home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- SETCOL 0 0 0 0
- SETCOL 11 26 26 26
- SETCOL 15 31 31 31
- SETCOL 7 18 18 18
- SETCOL 63 31 0 0
- SETCOL 25 0 10 0
- SETCOL 26 29 29 0
- SETCOL 67 25 25 27
- SETCOL 13 29 29 29
- SETCOL 55 20 0 0
- SETCOL 16 30 30 30
- ADD 110 110
- CONTAINER 0 0 421 230
- DIALOG 0 0 420 230 10 10 13 11 15 7
- changefont TM20
- rem wallpaper 10 10 410 220 graphics/brick.pcx
- Linex 70 32 338 63
- SHADOW 70 15 25 0 1 Exporting JAR expansion files
- BUTTON 175 195 235 215 11 15 7 [CLOSE]
- BUTTON 15 195 40 215 11 15 7 gsn/exphlp.gsn
- changefont tm15
- string 190 198 0 1 Close
- string 20 198 0 1 <<
- changefont tm10
- string 16 45 0 1 The white boxes on the main screen will indicate to you how many sets of each
- string 16 57 0 1 catagory you have selected to be exported in a single JAR file. Please note that
- string 16 69 0 1 venues can be very large in size, selecting a lot of venues will create a very
- string 16 81 0 1 big expansion JAR file. The JAR file can be "zipped" using winzip or another comp-
- string 16 93 0 1 ression utility. Once you have selected everything that you want to export, click
- string 16 105 0 1 on the EXPORT button in the bottom right hand side of the screen. You will now be
- string 16 117 0 1 asked to select or enter a JAR file name using a standard format save file dialog.
- string 16 129 0 1 Type in the name of your JAR file in the white box on the dialog ( you do not need
- string 16 141 0 1 to add the .JAR extension ) and click on the save button. The JAR file will now be
- string 16 153 0 1 created, and a status bar will show the progress. It is perfectly normal for the
- string 16 165 0 1 status bar to stutter for a while in the process. Once created your JAR file can be
- string 16 177 0 1 transported and imported on another computer with fishing installed.