
  249. General file transfer error.
  250. Please check your target location and try again.$
  251.  Error Number: $
  252. siscon.dlla
  253. siscon.dll!
  254. SVGA drivers!
  255. Copying SVGA files...
  256. sispcimp.pcia
  257. sispcimp.pciA
  258. System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\PCI\GARTMiniports\55911039P
  259. NameA
  260. SiS 5591A
  261. PathA
  263. InstanceA
  264. sisgart.vxda
  265. sisgart.vxdA
  266. System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\SISGARTP
  267. StaticVxdA
  268. sisgart.vxdA
  269. System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\VGARTD
  270. vgartd.vxda
  271. vgartd.vxdA
  272. System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\VGARTDP
  273. StaticVxdA
  274. vgartd.vxdA
  275. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion&
  276. OtherDevicePath,
  277. DevicePath
  278. OTHERS
  279. Direct Draw!
  280. Copying DDRAW files...
  281. ddsis*.dlla
  282. Copying company.ico...
  283. utility
  284. company.icoa
  285. Unable to create directory.A
  286. Memory is not enough.A
  287. Disk space is not enough.A
  288. Unable to open file.A
  289. Unable to write file.A
  290. Target is readonly.A
  291. sispcimp.pci|
  292. sisgart.vxd|
  293. vgartd.vxd|
  294. SVGA driversB
  295. This component includes all SVGA drivers. a%
  296. They are required for screen display.`
  297. SVGA driversA
  298. ddsis*.dllA
  299. Direct DrawB
  300. This component contains DDraw drivers. a$
  301. They are required for video overlay.`
  302. Direct DrawA
  303. win95.1a
  304. utility\*.*BB
  305. Utilities...Ad
  306. This component contains all utilities. a"
  307. They are required for application.`
  308. Utilities...A
  309. win95.1a
  310. directx\*.*BB
  311. DirectX 5...A
  312. This component contains Direct X drivers. a#
  313. They are required for Game feature.`
  314. DirectX 5...A
  315. win95.1a
  316. pcvideo\*.*BC
  317. PCVideoB
  318. This component contains TV & Tuner utilities a
  319. and video captur drivers.`
  320. PCVideoA
  321. siscon.dll|
  322. Utility items`
  323. Utilities...A
  324. win95.1a
  325. utility\sismm.exeBB
  326. This utility is a topmost window managing a
  327. all SiS multimedia utilities.`
  328. win95.1a
  329. utility\ctrscrn.exeBB
  330. This utility adjusts screen position for a
  331. the video mode.`
  332. win95.1a
  333. utility\mmplay.exeBB
  334. This utility can play AVI and MPEG-1 files a
  335. with software MPEG decoder.`
  336. utilityb
  337. win95.1bJ
  338. utilitya
  339. sissh*.hlp
  340. win95.1bJ
  341. This utility changes the resolution, frame rate,a
  342.  color, and etc.`
  343. utilitya
  344. sisga*.dll
  345. win95.1bJ
  346. utilitya
  347. drawdib.dll
  348. win95.1bJ
  349. utilitya
  350. sisbkgnd.bmp
  351. win95.1bJ
  352. This utility is used for gamma correction.,
  353. utilitya
  354. sistv*.dll
  355. win95.1bJ
  356. This utility is used for TV out feature.,
  357. utilitya
  358. player.hlp
  359. win95.1bJ
  360. This help utility is used for all utilities.,
  361. Directx items`
  362. DirectX 5...A
  363. win95.1a
  364. directx\d3d\*.*BB
  365. Direct 3DB
  366. Direct 3DA
  367. These drivers are Direct 3D subcomponent.
  368. win95.1a
  369. directx\dplay\*.*BB
  370. Direct PlayB
  371. Direct PlayA
  372. These drivers are Direct Play subcomponent.
  373. win95.1a
  374. directx\dinput\*.*BB
  375. Direct InputB
  376. Direct InputA
  377. These drivers are Direct Input subcomponent.
  378. win95.1a
  379. directx\dsound\*.*BB
  380. Direct SoundB
  381. Direct SoundA
  382. These drivers are Direct Sound subcomponent.
  383. There is not enough space available, %ld bytes, on thea
  384.  disk
  385. Please free up some space or change the target location
  386. to a different disk.
  387. SetupbC
  388. Setup TypeA
  389.          a
  390. TYPICAL
  391. SVGA drivers!
  392.          a    
  393.          $
  394. SVGA drivers
  395. Direct Draw!
  396.          a    
  397.          $
  398. Direct Draw
  399. Utilities...!
  400.          a    
  401.          $
  402. Utilities...
  403. DirectX 5...!
  404.          a    
  405.          $
  406. DirectX 5...
  407.          a    
  408.          $
  409. PCVideo
  410.          a
  411. COMPACT
  412. SVGA drivers!
  413.          a    
  414.          $
  415. SVGA drivers
  416. Direct Draw!
  417.          a    
  418.          $
  419. Direct Draw
  420.          a
  421. CUSTOM
  422. SVGA drivers!
  423.          a    
  424.          $
  425. SVGA drivers
  426. Direct Draw!
  427.          a    
  428.          $
  429. Direct Draw
  430. Utilities...!
  431.          a    
  432.          $
  433. Utilities...
  434. DirectX 5...!
  435.          a    
  436.          $
  437. DirectX 5...
  438. PCVideo!
  439.          a    
  440.          $
  441. PCVideo
  442. Target DirectoryA
  443.          b,
  444. Program FolderA
  445.          b%
  446. Source DirectoryA
  447.          b
  448. Unable to create necessary Lists!A
  449. Config Manager\Enum
  450. HKEY_DYN_DATAConfig Manager\Enum can't be foundA
  451. RegDBQueryKey() failed!A
  452. HardWareKey2
  453. Display(
  454. Hardware Key can't be found!A
  455. Enum\bG
  457.  not found!*
  458. Driver2
  459. System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\bH
  460. DrvVerf
  461. ProviderNamef
  462. DevLoader$
  463. DEFAULT
  464. MODES
  465. CURRENT
  466. Unable to create necessary Lists!A
  467. Enum\b;
  468. RegDBQueryKey Resulta 
  469. Subkeys for '%s' does not exist!b
  470. ClassA
  472. DeviceDescA
  473. DriverA
  474. SVGA drivers!
  475. Unable to vreate necessary Lists!A
  476. Enum\b;
  477. RegDBQueryKey Resulta 
  478. Subkeys for '%s' does not exist!b
  479. ClassA
  481. DeviceDescA
  482. DriverA
  483. System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\bH
  484. Software Key Can't be found!A
  485. DevLoaderA
  486. *vddA
  487. DrvVerA
  488. ProviderNameA
  489. DriverDescA
  490. InfPathA
  491. InfSectionA
  492. MatchingDeviceIdA
  493. DriverVersionA
  494. DriverDateA
  495. \DEFAULT
  496. minivddA
  497. ModeA
  498. 16,800,600A
  499. RefreshRateA
  500. *vddA
  501. \MODES\4\640,480
  502. vga.drvA
  503. *vddA
  504. \MODES\8\640,480
  505. \MODES\8\800,600
  506. \MODES\8\1024,768
  507. \MODES\8\1280,1024
  508. \MODES\8\1600,1200
  509. \MODES\16\640,480
  510. \MODES\16\800,600
  511. \MODES\16\1024,768
  512. \MODES\16\1280,1024
  513. \MODES\24\640,480
  514. \MODES\24\800,600
  515. \MODES\24\1024,768
  516. \MODES\24\1280,1024
  517. Display\SettingsQ
  518. BitsPerPixelA
  519. system.ini
  520. boot.descriptiona
  521. display.drva
  522. SiS 6326"
  523. Software\Silicon Integrated System Corp.\3D
  524. CLSID\{D20EF0A0-25B0-11CF-9257-0080C81F5697}\InProcServer32
  525. ThreadingModelA
  526. ApartmentA
  527. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Foldera<
  528. \Display\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\SiS Advanced Property
  529. {D20EF0A0-25B0-11CF-9257-0080C81F5697}A
  530. CLSID\{366D9E01-3EE9-11D0-BB75-0080C8157BED}\InProcServer32
  531. ThreadingModelA
  532. ApartmentA
  533. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Foldera9
  534. \Display\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\SiS Gamma Property
  535. {366D9E01-3EE9-11D0-BB75-0080C8157BED}A
  536. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  537. siscolor
  538. Software\Silicon Integrated System Corp.\SiS Util
  539. utility%
  540. sisbkgnd.bmp
  541. DibFileA
  542. utility%
  543. company.ico
  544. IconFileA
  545. CLSID\{????9E01-3EE9-11D0-BB75-0080C8157BED}\InProcServer32
  546. ThreadingModelA
  547. ApartmentA
  548. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Foldera9
  549. \Display\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\SiS TVOut Property
  550. {????9E01-3EE9-11D0-BB75-0080C8157BED}A
  551. DirectX 5...!
  552. Software\Microsoft\DirectX
  553. VersionA
  555. DirectDraw
  556. DirectDraw ObjectA
  557. DirectDraw\CLSID
  558. {D7B70EE0-4340-11CF-B063-0020AFC2CD35}A
  559. CLSID\{D7B70EE0-4340-11CF-B063-0020AFC2CD35}
  560. DirectDraw ObjectA
  561. CLSID\{D7B70EE0-4340-11CF-B063-0020AFC2CD35}\InprocServer32
  562. ddraw.dllA
  563. ThreadingModelA
  564. BothA
  565. DirectDrawClipper
  566. DirectDraw Clipper ObjectA
  567. DirectDrawClipper\CLSID
  568. {593817A0-7DB3-11CF-A2DE-00AA00B93356}A
  569. CLSID\{593817A0-7DB3-11CF-A2DE-00AA00B93356}
  570. DirectDraw Clipper ObjectA
  571. CLSID\{593817A0-7DB3-11CF-A2DE-00AA00B93356}\InprocServer32
  572. ddraw.dllA
  573. ThreadingModelA
  574. BothA
  575. System\CurrentControlSet\VxD\MTRR
  576. StaticVxDA
  577. mtrr.vxdA
  578. 0000A
  579. StartA
  580. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\ScorchedPlanet
  581. NameA
  583. 69044C32A
  584. 02000000A
  585. FlagsA
  586. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\NHLPowerPlay
  587. NameA
  588. PP96.EXEA
  589. ff3fbf31A
  590. 01000000A
  591. FlagsA
  592. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\BUG!
  593. NameA
  594. BUG!.EXEA
  595. 3d620932A
  596. 01000000A
  597. FlagsA
  598. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Savage
  599. NameA
  600. SAVAGE32.EXEA
  601. 00876531A
  602. 01000000A
  603. FlagsA
  604. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\DemolitionDerby2
  605. NameA
  606. DD2.EXEA
  607. 44838832A
  608. 01000000A
  609. FlagsA
  610. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\MortalKombat3
  611. NameA
  612. MK3W.EXEA
  613. fc6de731A
  614. 01000000A
  615. FlagsA
  616. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\SilentThunder
  617. NameA
  618. A10SIM.EXEA
  619. 5d203556A
  620. 01000000A
  621. FlagsA
  622. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\ThirdDimension
  623. NameA
  624. t3rd.EXEA
  625. bf817f32A
  626. 04000000A
  627. FlagsA
  628. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\NortonSystemInfo
  629. NameA
  630. SI32.EXEA
  631. 29ea6332A
  632. 04000000A
  633. FlagsA
  634. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\ZiffDavisQualityBenchmark
  635. NameA
  637. 6d5b4d33A
  638. 04000000A
  639. FlagsA
  640. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\ZiffDavisWinMarkBenchmark
  641. NameA
  642. WBD3D.EXEA
  643. 46fc4b33A
  644. 04000000A
  645. FlagsA
  646. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectDraw\Compatibility\Terracide
  647. NameA
  649. 66cb9533A
  650. 04000000A
  651. FlagsA
  652. Direct 3D!
  653. Software\Microsoft\Direct3D
  654. Software\Microsoft\Direct3D\Drivers\Ramp Emulation
  655. BaseA
  656. rampA
  657. DescriptionA
  658. Microsoft Direct3D Mono(Ramp) Software EmulationA
  659. 206b08f29f25cf11a31a00aa00b93356A 
  660. GUIDA
  661. Software\Microsoft\Direct3D\Drivers\RGB Emulation
  662. BaseA
  663. DescriptionA
  664. Microsoft Direct3D RGB Software EmulationA
  665. 605c66a47326cf11a31a00aa00b93356A 
  666. GUIDA
  667. Software\Microsoft\Direct3D\Drivers\Direct3D HAL
  668. BaseA
  669. Microsoft Direct3D Hardware acceleration through a
  670. Direct3D HALQ
  671. DescriptionA
  672. e03de684aa46cf11816f0000c020156eA 
  673. GUIDA
  674. Software\Microsoft\Reality Lab\4.0
  675. Software\Microsoft\Direct3D\4.0
  676. Software\Microsoft\Direct3D\Drivers\MMX Emulation
  677. Direct Play!
  678. DirectPlay
  679. DirectPlay ObjectA
  680. DirectPlay\CLSID
  681. {D1EB6D20-8923-11d0-9D97-00A0C90A43CB}A
  682. CLSID\{D1EB6D20-8923-11d0-9D97-00A0C90A43CB}
  683. DirectPlay ObjectA
  684. CLSID\{D1EB6D20-8923-11d0-9D97-00A0C90A43CB}\InprocServer32
  685. dplayx.dllA
  686. ThreadingModelA
  687. BothA
  688. DirectPlayLobby
  689. DirectPlayLobby ObjectA
  690. DirectPlayLobby\CLSID
  691. {2FE8F810-B2A5-11d0-A787-0000F803ABFC}A
  692. CLSID\{2FE8F810-B2A5-11d0-A787-0000F803ABFC}
  693. DirectPlayLobby ObjectA
  694. CLSID\{2FE8F810-B2A5-11d0-A787-0000F803ABFC}\InprocServer32
  695. dplayx.dllA
  696. ThreadingModelA
  697. BothA
  698. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers
  699. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\a 
  700. Serial Connection For DirectPlay
  701. GuidA
  702. {0F1D6860-88D9-11cf-9C4E-00A0C905425E}A
  703. dpmodemx.dllQ
  704. PathA
  705. 00000000A
  706. dwReserved1A
  707. 00000000A
  708. dwReserved2A
  709. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\a.
  710. Serial Connection For DirectPlay\Address Types
  711. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\a/
  712. Serial Connection For DirectPlay\Address Types\$
  713. {F2F0CE00-E0AF-11cf-9C4E-00A0C905425E}
  714. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\a
  715. Modem Connection For DirectPlay
  716. GuidA
  717. {44EAA760-CB68-11cf-9C4E-00A0C905425E}A
  718. dpmodemx.dllQ
  719. PathA
  720. 00000000A
  721. dwReserved1A
  722. 00000000A
  723. dwReserved2A
  724. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\a-
  725. Modem Connection For DirectPlay\Address Types
  726. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\a.
  727. Modem Connection For DirectPlay\Address Types\$
  728. {78EC89A0-E0AF-11cf-9C4E-00A0C905425E}
  729. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\a.
  730. Modem Connection For DirectPlay\Address Types\$
  731. {F6DCC200-A2FE-11d0-9C4F-00A0C905425E}
  732. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\a)
  733. Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay
  734. GuidA
  735. {36E95EE0-8577-11cf-960C-0080C7534E82}A
  736. dpwsockx.dllQ
  737. PathA
  738. F4010000A
  739. dwReserved1A
  740. 00000000A
  741. dwReserved2A
  742. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\a7
  743. Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay\Address Types
  744. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\a8
  745. Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay\Address Types\$
  746. {C4A54DA0-E0AF-11cf-9C4E-00A0C905425E}
  747. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\a
  748. IPX Connection For DirectPlay
  749. GuidA
  750. {685BC400-9D2C-11cf-A9CD-00AA006886E3}A
  751. dpwsockx.dllQ
  752. PathA
  753. 32000000A
  754. dwReserved1A
  755. 00000000A
  756. dwReserved2A
  757. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Services\a"
  758. {5146ab8cb6b1ce11920c00aa006c4972}
  759. dpwsock.dllQ
  760. PathA
  761. DescriptionA
  762. WinSock IPX Connection For DirectPlayA
  763. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Services\a*
  764. {5146ab8cb6b1ce11920c00aa006c4972}\Players
  765. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Services\a+
  766. {5146ab8cb6b1ce11920c00aa006c4972}\Sessions
  767. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Services\a"
  768. {5246ab8cb6b1ce11920c00aa006c4972}
  769. dpserial.dllQ
  770. PathA
  771. DescriptionA
  772. Modem Connection For DirectPlayA
  773. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Services\a*
  774. {5246ab8cb6b1ce11920c00aa006c4972}\Players
  775. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Services\a+
  776. {5246ab8cb6b1ce11920c00aa006c4972}\Sessions
  777. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Services\a"
  778. {5046ab8cb6b1ce11920c00aa006c4972}
  779. dpwsock.dllQ
  780. PathA
  781. DescriptionA
  782. WinSock TCP Connection For DirectPlayA
  783. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Services\a*
  784. {5046ab8cb6b1ce11920c00aa006c4972}\Players
  785. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Services\a+
  786. {5046ab8cb6b1ce11920c00aa006c4972}\Sessions
  787. Software\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Services\a"
  788. {2056f7675e57cf11aaf900aa006c4972}
  789. Direct Input!
  790. CLSID\{25E609E0-B259-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}
  791. Microsoft DirectInput ObjectA
  792. CLSID\{25E609E0-B259-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}\InprocServer32
  793. dinput.dllQ
  794. ThreadingModelA
  795. BothA
  796. CLSID\{25E609E1-B259-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}
  797. Microsoft DirectInputDevice ObjectA
  798. CLSID\{25E609E1-B259-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}\InprocServer32
  799. dinput.dllQ
  800. ThreadingModelA
  801. BothA
  802. CLSID\{92187326-72B4-11d0-A1AC-0000F8026977}
  803. Game Controllers CPL Shell Extension Default Property SheetsA
  804. CLSID\{92187326-72B4-11d0-A1AC-0000F8026977}\ProgID
  805. Game Controllers CPL HandlerA
  806. CLSID\{92187326-72B4-11d0-A1AC-0000F8026977}\InprocHandler32
  807. gchand.dllQ
  808. CLSID\{92187326-72B4-11d0-A1AC-0000F8026977}\InprocServer32
  809. gcdef.dllQ
  810. ThreadingModelA
  811. ApartmentA
  812. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder
  813. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Joystick
  814. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Joystick\shellex
  815. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Joystick\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers
  816. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Joystick\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\Default Extension
  817. {92187326-72B4-11d0-A1AC-0000F8026977}A
  818. System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\Standard Gameport
  819. OEMNameA
  820. Standard GameportA
  821. OEMCalloutA
  822. msanalog.vxdA
  823. 0000000c00000000A
  824. OEMDataA
  825. 01000000A
  826. PollFlagsA
  827. System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\T1T2WithoutAdapter
  828. 4008000004000000A
  829. OEMDataA
  830. OEMNameA
  831. Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 without adapterA
  832. System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\T1T2WithAdapter
  833. 4000000004000000A
  834. OEMDataA
  835. OEMNameA
  836. Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 with adapterA
  837. System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\LogitechThunderPad
  838. OEMNameA
  839. Logitech ThunderPadA
  840. 2000000004000000A
  841. OEMDataA
  842. System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\LogitechWingMan
  843. OEMNameA
  844. Logitech WingManA
  845. 0100000002000000A
  846. OEMDataA
  847. System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\LogitechWingManExtreme
  848. OEMNameA
  849. Logitech WingMan ExtremeA
  850. 0a00000004000000A
  851. OEMDataA
  852. System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\LogitechWingManLight
  853. OEMNameA
  854. Logitech WingMan LightA
  855. 0000000002000000A
  856. OEMDataA
  857. Direct Sound!
  858. DirectSound
  859. DirectSound ObjectA
  860. DirectSound\CLSID\{47D4D946-62E8-11cf-93BC-444553540000}
  861. DirectSound ObjectA
  862. CLSID\{47D4D946-62E8-11cf-93BC-444553540000}\InprocServer32
  863. dsound.dllA
  864. ThreadingModelA
  865. BothA
  866. DirectSoundCapture
  867. DirectSoundCapture ObjectA
  868. DirectSound\CLSID\{B0210780-89CD-11d0-AF08-00A0C925CD16}
  869. DirectSoundCapture ObjectA
  870. CLSID\{47D4D946-62E8-11cf-93BC-444553540000}\InprocServer32
  871. dsound.dllA
  872. ThreadingModelA
  873. BothA
  874. Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla
  875. \DirectXDrivers
  876. Program Files\directx\setup\dxsetup.exe
  877. DisplayNameA
  878. DirectX DriversA
  879. UninstallStringA
  880. Direct Draw!
  881. SVGA drivers!
  882. Setup is complete.
  883. edit(
  884. SETUPSTR862RJ
  885. Disk Space0
  886. temp.txt
  887. temp.txt
  888. In function '%s':
  889. Unable to create dialog.
  890. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB.
  891. ErrorbK
  892. _sdSIZEa
  893. %s-%ldb
  894. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion,
  895. \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,
  896. USER!
  897. RegisteredOwner2
  898. RegisteredOrganization2
  899. SdRegisterUserEx!
  900. ResultA
  901. szNameA
  902. szCompanyA
  903. szSerialA
  904. SdRegisterUserEx!
  905. szNameA
  906. szCompanyA
  907. szSerialA
  908. ResultA
  909. SdRegisterUser!
  910. ResultA
  911. szNameA
  912. szCompanyA
  913. SdRegisterUser!
  914. szNameA
  915. szCompanyA
  916. ResultA
  917. SdConfirmRegistration!
  918. ResultA
  919. SdConfirmRegistration!
  920. ResultA
  921. SdConfirmNewDir!
  922. ResultA
  923. SdConfirmNewDir!
  924. ResultA
  925. SdAskDestPath!
  926. ResultA
  927. szDirA
  928. SdAskDestPath!
  929. szDirA
  930. ResultA
  931. SdWelcome!
  932. ResultA
  933. SdWelcome!
  934. ResultA
  935. SdShowInfoList!
  936. ResultA
  937. SdShowInfoList!
  938. ResultA
  939. SdSelectFolder!
  940. ResultA
  941. szFolderA
  942. SdSelectFolder!
  943. szFolderA
  944. ResultA
  945. SdSetupType!
  946. ResultA
  947. szDirA
  948. SdSetupType!
  949. szDirA
  950. ResultA
  951. SdShowAnyDialog!
  952. ResultA
  953. SdShowAnyDialog!
  954. ResultA
  955. SdDisplayTopics!
  956. ResultA
  957. SdDisplayTopics!
  958. ResultA
  959. SdShowMsg!
  960. SdShowMsg/
  961. _sdRECTa
  962. _sdRECTa
  963. bottom2
  964. SdAskOptionsList!
  965. ResultA
  966. ComponentA
  967. SdAskOptionsList!
  968. ComponentA
  969. ResultA
  970. SdShowFileMods!
  971. ResultA
  972. nSelectionA
  973. SdShowFileMods!
  974. nSelectionA
  975. ResultA
  976. SdShowDlgEdit1!
  977. ResultA
  978. szEdit1A
  979. SdShowEdit1!
  980. szEdit1A
  981. ResultA
  982. SdShowDlgEdit2!
  983. ResultA
  984. szEdit1A
  985. szEdit2A
  986. SdShowEdit2!
  987. szEdit1A
  988. szEdit2A
  989. ResultA
  990. SdShowDlgEdit3!
  991. ResultA
  992. szEdit1A
  993. szEdit2A
  994. szEdit3A
  995. SdShowEdit3!
  996. szEdit1A
  997. szEdit2A
  998. szEdit3A
  999. ResultA
  1000. SdAskOptions!
  1001. ResultA
  1002. ComponentA
  1003. SdAskOptions!
  1004. ComponentA
  1005. ResultA
  1006. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  1007. ResultA
  1008. ComponentA
  1009. szDirA
  1010. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  1011. szDirA
  1012. ComponentA
  1013. ResultA
  1014. SdComponentMult!
  1015. ResultA
  1016. ComponentA
  1017. SdComponentMult!
  1018. ComponentA
  1019. ResultA
  1020. SdOptionsButtons!
  1021. ResultA
  1022. SdOptionsButtons!
  1023. ResultA
  1024. SdBitmap!
  1025. ResultA
  1026. SdBitmap!
  1027. ResultA
  1028. SdComponentDialog2!
  1029. ResultA
  1030. ComponentA
  1031. SdComponentDialog2!
  1032. ComponentA
  1033. ResultA
  1034. SdComponentDialogEx
  1035. SdComponentDialogEx!
  1036. SdComponentDialog!
  1037. ResultA
  1038. ComponentA
  1039. szDirA
  1040. SdComponentDialog!
  1041. szDirA
  1042. ComponentA
  1043. ResultA
  1044. SdLicense!
  1045. ResultA
  1046. ResultA
  1047. SdStartCopy!
  1048. ResultA
  1049. ResultA
  1050. SdFinishReboot!
  1051. ResultA
  1052. BootOptionA
  1053. ResultA
  1054. BootOptionA
  1055. ResultA
  1056. ResultA
  1057. BootOptionA
  1058. SdFinish!
  1059. ResultA
  1060. bOpt1A
  1061. bOpt2A
  1062. ResultA
  1063. bOpt1A
  1064. bOpt2A
  1065. 3.00.077