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Time Counts is a complete, easy-to-use, Time and Attendance software package.
Installed on a non-dedicated IBM Personal Computer (IBM PC/AT) or compatible,
Time Counts is used to collect, store and report on employee punch data entered
at your PC's keyboard or from an Electronic Time Clock.
The employee punches in at the keyboard of your computer or use a magnetic
stripe or bar code badge (similar to a 24-hour bank card) to record punch data
at the time clock by simply swiping the badge through a slot reader on the
time clock. In and Out times are recorded and the data is stored in the time
clock until the communications link with the (standar serial port) PC is
activated and the data is transferred to the PC.
Time Counts will completely automate the data collection process normally used
for labor reporting. Calculating time from time cards or time sheets will
become a thing of the past. Employee time will be accumulated automatically as
employees swipe their badges through the time clock and will be placed into
accounting categories such as Regular, Overtime, Doubletime and Vacation time.
Time can be edited, missed punches added and much more. Reports may be
generated on almost all of the fields giving maximum flexibility.
Once the Time Counts software is installed on the hard-drive of your Personal
Computer, the computer will be able to communicate with the time clocks (if
time clocks are used). Communication is achieved in a number of ways, either
by direct connection, over telephone lines, or using a "multi-drop" terminal
network. For distances around 200 feet or less, a communications cable may be
run from the serial port (RS-232) of the PC to the data collection terminal.
Longer cable runs of up to 4000 feet may be used when using the optional RS-485
communications option.
Telephone communications are used when the time clocks are in remote locations.
A company may have terminals in several buildings, or at several locations
throughout the city. For this type of communications link, a telephone modem
is installed at the PC and in each remote time clock or at the first terminal
in each remote network.
Feature: Automated Data Collection
Benefits: Eliminate preparation, distribution and collection of time cards &
Eliminate manual calculation of hours.
Reduce supervisory verification and audit time by 90-95%
Eliminate duplication of effort by line supervisors and
payroll personnel.
Reduce clerical time by 90-95%
Once the data is stored in the PC, Time Counts will process the information and
allow you to do the following:
* Punch exception reports on missed punches, department errors, shift errors,
long-lunch, short-lunch, no-lunch, in-early, in-late, out-early, out-late,
special hours, overtime, premium time, absent, present.
* Employee reports by name, file number, badge number, senority, phone number,
shift, department, hired/laid-off, and even a custom employee report
consisting of user defined criteria.
* Work Shift Reports.
* Department Reports.
* Hours by employee (regular, overtime, premium, special and gross) by
selected time frame.
* Time Card Reports (including both punches and category totals by day,
week and pay period).
* Department Totals Reports (regular, overtime, premium, special and gross
dollars by selected time frame).
* Shift Totals Reports (regular, overtime, premium, special and gross
dollars by selected time frame).
* Time Card Summary Reports (total hours by day and weekly totals as well
as pay period totals by selected time frame).
* Error Listing Report - run to the printer or to the screen.
* Edit missed punches, add hours for sick or vacation time or any of the other
unlimited accounting categories you wish to utilize.
* All Time Counts Reports can be optional sent to an ASCII text file for easy
transporting or importing into other applications programs such as
spreadsheet and database management programs.
* Time Counts can optionally generate Payroll Interface Export files.
Feature: Automatic report generation.
Benefits: Real-time labor cost information available to management.
Timely cost information allows management to make informed
decisions on cost control.
Time Counts will enforce payroll policy by the interpretation of the raw punch
data based on the rules that apply for each employee or group of employees.
Each employee or group of employees that work under different payroll policies
must be assigned to a unique POLICY CODE. Policy rules are set using Company
Policy parameters that allow the user to "fill in the blanks" that determine
how these policies are applied and how the hours data is calculated. Simply
put, Policy rules are a set of programming rules determining how we interpret
the employee's data:
How do we round time? If an employee is supposed to begin work at 0730 and
he/she punches at 0725, when do you start paying them? What do you do if
they punch out late? Are employees required to punch in and out at meal
times? Do you want the time deducted automatically if they forget to punch
for meals? What are the overtime and shift differential rules? These rules
and many more are applied to the punch data to assure that time is calculated
according to the policies set by the end-user.
Feature: Automatic policy enforcement.
Benefits: Fair and impartial treatment of all employees.
Elimination of unauthorized early arrival and late departure
Elimination of arithmetical errors of calculation.
Elimination of errors due to misapplication of company policy by
supervisory staff.
Accounting categories are "buckets" into which Time Counts accumulates hours and
dollars. These categories can be either automatic or manual. Examples of two
possible automatic accumulating categories would be REGULAR and OVERTIME.
Automatic, because the employee punches and the hours automatically accrue in
one or the other of these buckets, depending on the policy rules for that
Time entered for SICK or VACATION would be entered into manual categories
because these hours bear no relation to hours punched at the time clock.
These entries would be made manually at the timecard editing screen on the PC.
Feature: Automatic allocation of Regular, Overtime, Premium, and Differential
Benefits: Reduce supervisory audit and verification time.
Eliminate payroll calculation time.
Increase accuracy of calculations.
Optional Software Modules
An optional utility which allows for the creation of compatible files for
transfer to payroll systems whether an in-house or outside payroll system is
used. If we don't have an interface to the payroll system you are presently
using we will write a custom interface for a nominal charge.
Feature: Direct file creation from Time and Attendance to your payroll system.
Benefits: Eliminates keypunch of hours data.
Eliminates Keypunch errors of trasportation, miskeyed information.