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Microsoft Fighter Ace II Readme and Driver ListFIGHTER ACE II README AND DRIVER
Driver List
I. Fighter Ace II Readme
Fighter Ace II welcomes you to the best in online air combat.
Please read the following notes and information on this release of Fighter Ace
II. This information will explain late breaking issues that are not available
within the Fighter Ace II in-game help.
1) Setup and installed files
2) Hardware Requirements
3) D3d and Graphics information
4) Content Issues
5) Flight information
6) Control Issues
7) In-game help information
8) Replay issues
9) Training Mission information
10) Command Listing
1) Setup and installed files.
A) Clean installation
Please ensure that any beta, or incomplete versions of Fighter Ace II are
removed completely before running the setup. Fighter Ace should be removed using
the main Fighter Ace program uninstall button. Fighter Ace II can also be
removed from the control panel Add\Remove. If removing Fighter Ace, the choice
is offered to save your films and screenshots, remember to select if you want to
remove these items also.
B) Readme Files
This readme is available directly from the initial setup. It is also available
at any time from the windows Start Menu under Program files, Microsoft Games,
Fighter Ace II.
The Readme is also available as a text file, Readme.txt, to print or view with
any text editor. This file is available from the root directory that you
installed the game to.
C) Command Listing
For your convenience, Fighter Ace II has installed a default command key listing
for the game controls. This listing is also available from the root directory
that the game was installed to.
The file is called Command.Doc and it is a Microsoft Word file.
D) Uninstalling Fighter Ace II
Fighter Ace should be removed using the main Fighter Ace program uninstall
button. Fighter Ace II can also be removed from the control panel Add\Remove. If
removing Fighter Ace, the choice is offered to save your films and screenshots,
remember to select if you want to remove these items also.
2) Hardware Requirements.
Fighter Ace II recommended configuration
╖ Multimedia PC with PII 300 MHz or higher, or comparable processor(see below).
╖ Microsoft Windows 98 OS.
╖ DirectX 6.1 or higher.
╖ Microsoft Direct 3D version 6.1compatible Graphics Accelerator card with, with
16mb Video RAM.
╖ 64 MB System RAM or higher
╖ 100 MB of available hard disk space.
╖ VGA monitor supporting 16-bit color and resolutions up to 1024 X 768.
╖ 28.8 Kbps or greater Internet access.
╖ Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x, AOL 3.0 or higher, MSN 2.0 or higher, or
Netscape 4.x.
╖ Mouse or compatible pointing device.
╖ Force Feedback peripherals compatible to DirectX 6.1
╖ DirectX 6.1 compatible sound card with speakers.
Fighter Ace II Minimum Requirements
╖ Multimedia PC with Pentium 200Mhz or compatible processor.
╖ Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98.
╖ DirectX 6.1 or higher.
╖ Super VGA (800X600) video card supporting 16-bit color.
╖ 32 MB RAM or higher
╖ 100 MB of available hard disk space.
╖ Super VGA (800X600) monitor.
╖ 28.8 Kbps Internet access.
╖ Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x, AOL 3.0 or higher, MSN 2.0 or higher, or
Netscape 4.x.
╖ Mouse or compatible pointing device.
Comparable processor limitations:
At this time, Fighter Ace II will not run on Cyrix systems. This will be
corrected in subsequent releases.
3) D3d and Graphics issues and information.
Where there are known support issues, we have listed them here. As a rule, if
the game will not run under D3d or Glide, software is nearly always supported.
IMPORTANT: For the best game experience, Fighter Ace II requires you have the
latest drivers installed for your hardware. Many of the issues listed in this
section will be resolved if you install your video card's latest drivers.
For a list of the most common driver sites, please see our driver section in
this Readme.
A) Diamond Video Cards:
Issue: With Diamond Stealth 3D 2000, the game crashes to the desktop after the
profiler finishes running.
Suggestion: This issue is fixed with the latest drivers. Install the latest
If the problem persists, please contact your hardware manufacturer.
Issue: Running on Diamond Viper V330 with the latest drivers, the fatal error
"Can't set video mode 640x480x16" may occur.
Suggestion: This issue is fixed using the retail drivers supplied with the card.
Install the retail drivers.
If the problem persists, please contact your hardware manufacturer.
Issue: Diamond Viper V770 and Voodoo 2 combination will result in textures not
being drawn when running in D3d.
Suggestion: This problem can be solved by restarting the machine, the textures
will then be drawn correctly.
In addition, using the reference driver from NVidia will also fix this problem.
If the problem persists, please contact your hardware manufacturer.
Issue: Diamond Viper V330 launching in D3d mode will hang at the Loading Screen.
Suggestion: Should this behavior occur, the latest drivers from Diamond fix this
problem. If the problem persists, please contact your hardware manufacturer.
Issue: Diamond Monster Fusion (banshee) In Glide, alt-tabbing causes hard system
Suggestion: Glide drivers do not support this behavior, please contact your
hardware manufacturer and to avoid this, please do not Alt-tab.
Issue: DirectDraw unable to set cooperative level error on Diamond Viper 770.
Suggestion: This condition can sometimes occur if the hardware acceleration
graphics slider is not set to full. Restoring this slider to full will prevent
this condition.
Issue: No direct draw hardware error with Diamond Speedstar A50 (SiS 6326AGP)
Suggestion: This card is not supported by Fighter Ace II.
Issue: Diamond Monster 3D. black border around land blocks on the terrain.
Suggestion: Latest driver from Diamond fixes this problem. If the problem
persists, please contact your hardware manufacturer.
B) Hercules Video Cards:
Issue: Task switching while in software mode on the Hercules Stingray 128/3D
causes machine to hang. This will happen using drivers for this card that are
later then 4.03.2039.
Suggestion: While running Fighter Ace under this card, refrain from using the
ALT-TAB to switch tasks. Exit the game first.
Issue: Dark lines may appear around terrain blocks while running in D3d under
the Hercules Stingray 128/3D.
Suggestion: Upgrading to the latest drivers may help with this issue. If the
problem persists, please contact your hardware manufacturer.
Issue: Task switching while running on Hercules Terminator Beast causes screen
corruption and color distortion.
Suggestion: The latest drivers from Hercules fix the problem. Install the latest
drivers. If the problem persists, please contact your hardware manufacturer.
C) STB Velocity
Issue: On the STB Velocity 128 with the Riva 128 zx chip, in some instances the
cockpits will become transparent and see-through.
Suggestion: This is solved by using NVidia reference drivers v 3.37. If the
problem persists; please contact your hardware manufacturer.
Issue: The full screen instruments are not sharp and clear on the STB Velocity
128 ZX with the Riva 128 ZX chipset.
Suggestion: This is solved by using NVidia reference drivers v 3.37. If the
problem persists; please contact your hardware manufacturer.
Issue: Poor performance & pixilated effects with STB Nitro Mpact2 3DVD.
Suggestion: Under these cards, running software will produce better performance.
D) 3DfX, Glide
Issue: 3dfx Velocity 100. Glide button is active, but Glide does not work with
this card, in game all textures (plane, ground) is transparent blue. An alt-tab
will cause the client to shut down without an error message.
Suggestion: Glide is not supported is not supported on this card by Fighter Ace
Issue: V2 1000 PCI: When running in Glide Alt-Tab does not function to return to
the desktop.
Suggestion: Do not use the Alt-Tab functionality under Glide for these cards.
Issue: Voodoo 3 3000. Using D3D mode and any available resolution, using Alt-Tab
to return to the desktop and then back again into the game will crash the
Suggestion: The latest drivers from 3dfxcorrect these problems.
Issue: Task switching from flight with Voodoo 1 or 2 causes black desktop. When
alt-tabbing out of Fighter Ace in Glide on a Voodoo 1 or 2, a black screen will
be displayed instead of the Windows desktop.
Suggestion: The user may Alt-Tab back into Fighter Ace and continue to fly as
Issue: Disabling Voodoo2 card in Device Manager creates hard hang when client is
Suggestion: Rename the file glide2x.dll to glide2x1.dll. If the problem
persists; please contact your hardware manufacturer.
Issue: Voodoo2. Switching between D3D and Glide causes client to hang.
Suggestion: Please exit Fighter Ace completely before switching between D3d and
Glide. The problem will then not occur.
Issue: Voodoo2. While running under glide, colliding with another online player
while in padlock mode may cause the game to hang.
Suggestion: Running the game in D3d will not cause this problem.
Issue: If you receive a "GlidelnitEnvironment: Glide 2x.ddl expected Voodoo
Graphics, none detected" error, you may have had a Voodoo2 card installed and
then removed it but did not uninstall the Voodoo2 software properly.
Suggestion Renaming the file (glide2x.dll) in the c:\windows\system folder, will
eliminate this error
E) ATI/Rage 128
Issue: Rage 128. The horizon has different shades of blue bands stretched across
Suggestion: Updating the drivers for this card fixes the problem. If the problem
persists, please contact your hardware manufacturer.
F) General Graphics Issues
The fast-paced and graphically-rich environment of FA II places more demands on
your PC hardware.
If you are experiencing "lag" (as it is frequently referred to), in reality it
may actually be bad frame-rate (how fast your computer "draws" each frame) that
you are seeing.
If the whole game seems jumpy, even offline, then this is likely the cause of
your "lag"
To help reduce or eliminate this effect, here are some graphics "tune-up tips"
that might make the game much more fly-able for you.
Try doing the following, under Settings in the game:
1) Set screen resolution in the game to 640x480
2) Use D3D mode instead of Software
3) Set smoke length slider to Minimum
4) Set terrain details slider to medium or less
5) Un-check the "propeller visible from cockpit" box
6) Un-check the "Ground Object Textures" box
Also, to ensure best stability & performance, please make sure you have
downloaded and installed the latest drivers for your video card.
We've provided a list of video card manufacturers and their websites, at the
bottom of this document. Please see if using the latest drivers for your video
card and the performance tips above help improve your control and experience in
the game.
Issue: Running on NVidia TNT chipset, when an explosion occurs, the complete
tile lights up.
Suggestion: This effect can be fixed with the latest drivers from NVidia. If
problems persist; please contact your manufacturer.
Issue: For some users, when the game is launched in D3D the first time on a PC
with a RIVA TNT or a RIVA TNT2, there are no ground or plane textures visible -
everything is white.
Suggestion: After flying once, exit the game, re-boot the PC and then restart
the game. All the textures will now appear correctly.
Issue: S3 Virge/GX cards will run FAII in hardware mode. This card set does not
support alpha blending and bilinear filtering correctly.
Suggestion: Under this hardware, run Fighter Ace in software mode. If problems
persist; please contact your manufacturer.
Issue: Matrox G-400 not selectable as a D3D device using retail drivers.
Suggestion: The latest drivers from Matrox fix this problem. If the problem
persists; please contact your hardware manufacturer.
Issue: Using Banshee Chipset (Diamond Monster Fusion) while running D3D, the
ground texture is very pixilated.
Suggestion: Running Glide, this condition will not occur to the same extent.
Issue: Under the Intel740 (Real Starfighter 3D) switching to a lower or higher
resolution and re-entering game causes a hang at Loading screen.
Suggestion: The game will run fine under D3d on this card, but users will have
to completely exit to the desktop and re-enter the game to change resolutions.
Issue: If the desktop resolution is set to 256 colors, the initial splash screen
for Fighter Ace will appear washed out and badly palletized.
Suggestion: This is fixed when the color depth of the desktop is increased to
more than 256 colors.
Issue: Terrain details can only be turned off by using Shift-F8 in game. This
can only be done in game using the Shift-F8 key combo. There is no menu UI item
for this control.
4) Content Issues.
Issue: Clouds and Sky.
Under D3d, distant cloud is visible in the sky. This is not available for
software users.
5) Flight information.
Issue: If you have a plane padlocked, and you fly out of padlock range, padlock
continues to keep tracking that plane until you hit any of the padlock keys.
Suggestion, use the next enemy keys to cycle to the next enemy plane ('e' ','
'.' 'Alt-V')
Issue: If the player switches to full screen view after ejecting from the plane,
but before opening the parachute, the parachute won't open. Suggestion: Pressing
F7 will switch the user to the outside camera view, the parachute can then be
safely deployed.
6) Control Issues.
Issue: The view hat on the CH Force F/X fails to change views.
Suggestion: If the user has the Force F/X plugged into the CH Pro Throttle, they
can program the hat to any keystroke that would operate the views in the game.
Issue: Thrustmaster input devices may not work under Direct X 7.0.
Suggestion: Upgrading to DirectX 7.0a will fix this situation.
Issue: Some users may experience performance drops when receiving forces from
gun fire hits or explosions in rapid succession.
Suggestion: Disable Force Feedback effects from the settings Menu.
7) In-Game Help issues.
Issue: No help topic for right click. In the menu shell, help can be activated
using right mouse click on most controls within each screen. Some controls do
not have an associated help topic.
Issue: Under Software, the in-game help window is palletized with a washed out
color. This occurrence is due to a palette loading issue.
Issue: Running under Glide, no in-flight help is available using Alt+F1.
8) Replay issues.
Issue: Fighter Ace 1.5 film files will not play in Fighter Ace II.
Issue: Film files recorded in Fighter Ace II will not play in Fighter Ace 1.5
Issue: There are certain game objects that will not appear in replay files.
9) Training.
Issue: After running the 1st training mission, if the user selects Custom
Flight, the enemy aircraft from the 1st training mission will appear in this
Suggestion: This is solved by selecting any other training mission, and then
selecting the Custom Flight.
10) Command Listing.
There is a command listing that is installed on the FAII root. This is a
printable word document that contains the all of the keyboard commands for use
with this beta version. It is here for convenience and no claims are made to its
II. Fighter Ace II Driver List
The following 3D video adapters are supported by Fighter Ace II.
Chip setVideo adapter manufacturerVideo adapter modelManufacturer's Web
128/3D SeriesHercules (Guillemot)Hercules Stingray 128
ATI Rage ProATIATI 3D Rage Prohttp://www.atitech.com
ATI Rage 128ATIATI Rage 128http://www.atitech.com
ATI Rage 128ATIATI Rage Furyhttp://www.atitech.com
ATI Rage II+ATIATI 3D Rage II+http://www.atitech.com
ATI Rage ProATIATI 3D Rage Prohttp://www.atitech.com
Intel i740Real3DReal 3D Starfighterhttp://www.real3d.com
MGA G200MatroxMatrox Productiva G-200http://www.matrox.com
MGA G-400MatroxMatrox Millennium G-400http://www.matrox.com
nVidia Riva 128STBSTB Velocity 128http://www.stb.com
nVidia Riva 128 (AGP)ASUSASUS 3DexPlorer 3000http://www.asus.com
nVidia Riva 128 (AGP)STBSTB Velocity 128http://www.stb.com
nVidia Riva 128 (AGP)DiamondDiamond Viper V330http://www.diamondmm.com
nVidia Riva 128 (PCI)DiamondDiamond Viper V330http://www.diamondmm.com
nVidia Riva TNTSTBSTB Velocity 4400http://www.stb.com
nVidia Riva TnTDiamondDiamond Viper V550http://www.diamondmm.com
nVidia Riva TnTCreativeCreative Blaster Riva
Nvidia TnTSTBSTB Velocity 4400 w/TV Outhttp://www.stb.com
Nvidia TnT2ElsaElsa Erazor IIIhttp://www.elsa.de
Nvidia TnT2DiamondDiamond Viper V770http://www.diamondmm.com
Nvidia TnT2GuillemotMaxi Gamer Xentorhttp://www.guillemot.com
Nvidia TnT2CreativeCreative 3D Blaster TnT
nVidia ZX (NV3T)STBSTB Velocity 128 ZXhttp://www.stb.com
Rage 128 (AGP)ATIATI Rage 128 GL AGPhttp://www.atitech.com
Rage Pro(AGP)ATIATI Rage Pro (AGP integrated)http://www.atitech.com
Rage Pro(AGP)ATIATI Rage Prohttp://www.atitech.com
Riva 128 (AGP)STBSTB Velocity 128http://www.stb.com
S3 SavageHerculesHercules Terminator Beasthttp://www.hercules.com
S3 Savage4DiamondDiamond Stealth III S540http://www.diamondmm.com
S3 Savage4Creative3D Blaster Savage4 (AGP)http://www.americas.creative.com
S3 Savage4Creative3D Blaster Savage4 (PCI)http://www.americas.creative.com
3DFx Velocity3Dfx Interactive3Dfx Velocity 100http://www.3dfxgamers.com
Verite 2100DiamondDiamond Stealth II S220http://www.diamondmm.com
Voodoo Banshee3Dfx InteractiveVoodoo Bansheehttp://www.3dfxgamers.com
3dfx VoodooDiamondDiamond Monster 3Dhttp://www.diamondmm.com
3dfx Voodoo3Dfx InteractiveVoodoo Rushhttp://www.3dfxgamers.com
3Dfx Voodoo2CanopusCanopus Pure 3D IIhttp://www.canopuscorp.com
3DFx Voodoo2CreativeCreative 3D Blaster
3DFx Voodoo2DiamondDiamond Monster 3D IIhttp://www.diamondmm.com
3DFx Voodoo2DiamondDiamond Monster 3D II (SLI)http://www.diamondmm.com
3DFx Voodoo23Dfx Interactive3DFx Voodoo3 2000http://www.3dfxgamers.com
Voodoo33Dfx Interactive3DFx Voodoo 3 2000 PCIhttp://www.3dfxgamers.com
Voodoo33Dfx Interactive3DFx Voodoo 3 2000 AGPhttp://www.3dfxgamers.com
Voodoo33Dfx Interactive3DFx Voodoo3 3000http://www.3dfxgamers.com
Voodoo33Dfx Interactive3DFx Voodoo3 2000http://www.3dfxgamers.com
3Dfx Voodoo33Dfx Interactive3Dfx Voodoo3 3000
Voodoo33Dfx Interactive3DFx Voodoo 3 3500http://www.3dfxgamers.com
Voodoo BansheeDiamondDiamond Monster Fusionhttp://www.diamondmm.com
Voodoo BansheeGuillemotMaxi Gamer Phoenix AGPhttp://www.guillemot.com