1: If you received your copy of "WarBirds "(tm) on a CD ROM type "install". For those
who have downloaded it, the archive is self extracting. Expand and run it in a clean empty
directory called "WB" Again, you'll need the latest base and an update if one is present. The
bases are all named wbbase and updates are wbu with the matching base and
version number appended.
2: Test VESA setup. To run WB in 640x480 you may need to load a
vesa driver for your card (check your utilities that came with your video
card for a vesa driver). Univbe is probably needed if you cannot locate a
driver. WB runs in two modes, 640x480 and 1024x768. Most of the S3
based cards do not need any extra vesa drivers, as support is built in.
3: Set sound card with run "setsound.exe." at the dos prompt Follow the instructions.
4: Check memory with mem. You'll need at least 6.5 Megs extended.
It may be best not have any mem manager such as EMM386
or Qemm etc. running. WB has its own memory management.
5: Be sure the mouse driver is loaded in dos.
6: Run 'warbirds' for 640x480 or 'warbirds -' for 1024x768 mode.
7: After starting "WarBirds" you will need to configure the serial port & joystick!
You will find this button by clicking on the "CNFG" button and 3 other buttons
will appear, they are:
a. Serial" - set's up modem
b. "Stick" - configures Joystick
c. "Sound" - sets sound volume
8: Ckick on the "Serial" button to select the correct "com" port
and "IRQ" setting and modem speed.
* note if your mouse freezes while trying to dial you have picked the wrong com port.
9: Go to joystick settings and select current set up
10: Click on the "CLBR" button you will get another set of buttons.
These buttons you will click on one at a time to configure your
a. Joystick
b. Throttle
c. Rudders
d. Hat ( no hat configure for CH products, it works automatically.)
11: To set the sensitivity of the joystick and hat , in the stick configuring menu click
on the "SCALE" button, this will get you 4 more buttons
a. "Pitch" - up and down control
b. "Roll" - right and left control
c. "Rudder" - control on your rudder pedals
d. "Hat" - control of your hat
You will also see a scale of numbers on the center of it looks like this:
1-10 100 50-60 100
10-20 100 60-70 100
20-30 100 70-80 100
30-40 100 80-90 100
40-50 100 90-100 100
* note;
These settings are for players to tone down the sensitivity of the controls, If they find the plane controls much too touchy. Most of the players configure these settings to their own liking.
The first set of numbers ( 1-10, 10-20, 20-30, ect...) basically tells you the range of what your setting.
So 1-10 100 means that the first 10% of movement is at 100% sensitivity .
To change it move your mouse to the box where the "100" is, "right click the mouse, put in a number,
and use the "enter" key for it to register. You can set the sensitivity for all of your controls this way.
There are some other commands by the joystick configuration set up they are:
a. no bounce - you can configure it to tell it what to consider it a joystick spike
b. max reads - How many times it will read on what you consider a joystick spike
c. db elev - set a dead band on joystick...... for spiking up & down
d. db roll - set a dead band on joystick.......for spiking left & right
e. cd rudder - set a dead band on rudders .... For rudders with spiking pots at centering
With these commands you should really be able to fine tune your personal setup.
And now your ready to fly off-line. But Wait ,all the fun is ON-LINE !