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- <html>
- <%onerror error%>
- <title>Internet Service Manager <%if servid EQ 4%>WWW<%elif servid EQ 1%>FTP<%elif servid EQ 2%>Gopher<%endif%> Service Properties</title>
- <%if reqparam RF "cancel"%>
- <%goto end%>
- <%endif%>
- <%if reqparam RF "help"%>
- <%redirecthttp%><%msgbody.helptopic%><%/redirecthttp%>
- <%endif%>
- <%if msgbody.sport EQ 0%>
- The port number must be between 1 and 65535 inclusive<p>
- <%goto main%>
- <%elif msgbody.sport GT 65535%>
- The port number must be between 1 and 65535 inclusive<p>
- <%goto main%>
- <%endif%>
- <%if servid EQ 1%>
- <%if reqparam RF "ftpanononly"%>
- <%if msgbody.ftpanononly EQ 1%>
- <%if reqparam RF "ftpallowanon"%>
- <%if msgbody.ftpallowanon EQ 0%>
- Invalid settings for anonymous access<p>
- <%goto main%>
- <%endif%>
- <%else%>
- Invalid settings for anonymous access<p>
- <%goto main%>
- <%endif%>
- <%endif%>
- <%endif%>
- <%endif%>
- <%if msgbody.anonun EQ ""%>
- You must specify a user name<p>
- <%goto main%>
- <%endif%>
- <%if servid EQ 1%>
- <%!Clear ftpallowanon%>
- <%!Clear ftpanononly%>
- <%elif servid EQ 4%>
- <%!Clear authanon%>
- <%!Clear authbasic%>
- <%!Clear authnt%>
- <%endif%>
- <%!Update%>
- <%label end%>
- <%redirect%>/iisadmin/default.htm<%/redirect%>
- <%label error%>
- <%if reqstatus EQ 2500%>
- <%if rpcstatus EQ 5%>
- Access denied to this service.
- <%elif rpcstatus EQ 1062%>
- This service has been stopped.
- <%else%>
- RPC error <%rpcstatus%>
- <%endif%>
- <%elif reqstatus EQ 8000%>
- One or more of the parameters are incorrect.
- <%else%>
- Error encountered : <%reqstatus%>
- <%endif%>
- <br>
- <%label main%>
- <a href="/iisadmin/default.htm">Return to main menu</a>
- </body></html>