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# MultiGen .FLT(v11 to v14.1) to Criterion RenderWare Script Convertor
# Version 3.5 1st March 1996
# Copyright Digital Workshop Limited 1994,1995,1996
# Tel. +44 (0)181 443 7055 Fax. +44 (0)181 443 7057
# RenderWare Script file created from deadpal.flt source file
# Thu May 16 16:47:15 1996
GeometrySampling Solid
LightSampling Vertex
Surface 0.1 0.6 0.0
# o8
VertexExt -45.248 0.100 -19.343 UV 0.381 0.179
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VertexExt -56.600 0.089 -19.366 UV 0.116 0.179
VertexExt -56.600 6.795 -14.796 UV 0.632 0.031
VertexExt -53.570 6.891 24.883 UV 1.409 0.037
VertexExt -43.813 6.789 -16.276 UV 0.632 0.222
VertexExt -49.214 37.645 15.681 UV 0.886 0.888
VertexExt -49.103 6.867 -14.338 UV 0.096 0.099
VertexExt -49.173 37.662 -14.338 UV 0.096 0.889
VertexExt -49.222 6.867 15.689 UV 0.887 0.099
VertexExt -38.581 6.789 -28.028 UV 0.421 0.222
VertexExt -2.779 6.789 -26.770 UV 0.507 0.936
VertexExt 33.141 22.200 26.071 UV 1.396 1.540
VertexExt 51.804 22.200 0.768 UV 0.971 1.854
VertexExt 33.505 22.200 -24.817 UV 0.540 1.546
VertexExt 41.203 37.623 10.193 UV 0.691 0.911
VertexExt 41.708 37.623 -6.280 UV 0.984 0.913
VertexExt 41.708 22.245 -6.280 UV 0.981 0.521
VertexExt 41.203 22.245 10.193 UV 0.689 0.518
VertexExt -35.776 37.662 -13.038 UV 0.303 0.697
VertexExt -49.173 37.662 -14.338 UV 0.034 0.697
VertexExt -49.103 6.867 -14.338 UV 0.035 0.025
VertexExt -35.776 6.867 -13.038 UV 0.303 0.025
VertexExt -34.573 37.662 -28.285 UV 0.128 0.828
VertexExt -35.776 37.662 -13.038 UV 0.533 0.828
VertexExt -35.776 6.867 -13.038 UV 0.533 0.012
VertexExt -34.573 6.867 -28.285 UV 0.128 0.012
VertexExt -2.842 37.662 -25.946 UV 0.965 0.697
VertexExt -34.573 37.662 -28.285 UV 0.327 0.697
VertexExt -34.573 6.867 -28.285 UV 0.327 0.025
VertexExt -2.808 6.867 -25.946 UV 0.966 0.025
VertexExt -2.693 22.139 -26.770 UV 0.507 0.937
VertexExt -2.687 22.193 19.303 UV 1.394 0.937
VertexExt 24.103 37.623 -14.999 UV 0.787 1.019
VertexExt 21.054 37.623 -4.691 UV 0.250 1.019
VertexExt 21.054 22.245 -4.691 UV 0.250 0.250
VertexExt 24.103 22.245 -14.999 UV 0.787 0.250
VertexExt 41.708 37.623 -6.280 UV 0.505 0.908
VertexExt 24.103 37.623 -14.999 UV 0.987 0.908
VertexExt 24.103 22.245 -14.999 UV 0.987 0.531
VertexExt 41.708 22.245 -6.280 UV 0.505 0.531
VertexExt 21.054 37.623 -4.691 UV 1.446 0.696
VertexExt 12.075 37.623 -4.743 UV 1.265 0.696
VertexExt 12.075 22.245 -4.743 UV 1.265 0.361
VertexExt 21.054 22.245 -4.691 UV 1.446 0.361
VertexExt -2.793 37.623 -4.780 UV 0.966 0.696
VertexExt -2.793 22.256 -4.780 UV 0.966 0.361
VertexExt 26.535 44.745 1.763 UV 0.328 0.996
VertexExt 21.054 37.623 -4.691 UV 0.338 0.950
VertexExt 24.103 37.623 -14.999 UV 0.294 0.907
VertexExt 26.535 44.745 1.763 UV 0.328 0.996
VertexExt 24.103 37.623 -14.999 UV 0.342 0.902
VertexExt 41.708 37.623 -6.280 UV 0.243 0.951
VertexExt 26.535 44.745 1.763 UV 0.309 1.002
VertexExt 41.708 37.623 -6.280 UV 0.362 0.921
VertexExt 41.203 37.623 10.193 UV 0.270 0.915
VertexExt -25.920 49.406 -3.012 UV 0.258 0.999
VertexExt -49.214 37.645 15.681 UV 0.327 0.913
VertexExt -49.173 37.662 -14.338 UV 0.216 0.913
VertexExt -25.920 49.406 -3.012 UV 0.258 0.999
VertexExt -49.173 37.662 -14.338 UV 0.344 0.957
VertexExt -35.776 37.662 -13.038 UV 0.295 0.962
VertexExt -2.683 6.219 24.052 UV 1.394 0.938
VertexExt -2.682 -0.100 -26.770 UV 0.424 0.249
VertexExt -2.682 -0.100 25.930 UV 2.083 0.249
VertexExt -2.687 22.193 19.303 UV 1.875 0.964
VertexExt -2.693 22.139 -26.770 UV 0.424 0.962
VertexExt -45.248 0.100 -31.887 UV 0.263 0.255
VertexExt -45.248 0.100 -19.343 UV 0.658 0.255
VertexExt -43.813 6.789 -16.276 UV 0.754 0.470
VertexExt -45.248 0.100 -31.887 UV 0.421 0.222
VertexExt -45.248 0.100 -31.887 UV 0.381 0.179
VertexExt -38.581 6.789 -28.028 UV 0.537 0.331
VertexExt -2.779 6.789 -26.770 UV 1.375 0.331
VertexExt -2.786 0.100 -26.770 UV 1.375 0.179
VertexExt -56.600 0.089 -19.366 UV 0.657 0.255
VertexExt -56.214 0.100 26.740 UV 2.109 0.255
VertexExt -53.570 6.891 24.883 UV 2.051 0.473
VertexExt -56.214 0.100 26.740 UV 0.125 0.179
VertexExt -2.688 -0.100 25.923 UV 1.378 0.174
VertexExt -2.683 6.219 24.052 UV 1.378 0.318
VertexExt -53.570 6.891 24.883 UV 0.187 0.334
VertexExt -56.600 6.795 -14.796 UV 0.801 0.470
VertexExt -2.682 -0.100 25.930 UV 1.378 0.174
VertexExt 34.619 -0.100 32.844 UV 2.251 0.174
VertexExt 33.141 22.200 26.071 UV 2.216 0.683
VertexExt -2.687 22.193 19.303 UV 1.378 0.683
VertexExt 58.266 -0.100 0.835 UV 2.804 0.174
VertexExt 51.804 22.200 0.768 UV 2.653 0.683
VertexExt 35.076 -0.100 -31.583 UV 2.262 0.174
VertexExt 33.505 22.200 -24.817 UV 2.225 0.683
VertexExt 21.054 22.245 -4.691 UV 0.106 0.072
VertexExt 12.075 22.245 -4.743 UV 0.439 0.069
VertexExt 12.075 37.623 -4.743 UV 0.445 0.638
VertexExt 21.054 37.623 -4.691 UV 0.112 0.642
VertexExt -2.793 22.256 -4.780 UV 0.989 0.063
VertexExt -2.793 37.623 -4.780 UV 0.996 0.632
VertexExt -2.693 22.139 -26.770 UV 1.377 0.681
VertexExt -2.682 -0.100 -26.770 UV 1.378 0.174
VertexExt 24.103 22.245 -14.999 UV 0.227 0.550
VertexExt 21.054 22.245 -4.691 UV 0.481 0.553
VertexExt 21.054 37.623 -4.691 UV 0.477 0.915
VertexExt 24.103 37.623 -14.999 UV 0.224 0.913
VertexExt -34.573 6.867 -28.285 UV 0.128 0.012
VertexExt -35.776 6.867 -13.038 UV 0.533 0.012
VertexExt -35.776 37.662 -13.038 UV 0.533 0.828
VertexExt -34.573 37.662 -28.285 UV 0.128 0.828
VertexExt 41.203 22.245 10.193 UV 0.689 0.518
VertexExt 41.708 22.245 -6.280 UV 0.981 0.521
VertexExt 41.708 37.623 -6.280 UV 0.984 0.913
VertexExt 41.203 37.623 10.193 UV 0.691 0.911
VertexExt -49.222 6.867 15.689 UV 0.580 0.397
VertexExt -32.538 6.772 25.120 UV 0.936 0.398
VertexExt -32.530 37.662 25.120 UV 0.939 0.909
VertexExt -49.214 37.645 15.681 UV 0.584 0.906
VertexExt -49.103 6.867 -14.338 UV 0.096 0.099
VertexExt -49.222 6.867 15.689 UV 0.887 0.099
VertexExt -49.214 37.645 15.681 UV 0.886 0.888
VertexExt -49.173 37.662 -14.338 UV 0.096 0.889
VertexExt 41.708 22.245 -6.280 UV 0.552 0.561
VertexExt 24.103 22.245 -14.999 UV 0.966 0.561
VertexExt 24.103 37.623 -14.999 UV 0.966 0.885
VertexExt 41.708 37.623 -6.280 UV 0.552 0.885
VertexExt 24.103 37.623 -14.999 UV 0.294 0.907
VertexExt 21.054 37.623 -4.691 UV 0.338 0.950
VertexExt 26.535 44.745 1.763 UV 0.328 0.996
VertexExt -35.776 37.662 -13.038 UV 0.295 0.962
VertexExt -49.173 37.662 -14.338 UV 0.344 0.957
VertexExt -25.920 49.406 -3.012 UV 0.258 0.999
VertexExt -34.573 37.662 -28.285 UV 0.290 0.906
VertexExt 41.708 37.623 -6.280 UV 0.243 0.951
VertexExt 24.103 37.623 -14.999 UV 0.342 0.902
VertexExt 26.535 44.745 1.763 UV 0.328 0.996
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VertexExt 41.708 37.623 -6.280 UV 0.362 0.921
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VertexExt -49.214 37.645 15.681 UV 0.623 0.941
VertexExt -32.530 37.662 25.120 UV 0.059 0.941
VertexExt -32.538 6.772 25.120 UV 0.059 0.033
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VertexExt -35.776 6.867 -13.038 UV 0.497 0.075
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VertexExt -35.776 37.662 -13.038 UV 0.497 0.875
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VertexExt -49.214 37.645 15.681 UV 0.656 0.142
VertexExt -25.920 49.406 -3.012 UV 0.355 0.517
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