ocr: imparans Tips: siill Important) d lon anonics appropriaraly andetticinnynre theben kur sury vis io learnmara, please see weap HES wJ. Players are ta develop strategles, tactics and achniques a per ahead, acore thahighest mumber paines and E thu Important, althcughtn may nots seem to ber much che game, rarger priertrizing Broyresstrely more urtant and arucial at Uwe game growsm dirnc ulty. Priorilizing can maket the whcle difterence m level, which ay varia 1ables which ctly attect the player not me game. Burbe are: efterttue na nnly that mn nemy (each ind the a8 amtol lu) ale nE from Ureir awnm ...