ocr: nJ Castrol Honda Superbike 2000 D Copyri ight 1 Intcrnctiuc Entertainmen Ltd: 1999 DM ro Deueloped In association with Castrol Honda World B Supcrbikc tcam racc cngincers an driders . Rare on 20 diffcrcnt circuits fron around thc uorld [e Multiple gane modes includin Wrld Champuishi ximul ilal im R 10 Split sureell did nelwurk play fur head Lu head acliu B TE Full bike setup using real data D supplicd by llonda racc cngincers p3 Total control of gan crcalisn and bikc danagc opti ions [0 Wcather cffccts including rain R pa Full force feedhack suppnrt including B customisation for any controller ...