Revista CD Expert 42
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Text File
996 lines
// n.b. when multiple inclusion is prevented some of these will be automatically included by others as required
// default things to inherit our objects from
#include "defaults.gsh"
// good guys
#include "gunlok.gsh"
#include "hark.gsh"
#include "frend.gsh"
#include "elint.gsh"
#include "maskelyn.gsh"
// bad guys
#include "drone.gsh"
#include "walking_mine.gsh"
#include "obliteron.gsh"
#include "bombhead.gsh"
#include "pulsax.gsh"
#include "pulsox.gsh"
#include "adversor.gsh"
#include "rampagor.gsh"
#include "lob.gsh"
#include "scarflash.gsh"
#include "massacrete.gsh"
// neutral things
#include "technoboxB_multifrag.gsh"
//#include "bluelight.gsh"
#include "yellowbulb.gsh"
// fires
#include "yellowlight.gsh"
#include "oilfire.gsh"
/* NOTES */
/* SHAPES */
// world objects
shape Shp_telegraph
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "telegraph"
shape Shp_key
file "objects\ID MODULE.rif"
name "ID MODULE"
shape Shp_bridge
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "bridge"
shape Shp_gate
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "gate"
hierarchy Hcy_arm
file "objects\arm.rif"
name "arm"
hierarchy Hcy_cyberbay
file "objects\cyberbay.rif"
name "cyberbay"
shape Shp_buttond
file "objects\liftswitch C_up.rif"
name "liftswitch C_up"
shape Shp_technobox
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "technobox A"
/*shape Shp_atruck
file "objects\armytruck.rif"
name "armytruck"
shape Shp_bustvat
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "BUST VAT"
shape Shp_car
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "car a"
shape Shp_estatecar
file "objects\new car 3.rif"
name "new car 3"
shape Shp_fallenvat
file "levels\level09.rif"
/*** GARBAGE ***/
shape Shp_garbage_A
file "objects\garbage A.rif"
name "GARBAGE A"
shape Shp_garbage_B
file "objects\garbage B.rif"
name "GARBAGE B"
shape Shp_garbage_C
file "objects\garbage C.rif"
name "GARBAGE C"
shape Shp_garbage_D
file "objects\garbage D.rif"
name "GARBAGE D"
shape Shp_garbage_E
file "objects\garbage E.rif"
name "GARBAGE E"
shape Shp_garbage_F
file "levels/level09.rif"
shape Shp_garbage_G
file "objects\garbage G.rif"
name "GARBAGE G"
shape Shp_garbage_H
file "objects\garbage H.rif"
name "GARBAGE H"
shape Shp_garbage_I
file "levels\level09.rif"
shape Shp_garbage_J
file "objects\garbage J.rif"
name "GARBAGE J"
/*** JUNKPILE ***/
shape Shp_junkpile_F
file "objects\JUNKPILE F.rif"
shape Shp_junkpile_G
file "objects\JUNKPILE G.rif"
shape Shp_junkpile_J
file "objects\JUNKPILE J.rif"
shape Shp_junkpile_H
file "objects\JUNKPILE H.rif"
shape Shp_junkpile_K
file "objects\JUNKPILE K.rif"
shape Shp_junkpile_L
file "objects\JUNKPILE L.rif"
shape Shp_junkpile_M
file "objects\JUNKPILE M.rif"
shape Shp_junkpile_N
file "objects\JUNKPILE N.rif"
shape Shp_junkpile_O
file "objects\JUNKPILE O.rif"
shape Shp_scarab
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "SCARAB"
shape Shp_tree
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "TREE A"
shape Shp_generator
file "levels\level09.rif"
shape Shp_turbine
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "TURBINE A"
/*shape Shp_trailer
file "objects\trailer.rif"
shape Shp_truck_a
file "objects\cab_1.rif"
name "TRUCKA"
shape Shp_truck_b
file "objects\cab_2.rif"
name "TRUCKB"
shape Shp_vat
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "VAT A"
/*shape Shp_warehouse_a
file "levels\level09.rif"
shape Shp_warehouse_b
file "levels\level09.rif"
shape Shp_button
file "objects\liftswitch b.rif"
name "liftswitch b"
shape Shp_gate_a
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "GATE A"
shape Shp_gate_b
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "GATE B"
shape Shp_forcefield
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "Forcefield"
/* ROLES */
// world objects
role Rol_telegraph : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_telegraph
hit test ignore yes
role Rol_key : Rol_DefaultPickup
shape Shp_key
character Chr_Other_Pickup
identifier "Robot ID module"
role Rol_bridge : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_bridge
ai track object
destination selectable yes
role Rol_arm : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Hcy_arm
alpha fogging yes
role Rol_cyberbay : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Hcy_cyberbay
alpha fogging yes
hit test ignore yes
role Rol_gate : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_gate
ai track object
destination selectable yes
role Rol_buttond : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_buttond
ai pickup
destination selectable yes
role Rol_atruck : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_atruck
hit test ignore yes
role Rol_bustvat : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_bustvat
hit test ignore yes
role Rol_car : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_car
role Rol_estatecar : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_estatecar
role Rol_fallenvat : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_fallenvat
hit test ignore yes
/*** GARBAGE ***/
role Rol_garbage_A : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_A
role Rol_garbage_B : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_B
role Rol_garbage_C : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_C
role Rol_garbage_D : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_D
role Rol_garbage_E : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_E
role Rol_garbage_F : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_garbage_F
role Rol_garbage_G : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_G
role Rol_garbage_H : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_H
role Rol_garbage_I : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_garbage_I
role Rol_garbage_J : Rol_DefaultGarbage
shape Shp_garbage_J
/*** JUNKPILE ***/
role Rol_junkpile_F : Rol_DefaultJunkpile
shape Shp_junkpile_F
role Rol_junkpile_G : Rol_DefaultJunkpile
shape Shp_junkpile_G
role Rol_junkpile_J : Rol_DefaultJunkpile
shape Shp_junkpile_J
role Rol_junkpile_H : Rol_DefaultJunkpile
shape Shp_junkpile_H
role Rol_junkpile_K : Rol_DefaultJunkpile
shape Shp_junkpile_K
role Rol_junkpile_L : Rol_DefaultJunkpile
shape Shp_junkpile_L
role Rol_junkpile_M : Rol_DefaultJunkpile
shape Shp_junkpile_M
role Rol_junkpile_N : Rol_DefaultJunkpile
shape Shp_junkpile_N
role Rol_junkpile_O : Rol_DefaultJunkpile
shape Shp_junkpile_O
role Rol_generator : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_generator
role Rol_scarab : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_scarab
role Rol_trailer : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_trailer
hit test ignore yes
role Rol_tree : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_tree
hit test ignore yes
role Rol_truck_a : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_truck_a
hit test ignore yes
role Rol_truck_b : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_truck_b
hit test ignore yes
role Rol_turbine : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_turbine
hit test ignore yes
role Rol_vat : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_vat
hit test ignore yes
role Rol_warehouse_a : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_warehouse_a
role Rol_warehouse_b : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_warehouse_b
role Rol_button : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_button
ai pickup
destination selectable yes
role Rol_gate_a : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_gate_a
role Rol_gate_b : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_gate_b
role Rol_forcefield : Rol_PlacedObject
shape Shp_forcefield
/* THE MAP */
map /* _THE_ map - doesnt need a label */
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "Land"
bitmap "bitmaps\\LEVEL09.rim"
camera plane "camhund"
max camera distance 100 // TBD exactly
max camera focus height "max focus height"
min camera focus height "min focus height"
shadow object rif "levels\level09_shadow.rif"
shadow object name "Land"
use Rol_GunLok in team 1 for
"Goodie A" as "gunlok"
use Rol_Hark in team 1 for
"Goodie C" as "hark"
use Rol_Frend in team 1 for
"Goodie B" as "frend"
use Rol_Elint in team 1 for
"Goodie D" as "elint"
use Rol_Technobox in team 1 for
"Technobox A" as "technobox_a"
use Rol_Technobox in team 1 for
"Technobox B" as "technobox_b"
use Rol_Technobox in team 1 for
"Technobox C" as "technobox_c"
use Rol_telegraph in team 0 for
use Rol_key in team 0 for
"key" as "key"
use Rol_bridge in team 0 for
"bridge" as "bridge"
use Rol_cyberbay in team 0 for
"cyberbay" as "cyberbay"
use Rol_gate in team 0 for
"gate" as "gate"
use Rol_arm in team 0 for
"armshape" as "arm"
use Rol_atruck in team 0 for
use Rol_bustvat in team 0 for
use Rol_car in team 0 for
"CAR A" and
"CAR BA" and
"CAR BB" and
"CAR BC" and
"CAR BD" and
"CAR BE" and
"CAR BF" and
"CAR BG" and
use Rol_estatecar in team 0 for
"estate CAR" and
"estate car B" and
"estate car C" and
"estate car D"
use Rol_fallenvat in team 0 for
use Rol_generator in team 0 for
/*** GARBAGE ***/
use Rol_garbage_A in team 0 for
"GARBAGE AA" as "garbage_aa"
use Rol_garbage_A in team 0 for
"GARBAGE AB" as "garbage_ab"
use Rol_garbage_A in team 0 for
"GARBAGE AC" as "garbage_ac"
use Rol_garbage_A in team 0 for
"GARBAGE AD" as "garbage_ad"
use Rol_garbage_A in team 0 for
"GARBAGE AE" as "garbage_ae"
use Rol_garbage_B in team 0 for
"GARBAGE BA" as "garbage_ba"
use Rol_garbage_C in team 0 for
"GARBAGE CA" as "garbage_ca"
use Rol_garbage_C in team 0 for
"GARBAGE CB" as "garbage_cb"
use Rol_garbage_C in team 0 for
"GARBAGE CC" as "garbage_cc"
use Rol_garbage_C in team 0 for
"GARBAGE CD" as "garbage_cd"
use Rol_garbage_C in team 0 for
"GARBAGE CE" as "garbage_ce"
use Rol_garbage_C in team 0 for
"GARBAGE CF" as "garbage_cf"
use Rol_garbage_D in team 0 for
"GARBAGE DA" as "garbage_da"
use Rol_garbage_D in team 0 for
"GARBAGE DB" as "garbage_db"
use Rol_garbage_D in team 0 for
"GARBAGE DC" as "garbage_dc"
use Rol_garbage_E in team 0 for
"GARBAGE EA" as "garbage_ea"
/* use Rol_garbage_E in team 0 for
"GARBAGE EB" as "garbage_eb"*/
use Rol_garbage_E in team 0 for
"GARBAGE EC" as "garbage_ec"
use Rol_garbage_E in team 0 for
"GARBAGE ED" as "garbage_ed"
use Rol_garbage_E in team 0 for
"GARBAGE EE" as "garbage_ee"
use Rol_garbage_E in team 0 for
"GARBAGE EF" as "garbage_ef"
use Rol_garbage_E in team 0 for
"GARBAGE EG" as "garbage_eg"
use Rol_garbage_E in team 0 for
"GARBAGE EH" as "garbage_eh"
use Rol_garbage_F in team 0 for
use Rol_garbage_G in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GA" as "garbage_ga"
use Rol_garbage_G in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GB" as "garbage_gb"
use Rol_garbage_G in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GC" as "garbage_gc"
/* use Rol_garbage_G in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GD" as "garbage_gd" */
use Rol_garbage_G in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GE" as "garbage_ge"
use Rol_garbage_G in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GF" as "garbage_gf"
use Rol_garbage_G in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GG" as "garbage_gg"
use Rol_garbage_G in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GH" as "garbage_gh"
use Rol_garbage_G in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GI" as "garbage_gi"
use Rol_garbage_G in team 0 for
"GARBAGE GJ" as "garbage_gj"
use Rol_garbage_H in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HA" as "garbage_ha"
use Rol_garbage_H in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HB" as "garbage_hb"
use Rol_garbage_H in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HC" as "garbage_hc"
use Rol_garbage_H in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HD" as "garbage_hd"
use Rol_garbage_H in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HE" as "garbage_he"
use Rol_garbage_H in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HF" as "garbage_hf"
use Rol_garbage_H in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HG" as "garbage_hg"
use Rol_garbage_H in team 0 for
"GARBAGE HH" as "garbage_hh"
use Rol_garbage_I in team 0 for
"GARBAGE IA" as "garbage_ia"
use Rol_garbage_I in team 0 for
"GARBAGE IB" as "garbage_ib"
use Rol_garbage_I in team 0 for
"GARBAGE IC" as "garbage_ic"
use Rol_garbage_I in team 0 for
"GARBAGE ID" as "garbage_id"
use Rol_garbage_J in team 0 for
"GARBAGE JA" as "garbage_ja"
use Rol_garbage_J in team 0 for
"GARBAGE JB" as "garbage_jb"
use Rol_garbage_J in team 0 for
"GARBAGE JC" as "garbage_jc"
/*** JUNKPILE ***/
use Rol_junkpile_F in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE FA" as "junkpile_fa"
use Rol_junkpile_F in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE FB" as "junkpile_fb"
use Rol_junkpile_F in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE FC" as "junkpile_fc"
use Rol_junkpile_F in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE FD" as "junkpile_fd"
use Rol_junkpile_F in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE FE" as "junkpile_fe"
use Rol_junkpile_G in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE GA" as "junkpile_ga"
use Rol_junkpile_G in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE GB" as "junkpile_gb"
use Rol_junkpile_G in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE GC" as "junkpile_gc"
use Rol_junkpile_G in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE GD" as "junkpile_gd"
use Rol_junkpile_G in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE GE" as "junkpile_ge"
use Rol_junkpile_J in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE JA" as "junkpile_ja"
use Rol_junkpile_J in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE JB" as "junkpile_jb"
use Rol_junkpile_J in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE JC" as "junkpile_jc"
use Rol_junkpile_J in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE JD" as "junkpile_jd"
use Rol_junkpile_J in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE JE" as "junkpile_je"
use Rol_junkpile_H in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE H" as "junkpile_h"
use Rol_junkpile_K in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE K" as "junkpile_k"
use Rol_junkpile_L in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE L" as "junkpile_l"
use Rol_junkpile_M in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE M" as "junkpile_m"
use Rol_junkpile_M in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE MB" as "junkpile_mb"
use Rol_junkpile_N in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE N" as "junkpile_n"
use Rol_junkpile_O in team 0 for
"JUNKPILE O" as "junkpile_o"
use Rol_scarab in team 0 for
use Rol_trailer in team 0 for
use Rol_tree in team 0 for
"TREE A" and
"TREE B" and
"TREE C" and
use Rol_truck_a in team 0 for
use Rol_truck_b in team 0 for
use Rol_turbine in team 0 for
use Rol_vat in team 0 for
"VAT A" and
"VAT B" and
"VAT C" and
"VAT D" and
"VAT E" and
"VAT F" and
"VAT G" and
"VAT H" and
"VAT I" and
/* use Rol_warehouse_a in team 0 for
use Rol_warehouse_b in team 0 for
use Rol_button in team 0 for
"button A" as "button_a"
use Rol_button in team 0 for
"button B" as "button_b"
use Rol_button in team 0 for
"button C" as "button_c"
use Rol_buttond in team 0 for
"button D" as "button_d"
use Rol_gate_a in team 0 for
"GATE A" as "gate_a"
use Rol_gate_b in team 0 for
"GATE B" as "gate_b"
use Rol_forcefield in team 0 for
"Forcefield" as "forcefield"
use Rol_OilFire in team 0 for
"firea" and
"fireb" and
/* "fired" and
"firee" and
"firef" and
"fireg" and
"fireh" and
"firei" and
"firej" and
"firek" */
use Rol_pulsox in team 2 for
"baddie zc"
use Rol_pulsox in team 2 for
"baddie zd"
use Rol_pulsox in team 2 for
"baddie ze"
use Rol_pulsox in team 2 for
"baddie zf"
use Rol_pulsox in team 2 for
"baddie zg"
use Rol_pulsox in team 2 for
"baddie zh"
use Rol_yellow in team 0 for
"light D"
use Rol_rampagor in team 2 for
"goodie E" as "keyman"
camera track
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "debugging"
camera track
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "passcard"
camera track
file "levels\level09.rif"
name "IC intro"