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- FITini
- //torso symmetrical = 1
- //arms symmetrical = 1
- //name = mc.1
- [Main Info]
- st Name = "madcat"
- ul HeapSize = 4095
- ul legFileNumber = 10;
- ul torsoFileNumber = 13;
- ul rightArmFileNumber = 13;
- ul leftArmFileNumber = 13;
- [Parts]
- uc NumParts = 4
- st PartAbbrev = "btlr"
- [SpecialInfo]
- f fb_d_xlat = 2.0 //Velocity along i mech assumes at start of animation.
- ul jumpAirborne = 0 //Frame at which mech leaves the ground.
- ul jumpHold = 15 //Frame to hold at until mech gets back to landing altitude.
- f jumpStartLandTime = 1.0 //Altitude at which to continue jump animation.
- f jumpMaxDistance = 30.0 //in m Used to calculate velocity by jumpMaxDistance / 10.0(s)
- f jumpGravity = 9.8 //Acceleration of gravity. Used to determine height of parabola.
- f jumpStartVel = -2.0 //Startup Velocity in jump gesture.
- ul r_fb_w_fb_frame = 32 //Once r_fb gesture is complete, which frames do we need fom w_fb
- ul r_ff_w_ff_frame = 20 //Once r_ff gesture is complete, which frames do we need fom w_ff
- ul s_fb_w_fb_frame = 32 //Once S_fb gesture is complete, which frames do we need fom w_fb
- ul s_ff_w_ff_frame = 20 //Once S_ff gesture is complete, which frames do we need fom w_ff
- ul walk_to_w_r_frame = 26 //If going to w_r, what frame do we transition on in walk.
- ul run_to_r_w_frame = 19 //If going to r_w, what frame do we transition on in run.
- [TransitionTable]
- uc[810] TransitionArray =
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //0,0 From Park to Park (NULL)
- 1, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //0,1 From Park to Stand
- 1, 2, 3, 4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //0,2 From Park to Walk
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,-1,-1,-1,-1, //0,3 From Park to Run
- 1, 2,10, 9,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //0,4 From Park to Reverse
- 1, 2, 3,11,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //0,5 From Park to Limp
- 1, 2,20, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //0,6 From Park to Jump
- 19,15,23,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //0,7 From Park to Fall Forward
- 18,14,24,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //0,8 From Park to Fall Backward
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1, 0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //1,0 From Stand to Park
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //1,1 From Stand to Stand (NULL)
- 3, 4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //1,2 From Stand to Walk
- 3, 4, 6, 7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //1,3 From Stand to Run
- 10, 9,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //1,4 From Stand to Reverse
- 3,11,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //1,5 From Stand to Limp
- 20, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //1,6 From Stand to Jump
- 19,15,23,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //1,7 From Stand to Fall Forward
- 18,14,24,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //1,8 From Stand to Fall Backward
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5, 2, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //2,0 From Walk to Park
- 5, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //2,1 From Walk to Stand
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //2,2 From Walk to Walk (NULL)
- 6, 7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //2,3 From Walk to Run
- 5,10, 9,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //2,4 From Walk to Reverse
- 11,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //2,5 From Walk to Limp
- 5, 2,20, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //2,6 From Walk to Jump
- 15,23,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //2,7 From Walk to Fall Forward
- 14,24,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //2,8 From Walk to Fall Backward
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 8, 4, 5, 2, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1,-1, //3,0 From Run to Park
- 8, 4, 5, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //3,1 From Run to Stand
- 8, 4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //3,2 From Run to Walk
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //3,3 From Run to Run (NULL)
- 8, 5,10, 9,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //3,4 From Run to Reverse
- 8,11,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //3,5 From Run to Limp
- 8, 5,20, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //3,6 From Run to Jump
- 17,15,23,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //3,7 From Run to Fall Forward
- 16,14,24,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //3,8 From Run to Fall Backward
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5, 2, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //4,0 From Reverse to Park
- 5, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //4,1 From Reverse to Stand
- 5, 2, 3, 4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //4,2 From Reverse to Walk
- 5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,-1,-1,-1,-1, //4,3 From Reverse to Run
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //4,4 From Reverse to Reverse (NULL)
- 5, 3,11,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //4,5 From Reverse to Limp
- 5,20, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //4,6 From Reverse to Jump
- 5, 3,15,23,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //4,7 From Reverse to Fall Forward
- 5, 3,14,24,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //4,8 From Reverse to Fall backward
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5, 2, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //5,0 From Limp to Park
- 5, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //5,1 From Limp to Stand
- 4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //5,2 From Limp to Walk
- 6, 7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //5,3 From Limp to Run
- 5,10, 9,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //5,4 From Limp to Reverse
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //5,5 From Limp to Limp (NULL)
- 5, 2,20, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //5,6 From Limp to Jump
- 15,23,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //5,7 From Limp to Fall Forward
- 14,24,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //5,8 From Limp to Fall Backward
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1, 0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //6,0 From Jump to Park
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //6,1 From Jump to Stand (NULL)
- 3, 4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //6,2 From Jump to Walk
- 3, 4, 6, 7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //6,3 From Jump to Run
- 10, 9,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //6,4 From Jump to Reverse
- 3,11,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //6,5 From Jump to Limp
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //6,6 From Jump to Jump (NULL)
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //6,7 From Jump to Fall Forward
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //6,8 From Jump to Fall Backward
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 21,22, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //7,0 From Fall Forward to Park
- 21,22, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //7,1 From Fall Forward to Stand
- 21,22, 3, 4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //7,2 From Fall Forward to Walk
- 21,22, 3, 4, 6, 7,-1,-1,-1,-1, //7,3 From Fall Forward to Run
- 21,22,10, 9,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //7,4 From Fall Forward to Reverse
- 21,22, 3,11,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //7,5 From Fall Forward to Limp
- 21,22,20, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //7,6 From Fall Forward to Jump
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //7,7 From Fall Forward to Fall Forward (NULL)
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //7,8 From Fall Forward to Fall Backward (NULL)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 22, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //8,0 From Fall Backward to Park
- 22, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //8,1 From Fall Backward to Stand
- 22, 3, 4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //8,2 From Fall Backward to Walk
- 22, 3, 4, 6, 7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //8,3 From Fall Backward to Run
- 22,10, 9,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //8,4 From Fall Backward to Reverse
- 22, 3,11,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //8,5 From Fall Backward to Limp
- 22,20, 2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //8,6 From Fall Backward to Jump
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, //8,7 From Fall Backward to Fall Forward
- -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 //8,8 From Fall Backward to Fall Backward (NULL)
- [Gestures]
- uc NumGestures = 26
- [Gestures0]
- uc State = 0 // What Gesture Number -- Park
- ul NumFrames = 1 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag for Torso.
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are symmetrical
- ul BasePacketNumber = 0 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- f StartVelocity = -1999.9 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = -1999.9 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = -1 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build0] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\s_p.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\s_p.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpecialFrameNum = "034" //This is used when we only have one frame for this gesture.
- st SpriteGestureName = "s_p"
- st SpriteOutputName = "park"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 1 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures1]
- uc State = 1 // What Gesture Number -- StandtoPark
- ul NumFrames = 18 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- ul BasePacketNumber = 60 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- f StartVelocity = -1999.9 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 0 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = 2 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build1] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\s_p.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\s_p.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "s_p"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 35 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures2]
- uc State = 2 // What Gesture Number -- Stand
- ul NumFrames = 1 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 120 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = -1 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build2] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\s_p.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\s_p.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpecialFrameNum = "000" //This is used when we only have one frame for this gesture.
- st SpriteGestureName = "s_p"
- st SpriteOutputName = "stand"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 1 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures3]
- uc State = 3 // What Gesture Number -- StandToWamc
- ul NumFrames = 9 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 180 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 12.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 4 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build3] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\s_w.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\s_w.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "s_w"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 17 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures4]
- uc State = 4 // What Gesture Number -- Wamc
- ul NumFrames = 27 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 240 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 12.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 12.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = -1 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build4] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\walk.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\walk.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "walk"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 54 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- uc paletteNum = 1
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures5]
- uc State = 5 // What Gesture Number -- WamcToStand
- ul NumFrames = 12 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 300 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 12.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 2 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build5] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\w_s.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\w_s.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "w_s"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 22 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- uc paletteNum = 1
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures6]
- uc State = 6 // What Gesture Number -- WamcToRun
- ul NumFrames = 26 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 360 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 12.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 24.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 7 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build6] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\w_r.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\w_r.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "w_r"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 50 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- uc paletteNum = 1
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures7]
- uc State = 4 // What Gesture Number -- Run
- ul NumFrames = 20 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 420 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 24.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 24.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = -1 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build7] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\run.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\run.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "run"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 39 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc paletteNum = 1
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures8]
- uc State = 8 // What Gesture Number -- RunToWamc
- ul NumFrames = 20 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 480 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 24.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 12.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 4 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build8] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\r_w.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\r_w.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "r_w"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 39 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures9]
- uc State = 9 // What Gesture Number -- Reverse
- ul NumFrames = 28 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = -15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 240 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = -12.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = -12.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = -1 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build9] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- uc NoBuild = 1 //Check for this in mksprite
- st Directory = "R:\mc\walk.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\walk.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "walk"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 54 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 30 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc paletteNum = 1
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures10]
- uc State = 10 // What Gesture Number -- StandToReverse
- ul NumFrames = 12 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 300 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = -12.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = -1 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = 9 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build10] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- uc NoBuild = 1
- st Directory = "R:\mc\w_s.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\w_s.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "w_s"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 22 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures11]
- uc State = 11 // What Gesture Number -- Limp
- ul NumFrames = 30 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 540 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 3.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 3.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = -1 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build11] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\limpl.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\limpl.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "limpl"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 59 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures12]
- uc State = 12 // What Gesture Number -- WamcToHitBack/Recover
- ul NumFrames = 23 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 600 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 12.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 12.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 4 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build12] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\w_hb.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\w_hb.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "w_hb"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 44 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- uc paletteNum = 1
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures13]
- uc State = 13 // What Gesture Number -- WamcToHitFront/Recover
- ul NumFrames = 17 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 660 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 12.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 12.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 4 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build13] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\w_hf.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\w_hf.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "w_hf"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 32 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- uc paletteNum = 1
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures14]
- uc State = 14 // What Gesture Number -- WamcToFallBack
- ul NumFrames = 33 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 10.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 720 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 12.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 21 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build14] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\w_fb.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\w_fb.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "w_fb"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 64 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures15]
- uc State = 15 // What Gesture Number -- WamcToFallForward
- ul NumFrames = 21 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 10.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 780 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 12.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 22 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build15] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\w_ff.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\w_ff.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "w_ff"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 40 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures16]
- uc State = 16 // What Gesture Number -- RunToHit/FallBack
- ul NumFrames = 19 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 10.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 840 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 24.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 21 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build16] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\r_fb.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\r_fb.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "r_fb"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 36 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- uc paletteNum = 1
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures17]
- uc State = 17 // What Gesture Number -- RunToHit/FallForward
- ul NumFrames = 21 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 10.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 780 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 24.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 22 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build17] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\r_ff.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\r_ff.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "r_ff"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 21 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures18]
- uc State = 18 // What Gesture Number -- StandToFallBack
- ul NumFrames = 28 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 10.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 960 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 21 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build18] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\s_fb.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\s_fb.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "s_fb"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 55 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures19]
- uc State = 19 // What Gesture Number -- StandToFallForward
- ul NumFrames = 22 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 10.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 1020 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 21 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build19] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\s_ff.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\s_ff.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "s_ff"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 43 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures20]
- uc State = 20 // What Gesture Number -- Jump
- ul NumFrames = 41 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 1080 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = -1 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build20] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\jump.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\jump.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "jump"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 80 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures21]
- uc State = 21 // What Gesture Number -- RollOverfromfftofb
- ul NumFrames = 26 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 1140 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 22 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build21] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\ff_d.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\ff_d.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "ff_d"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 50 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures22]
- uc State = 22 // What Gesture Number -- Get Up, dammit
- ul NumFrames = 34 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 1200 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 2 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build22] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\d_s.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\d_s.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "d_s"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 66 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures23]
- uc State = 15 // What Gesture Number -- FallenForward
- ul NumFrames = 21 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 780 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 22 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build23] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- uc NoBuild = 1
- st Directory = "R:\mc\w_ff.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\w_ff.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "w_ff"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 40 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures24]
- uc State = 24 // What Gesture Number -- FallenBack
- ul NumFrames = 33 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 1 // symmetrical Flag.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 720 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // Arms are NOT symmetrical
- f StartVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = 21 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build24] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- uc NoBuild = 1
- st Directory = "R:\mc\w_fb.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\w_fb.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "w_fb"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 64 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc paletteNum = 1
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- [Gestures25]
- uc State = 25 // What Gesture Number -- Not A REAL Gesture!!! Armfalls
- ul NumFrames = 11 // Number of frames to playback
- f FrameRate = 15.0 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- uc[4] NumRotations = 16,32,32,32 // bottom = 16, others = 32
- uc Symmetrical = 0 // symmetrical Flag.
- uc ArmSymmetrical = 1 // However, arms are symmetrical.
- ul BasePacketNumber = 0 // Index into packet file for this gesture
- st BasePacketName = "madcat.armfalls" // Special name to use for the armfall shape file.
- f StartVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture starts at
- f EndVelocity = 0.0 // Velocity this gesture finishes at
- uc ForwardResult = -1 // If we play this gesture, which is next, -1 means not a transition.
- uc ReverseResult = -1 // If we play this gesture backwards, which is nest, -1 means not a transition.
- [Build25] //this is used to build the sprite gesture
- st Directory = "R:\mc\armfalls.90\pix\"
- st MatteDir = "R:\mc\armfalls.90\mask\"
- st HSDir = "R:\mc\hotspots\"
- st SpriteGestureName = "armfalls"
- st Name = "mc.1"
- ul TotalFrames = 20 // Total frames @ 30 fps
- ul FrameRate = 15 // Intended Frame rate of Playback
- f GammaLevel = 0.0
- uc StartIndex = 0
- uc RangeSize = 159
- uc paletteNum = 1
- ul HotSpotX = 75
- ul HotSpotY = 104
- FITend