Maskelyn I know you can help us. We have friends inside. We need to work together to defeat the corporation. undefined
Gunlok I neither give nor need help. undefined
Maskelyn I feel the time is right for us to strike. Join us! undefined
Gunlok Good luck old man. undefined
Makselyn Remember my name. I am Maskelyn. undefined
hark hears
Hark Loading files. System error. Am I awake? undefined
Gunlok How do I get out of here. . .Hark? undefined
Hark This is corporation property. There is no escape. undefined
Gunlok Those rules apply no longer. Use your mind and tell me the way out or I'll have to shut you down. undefined
Hark "Wait! I remember, my turbojet! But it's damaged. I was winged over the Dry Sea. If we can find it we can use it. " undefined
Gunlok Lead me to it. undefined
Hark We have to lower the floodgate! undefined
crashland intro
Hark I'm not sure how far we'll get on this thing. undefined
crashland start seq
Maskelyn I didn't think that Turbojet would get very far. undefined
Hark Is that Maskelyn? undefined
Gunlok What now old man? undefined
Maskelyn There is an entrance to an ancient archive in a nearby bunker. Go there. undefined
crashland end
Gunlok I haven't seen one of these in a while. undefined
Gunlok What do you want from me? undefined
Maskelyn "Your records said that you were the best, and they noted your arrogance tooà" undefined
Gunlok I don't have time for this old man. . . undefined
Maskelyn "The Corporation is a dangerous enemy Gunlok, the legions of Skaran will eventually outweigh even you. You will need the strengths and skills of others if you are to survive." undefined
Gunlok I have survived this far on my own. undefined
Maskelyn You donÆt know Skaran like I do. Northeast of here lies a robot once of great strength. He will prove himself when the situation arises. Mark my words. undefined
Gunlok "Hark, find the co-ordinates." undefined
Hark Got them. undefined
frend lives
Gunlok Earth Power. . . Control and Consciousness undefined
Frend Power On. Need Input. Command prompt? undefined
Hark You're awake! . . . He's awake! undefined
Frend Frend strong. Frend off-line? undefined
Hark "You're free, Frend." undefined
Gunlok Follow me. undefined
Hark "Come on, quick, let's go." undefined
satellite start
Gunlok We must find the Earth Power Node and release its stored energy. undefined
end sequence
Maskelyn The Corporation will act quickly against your sabotage. You must be careful. undefined
Gunlok We have much to do yet. undefined
Maskelyn You must head for the Dry Sea. ThereÆs a lot of activity going on along the old human trade route. undefined
Hark Humans? undefined
Maskelyn "GunlokÆs kind, my kind, biologicals, non-mechanicals." undefined
Maskelyn "The Dry Sea has many places to hide, many old transports and platforms from long ago. Watch for danger, this is ideal terrain for an ambush." undefined
elint alive
Elint "Right port active, left leg 87%à98%, Geiger running, radiation levels normal, all systems operational. Danger! Radiation warning." undefined
Frend Elint system running. Many voices. undefined
Gunlok "Elint, can you extract the nuclear warheads from the missiles on that submarine? We need to find at least one, we may have need of it later." undefined
Gunlok "Elint, bring that warhead with us. I feel that it might come in useful. LetÆs go." undefined
Maskelyn The Resistance has located Skaran. He is on a Supertanker 40 kliks West. He may have seen you here on the rig so be careful; it could be a trap. undefined
tanker intro
Hark I have a bad feeling about this.
Gunlok Machines with feelings. . .ThatÆs all I need.
Gunlok "Skaran is here, somehwere. "
Hark LetÆs get to work.
scene 15
Gunlok Skaran!
Skaran "You, you half breed. YouÆre too late! IÆve taken the information that will give me the power of a god!! "
Gunlok We shall meet again.
Gunlok He knew we were coming. Elint! Check each of us for bugs.
Elint Signal strength 78 per cent. Carbon trackers ZX43 fused to metal exoskeleton. Require Neutron Synchrotron scanner to locate and remove.
Maskelyn You may find what you need in the old industrial complex.
Gunlok WeÆre going there.
Gunlok Elint? Did the Neutron Synchrotron do the job? Are we clean?
Elint Zero activity.
Gunlok Good. WeÆre leaving.
Gunlok Elint. What is it? Identify.
Elint IFF Passcard. Entry level unknown.
Hark ItÆll be coded for one door only.
Gunlok WeÆve just got to find it.
scene 18a
Gunlok "We need to find a detonator for the warhead, there may be one around here."
scene 18b
Hark Help me!
Gunlok Leave him. We must close down the power at itÆs source.
scene 18c
Hark "Thank you, I was almost recycled."
Gunlok Come on. WeÆve got no time to waste.
scene 19
Gunlok "This is what we need, come on, this way. WeÆre near the stronghold."
wall intro
Maskelyn Gunlok. I know that you can hear me.
Maskelyn Believe that you and I are united on the same quest to free our land from this tyranny.
Maskelyn Come to me now.
Gunlok "Maskelyn is here, he will show us the way into the city."
wall village
Maskelyn This old man saved you some trouble!
Gunlok Tell me what you know.
Maskelyn "These are scavengers, they are information junkies. They told me that Skaran is somewhere in the City. "
Maskelyn You can get in through the sewers with a laser cutter.
Maskelyn Do you have the detonator and the warhead?
Gunlok Yes.
Maskelyn Give it to me
Maskelyn We will need this. IÆll adapt it to make a weapon for attacking Skaran.
wall end
Frend Frend open door. Frend strong.
Gunlok No! Save your energy. WeÆve got a laser cutter!
scene 22
Maskelyn Skaran is drawing Earth Power from around here. He can be stopped if we combine our forces.
Maskelyn There are four nodes. We need to turn them all off at the same time.
scene 23
Maskelyn All of the Power Nodes must be destroyed before you can enter SkaranÆs stronghold.
scene 24
Maskelyn SkaranÆs stronghold.
Gunlok Stay close to me.
scene 25
Gunlok I have travelled a long way for this moment Skaran.
Skaran "And you will travel more, you wonÆt catch me Warrior. Your faith has misled you human, even now you donÆt realize how close you are to being wiped off the planet forever."
Gunlok The silicon has gone to your head Skaran. Have you forgotten who your creator was?
Gunlok " I have resurrected manÆs finest achievement, the manipulation of Earth Power. Only I have the power to give machines life and to take that life away."
Gunlok You are nothing that cannot be undone and I am here to make that happen.
Skaran "No! There is order here. You had your time and failed, you passed up your chance to a higher species, my species, and I shall prove that to you as I pound you back into the dirt that you crawled out of."
Gunlok "Wake up Skaran, your dreamtime is over."
scene 26
Maskelyn "You will need this. IÆve adapted it so it fires one single, directed thermonuclear pulse."
Gunlok "Everybody, behind me. Time to die Skaran."