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- README.TXT - January 31, 1995
- =============================
- To run the program, type 'war' at the prompt.
- A joystick is highly recommended for use with this game. To edit the game
- setup, hit the escape key during the simulation.
- ======
- If you have a THRUSTMASTER joystick, I would suggest that you set it up as a
- generic joystick when you do the setup.
- ALT-M is used to view the map. Your aircraft is represented by a white dot.
- For this scenario, you will see the island of Oahu.
- For the level bombing missions, hit enter until you have 'activated' the
- bombs, then you can use the F9 key to look down. Keep on looking down until
- you see a green crosshair on the screen. This 'bomb scope' is used to aim
- when dropping bombs on enemy targets. To return to the cockpit view, hit
- ALT-V or F10 a couple times to look back up.
- To view the outside of your aircraft, hit the V key, and use the function keys
- for different viewpoints. F7, F8, F9, and F10 are for panning. ALT-V returns
- you to the cockpit screen.
- Rudder keys are < and >. To turn your engine off and on, use the E key. To
- increase/decrease throttle, use the number keys or the + and - keys.
- Your aircraft can be damaged several ways, including hits by enemy AA and
- machine gun fire, exploding debris, and collisions. When dropping bombs,
- keep at an adequate height to avoid blast damage. When attacking bombers
- armed with rear gunners, it is in your best interest not to attack straight
- from the back.
- =========
- If you haven't flown WWII flight sims before, here is a bit more help:
- If you are flying an American fighter, do not try to dogfight Zeroes. Your
- best bet is to use 'hit and run' tactics. The major weakness of Japanese
- aircaft are their lack of armor and self-sealing fuel tanks. Don't bother
- trying to dogfight-- just punch 'em full of holes.
- If you are flying for the Japanese, it is in your interest to avoid being
- hit at all costs. Unlike American aircraft which are built like slow
- lumbering flying tanks, the Japanese aircraft are built for maneuverability.
- A few hits can easily vaporize any Japanese fighter or bomber.
- P-26 Peashooter - US Army fighter, antiquated, unarmored
- P-36 Mohawk - US Army fighter, decent fighter, relatively maneuverable
- P-40 Warhawk - US Army fighter, the best (and pretty much only in
- large numbers) fighter available to the USAAF at the
- outbreak of war. Underpowered compared to P-36, but
- more aerodynamic and faster
- F4F Wildcat - USN, USMC fighter, best U.S. fighter available at the
- outbreak of war. Rather maneuverable, and very strong,
- but not as maneuverable as Zero.
- A6M Zero - Japanese fighter, phenomenal maneuverability, range,
- and performance, but has a lot to be desired in the way
- of pilot protection
- D3A Val - Japanese divebomber, good bombing platform, lacks
- adequate armor, but stronger than a Zero. Very
- maneuverable
- BN1 Kate - Japanese torpedo bomber, best torpedo bomber in the
- world at the outbreak of the war, chief weakness is
- lack of adequate pilot protection. Stable bombing
- platform.
- ========
- AP bombs - Used against armored targets such as ships
- Fragmentation - Used against parked aircraft, troop concentrations, etc.
- Torpedoes - Used against ships, must be dropped at about 100 feet
- above sea level, and your aircraft must be going no
- faster than 125 MPH
- ==================
- The registered, full version will be available on March 1, 1995. For a
- registration fee of ONLY $15, you will get the following battles:
- Pearl Harbor Fly for either the U.S. or Japan on
- Dec. 7, 1941, the Day of Infamy.
- Includes both historic and hypothetical
- missions. What if the U.S. had acted
- on intelligence reports?
- Wake Island Fly for either the IJN or the USMC over
- Wake Island.
- Coral Sea Take part in the first naval battle
- during which opposing surface forces
- never met.
- Midway In the decisive battle which turned the
- tide of war in the Pacific, you have a
- chance to relive history-- crushing the
- Japanese, or fly for the IJN and attempt
- to prevent the inevitable.
- Operation: Hawaii (Hypothetical) Had Japan went on with
- the invasion of Midway after loosing 4
- fleet carriers, they would have incurred
- additional losses, but probably would
- have captured Midway. In this hypothetical
- battle, you must defend Hawaii from
- Japanese bombers based on Midway, and
- carriers operating in the area.
- Solomon Islands The Japanese are ready to recapture
- Guadalcanal and the U.S. is determined to
- stop them. Fly for the USN, the USMC, or
- the IJN.
- Santa Cruz In the second Japanese attempt to capture
- Guadalcanal, you can fly for either the
- IJN or the USN in this historically
- undecisive battle.
- In each battle, you will have the opportunity to fly a number of missions
- for both the Allies and the Japanese. Fly aircraft such as the:
- P-26 Pea Shooter P-36 Mohawk P-38 Lightning P-39 Airacobra
- P-40 Warhawk F2A Buffalo F4F Wildcat SB2U Vindicator
- SBD Dauntless TBD Devastator TBF Avenger
- A6M Zero A6M2N Rufe D3A Val D4Y Judy
- B5N Kate Ki-27 Nate Ki-43 Oscar
- This is the first of a planned series of stand-alone flight simulation games.
- Other planned games include:
- G.A.B.: 1943-1945 Pacific
- G.A.B.: Hypothetical: Operation Orange, Invasion of Hawaii, Invasion of Japan
- G.A.B.: Battle of France, Battle Of Britain, Invasion of Russia
- G.A.B.: 1931-1945 Battle of China
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fill Out the following form and send to:
- 49-074 KAM HIGHWAY
- KANEOHE, HI 96744
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NAME....................................................
- ADDRESS.................................................
- .................................................
- .................................................
- Where did you find this demo?...........................
- Floppy Size: 5.25 ...... 3.5 ......
- ...... GREAT AIR BATTLES: 41-42 $15.00 .....
- (if you provide 3 x 1.44
- or 3 x 1.2 floppy disks)
- ...... GREAT AIR BATTLES: 41-42 $18.00 .....
- (includes floppy disks)
- SHIPPING $3.00 .....
- Please send check or money order, payable to: Charles B. Law
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BBS:
- Battle Stations! BBS (Support Board) at (808)261-9776 28.8 Baud, 8-N-1
- .................................................................
- UPDATES, PATCHES, NEW SOFTWARE by the author can be found on both
- the support BBS and at the FTP site: WUARCHIVE.WUSTL.EDU
- .................................................................
- Your support is appreciated.