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INI File | 1999-09-03 | 10.9 KB | 266 lines | [ TEXT/LMAN]
[Default] // ***************************** DEFAULT *********************************** // ***************************** DEFAULT *********************************** /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following items are GLOBAL and DO NOT vary with // // specfic car types or tracks // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wheelPull="{0,0},{0.3,0.3},{1.0,0.6},{2.0,0.9},{5.0,0.4}" wheelShake="{0,0},{0.5,0.15},{1.0,0.35},{2.0,0.5},{5.0,0.9}" wheelShakeFreq="{0,106536},{1.0,90000},{2.0,50000},{5.0,50000}" crashForce="{0,0.0},{15,0.5},{75,0.8},{125,1.0}" engineShake="{0,0},{1000,0.25},{2000,0.2},{3000,0.15},{4000,0.1},{10000,0.05}" engineShakeFreq="{0,30000},{2000,30000},{4000,16000},{10000,16000}" // How quickly the Keyboard turns (per difficulty level) KeyXwind="3096,3896,4096,4096,4096" // How quickly keyboard turns // How quickly the DPad turns (per difficulty level) DPadXwind="3096,3496,3896,4096,4096" // How quickly keyboard turns //Robin 8/18/99 WheelHighMinRatio="12,14,15,15,15" // Turning ratio at Top speed (10 = .1 to 1, cut steering by 90%) //KeyHighMinRatio="12,14,15,15,15" // Turning ratio at Top speed (10 = .1 to 1, cut steering by 90%) //DPadHighMinRatio="12,14,15,15,15" // Turning ratio at Top speed (10 = .1 to 1, cut steering by 90%) WheelHighMinRatio="10,10,10,10,10" // Turning ratio at Top speed (10 = .1 to 1, cut steering by 90%) KeyHighMinRatio="8,8,8,8,8" // Turning ratio at Top speed (10 = .1 to 1, cut steering by 90%) DPadHighMinRatio="10,10,10,10,10" // Turning ratio at Top speed (10 = .1 to 1, cut steering by 90%) // How many cars tend to clump together packSize=4 // How much on the pace is the fastest pack // Robin 8/5/99 throttleMax="1.0,1.25,1.6,1.4,1.6" throttleMax="0.83,0.83,0.83,0.83,0.83" //throttleMax="0,0,0,0,0" // How much speed interval is there from pack to pack throttleInterval=.05 // Gravity action while car is in flight flightGravity="2.8,1.8,1.8,1.8,1.8,1.8,1.8,1.8,1.8,1.8,1.8,1.8" // Differency in X and Z car wobble wobbleDelta=1.5 // Scale of car wobble (Bigger number is less shake) wobbleScale=300.0 // How fast the car shakes wobbleSpeed=150.0 // How long it takes until a car starts to recover (1000 = 1 second) damageTimer=4000 // How much gets fixed per frame (damaged range = 0..256) damageHealAmount=8 // How much wall damage effects car body wallDamage=4.0 // How much car damage effects car body carDamage=4.0 // When damage above this %, steering is messed up damageTurnMin=.1 // When damage at 100%, steering is messed up by this much (bigger is worse) damageTurnAmount=0.0 // When damage above this %, throttle multiplied is applied damageSpeedMin=.25 // When damage at 100%, throttle multiplied by this amount (smaller is worse) damageSpeedAmount=.25 // Scale of car wobble due to damage (Bigger number is more shake) damageWobbleAmount=4 // These Epsilon values should stay between 1 and 2 (1 no bounce, 2 LOTS of bounce) // Robin 8/3/99 wallEpsilon=1.0 // Robin 8/3/99 carEpsilon=1.50 wallEpsilon=1.20 carEpsilon=1.5 // These Epsilon values should be tuned to spin the car. // Robin 8/3/99 wallRotEpsilon=0.05 // Robin 8/3/99 carRotEpsilon=0.2 wallRotEpsilon=0.0005 carRotEpsilon=0.0002 // showDebugHexes will show the debug car hexes if the value is 1 and will not if the value is zero showDebugHexes=0 // Inertial Length (in Feet) // Used to detmine the Torque (turning force on car, NOT engine torque) when determining how much // force is available to turn the car. The larger this number, the harder the car is to turn // 20*FOOT=20*12=240 InertialLength=240.0 // Torque Table for the CPU Cars // First Number is RPMs, Second number is Pounds of Torque Available //Robin 8/18/99 CPURPMTorqueTable="{500,800}, {1500,800}, {2000,850}, {2500,850}, {3000,900}, {3500,950},{4000,1000}, {4500,1050}, {5000,1080},{5500,1110}, {6000,1140}, {6500,1180},{7000,1280}, {7500,1300}, {9000,1300}" CPURPMTorqueTable="{500,600},{1500,00},{2000,200},{2500,65},{3000,70},{3500,75},{4000,80},{4500,85},{5000,88},{5500,91},{6000,94},{6500,98},{7000,108},{7500,110},{8000,0}" dragRatio=225000 downForceRatio=1000 // Robin 8/12/99 maxBrakePower=-2000 maxBrakePower=-4000 brakeBias=60 // Want Ratio Frame Factor - Number of frames for moving grip average after total break loose // recoveryFactor=1 // RevcoveyFactor of 1 effectively disables it. If we don't need it, I'll remove it entirely. // Snap back factor - When the car has slowed to this much of the regular speed afer breaking, smoothing // will no longer be used. Example: if break loose speed is 100 MPH and snapBackFactor is 0.75 then // when the car hits 75 mph, then smoothing will be turned off. snapBackFactor=0.75 // Grip At Break is what the grip is on a wheel after it's broken // Robin 8/5/99 gripAtBreak=0.75 gripAtBreak=0.05 // How much grip is applied to rotational resistance after a "complete break" rotGripAtBreak=0.75 //******************************** //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////; // The following items can be overridden for a given car // // on a given track // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////; // maxWheelTurn is in Degrees. It's the maximum number of degrees the front wheels can turn in one direction //Robin 8/3/99 maxWheelTurn=20 maxWheelTurn=20 // Torque Table For the Player: Please keep it the same size as CPURPMTorqueTable // Robin 8/16/99 RPMTorqueTable="{500,600},{1500,600},{2000,650},{2500,650},{3000,700},{3500,750},{4000,800},{4500,850},{5000,880},{5500,910},{6000,940},{6500,980},{7000,1080},{7500,1100},{8000,0}" //RPMTorqueTable="{500,600},{1500,800},{2000,200},{2500,65},{3000,70},{3500,75},{4000,80},{4500,85},{5000,88},{5500,91},{6000,94},{6500,98},{7000,108},{7500,110},{8000,0}" RPMTorqueTable="{500,600},{1500,800},{2000,800},{2500,650},{3000,70},{3500,75},{4000,80},{4500,85},{5000,88},{5500,91},{6000,94},{6500,98},{7000,108},{7500,110},{8000,0}" // No more than 6 gears, please. // Robin 8/3/99 gearRatios="5200,3560,1940,1100" gearRatios="6000,4500,3000,2600" // Key RPM values: shiftUpRPM=7500 shiftDownRPM=3500 // bodyLean is how much or how little the car looks like it leans in curves: value from 0 to 1 where // 1 turns the body on its side in an extreme turn. //Robin 8/3/99 bodyLean=0.04 bodyLean=0.19 // bodySlide is how much the car looks like its sliding without the actual physics coming into play // value from 0 to 1 //******************************** //Robin 8/3/99 bodySlide=0 bodySlide=0.01 cameraLookOffsetMultiplier="{.5,0,.1}" //******************************** //********** 8/3/99 added when the CAR0-X was removed. ******** recoveryFactor=1 rearCFAdjust=0 // ******************************** // baseTireSideForce is how much "mass" each tire will attempt to support in it's attempt // to stop a sideways motion baseTireSideForce=300 // maxTireSideAccel is the maximum acceleration each tire will attempt to support in it's attempt // to stop a sideways motion // 1G = 0.96 // 15=oversteer, massive grip and throttle control // 10=oversteer, some throttle steer but still a bit jerky // 5=push but very smooth maxTireSideAccel=48 // Maximum Want Force for any tire will be = baseTireSideForce*maxTireSideAccel // skidRes is the maximum velocity that will be burned off in any given direction after the // baseTireSideForce and the maxTireSiceAccel have been applied. // Units are internal and are roughly equal to Gs/Mass //500000=locks down the car when exceeding the turn skidRes=1 // rearWantAdj is a percentage of how much of the calculated "Want Force" for the // rear side force. The value can be from -100 to 100 or more. rearWantAdj=0 // frontWantAdj is a percentage of how much of the calculated "Want Force" for the // front side force. The value can be from -100 to 100 or more. frontWantAdj=0 // maxRotResistance is the maximum number of radians a "perfectly gripped" tire will resist // when the car begins to turn or spin in a single frame // Robin Range .00785 - 78.5 with no effect maxRotResistance=0.785 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////; // Grip Tables: // // First number is by what percentage Want Grip exceeds Max Grip // // Second Number is percenatge of Want Grip actually delivered // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////; //******* Robin GM 8/11/99 START ********** // Front sideways grip table. // Note: ALL grip tables must have the same number of entries //gripTableFX="{0.0,1.0}, {0.25, 1.0}, {0.5,1.0},{0.75,1.0}, {3.0,1.0}" // Front front to rear grip table; //gripTableFZ="{0.0,1.0}, {0.25, 1.0}, {0.5,1.0},{0.75,1.0}, {3.0,1.0}" // Front rotational grip: Second number is how much rotational momentum is lost is // Accumulated with the rear roatational grip //frontRotGripTable="{0.0,1.0}, {0.25, 1.0}, {0.5,1.0},{0.75,1.0}, {3.0,1.0}" // Rear sideways grip table //gripTableRX="{0.0,1.0}, {0.25, 1.0}, {0.5,1.0},{0.75,1.0}, {3.0,1.0}" // Rear front to rear grip table //gripTableRZ="{0.0,1.0}, {0.25, 1.0}, {0.5,1.0},{0.75,1.0}, {3.0,1.0}" // Rear rotational grip //rearRotGripTable="{0,1.0}, {0.25,1.0}, {0.5,1.0},{0.75,1.0}, {3.0,1.0}" //******* Robin GM 8/11/99 END ********** // ***** TIRE (FRONT & REAR GROUPED TOGETHER) GRIP TABLES -- START ***** // Note: ALL grip tables must have the same number of entries // gripTableFX/RX = Front/Rear sideways grip table. // gripTableFZ/RZ = Front to rear grip table; // XRotGripTable = Front/Rear rotational grip: Second number is how much rotational momentum is lost is // Accumulated with the rear roatational grip //gripTableFX= "{0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {2.0,1.0},{4.0,0.5}, {13.0,0.1}" //gripTableFZ= "{0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {2.0,1.0},{4.0,0.5}, {13.0,0.1}" //frontRotGripTable="{0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {2.0,0.1},{4.0,0.1}, {13.0,0.1}" //gripTableRX= "{0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {2.0,1.0},{4.0,0.5}, {13.0,0.1}" //gripTableRZ= "{0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {2.0,1.0},{4.0,0.5}, {13.0,0.1}" //rearRotGripTable= "{0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {2.0,0.1},{4.0,0.1}, {13.0,0.1}" gripTableFX= "{0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {2.0,0.8},{4.0,0.5}, {13.0,0.1}" gripTableFZ= "{0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {2.0,0.8},{4.0,0.5}, {13.0,0.1}" frontRotGripTable="{0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {2.0,0.1},{4.0,0.1}, {13.0,0.1}" gripTableRX= "{0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {2.0,0.1},{4.0,0.5}, {13.0,0.1}" gripTableRZ= "{0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {2.0,0.1},{4.0,0.5}, {13.0,0.1}" rearRotGripTable= "{0.0,1.0}, {1.0, 1.0}, {2.0,0.1},{4.0,0.1}, {13.0,0.1}" // ***** TIRE (FRONT & REAR GROUPED TOGETHER) GRIP TABLES -- END ***** // ***************************** END OF DEFAULT ***********************************