[StringName] Unable to launch level until your crew is adequately set up.
[StringText] Unable to launch level until the crew is adequately set up
[StringName] Ability to use all weapons.
[StringText] Ability to use all weapons
[StringName] Ability to use specialist electronic equipment.
[StringText] Ability to use specialist electronic equipment
[StringName] Ability to crack locks.
[StringText] Ability to crack locks
[StringName] Ability to move undetected.
[StringText] Ability to move undetected
[StringName] Received
[StringText] received
[StringName] Heal
[StringText] Heal
[StringName] Briefing
[StringText] Briefing
[StringName] Team Selection
[StringText] Crew Selection
[StringName] Crew Equip
[StringText] Equip Crew
[StringName] Crew Recruit
[StringText] Recruit Crew
[StringName] Purchase Equipment
[StringText] Purchase Equipment
[StringName] Left click to return to the hub.
[StringText] Left-click to return to the hub
[StringName] Left click to select this crew member for the next job.
[StringText] Left-click to select this crewmember for the next job
[StringName] Left click to drop this crew member from the next job.
[StringText] Left-click to drop this crewmember from the next job
[StringName] This crew slot is empty, you may fill it by recruiting more crew members.
[StringText] The crew slot is empty; you need to recruit more crewmembers
[StringName] Empty Crew Equip Slot.
[StringText] Empty slot
[StringName] Empty Library Equip Slot.
[StringText] Empty Library Equip Slot
[StringName] Empty Shop Equip Slot.
[StringText] Empty slot
[StringName] Shop Equipment.
[StringText] Shop equipment
[StringName] Library Equipment.
[StringText] Library equipment
[StringName] Crew Equipment.
[StringText] Crew equipment
[StringName] You cannot exist empty crew members!
[StringText] Please select at least one crewmember!
[StringName] This crew members has not been selected for the current job.
[StringText] This crewmember has not been selected for the current job.
[StringName] This crew member has been selected for the current job.
[StringText] This crewmember has been selected for the current job.
[StringName] Items for sale
[StringText] Items for sale
[StringName] General Inventory
[StringText] General Inventory
[StringName] Remaining Money
[StringText] Cash
[StringName] Details:
[StringText] Details:
[StringName] Cost
[StringText] Cost
[StringName] Crew Equipment
[StringText] Crew Equipment
[StringName] Category Selection
[StringText] Category Selection
[StringName] Left click to view Weapon category items.
[StringText] Left-click to view Weapon category items
[StringName] Left click to view Electronics category items.
[StringText] Left-click to view Electronics category items
[StringName] Left click to view Locks category items.
[StringText] Left-click to view Locks category items
[StringName] Left click to view your General purpose items.
[StringText] Left-click to view Auxiliary items
[StringName] Inside
[StringText] Inside
[StringName] Outside
[StringText] Outside
[StringName] Options
[StringText] Options
[StringName] Countermeasures
[StringText] Countermeasures
[StringName] Suspicion
[StringText] Suspicion
[StringName] Case %
[StringText] Case %
[StringName] Purchase
[StringText] Purchase
[StringName] Recruit
[StringText] Recruit
[StringName] Dialog
[StringText] Dialog
[StringName] Payment Request
[StringText] Payment Request
[StringName] Message
[StringText] Message
[StringName] of
[StringText] of
[StringName] Heist
[StringText] Heist
[StringName] Alarm
[StringText] Alarm
[StringName] Bank
[StringText] Bank
[StringName] Police Station
[StringText] Police Station
[StringName] Shop
[StringText] Shop
[StringName] Electronics Shop
[StringText] Electronics Shop
[StringName] Hardware Shop
[StringText] Hardware Shop
[StringName] Gun Shop
[StringText] Gun Shop
[StringName] Bar
[StringText] Bar
[StringName] Restaurant
[StringText] Restaurant
[StringName] Office
[StringText] Office
[StringName] House
[StringText] House
[StringName] Flat
[StringText] Flat
[StringName] Hotel
[StringText] Hotel
[StringName] Motel
[StringText] Motel
[StringName] Mobile Home
[StringText] Mobile Home
[StringName] Warehouse
[StringText] Warehouse
[StringName] Factory
[StringText] Factory
[StringName] Lab
[StringText] Lab
[StringName] Heavy Industry
[StringText] Heavy Industry
[StringName] Fire Station
[StringText] Fire Station
[StringName] Town Hall
[StringText] Town Hall
[StringName] Airport
[StringText] Airport
[StringName] Hospital
[StringText] Hospital
[StringName] Prison
[StringText] Prison
[StringName] Derelict Building
[StringText] Derelict Building
[StringName] Shipping Container
[StringText] Shipping Container
[StringName] Gas Station
[StringText] Gas Station
[StringName] Supermarket
[StringText] Supermarket
[StringName] Generic Building
[StringText] Generic Building
[StringName] Scrapyard
[StringText] Scrap yard
[StringName] Drug Store
[StringText] Drug Store
[StringName] Guard House
[StringText] Guard House
[StringName] Scrap Yard Crusher
[StringText] Scrap Yard Crusher
[StringName] Prison Gatehouse
[StringText] Prison Gatehouse
[StringName] Guard Tower
[StringText] Guard Tower
[StringName] Cells
[StringText] Cells
[StringName] Casino
[StringText] Casino
[StringName] Telephone Kiosk
[StringText] Telephone Kiosk
[StringName] Whorehouse
[StringText] Whorehouse
[StringName] Strip Bar
[StringText] Strip Bar
[StringName] Respray Shop
[StringText] Respray Shop
[StringName] NYSE
[StringText] NYSE
[StringName] TV Station
[StringText] TV Station
[StringName] Power Station
[StringText] Power Station
[StringName] Man Hole
[StringText] Man Hole
[StringName] Subway Entrance
[StringText] Subway Entrance
[StringName] Objectives
[StringText] Objectives
[StringName] Debriefing
[StringText] Debriefing
[StringName] Load and Save
[StringText] Load and Save
[StringName] Credits Screen
[StringText] Credits
[StringName] Options Screen
[StringText] Options
[StringName] Start New Game
[StringText] Start a new game
[StringName] Next Available Crew Page
[StringText] Alternate between available crew pages
[StringName] Go Back
[StringText] Return
[StringName] Confirm
[StringText] Confirm
[StringName] Continue
[StringText] Continue
[StringName] Launch Level
[StringText] Launch game
[StringName] Quit Game
[StringText] Quit game
[StringName] Empty Slot
[StringText] Empty slot
[StringName] BerettaInfo
[StringText] A standard issue combats sidearm, accurate and powerful over short distances.
[StringName] M16Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] HK5Info
[StringText] Used by military and law enforcement units in more than fifty nations, the MP5 is firmly established as the worldÆs preeminent submachine gun.
[StringName] RocketLauncherInfo
[StringText] A heavy surface-to-surface rocket launcher, fires high explosive surface to surface rockets with devastating effect.
[StringName] CoshInfo
[StringText] A cosh is a small weighted implement, used to knock opponents into unconsciousness with a single well aimed blow to the neck.
[StringName] PoliceScannerInfo
[StringText] A highly illegal piece of stolen police equipment, allows the owner to scan normally scrambled police frequencies, and listen in to their conversations.
[StringName] LaptopInfo
[StringText] A portable computer used to run software on the move.
[StringName] SoftwareInfo
[StringText] A program created to run on a piece of computer hardware that carries out a specific function.
[StringName] FirstAidInfo
[StringText] A box containing a variety of medical equipment, used in emergency situations.
[StringName] BodyVestInfo
[StringText] A Kevlar laced body vest capable of stopping most calibers of ammunition, absorbs some of the damage that would normally be received from being shot.
[StringName] GrapplingInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IDCard1Info
[StringText] A card usually bearing the wearers photograph, and often with an electromagnetic strip embedded with a security code, enabling the bearer to enter an otherwise restricted building.
[StringName] IDCard2Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IDCard3Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IDCard4Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] WirecuttersInfo
[StringText] A tool used to cut through wire fences only. You must first cut power to an electric fence before using wire cutters on them!
[StringName] RemoteMineInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] DetonatorInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ProximityMineInfo
[StringText] Proximity mines are an advanced electronic explosive device, which detects nearby heat and motion.
[StringName] StringerStripInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] VideoTapeInfo
[StringText] A humble VHS Video Tape. Can be used to provide a substitute image to fool security guards monitoring CCTV camera images.
[StringName] SprayPaintInfo
[StringText] A can of spray paint can be used to black out the Lens of a CCTV camera, preventing it from registering an image of your crew when inside a building, reducing the need to try and power down the CCTV system.
[StringName] ElectronicJammerInfo
[StringText] A sophisticated electronic device that emits an electromagnetic signal to baffle the function of security and communications devices.
[StringName] HarnessInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] SuctionHarnessInfo
[StringText] The suction harness is specially designed, to enable the wearer to traverse a section of floor that has been laid with motion or pressure sensors.
[StringName] LongRangeScannerInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IRGogglesInfo
[StringText] Infrared goggles work by amplifying the amount of infrared radiation given off by warm bodies, enabling the wearer to see patches of heat.
[StringName] StunGasInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] GasMaskInfo
[StringText] A special mask fitted with micro-filters, which enable the wearer to breathe in toxic environments. Gas masks are essential to overcome the effects of CS gas, which some security personnel are issued with.
[StringName] StethoscopeInfo
[StringText] A medical listening device, which allows a skilled safecracker to listen to the tumblers of a combination safe to identify which way to turn the wheel to open the safe.
[StringName] LockpicksInfo
[StringText] A standard set of Lock picking tools can be used to emulate the action of a key in a locks tumblers, used by a skilled lock picker they can be used to open most non-electronic locks.
[StringName] LaserCutterInfo
[StringText] A heavy-duty industrial cutter using a high-energy beam of light to cut through metals like butter opens most safes and metal shutters in minutes.
[StringName] DoorDecoderInfo
[StringText] A specially configured device, designed to run through all possible permutations of number coded doors.
[StringName] MetalDetectorInfo
[StringText] An advanced electromagnetic scanning device akin to the beachcombing metal detectors, but able to discern many types of metal accurately and quickly.
[StringName] PlansInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] TNTInfo
[StringText] Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is a reliable and powerful explosive, which can be used to blast open some safes.
[StringName] MotorisedTrolleyInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] MoneyBagInfo
[StringText] A large capacious holdall, which can safely contain large amounts of bills.
[StringName] AlarmPlansInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] AlarmJammerInfo
[StringText] Alarm jammers are highly sophisticated pieces of electronic equipment, used to block the signal normally sent to a remote or silent alarm system.
[StringName] LaserSightInfo
[StringText] A military peripheral, designed to improve marksmanship. It clips onto most weapons, and projects a highly visible red dot on the target, enabling the firer to see clearly where they are aiming.
[StringName] CSGasInfo
[StringText] CS gas is a non-lethal incapacitating gas, used the world over for crowd control and siege situations, causing burning in the lungs and rendering its victims completely helpless.
[StringName] ArchitecturalPlansInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] DesertEagleInfo
[StringText] The desert eagle is a heavy .50 caliber firearm, extremely powerful but hard to control; Excellent target stopping capabilities, but requires good weapons skill to control effectively.
[StringName] M60Info
[StringText] The M60 is a heavy caliber fully-automatic machine gun, usually mounted on a vehicle or fired from the ground.
[StringName] TaserInfo
[StringText] The taser delivers an incredibly high volt current to the intended target, in a pulse of electrical energy. This causes immediate muscle spasm and incapacitation in the victim.
[StringName] CsGasGunInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] KnockoutDropsInfo
[StringText] A sedative liquid which can be administered to render a target unconscious stealthily.
[StringName] SniperRifleInfo
[StringText] A high-powered long-range weapon with powerful optical lens, which is used to take out potential targets from long range.
[StringName] SilencerPistolTypeInfo
[StringText] A suppressor that dissipates the noise normally expelled by the muzzle of a pistol.
[StringName] SilencerMachineTypeInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] GrenadeInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] SpiderMineInfo
[StringText] The spider mine is a classified weapons system recently developed by the military for special operations.
[StringName] PowerDrillInfo
[StringText] A high-powered industrial drill with a large motor and a variety of drill bits, capable of boring through most materials.
[StringName] PoliceDisguiseInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] CivilianDisguiseInfo
[StringText] A generic term for any form of disguise other than the clothing normally worn by a crewmember. It includes many types of uniform such as security workers or lab technicians.
[StringName] DeadBodyInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ToolkitInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ThermalVestInfo
[StringText] A high-tech body suit, which utilizes modern man-made materials to prevent infrared heat from being emitted.
[StringName] ComputerDiskInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] PackingCrateInfo
[StringText] Packing crates are used to contain large quantities of heavy goods, and are usually stored in warehouses.
[StringName] CameraInfo
[StringText] A zoom-focus SLR camera, which can be used to take high fidelity pictures in day or night conditions.
[StringName] FilmInfo
[StringText] A photosensitive cartridge, which can be used with a variety of camera equipment.
[StringName] SpadeInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] OxyTorchInfo
[StringText] A high-powered cutting implement that uses a gas flame to weld or cut metals cuts through most metals.
[StringName] TorchInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ShotgunInfo
[StringText] A cartridge firing high-powered weapon, deadly at close range, less effective over distance.
[StringName] CrowbarInfo
[StringText] A high-tensile steel lever, useful for opening crates or forcing cash registers and locks.
[StringName] ParcelInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] FlameThrowerInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] HeatCureInfo
[StringText] Heat cure is a term for any form of help from safe houses, which helps get the police off your back. They remove heat from whoever buys the heat cure.
[StringName] PrisonPassInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] MoneyInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] MasterLockPickingKitInfo
[StringText] Advanced lock picking set, requires higher level of skill to use, but more effective against a wider range of locks.
[StringName] ElectricLockPickInfo
[StringText] The ultimate lock picking tool, it contains a series of lock picks, which can be attached to a small electric motor.
[StringName] BerettaName
[StringText] Beretta
[StringName] M16Name
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] HK5Name
[StringText] HK MP5
[StringName] RocketLauncherName
[StringText] Rocket launcher
[StringName] CoshName
[StringText] Cosh
[StringName] PoliceScannerName
[StringText] Police scanner
[StringName] LaptopName
[StringText] Laptop
[StringName] SoftwareName
[StringText] Software
[StringName] FirstAidName
[StringText] First aid
[StringName] BodyVestName
[StringText] Bulletproof vest
[StringName] GrapplingName
[StringText] Grappling
[StringName] IDCard1Name
[StringText] ID card #1
[StringName] IDCard2Name
[StringText] ID card #2
[StringName] IDCard3Name
[StringText] ID card #3
[StringName] IDCard4Name
[StringText] ID card #4
[StringName] WirecuttersName
[StringText] Wire cutters
[StringName] RemoteMineName
[StringText] Remote mine
[StringName] DetonatorName
[StringText] Detonator
[StringName] ProximityMineName
[StringText] Proximity mine
[StringName] StringerStripName
[StringText] Stringer strip
[StringName] VideoTapeName
[StringText] Videotape
[StringName] SprayPaintName
[StringText] Spray paint
[StringName] ElectronicJammerName
[StringText] Electronic jammer
[StringName] HarnessName
[StringText] Harness
[StringName] SuctionHarnessName
[StringText] Suction harness
[StringName] LongRangeScannerName
[StringText] Long-range scanner
[StringName] IRGogglesName
[StringText] IR goggles
[StringName] StunGasName
[StringText] Stun gas
[StringName] GasMaskName
[StringText] Gas mask
[StringName] StethoscopeName
[StringText] Stethoscope
[StringName] LockpicksName
[StringText] Lock picks
[StringName] LaserCutterName
[StringText] Laser cutter
[StringName] DoorDecoderName
[StringText] Door decoder
[StringName] MetalDetectorName
[StringText] Metal detector
[StringName] PlansName
[StringText] Plans
[StringName] TNTName
[StringText] TNT
[StringName] MotorisedTrolleyName
[StringText] Motorized trolley
[StringName] MoneyBagName
[StringText] Moneybag
[StringName] AlarmPlansName
[StringText] Alarm plans
[StringName] AlarmJammerName
[StringText] Alarm jammer
[StringName] LaserSightName
[StringText] Laser sight
[StringName] CSGasName
[StringText] CS gas
[StringName] ArchitecturalPlansName
[StringText] Architectural plans
[StringName] DesertEagleName
[StringText] Desert Eagle
[StringName] M60Name
[StringText] M60
[StringName] TaserName
[StringText] Taser
[StringName] CsGasGunName
[StringText] CS gas gun
[StringName] KnockoutDropsName
[StringText] Knockout drops
[StringName] SniperRifleName
[StringText] Sniper rifle
[StringName] SilencerPistolTypeName
[StringText] Silencer pistol type
[StringName] SilencerMachineTypeName
[StringText] Silencer machine type
[StringName] GrenadeName
[StringText] Grenade
[StringName] SpiderMineName
[StringText] Spider mine
[StringName] PowerDrillName
[StringText] Power drill
[StringName] PoliceDisguiseName
[StringText] Police disguise
[StringName] CivilianDisguiseName
[StringText] Civilian disguise
[StringName] DeadBodyName
[StringText] Dead body
[StringName] ToolkitName
[StringText] Toolkit
[StringName] ThermalVestName
[StringText] Thermal vest
[StringName] ComputerDiskName
[StringText] Computer disk
[StringName] PackingCrateName
[StringText] Packing crate
[StringName] CameraName
[StringText] Camera
[StringName] FilmName
[StringText] Film
[StringName] SpadeName
[StringText] Spade
[StringName] OxyTorchName
[StringText] Oxy torch
[StringName] TorchName
[StringText] Torch
[StringName] ShotgunName
[StringText] Sawn-off shotgun
[StringName] CrowbarName
[StringText] Crowbar
[StringName] ParcelName
[StringText] Parcel
[StringName] FlameThrowerName
[StringText] Flamethrower
[StringName] HeatCureName
[StringText] Heat cure
[StringName] PrisonPassName
[StringText] Prison pass
[StringName] MoneyName
[StringText] Money
[StringName] MasterLockPickingKitName
[StringText] Master lock picking kit
[StringName] ElectricLockPickName
[StringText] Electric lock pick
[StringName] RecommendedTeam
[StringText] Available slots
[StringName] Level01Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Meet The Colonel for your first briefing
[StringName] Level01Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Undisclosed
[StringName] Level01Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Undisclosed
[StringName] Level01Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Keep your crew alive
[StringName] Level02Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Find and rescue Nikita
[StringName] Level02Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Meet your getaway contact
[StringName] Level02Objective3
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level02Objective4
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level03Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Heist all of Lefty's monthly collection
[StringName] Level03Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Recruit your last crewmember
[StringName] Level03Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Keep your crew alive
[StringName] Level03Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Do not allow the armored van to escape
[StringName] Level04Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Undisclosed
[StringName] Level04Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Meet your contact Cody, and obtain a briefing
[StringName] Level04Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Undisclosed
[StringName] Level04Objective4
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level05Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Undisclosed
[StringName] Level05Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Undisclosed
[StringName] Level05Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Heist both gang headquarters
[StringName] Level05Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: You must complete all jobs before 10am of the third day
[StringName] Level06Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Meet your contact and get details of your first job
[StringName] Level06Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Kill all gang characters before leaving the area
[StringName] Level06Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Undisclosed
[StringName] Level06Objective4
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level07Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Undisclosed
[StringName] Level07Objective2
[StringText] #003#01#0#2: Heist the main city bank and make a successful getaway
[StringName] Level07Objective3
[StringText] #002#01#0#3: Undisclosed
[StringName] Level07Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Keep all of your crew alive
[StringName] Level08Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Undisclosed
[StringName] Level08Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Keep all of your crew alive
[StringName] Level08Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Undisclosed
[StringName] Level08Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Get to the safe house to make your getaway
[StringName] Level09Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Locate the cabling blueprints to the local area
[StringName] Level09Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Case the New York Stock Exchange and fully plan your operation
[StringName] Level09Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Assemble equipment: ID cards, access to workmen's tent and laptop
[StringName] Level09Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Undisclosed
[StringName] Level10Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Kill The Colonel
[StringName] Level10Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Kill "Monster" Scott
[StringName] Level10Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Kill William Cody
[StringName] Level10Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Undisclosed
[StringName] Level01Name
[StringText] Hicksville Here We Come
[StringName] Level02Name
[StringText] Prison Breakout
[StringName] Level03Name
[StringText] Lefty O'Halloran's Joint
[StringName] Level04Name
[StringText] Warehouse Bumrush
[StringName] Level05Name
[StringText] Gangster's Paradise
[StringName] Level06Name
[StringText] Phat Pharmaceutical Fun!
[StringName] Level07Name
[StringText] Lights Out John Boy
[StringName] Level08Name
[StringText] The Empire Strikes Back
[StringName] Level09Name
[StringText] The Stockpot
[StringName] Level10Name
[StringText] The Wild Blue Yonder
[StringName] StageNamePersonnel
[StringText] Locks - Personnel
[StringName] StageNameSecurity
[StringText] Locks - Security
[StringName] StageNameLocks
[StringText] Locks - Locks
[StringName] StageNameVault
[StringText] Locks - Vault
[StringName] StageNameLoading
[StringText] Contents
[StringName] ObjectTypeCar
[StringText] Car
[StringName] ObjectTypeCrew
[StringText] Crew
[StringName] ObjectTypeSprite
[StringText] Sprite
[StringName] ObjectTypeCivilian
[StringText] Civilian
[StringName] ObjectTypeEquipment
[StringText] Equipment
[StringName] ObjectTypeBuilding
[StringText] Building
[StringName] ObjectTypeLaw
[StringText] Law Enforcement
[StringName] ObjectTypeEffect
[StringText] Special Effect
[StringName] ObjectTypeGuard
[StringText] Guard
[StringName] ObjectTypeGate
[StringText] Gate
[StringName] ObjectTypeEmitter
[StringText] Emitter
[StringName] ObjectTypeDecor
[StringText] Decorative Object
[StringName] ObjectTypeDog
[StringText] Dog
[StringName] ObjectTypeWeapon
[StringText] Weapon
[StringName] ObjectTypePolygonal
[StringText] Misc. Object
[StringName] ObjectTypeCriminal
[StringText] Criminal
[StringName] CarBMW
[StringText] German Luxury Saloon
[StringName] CarBlackLimo
[StringText] Limo
[StringName] CarWhiteLimo
[StringText] Limo
[StringName] CarRedYamaha
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] CarBlueYamaha
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] Car4by4
[StringText] 4 by 4
[StringName] CarArmouredVan
[StringText] Armoured Van
[StringName] CarYellowBeatle
[StringText] Beatle
[StringName] CarBlueBeatle
[StringText] Beatle
[StringName] CarWhiteBeatle
[StringText] Beatle
[StringName] CarRedFerrari
[StringText] Italian Sports Car
[StringName] CarYellowFerrari
[StringText] Italian Sports Car
[StringName] CarBlackPickup
[StringText] Pickup
[StringName] CarBluePickup
[StringText] Pickup
[StringName] CarRedPickup
[StringText] Pickup
[StringName] CarSilverPickup
[StringText] Pickup
[StringName] CarBlackPorsche
[StringText] German Sports Car
[StringName] CarRedPorsche
[StringText] German Sports Car
[StringName] CarSilverPorsche
[StringText] German Sports Car
[StringName] CarYellowPorsche
[StringText] German Sports Car
[StringName] CarPoliceCar
[StringText] Police Car
[StringName] CarTaxi
[StringText] Taxi
[StringName] CarTowtruck
[StringText] Towtruck
[StringName] CarAmbulance
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarVan
[StringText] Van
[StringName] CarDirtyVan
[StringText] Van
[StringName] CarBus
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarBombSquadVan
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarBombSquadBuggy
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarHelicopter
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarPrisonTransport
[StringText] Transport
[StringName] CarSwatVan
[StringText] Van
[StringName] CarPoliceSpeedboat
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarPoliceVan
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarTank
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarFireTruck
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarArmyTruck
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarAttackChopper
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarGreyhoundBus
[StringText] Bus
[StringName] CarBlackMercedes
[StringText] German Luxury Saloon
[StringName] CarLamborghini
[StringText] 4 by 4
[StringName] CarBurnedCar
[StringText] Car
[StringName] CarBurnedVan
[StringText] Van
[StringName] CarTruck
[StringText] Truck
[StringName] CarPrototype
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarYacht
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarSpeedboat
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarFlatGmc
[StringText] GMC
[StringName] CarGmc
[StringText] GMC
[StringName] CarTanker
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarCrane
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarForklift
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarConstructionGear
[StringText] Gear
[StringName] CarTvVan
[StringText] Van
[StringName] CarCamperVan
[StringText] Van
[StringName] CarPoliceCarNYC
[StringText] Police Car
[StringName] CarPoliceCarLA
[StringText] Police Car
[StringName] CarPassengerPlane
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarPoliceRoadblock
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarStationCream
[StringText] Station Wagon
[StringName] CarStationBlue
[StringText] Station Wagon
[StringName] CarStationWreck
[StringText] Station Wagon
[StringName] CarStationYellow
[StringText] Station Wagon
[StringName] PAUSED
[StringText] PAUSED
[StringName] LOADING
[StringText] LOADINGà
[StringName] Select Crew
[StringText] Select Crew
[StringName] No Data Available
[StringText] No Data Available
[StringName] OUT OF STOCK
[StringText] OUT OF STOCK
[StringLang] French
[StringName] NotAvailableAbbreviation
[StringText] N/A
[StringName] Skills
[StringText] CompΘtences
[StringName] Weapons
[StringText] Armes
[StringName] Electronics
[StringText] Electronique
[StringName] Locks
[StringText] Serrures
[StringName] Stealth
[StringText] FurtivitΘ
[StringName] Left click to launch the level.
[StringText] Cliquez avec le bouton gauche pour jouer
[StringName] Unable to launch level until your crew is adequately set up.
[StringText] Le jeu ne peut commancer tant que l'Θquipe n'est pas correctement constituΘe.
[StringName] Ability to use all weapons.
[StringText] Utilise toutes les armes
[StringName] Ability to use specialist electronic equipment.
[StringText] SpΘcialiste en matiΘriel Θlectronique
[StringName] Ability to crack locks.
[StringText] Crochetage de serrures
[StringName] Ability to move undetected.
[StringText] DΘplacements furtifs
[StringName] Received
[StringText] Reτu (s)
[StringName] Heal
[StringText] GuΘrir
[StringName] Briefing
[StringText] Briefing
[StringName] Team Selection
[StringText] SΘlection de l'Θquipe
[StringName] Crew Equip
[StringText] Equipement
[StringName] Crew Recruit
[StringText] Recrutement de l'Θquipe
[StringName] Purchase Equipment
[StringText] Acheter de l'Θquipement
[StringName] Left click to return to the hub.
[StringText] Clic gauche pour retourner au centre
[StringName] Left click to select this crew member for the next job.
[StringText] Clic gauche pour embaucher ce coΘquipier pour le prochain boulot.
[StringName] Left click to drop this crew member from the next job.
[StringText] Clic gauche pour virer ce coΘquipier du prochain boulot.
[StringName] This crew slot is empty, you may fill it by recruiting more crew members.
[StringText] Cet emplacement est vide; vous devriez recruter plus de coΘquipiers.
[StringName] Empty Crew Equip Slot.
[StringText] Emplacement vide
[StringName] Empty Library Equip Slot.
[StringText] Emplacement vide
[StringName] Empty Shop Equip Slot.
[StringText] Emplacement vide
[StringName] Shop Equipment.
[StringText] Equipement du magasin
[StringName] Library Equipment.
[StringText] Equipement de la librairie
[StringName] Crew Equipment.
[StringText] Equipement
[StringName] You cannot exist empty crew members!
[StringText] Veuillez sΘlectionner au moins un coΘquipier!
[StringName] This crew members has not been selected for the current job.
[StringText] Ce coΘquipier n'a pas ΘtΘ sΘlectionnΘ pour le boulot.
[StringName] This crew member has been selected for the current job.
[StringText] Ce coΘquipier a pas ΘtΘ sΘlectionnΘ pour le boulot.
[StringName] Items for sale
[StringText] Equipement en vente
[StringName] General Inventory
[StringText] Inventaire GΘnΘral
[StringName] Remaining Money
[StringText] Pognon
[StringName] Details:
[StringText] DΘtails :
[StringName] Cost
[StringText] Co√t
[StringName] Crew Equipment
[StringText] Equipement
[StringName] Category Selection
[StringText] SΘlection de la catΘgorie
[StringName] Left click to view Weapon category items.
[StringText] Clic gauche pour accΘder aux Armes
[StringName] Left click to view Electronics category items.
[StringText] Clic gauche pour accΘder α l'Θlectronique
[StringName] Left click to view Locks category items.
[StringText] Clic gauche pour accΘder aux objets de crochetage
[StringName] Left click to view your General purpose items.
[StringText] Clic gauche pour accΘder aux autres types d'Θquipements
[StringName] Inside
[StringText] IntΘrieur
[StringName] Outside
[StringText] ExtΘrieur
[StringName] Options
[StringText] Options
[StringName] Countermeasures
[StringText] Contre-mesures
[StringName] Suspicion
[StringText] Suspicion
[StringName] Case %
[StringText] RepΘrage %
[StringName] Purchase
[StringText] Acheter
[StringName] Recruit
[StringText] Recruter
[StringName] Dialog
[StringText] Dialoguer
[StringName] Payment Request
[StringText] Demande de paiement
[StringName] Message
[StringText] Message
[StringName] of
[StringText] de
[StringName] Heist
[StringText] Casse
[StringName] Alarm
[StringText] Alarme
[StringName] Bank
[StringText] Banque
[StringName] Police Station
[StringText] Poste de Police
[StringName] Shop
[StringText] Magasin
[StringName] Electronics Shop
[StringText] Magasin d'Θlectronique
[StringName] Hardware Shop
[StringText] Quincaillerie
[StringName] Gun Shop
[StringText] Armurerie
[StringName] Bar
[StringText] Bar
[StringName] Restaurant
[StringText] Restaurant
[StringName] Office
[StringText] Bureaux
[StringName] House
[StringText] Maison
[StringName] Flat
[StringText] Appartements
[StringName] Hotel
[StringText] H⌠tel
[StringName] Motel
[StringText] Motel
[StringName] Mobile Home
[StringText] Mobile Home
[StringName] Warehouse
[StringText] Entrep⌠t
[StringName] Factory
[StringText] Usine
[StringName] Lab
[StringText] Laboratoire
[StringName] Heavy Industry
[StringText] Industrie lourde
[StringName] Fire Station
[StringText] Pompiers
[StringName] Town Hall
[StringText] H⌠tel de ville
[StringName] Airport
[StringText] AΘroport
[StringName] Hospital
[StringText] H⌠pital
[StringName] Prison
[StringText] Prison
[StringName] Derelict Building
[StringText] BΓtiment en ruines
[StringName] Shipping Container
[StringText] Conteneur
[StringName] Gas Station
[StringText] Station service
[StringName] Supermarket
[StringText] SupermarchΘ
[StringName] Generic Building
[StringText] BΓtiment gΘnΘrique
[StringName] Scrapyard
[StringText] Casse
[StringName] Drug Store
[StringText] Drugstore
[StringName] Guard House
[StringText] Poste de garde
[StringName] Scrap Yard Crusher
[StringText] Presse de la casse
[StringName] Prison Gatehouse
[StringText] Poste de sΘcuritΘ de la prison
[StringName] Guard Tower
[StringText] Tour de garde
[StringName] Cells
[StringText] Cellules
[StringName] Casino
[StringText] Casino
[StringName] Telephone Kiosk
[StringText] Cabine tΘlΘphonique
[StringName] Whorehouse
[StringText] Bordel
[StringName] Strip Bar
[StringText] Bar α strip-tease
[StringName] Respray Shop
[StringText] Atelier α peinture
[StringName] NYSE
[StringText] NYSE
[StringName] TV Station
[StringText] Studios de tΘlΘvision
[StringName] Power Station
[StringText] Centrale Θlectrique
[StringName] Man Hole
[StringText] Bouche d'Θgout
[StringName] Subway Entrance
[StringText] EntrΘe du mΘtro
[StringName] Objectives
[StringText] Objectifs
[StringName] Debriefing
[StringText] DΘbriefing
[StringName] Load and Save
[StringText] Chargements et Sauvegardes
[StringName] Credits Screen
[StringText] CrΘdits
[StringName] Options Screen
[StringText] Options
[StringName] Start New Game
[StringText] Nouvelle partie
[StringName] Next Available Crew Page
[StringText] Alterner entre les Θquipiers disponibles
[StringName] Go Back
[StringText] Retour
[StringName] Confirm
[StringText] Confirmer
[StringName] Continue
[StringText] Continuer
[StringName] Launch Level
[StringText] Lancer le jeu
[StringName] Quit Game
[StringText] Quitter le jeu
[StringName] Empty Slot
[StringText] Vide
[StringName] BerettaInfo
[StringText] Une arme de poing standard, prΘcise et puissante α courte portΘe.
[StringName] M16Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] HK5Info
[StringText] Compacte, puissante et prΘcise, cette mitraillette est une arme trΦs efficace au rythme de tir rapide. Elle est souvent utilisΘe par les services de sΘcuritΘ et les militaires.
[StringName] RocketLauncherInfo
[StringText] Ce lance-roquettes lourd sol-sol lance des projectiles explosifs aux effets dΘvastateurs.
[StringName] CoshInfo
[StringText] On utilise une matraque pour assommer quelqu'un rapidement et discrΦtement.
[StringName] PoliceScannerInfo
[StringText] Un appareil particuliΦrement illΘgal volΘ α la police. Permet d'Θcouter les frΘquences de la police et d'Θcouter leurs conversations.
[StringName] LaptopInfo
[StringText] Un ordinateur portable utilisΘ pour exΘcuter des logiciels sur le terrain.
[StringName] SoftwareInfo
[StringText] Un programme conτu pour Ωtre exΘcutΘ sur un ordinateur afin d'accomplir une fonction prΘcise.
[StringName] FirstAidInfo
[StringText] Une boite contenant divers types d'Θquipement mΘdicaux utilisables en cas d'urgence.
[StringName] BodyVestInfo
[StringText] Une veste en Kevlar capable d'arrΩter la plupart des projectiles en absorbant une partie des dΘgΓts qu'ils auraient d√ infliger.
[StringName] GrapplingInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IDCard1Info
[StringText] Une carte comprend en gΘnΘral une photo d'identitΘ du porteur et une bande ΘlectromagnΘtique avec code de sΘcuritΘ qui permet au porteur de pΘnΘtrer dans des bΓtiments α accΦs restreint.
[StringName] IDCard2Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IDCard3Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IDCard4Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] WirecuttersInfo
[StringText] Un outil permettant de couper une cl⌠ture. Il est nΘcessaire de dΘsactiver l'alimentation d'une cl⌠ture Θlectrique avant d'essayer de la couper !
[StringName] RemoteMineInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] DetonatorInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ProximityMineInfo
[StringText] Les mines de proximitΘ sont des appareils Θlectroniques sophistiquΘs qui dΘtectent les sources de chaleur et de mouvement α proximitΘ.
[StringName] StringerStripInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] VideoTapeInfo
[StringText] Une simple cassette vidΘo qui peut Ωtre utilisΘe pour tromper les gardes surveillant les images captΘes par un systΦme de vidΘo-surveillance.
[StringName] SprayPaintInfo
[StringText] Une bombe de peinture pouvant servir α noircir l'objectif d'une camΘra de sΘcuritΘ afin de l'empΩcher de filmer votre Θquipe dans un bΓtiment. Il devient alors moins important d'essayer de couper le systΦme de surveillance vidΘo.
[StringName] ElectronicJammerInfo
[StringText] Un systΦme Θlectronique sophistiquΘ Θmettant un signal ΘlectromagnΘtique afin de perturber le fonctionnement des systΦmes de sΘcuritΘ et appareils de communication.
[StringName] HarnessInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] SuctionHarnessInfo
[StringText] Le harnais de succion permet au porteur de traverser des sections tapissΘes de capteurs de pression ou de dΘtecteurs de mouvement.
[StringName] LongRangeScannerInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IRGogglesInfo
[StringText] Les lunettes α infrarouges amplifient le niveau de radiations infrarouges dΘgagΘ par les corps chauds, ce qui permet au porteur de voir les taches de chaleur.
[StringName] StunGasInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] GasMaskInfo
[StringText] Un masque spΘcial ΘquipΘ de micro-filtres qui permettent de respirer dans un environnement toxique. Les masques α gaz sont essentiels pour contrer les effets du gaz lacrymogΦne dont sont armΘs certains personnels de sΘcuritΘ.
[StringName] StethoscopeInfo
[StringText] Un outil de diagnostic mΘdical qui permet d'Θcouter les culbuteurs d'un coffre α combinaison afin de savoir dans quel sens il faut tourner la roue pour ouvrir le coffre.
[StringName] LockpicksInfo
[StringText] Un assortiment standard d'outils de crochetage utilisΘs pour simuler l'effet d'une clef dans un serrure. Entre les mains d'un crocheteur qualifiΘ, ce kit peut ouvrir la plupart des serrures mΘcaniques.
[StringName] LaserCutterInfo
[StringText] Un cutter industriel utilisant un rayon de lumiΦre α haute Θnergie pour dΘcouper les mΘtaux. Permet d'ouvrir les coffres et les volets mΘtalliques.
[StringName] DoorDecoderInfo
[StringText] Un systΦme particulier conτu pour essayer toutes les permutations possible des portes α digicode.
[StringName] MetalDetectorInfo
[StringText] Un systΦme de dΘtection ΘlectromagnΘtique capable de discerner plusieurs types de mΘtaux rapidement et avec prΘcision.
[StringName] PlansInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] TNTInfo
[StringText] TrinitrotoluΦne (TNT) est un explosif fiable et puissant qui permet d'ouvrir certains coffres.
[StringName] MotorisedTrolleyInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] MoneyBagInfo
[StringText] Un grand sac fourre-tout qui peut contenir une grande quantitΘ de billets.
[StringName] AlarmPlansInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] AlarmJammerInfo
[StringText] Les brouilleurs d'alarme sont des systΦmes Θlectroniques sophistiquΘs utilisΘs pour bloquer le signal envoyΘ α un systΦme d'alarme.
[StringName] LaserSightInfo
[StringText] Ce gadget militaire permet d'amΘliorer la prΘcision des tireurs. Il se fixe sur la plupart des armes et projette un point rouge sur la cible qui permet au tireur de savoir avec prΘcision o∙ il vise.
[StringName] CSGasInfo
[StringText] Le gaz lacrymogΦne est un gaz neutralisant non-mortel. Il est souvent utilisΘ pour contr⌠ler les foules par les forces de l'ordre. Il provoque des br√lures des poumons qui neutralisent complΦtement ses victimes.
[StringName] ArchitecturalPlansInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] DesertEagleInfo
[StringText] Le Desert Eagle est une arme de poing de calibre .50, trΦs puissante mais difficile α contr⌠ler. Un bon niveau de compΘtences est requis pour utiliser cette arme efficacement.
[StringName] M60Info
[StringText] Cette mitraillette de gros calibre est gΘnΘralement installΘe sur des vΘhicules ou posΘe sur le sol.
[StringName] TaserInfo
[StringText] Le tazer dΘlivre une dΘcharge de courant Θlectrique trΦs puissante. La victime est instantanΘment paralysΘe et neutralisΘe.
[StringName] CsGasGunInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] KnockoutDropsInfo
[StringText] Ce liquide sΘdatif peut Ωtre administrΘ α une cible afin de la rendre inconsciente.
[StringName] SniperRifleInfo
[StringText] Cette arme α longue portΘe est dotΘe d'un viseur optique qui permet d'Θliminer des cibles α grande distance.
[StringName] SilencerPistolTypeInfo
[StringText] Un dispositif permettant de supprimer le bruit Θmis par le canon d'un pistolet.
[StringName] SilencerMachineTypeInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] GrenadeInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] SpiderMineInfo
[StringText] La mine araignΘe est un systΦme d'armement top secret dΘveloppΘ rΘcemment par les militaires pour leurs opΘrations spΘciales.
[StringName] PowerDrillInfo
[StringText] Cette perceuse industrielle dotΘe d'un moteur puissant et d'une sΘlection de mΦches diffΘrentes est capable de percer la plupart des matΘriaux.
[StringName] PoliceDisguiseInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] CivilianDisguiseInfo
[StringText] Un terme gΘnΘrique qui dΘsigne tous les types de dΘguisements diffΘrents des vΩtements habituels d'un personnage. Comprend de nombreux types d'uniforme (agent de sΘcuritΘ, technicien, etc.).
[StringName] DeadBodyInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ToolkitInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ThermalVestInfo
[StringText] Un costume Hi-Tech qui utilise des matΘriaux camouflant l'Θmission de chaleur, et donc d'infrarouges.
[StringName] ComputerDiskInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] PackingCrateInfo
[StringText] Les caisses permettent de stocker de grandes quantitΘs de marchandises et sont gΘnΘralement trouvΘes dans des entrep⌠ts.
[StringName] CameraInfo
[StringText] Un appareil avec zoom Autofocus de courte α longue portΘe capable de prendre des photos de qualitΘ, de jour ou de nuit.
[StringName] FilmInfo
[StringText] Une cartouche photosensible qui peut Ωtre utilisΘe avec diffΘrents types d'appareils photo.
[StringName] SpadeInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] OxyTorchInfo
[StringText] Un outil de dΘcoupe puissant qui utilise un gaz enflammΘ pour dΘcouper la plupart des mΘtaux.
[StringName] TorchInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ShotgunInfo
[StringText] Cette arme trΦs puissante est mortelle a courte portΘe. Son efficacitΘ diminue avec la distance.
[StringName] CrowbarInfo
[StringText] Une barre de fer trΦs utile pour ouvrir les caisses enregistreuses et les serrures.
[StringName] ParcelInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] FlameThrowerInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] HeatCureInfo
[StringText] Les couvertures englobent tout ce qui peut vous aider α vous dΘbarrasser de la police lorsque vous Ωtes "grillΘ".
[StringName] PrisonPassInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] MoneyInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] MasterLockPickingKitInfo
[StringText] Un kit de crochetage sophistiquΘ. NΘcessite un bon niveau de crochetage, mais est plus efficace.
[StringName] ElectricLockPickInfo
[StringText] L'outil de crochetage ultime. Contient une sΘrie de crochets reliΘs α un petit moteur Θlectrique.
[StringName] BerettaName
[StringText] Beretta
[StringName] M16Name
[StringText] M16
[StringName] HK5Name
[StringText] HK MP5
[StringName] RocketLauncherName
[StringText] Lance-roquettes
[StringName] CoshName
[StringText] Matraque
[StringName] PoliceScannerName
[StringText] Scanner de police
[StringName] LaptopName
[StringText] Ordinateur portable
[StringName] SoftwareName
[StringText] Logiciel
[StringName] FirstAidName
[StringText] Kit de premiers soins
[StringName] BodyVestName
[StringText] Gillet pare-balles
[StringName] GrapplingName
[StringText] Grappin
[StringName] IDCard1Name
[StringText] Carte d'identitΘ #1
[StringName] IDCard2Name
[StringText] Carte d'identitΘ #2
[StringName] IDCard3Name
[StringText] Carte d'identitΘ #3
[StringName] IDCard4Name
[StringText] Carte d'identitΘ #4
[StringName] WirecuttersName
[StringText] Pince coupante
[StringName] RemoteMineName
[StringText] Mine tΘlΘcommandΘe
[StringName] DetonatorName
[StringText] DΘtonateur
[StringName] ProximityMineName
[StringText] Mine de proximitΘ
[StringName] StringerStripName
[StringText] Stringer Strip
[StringName] VideoTapeName
[StringText] Cassette vidΘo
[StringName] SprayPaintName
[StringText] Bombe de peinture
[StringName] ElectronicJammerName
[StringText] Brouilleur Θlectronique
[StringName] HarnessName
[StringText] Harnais
[StringName] SuctionHarnessName
[StringText] Harnais de succion
[StringName] LongRangeScannerName
[StringText] Scanner α longue portΘe
[StringName] IRGogglesName
[StringText] Lunettes α infrarouges
[StringName] StunGasName
[StringText] Gaz Paralysant
[StringName] GasMaskName
[StringText] Masque α gaz
[StringName] StethoscopeName
[StringText] StΘthoscope
[StringName] LockpicksName
[StringText] Kit de crochetage
[StringName] LaserCutterName
[StringText] Cutter laser
[StringName] DoorDecoderName
[StringText] DΘcodeur de porte
[StringName] MetalDetectorName
[StringText] DΘtecteur de mΘtaux
[StringName] PlansName
[StringText] Plans
[StringName] TNTName
[StringText] TNT
[StringName] MotorisedTrolleyName
[StringText] Chariot motorisΘ
[StringName] MoneyBagName
[StringText] Sac α pognon
[StringName] AlarmPlansName
[StringText] Plans des systΦmes d'alarme
[StringName] AlarmJammerName
[StringText] Brouilleur d'alarme
[StringName] LaserSightName
[StringText] Viseur laser
[StringName] CSGasName
[StringText] Gaz Lacrymo
[StringName] ArchitecturalPlansName
[StringText] Plan d'architecte
[StringName] DesertEagleName
[StringText] Desert Eagle
[StringName] M60Name
[StringText] M60
[StringName] TaserName
[StringText] Taser
[StringName] CsGasGunName
[StringText] Gaz lacrymogΦne
[StringName] KnockoutDropsName
[StringText] Goutte soporifiques
[StringName] SniperRifleName
[StringText] Fusil de sniper
[StringName] SilencerPistolTypeName
[StringText] Silencieux pour pistolet
[StringName] SilencerMachineTypeName
[StringText] Silencieux pour mitraillette
[StringName] GrenadeName
[StringText] Grenade
[StringName] SpiderMineName
[StringText] Mine "araignΘe"
[StringName] PowerDrillName
[StringText] Perceuse
[StringName] PoliceDisguiseName
[StringText] DΘguisement de flic
[StringName] CivilianDisguiseName
[StringText] DΘguisement
[StringName] DeadBodyName
[StringText] Cadavre
[StringName] ToolkitName
[StringText] Caisse α outils
[StringName] ThermalVestName
[StringText] Veste isolante
[StringName] ComputerDiskName
[StringText] Disquette
[StringName] PackingCrateName
[StringText] Caisse d'emballage
[StringName] CameraName
[StringText] Appareil photo
[StringName] FilmName
[StringText] Pellicule photo
[StringName] SpadeName
[StringText] Pelle
[StringName] OxyTorchName
[StringText] Chalumeau
[StringName] TorchName
[StringText] Lampe Θlectrique
[StringName] ShotgunName
[StringText] Fusil α pompe α canon sciΘ
[StringName] CrowbarName
[StringText] Pied de biche
[StringName] ParcelName
[StringText] Paquet
[StringName] FlameThrowerName
[StringText] Lance-flammes
[StringName] HeatCureName
[StringText] Couverture
[StringName] PrisonPassName
[StringText] Laissez-Passer
[StringName] MoneyName
[StringText] Pognon
[StringName] MasterLockPickingKitName
[StringText] Kit de crochetage pro
[StringName] ElectricLockPickName
[StringText] Kit de crochetage Θlectrique
[StringName] RecommendedTeam
[StringText] CrΘneaux disponibles
[StringName] Level01Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Rencontrez le Colonel pour votre premier briefing.
[StringName] Level01Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Objectif dissimulΘà
[StringName] Level01Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Objectif dissimulΘà
[StringName] Level01Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Gardez votre Θquipe en vie.
[StringName] Level02Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Retrouvez et sauvez Nikita.
[StringName] Level02Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Rencontrez votre contact pour vous enfuir.
[StringName] Level02Objective3
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level02Objective4
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level03Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Volez la collecte mensuelle de Lefty.
[StringName] Level03Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Recrutez votre dernier Θquipier.
[StringName] Level03Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Gardez tous vos Θquipiers en vie.
[StringName] Level03Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: EmpΩchez le fourgon blindΘ de s'enfuir avec la marchandise.
[StringName] Level04Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Objectif dissimulΘà
[StringName] Level04Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Rencontrez Cody et obtenez un briefing.
[StringName] Level04Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Objectif dissimulΘà
[StringName] Level04Objective4
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level05Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Objectif dissimulΘà
[StringName] Level05Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Objectif dissimulΘà
[StringName] Level05Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Braquez le QG des deux gangs.
[StringName] Level05Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Finissez tous vos boulots avant 10h du matin au troisiΦme jour.
[StringName] Level06Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Rencontrez votre contact et obtenez les infos de votre premier job.
[StringName] Level06Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Eliminez tous les membres des gangs avant de quitter le secteur.
[StringName] Level06Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Objectif dissimulΘà
[StringName] Level06Objective4
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level07Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Objectif dissimulΘà
[StringName] Level07Objective2
[StringText] #003#01#0#2: Cambriolez la banque de la ville et fuyez sans vous faire prendre.
[StringName] Level07Objective3
[StringText] #002#01#0#3: Objectif dissimulΘà
[StringName] Level07Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Veillez α ce que votre Θquipe revienne au complet.
[StringName] Level08Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Objectif dissimulΘà
[StringName] Level08Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Veillez α ce que votre Θquipe revienne au complet.
[StringName] Level08Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Objectif dissimulΘà
[StringName] Level08Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Rendez-vous α la planque pour prΘparer la fuite.
[StringName] Level09Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Localisez les plans de cΓblage du quartier
[StringName] Level09Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: RepΘrez la Bourse de New York et planifiez correctement votre opΘration.
[StringName] Level09Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Rassemblez votre Θquipement : cartes d'identitΘ, accΦs au local des ouvriers et ordinateur portable.
[StringName] Level09Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Objectif dissimulΘà
[StringName] Level10Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Tuez le Colonel.
[StringName] Level10Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Tuez "Monster" Scott.
[StringName] Level10Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Tuez William Cody.
[StringName] Level10Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Objectif dissimulΘà
[StringName] Level01Name
[StringText] Hicksville, nous voilα !
[StringName] Level02Name
[StringText] La grande Θvasion
[StringName] Level03Name
[StringText] La planque de Lefty O'Halloran
[StringName] Level04Name
[StringText] L'entrep⌠t
[StringName] Level05Name
[StringText] Au Paradis des Gangsters
[StringName] Level06Name
[StringText] Amusement Pharmaceutique
[StringName] Level07Name
[StringText] Plein phares Johnny !
[StringName] Level08Name
[StringText] L'Empire Contre-Attaque
[StringName] Level09Name
[StringText] La Marmite
[StringName] Level10Name
[StringText] Dans la Natureà
[StringName] StageNamePersonnel
[StringText] Etape 1 : Personnel
[StringName] StageNameSecurity
[StringText] Etape 2 : SΘcuritΘs
[StringName] StageNameLocks
[StringText] Etape 3 : Serrures
[StringName] StageNameVault
[StringText] Etape 4 : Coffres
[StringName] StageNameLoading
[StringText] Etape 5 : Chargement
[StringName] ObjectTypeCar
[StringText] Voiture
[StringName] ObjectTypeCrew
[StringText] Bande
[StringName] ObjectTypeSprite
[StringText] Lutin
[StringName] ObjectTypeCivilian
[StringText] Civile
[StringName] ObjectTypeEquipment
[StringText] Equipement
[StringName] ObjectTypeBuilding
[StringText] BΓtiment
[StringName] ObjectTypeLaw
[StringText] Maintien de l'ordre
[StringName] ObjectTypeEffect
[StringText] Effets SpΘciaux
[StringName] ObjectTypeGuard
[StringText] Garde
[StringName] ObjectTypeGate
[StringText] Portail
[StringName] ObjectTypeEmitter
[StringText] Emetteur
[StringName] ObjectTypeDecor
[StringText] Objet du dΘcor
[StringName] ObjectTypeDog
[StringText] Chien
[StringName] ObjectTypeWeapon
[StringText] Arme
[StringName] ObjectTypePolygonal
[StringText] Objet Divers
[StringName] ObjectTypeCriminal
[StringText] Criminel
[StringName] CarBMW
[StringText] Grosse BM
[StringName] CarBlackLimo
[StringText] Limousine
[StringName] CarWhiteLimo
[StringText] Limousine
[StringName] CarRedYamaha
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] CarBlueYamaha
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] Car4by4
[StringText] 4X4
[StringName] CarArmouredVan
[StringText] Fourgon BlindΘ
[StringName] CarYellowBeatle
[StringText] Coccinelle
[StringName] CarBlueBeatle
[StringText] Coccinelle
[StringName] CarWhiteBeatle
[StringText] Coccinelle
[StringName] CarRedFerrari
[StringText] Voiture de sport italienne
[StringName] CarYellowFerrari
[StringText] Voiture de sport italienne
[StringName] CarBlackPickup
[StringText] Camionnette
[StringName] CarBluePickup
[StringText] Camionnette
[StringName] CarRedPickup
[StringText] Camionnette
[StringName] CarSilverPickup
[StringText] Camionnette
[StringName] CarBlackPorsche
[StringText] Voiture de sport allemande
[StringName] CarRedPorsche
[StringText] Voiture de sport allemande
[StringName] CarSilverPorsche
[StringText] Voiture de sport allemande
[StringName] CarYellowPorsche
[StringText] Voiture de sport allemande
[StringName] CarPoliceCar
[StringText] Voiture de Police
[StringName] CarTaxi
[StringText] Taxi
[StringName] CarTowtruck
[StringText] DΘpanneuse
[StringName] CarAmbulance
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarVan
[StringText] Fourgon
[StringName] CarDirtyVan
[StringText] Fourgon
[StringName] CarBus
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarBombSquadVan
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarBombSquadBuggy
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarHelicopter
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarPrisonTransport
[StringText] Transport
[StringName] CarSwatVan
[StringText] Fourgon SWAT
[StringName] CarPoliceSpeedboat
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarPoliceVan
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarTank
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarFireTruck
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarArmyTruck
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarAttackChopper
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarGreyhoundBus
[StringText] Bus
[StringName] CarBlackMercedes
[StringText] Voiture de luxe
[StringName] CarLamborghini
[StringText] 4x4
[StringName] CarBurnedCar
[StringText] Bagnole
[StringName] CarBurnedVan
[StringText] Fourgon
[StringName] CarTruck
[StringText] Camion
[StringName] CarPrototype
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarYacht
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarSpeedboat
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarFlatGmc
[StringText] GMC
[StringName] CarGmc
[StringText] GMC
[StringName] CarTanker
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarCrane
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarForklift
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarConstructionGear
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarTvVan
[StringText] Fourgon
[StringName] CarCamperVan
[StringText] Fourgon
[StringName] CarPoliceCarNYC
[StringText] Voiture de Police
[StringName] CarPoliceCarLA
[StringText] Voiture de Police
[StringName] CarPassengerPlane
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarPoliceRoadblock
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarStationCream
[StringText] Break
[StringName] CarStationBlue
[StringText] Break
[StringName] CarStationWreck
[StringText] Break
[StringName] CarStationYellow
[StringText] Break
[StringName] PAUSED
[StringText] PAUSE
[StringName] LOADING
[StringName] Select Crew
[StringText] Selection de l'Equipe
[StringName] No Data Available
[StringText] DonnΘes indisponibles
[StringName] OUT OF STOCK
[StringLang] German
[StringName] NotAvailableAbbreviation
[StringText] N/V
[StringName] Skills
[StringText] FΣhigkeiten
[StringName] Weapons
[StringText] Waffen
[StringName] Electronics
[StringText] Elektronik
[StringName] Locks
[StringText] Schl÷sser
[StringName] Stealth
[StringText] Stealth
[StringName] Left click to launch the level.
[StringText] Klicke mit links, um den Level zu starten.
[StringName] Unable to launch level until your crew is adequately set up.
[StringText] Level kann nicht gestartet werden, bis das Team eingeteilt wurde.
[StringName] Ability to use all weapons.
[StringText] FΣhigkeit im Umgang mit allen Waffen.
[StringName] Ability to use specialist electronic equipment.
[StringText] FΣhigkeit im Umgang mit spezieller elektronischer Ausrⁿstung.
[StringName] Ability to crack locks.
[StringText] FΣhigkeit Schl÷sser zu knacken.
[StringName] Ability to move undetected.
[StringText] FΣhigkeit sich unentdeckt fortbewegen zu k÷nnen.
[StringName] Received
[StringText] erhalten
[StringName] Heal
[StringText] Heilen
[StringName] Briefing
[StringText] Einsatzbesprechung
[StringName] Team Selection
[StringText] Teamauswahl
[StringName] Crew Equip
[StringText] Team ausrⁿsten
[StringName] Crew Recruit
[StringText] Team rekrutieren
[StringName] Purchase Equipment
[StringText] Ausrⁿstung kaufen
[StringName] Left click to return to the hub.
[StringText] Mit links klicken zum Zurⁿckkehren
[StringName] Left click to select this crew member for the next job.
[StringText] Klicke mit links, um dieses Teammitglied fⁿr den nΣchsten Auftrag zu wΣhlen.
[StringName] Left click to drop this crew member from the next job.
[StringText] Klicke mit links, um dieses Teammitglied aus dem nΣchsten Auftrag zu nehmen.
[StringName] This crew slot is empty, you may fill it by recruiting more crew members.
[StringText] Dieser Teamplatz ist frei, du musst weitere Teammitglieder rekrutieren.
[StringName] Empty Crew Equip Slot.
[StringText] Freier Platz
[StringName] Empty Library Equip Slot.
[StringText] Freier Ausrⁿstungsplatz
[StringName] Empty Shop Equip Slot.
[StringText] Freier Platz
[StringName] Shop Equipment.
[StringText] Ausrⁿstung im GeschΣft
[StringName] Library Equipment.
[StringText] Ausrⁿstung im Lager
[StringName] Crew Equipment.
[StringText] Ausrⁿstung des Teams
[StringName] You cannot exist empty crew members!
[StringText] Bitte wΣhle mindestens ein Teammitglied!
[StringName] This crew members has not been selected for the current job.
[StringText] Dieses Teammitglied wurde nicht fⁿr den momentanen Auftrag gewΣhlt.
[StringName] This crew member has been selected for the current job.
[StringText] Dieses Teammitglied wurde fⁿr den momentanen Auftrag gewΣhlt.
[StringName] Items for sale
[StringText] GegenstΣnde zum Verkauf
[StringName] General Inventory
[StringText] Generelles Inventar
[StringName] Remaining Money
[StringText] Bargeld
[StringName] Details:
[StringText] Details:
[StringName] Cost
[StringText] Kosten
[StringName] Crew Equipment
[StringText] Teamausrⁿstung
[StringName] Category Selection
[StringText] Kategorieauswahl
[StringName] Left click to view Weapon category items.
[StringText] Klicke mit links, um dir die Waffen anzuschauen
[StringName] Left click to view Electronics category items.
[StringText] Klicke mit links, um dir die ElektronikgerΣte anzuschauen
[StringName] Left click to view Locks category items.
[StringText] Klicke mit links, um dir die Schl÷sser anzuschauen
[StringName] Left click to view your General purpose items.
[StringText] Klicke mit links, um dir weitere GegenstΣnde anzuschauen
[StringName] Inside
[StringText] Drinnen
[StringName] Outside
[StringText] Drau▀en
[StringName] Options
[StringText] Optionen
[StringName] Countermeasures
[StringText] Gegenma▀nahmen
[StringName] Suspicion
[StringText] Verdacht
[StringName] Case %
[StringText] Spionage %
[StringName] Purchase
[StringText] Kauf
[StringName] Recruit
[StringText] Rekrutieren
[StringName] Dialog
[StringText] Dialog
[StringName] Payment Request
[StringText] Gehaltsforderung
[StringName] Message
[StringText] Nachricht
[StringName] of
[StringText] von
[StringName] Heist
[StringText] Raub
[StringName] Alarm
[StringText] Alarm
[StringName] Bank
[StringText] Bank
[StringName] Police Station
[StringText] Polizeiwache
[StringName] Shop
[StringText] GeschΣft
[StringName] Electronics Shop
[StringText] ElektronikgeschΣft
[StringName] Hardware Shop
[StringText] Werkzeugladen
[StringName] Gun Shop
[StringText] Waffenladen
[StringName] Bar
[StringText] Bar
[StringName] Restaurant
[StringText] Restaurant
[StringName] Office
[StringText] Bⁿro
[StringName] House
[StringText] Haus
[StringName] Flat
[StringText] Wohnung
[StringName] Hotel
[StringText] Hotel
[StringName] Motel
[StringText] Motel
[StringName] Mobile Home
[StringText] Wohnmobil
[StringName] Warehouse
[StringText] Lagerhaus
[StringName] Factory
[StringText] Fabrik
[StringName] Lab
[StringText] Labor
[StringName] Heavy Industry
[StringText] Schwerindustrie
[StringName] Fire Station
[StringText] Feuerwehr
[StringName] Town Hall
[StringText] Rathaus
[StringName] Airport
[StringText] Flughafen
[StringName] Hospital
[StringText] Krankenhaus
[StringName] Prison
[StringText] GefΣngnis
[StringName] Derelict Building
[StringText] Verfallenes GebΣude
[StringName] Shipping Container
[StringText] Transportcontainer
[StringName] Gas Station
[StringText] Tankstelle
[StringName] Supermarket
[StringText] Supermarkt
[StringName] Generic Building
[StringText] Allgemeines GebΣude
[StringName] Scrapyard
[StringText] Schiffswerft
[StringName] Drug Store
[StringText] Apotheke
[StringName] Guard House
[StringText] Wachhaus
[StringName] Scrap Yard Crusher
[StringText] Schrottpresse
[StringName] Prison Gatehouse
[StringText] GefΣngnis-Wachhaus
[StringName] Guard Tower
[StringText] Wachturm
[StringName] Cells
[StringText] Zellen
[StringName] Casino
[StringText] Casino
[StringName] Telephone Kiosk
[StringText] Telefonzelle
[StringName] Whorehouse
[StringText] Freudenhaus
[StringName] Strip Bar
[StringText] Strip-Bar
[StringName] Respray Shop
[StringText] Lackiererei
[StringName] NYSE
[StringText] New Yorker B÷rse
[StringName] TV Station
[StringText] Fernsehstation
[StringName] Power Station
[StringText] Kraftwerk
[StringName] Man Hole
[StringText] Kanaldeckel
[StringName] Subway Entrance
[StringText] U-Bahn-Eingang
[StringName] Objectives
[StringText] Zielsetzung
[StringName] Debriefing
[StringText] Einsatzbericht
[StringName] Load and Save
[StringText] Laden und Speichern
[StringName] Credits Screen
[StringText] Credits
[StringName] Options Screen
[StringText] Optionen
[StringName] Start New Game
[StringText] Neues Spiel starten
[StringName] Next Available Crew Page
[StringText] Seiten der Teammitglieder umblΣttern
[StringName] Go Back
[StringText] Zurⁿck
[StringName] Confirm
[StringText] BestΣtigen
[StringName] Continue
[StringText] Weiter
[StringName] Launch Level
[StringText] Spiel starten
[StringName] Quit Game
[StringText] Spiel verlassen
[StringName] Empty Slot
[StringText] Leerer Platz
[StringName] BerettaInfo
[StringText] Standardwaffe, akkurat und schussstark ⁿber eine kurze Distanz.
[StringName] M16Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] HK5Info
[StringText] Eine kompakte, kraftvolle und akkurate Maschinenpistole. Sie ist eine ausgezeichnete Allround-Waffe mit einer hohen Feuerrate, sehr beliebt bei Sicherheitsdiensten und verdeckten Einsatztruppen.
[StringName] RocketLauncherInfo
[StringText] Ein schwerer Raketenwerfer, der hochexplosive Boden-Boden-Raketen mit erheblichen Auswirkungen abfeuert.
[StringName] CoshInfo
[StringText] Handlicher Stock, mit dem Gegner mit einem einzigen, gut gezielten Schlag in den Nacken bewusstlos geschlagen werden.
[StringName] PoliceScannerInfo
[StringText] H÷chst illegale gestohlene Polizeiausrⁿstung, hierdurch kann der Besitzer ansonsten verschlⁿsselte Polizeifrequenzen abh÷ren.
[StringName] LaptopInfo
[StringText] Tragbarer Computer, mit dem unterwegs Software gestartet werden kann.
[StringName] SoftwareInfo
[StringText] Ein Programm, das erstellt wurde, um auf einem Rechner eine bestimmte Funktion zu erfⁿllen.
[StringName] FirstAidInfo
[StringText] Eine Schachtel mit medizinischer Ausrⁿstung, die in NotfΣllen verwendet werden kann.
[StringName] BodyVestInfo
[StringText] Eine Weste, die vor den meisten Munitionskalibern schⁿtzt und so einigen Schaden abhΣlt, der normalerweise durch Schⁿsse entstehen wⁿrde.
[StringName] GrapplingInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IDCard1Info
[StringText] Eine Karte, auf der sich normalerweise ein Foto des TrΣgers befindet. Sie hat oft einen elektromagnetischen Streifen mit einem Sicherheitscode, wodurch der TrΣger in ein ansonsten verschlossenes GebΣude gelangt.
[StringName] IDCard2Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IDCard3Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IDCard4Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] WirecuttersInfo
[StringText] Ein GerΣt, das nur durch DrahtzΣune schneidet. Du musst zunΣchst den Strom eines elektrischen Zauns abschalten, bevor du ihn durchschneidest!
[StringName] RemoteMineInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] DetonatorInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ProximityMineInfo
[StringText] NΣherungsminen sind moderne Explosiva, die auf WΣrme oder Bewegung in ihrer Umgebung reagieren.
[StringName] StringerStripInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] VideoTapeInfo
[StringText] Ein einfaches VHS-Videoband. Es kann benutzt werden, um das tatsΣchliche Bild der Kamera zu ersetzen und so das Personal vor dem ▄berwachungsmonitor zu tΣuschen.
[StringName] SprayPaintInfo
[StringText] Eine Sprⁿhdose mit Farbe kann benutzt werden, um die Linse einer Videoⁿberwachung zu schwΣrzen. Hierdurch kann dein Team nicht mehr im GebΣude erwischt werden. Es ist dann nicht mehr dringend notwendig, die Videoⁿberwachung auszuschalten.
[StringName] ElectronicJammerInfo
[StringText] Modernstes elektronisches GerΣt, das ein elektromagnetisches Signal sendet, um die Funktion von Sicherheits- und KommunikationsgerΣten zu st÷ren.
[StringName] HarnessInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] SuctionHarnessInfo
[StringText] Der Haftanzug wurde speziell entwickelt, damit sich der TrΣger ⁿber einen Bodenabschnitt mit Bewegungs- oder Drucksensoren hinwegbewegen kann.
[StringName] LongRangeScannerInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IRGogglesInfo
[StringText] Durch die Infrarot-Brille wird die WΣrme von K÷rpern angezeigt, wodurch der TrΣger Hitzesignaturen sehen kann.
[StringName] StunGasInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] GasMaskInfo
[StringText] Eine spezielle Maske mit Mikrofiltern, wodurch der TrΣger in vergifteten Umgebungen atmen kann. Gasmasken k÷nnen gegen das CS-Gas angelegt werden, mit dem einige Sicherheitsdienste ausgestattet sind.
[StringName] StethoscopeInfo
[StringText] Stethoskope sind medizinische Abh÷rgerΣte. Ein guter Safeknacker kann mit ihnen an den DrehgerΣuschen eines Kombinationssafes den Code herausfinden.
[StringName] LockpicksInfo
[StringText] Die Standardausrⁿstung zum Schl÷sserknacken, die benutzt werden kann, um die Drehung eines Schlⁿssels im Schloss zu simulieren. Ein erfahrener Benutzer kann hiermit die meisten nicht-elektronischen Schl÷sser ÷ffnen.
[StringName] LaserCutterInfo
[StringText] Starker Industrieschneider, der Licht-Hochenergiestrahlen benutzt, um durch Metall wie durch Butter zu schneiden. ╓ffnet die meisten Safes innerhalb von Minuten.
[StringName] DoorDecoderInfo
[StringText] Ein speziell konfiguriertes GerΣt, das alle m÷glichen Zahlenkombinationen von zahlencodierten Tⁿrschl÷ssern ausprobiert.
[StringName] MetalDetectorInfo
[StringText] Ein verbesserter elektromagnetischer Scanner, mit dem viele Metalltypen schnell und genau erkannt werden k÷nnen.
[StringName] PlansInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] TNTInfo
[StringText] Trinitrotoluene (TNT) ist ein zuverlΣssiger und kraftvoller Sprengstoff, mit dem Safes gesprengt werden k÷nnen.
[StringName] MotorisedTrolleyInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] MoneyBagInfo
[StringText] Eine riesengro▀e Tasche, die erhebliche Mengen an Geldscheinen aufnehmen kann.
[StringName] AlarmPlansInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] AlarmJammerInfo
[StringText] Alarm-St÷rsender sind hochsensible elektronische GerΣte, mit denen das Signal an ein entferntes oder stummes Alarmsystem gest÷rt wird.
[StringName] LaserSightInfo
[StringText] Ein Zubeh÷r des MilitΣrs, das zur Verbesserung der Schie▀leistung entwickelt wurde. Er wird auf die meisten Waffen gesteckt und er projiziert einen gut sichtbaren roten Punkt auf das Ziel. Hierdurch sieht der Schⁿtze prΣzise sein Ziel.
[StringName] CSGasInfo
[StringText] CS-Gas ist ein KO-Gas, das weltweit eingesetzt wird. Es verursacht Lungenreizungen, seine Opfer werden vollstΣndig au▀er Gefecht gesetzt.
[StringName] ArchitecturalPlansInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] DesertEagleInfo
[StringText] Die Desert Eagle ist eine schwere 0,50-Kaliber Feuerwaffe. Sie ist sehr kraftvoll, jedoch schwer einzusetzen. Sie hat ausgezeichnete Wirkungen beim Stoppen von Zielen, erfordert jedoch eine hohe FΣhigkeit im Umgang mit Waffen.
[StringName] M60Info
[StringText] Die M60 ist ein gro▀kalibriges Maschinengewehr, das normalerweise auf einem Fahrzeug angebracht ist oder vom Boden aus abgefeuert wird.
[StringName] TaserInfo
[StringText] Der Taser gibt einen extrem starken Stromschlag an das Ziel ab. Hierdurch entstehen MuskelkrΣmpfe, das Opfer wird au▀er Gefecht gesetzt.
[StringName] CsGasGunInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] KnockoutDropsInfo
[StringText] BetΣubungsmittel, das sich besonders dazu eignet, eine Zielperson heimlich und leise auszuschalten.
[StringName] SniperRifleInfo
[StringText] Ein kraftvolles Gewehr mit hoher Reichweite. Es hat eine starke Linse, durch die potenzielle Ziele aus der Distanz gesehen und ausgeschaltet werden k÷nnen.
[StringName] SilencerPistolTypeInfo
[StringText] Ein DΣmpfer, der das GerΣusch aus der Mⁿndung einer Pistole erheblich verringert.
[StringName] SilencerMachineTypeInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] GrenadeInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] SpiderMineInfo
[StringText] Die Spider-Mine ist ein zertifiziertes Waffensystem, das vor Kurzem vom MilitΣr fⁿr Spezialoperationen entwickelt wurde.
[StringName] PowerDrillInfo
[StringText] Ein starker Presslufthammer mit einem krΣftigem Motor und verschiedenen Bohrk÷pfen. Er bohrt sich durch die meisten Materialien.
[StringName] PoliceDisguiseInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] CivilianDisguiseInfo
[StringText] Allgemeiner Begriff fⁿr alle Formen der Verkleidung, die von der normalen Kleidung eines Teammitglieds abweicht. Darunter befinden sich auch viele unterschiedliche Uniformen, beispielsweise von Sicherheitsdiensten oder Labortechnikern.
[StringName] DeadBodyInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ToolkitInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ThermalVestInfo
[StringText] Ein hochmoderner K÷rperanzug aus modernen Materialien, die keine Infrarotstrahlung mehr abgegeben.
[StringName] ComputerDiskInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] PackingCrateInfo
[StringText] In Kisten k÷nnen gro▀e Mengen schwerer Gⁿter gelagert werden. Diese sind normalerweise in LagerhΣusern zu finden.
[StringName] CameraInfo
[StringText] Eine Kamera mit Zoomobjektiv, die sowohl am Tage als auch in der Nacht Aufnahmen schie▀en kann.
[StringName] FilmInfo
[StringText] Eine lichtempfindliche Filmrolle fⁿr Negativabzⁿge.
[StringName] SpadeInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] OxyTorchInfo
[StringText] Ein kraftvolles SchneidegerΣt, das mit einer Gasflamme durch die meisten Metalle schneidet.
[StringName] TorchInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ShotgunInfo
[StringText] Eine patronenfeuernde durchschlagskrΣftige Waffe. Sie ist aus der NΣhe t÷dlich, in der Entfernung jedoch weniger effektiv.
[StringName] CrowbarInfo
[StringText] Ein schwerer Stahlhebel, nⁿtzlich zum ╓ffnen von Kisten oder Aufbrechen von Kassen und Schl÷ssern.
[StringName] ParcelInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] FlameThrowerInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] HeatCureInfo
[StringText] Der Begriff Abkⁿhlung bezieht sich auf jegliche Hilfe, die du in einem Unterschlupf bekommst, um die Polizei abzuschⁿtteln. Hierdurch wird die Hitze vom jeweiligen Benutzer gesenkt.
[StringName] PrisonPassInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] MoneyInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] MasterLockPickingKitInfo
[StringText] Erweitertes Set zum Schl÷sserknacken, erfordert in der Anwendung eine h÷here FΣhigkeit, ist jedoch effektiver gegen eine gr÷▀ere Anzahl von Schl÷ssern.
[StringName] ElectricLockPickInfo
[StringText] Das ultimative Werkzeug zum Schl÷sserknacken: es enthΣlt eine Reihe von Schlosswerkzeugen, die an einem kleinen elektrischem Motor angebracht werden k÷nnen.
[StringName] BerettaName
[StringText] Beretta
[StringName] M16Name
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] HK5Name
[StringText] HK MP5
[StringName] RocketLauncherName
[StringText] Raketenwerfer
[StringName] CoshName
[StringText] Schlagstock
[StringName] PoliceScannerName
[StringText] Polizeiscanner
[StringName] LaptopName
[StringText] Laptop
[StringName] SoftwareName
[StringText] Software
[StringName] FirstAidName
[StringText] Erste-Hilfe-Set
[StringName] BodyVestName
[StringText] Kugelsichere Weste
[StringName] GrapplingName
[StringText] Haken
[StringName] IDCard1Name
[StringText] ID-Karte #1
[StringName] IDCard2Name
[StringText] ID-Karte #2
[StringName] IDCard3Name
[StringText] ID-Karte #3
[StringName] IDCard4Name
[StringText] ID-Karte #4
[StringName] WirecuttersName
[StringText] Drahtschneider
[StringName] RemoteMineName
[StringText] Zⁿndungsmine
[StringName] DetonatorName
[StringText] Detonator
[StringName] ProximityMineName
[StringText] NΣherungsmine
[StringName] StringerStripName
[StringText] Nagelstreifen
[StringName] VideoTapeName
[StringText] Videoband
[StringName] SprayPaintName
[StringText] Farb-Sprⁿhdose
[StringName] ElectronicJammerName
[StringText] Elektronischer St÷rsender
[StringName] HarnessName
[StringText] Haftgeschirr
[StringName] SuctionHarnessName
[StringText] Haftanzug
[StringName] LongRangeScannerName
[StringText] Langstrecken-Scanner
[StringName] IRGogglesName
[StringText] IR-Brille
[StringName] StunGasName
[StringText] CS-Gas
[StringName] GasMaskName
[StringText] Gasmaske
[StringName] StethoscopeName
[StringText] Stethoskop
[StringName] LockpicksName
[StringText] Schlosswerkzeug
[StringName] LaserCutterName
[StringText] Laserschneider
[StringName] DoorDecoderName
[StringText] Tⁿr-Decoder
[StringName] MetalDetectorName
[StringText] Metalldetektor
[StringName] PlansName
[StringText] PlΣne
[StringName] TNTName
[StringText] TNT
[StringName] MotorisedTrolleyName
[StringText] Motorisierter Einkaufswagen
[StringName] MoneyBagName
[StringText] Geldtasche
[StringName] AlarmPlansName
[StringText] SicherheitsplΣne
[StringName] AlarmJammerName
[StringText] Alarm-St÷rsender
[StringName] LaserSightName
[StringText] Laser-Sucher
[StringName] CSGasName
[StringText] CS-Gas
[StringName] ArchitecturalPlansName
[StringText] PlΣne
[StringName] DesertEagleName
[StringText] Desert Eagle
[StringName] M60Name
[StringText] M60
[StringName] TaserName
[StringText] Taser
[StringName] CsGasGunName
[StringText] CS-Gas
[StringName] KnockoutDropsName
[StringText] KO-Tropfen
[StringName] SniperRifleName
[StringText] Scharfschⁿtzengewehr
[StringName] SilencerPistolTypeName
[StringText] PistolenschalldΣmpfer
[StringName] SilencerMachineTypeName
[StringText] GewehrschalldΣmpfer
[StringName] GrenadeName
[StringText] Granate
[StringName] SpiderMineName
[StringText] Spider-Mine
[StringName] PowerDrillName
[StringText] Presslufthammer
[StringName] PoliceDisguiseName
[StringText] Polizisten-Verkleidung
[StringName] CivilianDisguiseName
[StringText] Zivilisten-Verkleidung
[StringName] DeadBodyName
[StringText] Bewusstloser
[StringName] ToolkitName
[StringText] Werkzeugkasten
[StringName] ThermalVestName
[StringText] Thermalweste
[StringName] ComputerDiskName
[StringText] Diskette
[StringName] PackingCrateName
[StringText] Holzkisten
[StringName] CameraName
[StringText] Kamera
[StringName] FilmName
[StringText] Film
[StringName] SpadeName
[StringText] Spaten
[StringName] OxyTorchName
[StringText] Schwei▀brenner
[StringName] TorchName
[StringText] Fackel
[StringName] ShotgunName
[StringText] AbgesΣgte Schrotflinte
[StringName] CrowbarName
[StringText] Brechstange
[StringName] ParcelName
[StringText] Paket
[StringName] FlameThrowerName
[StringText] Flammenwerfer
[StringName] HeatCureName
[StringText] Abkⁿhlung
[StringName] PrisonPassName
[StringText] GefΣngnisausweis
[StringName] MoneyName
[StringText] Geld
[StringName] MasterLockPickingKitName
[StringText] Erweitertes Schlosswerkzeug
[StringName] ElectricLockPickName
[StringText] Elektrisches Schlosswerkzeug
[StringName] RecommendedTeam
[StringText] Verfⁿgbare PlΣtze
[StringName] Level01Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Triff dich mit dem Colonel zur Einsatzbesprechung
[StringName] Level01Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Geheim
[StringName] Level01Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Geheim
[StringName] Level01Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Pass auf, dass dein Team am Leben bleibt
[StringName] Level02Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Finde und rette Nikita
[StringName] Level02Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Triff dich mit dem Kontaktmann zur Flucht
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Rekrutiere dein letztes Teammitglied
[StringName] Level03Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Pass auf, dass dein Team am Leben bleibt
[StringName] Level03Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Lass den gepanzerten Wagen nicht entkommen
[StringName] Level04Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Geheim
[StringName] Level04Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Triff dich mit Cody zur Einsatzbesprechung
[StringName] Level04Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Geheim
[StringName] Level04Objective4
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level05Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Geheim
[StringName] Level05Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Geheim
[StringName] Level05Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: ▄berfalle die Quartiere der beiden Gangs
[StringName] Level05Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Sie mⁿssen alle AuftrΣge am dritten Tag vor 10 Uhr morgens abgeschlossen haben
[StringName] Level06Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Triff dich mit deinem Kontaktmann
[StringName] Level06Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Eliminiere alle Gangmitglieder, bevor sie das Gebiet verlassen
[StringName] Level06Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Geheim
[StringName] Level06Objective4
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level07Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Geheim
[StringName] Level07Objective2
[StringText] #003#01#0#2: ▄berfalle die gr÷▀te Bank der Stadt und flieh dann
[StringName] Level07Objective3
[StringText] #002#01#0#3: Geheim
[StringName] Level07Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Pass auf, dass dein Team am Leben bleibt
[StringName] Level08Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Geheim
[StringName] Level08Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Pass auf, dass dein Team am Leben bleibt
[StringName] Level08Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Geheim
[StringName] Level08Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Begib dich fⁿr deine Flucht zum Unterschlupf
[StringName] Level09Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Lokalisiere die KabelplΣne des Gebiets
[StringName] Level09Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Spioniere die New Yorker B÷rse aus und plane die Operation
[StringName] Level09Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Sammle deine Ausrⁿstung: ID-Karten, Zugang zum Zelt der Arbeiter und Laptop
[StringName] Level09Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Geheim
[StringName] Level10Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Erledige den Colonel
[StringName] Level10Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Erledige "Monster" Scott
[StringName] Level10Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Erledige William Cody
[StringName] Level10Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Geheim
[StringName] Level01Name
[StringText] Guten Morgen Hicksville
[StringName] Level02Name
[StringText] GefΣngnisausbruch
[StringName] Level03Name
[StringText] Lefty O'Hallorans Schuppen
[StringName] Level04Name
[StringText] Das Lagerhaus
[StringName] Level05Name
[StringText] Gangster's Paradise
[StringName] Level06Name
[StringText] Spa▀ mit Pharmazeutika
[StringName] Level07Name
[StringText] Licht aus, John Boy
[StringName] Level08Name
[StringText] Das Imperium schlΣgt zurⁿck
[StringName] Level09Name
[StringText] Der NYSE-Coup
[StringName] Level10Name
[StringText] Die Abrechnung
[StringName] StageNamePersonnel
[StringText] Schl÷sser - Personal
[StringName] StageNameSecurity
[StringText] Schl÷sser - Sicherheitsd.
[StringName] StageNameLocks
[StringText] Schl÷sser - Schl÷sser
[StringName] StageNameVault
[StringText] Schl÷sser - Tresor
[StringName] StageNameLoading
[StringText] Inhalt
[StringName] ObjectTypeCar
[StringText] Auto
[StringName] ObjectTypeCrew
[StringText] Team
[StringName] ObjectTypeSprite
[StringText] Sprite
[StringName] ObjectTypeCivilian
[StringText] Zivilist
[StringName] ObjectTypeEquipment
[StringText] Ausrⁿstung
[StringName] ObjectTypeBuilding
[StringText] GebΣude
[StringName] ObjectTypeLaw
[StringText] Polizei
[StringName] ObjectTypeEffect
[StringText] Spezialeffekt
[StringName] ObjectTypeGuard
[StringText] Wache
[StringName] ObjectTypeGate
[StringText] Tor
[StringName] ObjectTypeEmitter
[StringText] Sender
[StringName] ObjectTypeDecor
[StringText] Dekoratives Objekt
[StringName] ObjectTypeDog
[StringText] Hund
[StringName] ObjectTypeWeapon
[StringText] Waffe
[StringName] ObjectTypePolygonal
[StringText] Sonstiges Objekt
[StringName] ObjectTypeCriminal
[StringText] Krimineller
[StringName] CarBMW
[StringText] Wagen
[StringName] CarBlackLimo
[StringText] Limo
[StringName] CarWhiteLimo
[StringText] Limo
[StringName] CarRedYamaha
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] CarBlueYamaha
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] Car4by4
[StringText] 4X4
[StringName] CarArmouredVan
[StringText] Geldtransporter
[StringName] CarYellowBeatle
[StringText] KΣfer
[StringName] CarBlueBeatle
[StringText] KΣfer
[StringName] CarWhiteBeatle
[StringText] KΣfer
[StringName] CarRedFerrari
[StringText] Sportwagen
[StringName] CarYellowFerrari
[StringText] Sportwagen
[StringName] CarBlackPickup
[StringText] Pickup
[StringName] CarBluePickup
[StringText] Pickup
[StringName] CarRedPickup
[StringText] Pickup
[StringName] CarSilverPickup
[StringText] Pickup
[StringName] CarBlackPorsche
[StringText] Sportwagen
[StringName] CarRedPorsche
[StringText] Sportwagen
[StringName] CarSilverPorsche
[StringText] Sportwagen
[StringName] CarYellowPorsche
[StringText] Sportwagen
[StringName] CarPoliceCar
[StringText] Polizeiwagen
[StringName] CarTaxi
[StringText] Taxi
[StringName] CarTowtruck
[StringText] Zugmaschine
[StringName] CarAmbulance
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarVan
[StringText] Lieferwagen
[StringName] CarDirtyVan
[StringText] Lieferwagen
[StringName] CarBus
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarBombSquadVan
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarBombSquadBuggy
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarHelicopter
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarPrisonTransport
[StringText] Transporter
[StringName] CarSwatVan
[StringText] Lieferwagen
[StringName] CarPoliceSpeedboat
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarPoliceVan
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarTank
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarFireTruck
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarArmyTruck
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarAttackChopper
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarGreyhoundBus
[StringText] Bus
[StringName] CarBlackMercedes
[StringText] Wagen
[StringName] CarLamborghini
[StringText] 4X4
[StringName] CarBurnedCar
[StringText] Auto
[StringName] CarBurnedVan
[StringText] Lieferwagen
[StringName] CarTruck
[StringText] Truck
[StringName] CarPrototype
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarYacht
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarSpeedboat
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarFlatGmc
[StringText] GMC
[StringName] CarGmc
[StringText] GMC
[StringName] CarTanker
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarCrane
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarForklift
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarConstructionGear
[StringText] Baufahrzeug
[StringName] CarTvVan
[StringText] Lieferwagen
[StringName] CarCamperVan
[StringText] Lieferwagen
[StringName] CarPoliceCarNYC
[StringText] Polizeiauto
[StringName] CarPoliceCarLA
[StringText] Polizeiauto
[StringName] CarPassengerPlane
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarPoliceRoadblock
[StringText] Buggy
[StringName] CarStationCream
[StringText] Wohnmobil
[StringName] CarStationBlue
[StringText] Wohnmobil
[StringName] CarStationWreck
[StringText] Wohnmobil
[StringName] CarStationYellow
[StringText] Wohnmobil
[StringName] PAUSED
[StringText] PAUSE
[StringName] LOADING
[StringText] LADEN à
[StringName] Select Crew
[StringText] Team wΣhlen
[StringName] No Data Available
[StringText] Keine Daten verfⁿgbar
[StringName] OUT OF STOCK
[StringLang] Spanish
[StringName] NotAvailableAbbreviation
[StringText] N/A
[StringName] Skills
[StringText] Habilidades
[StringName] Weapons
[StringText] Armas
[StringName] Electronics
[StringText] Electr≤nica
[StringName] Locks
[StringText] Cerraduras
[StringName] Stealth
[StringText] Sigilo
[StringName] Left click to launch the level.
[StringText] Haz clic para iniciar el nivel
[StringName] Unable to launch level until your crew is adequately set up.
[StringText] Imposible iniciar el nivel hasta que el equipo estΘ correctamente instalado.
[StringName] Ability to use all weapons.
[StringText] Aptitud para utilizar todo tipo de armas
[StringName] Ability to use specialist electronic equipment.
[StringText] Aptitud para utilizar equipamiento electr≤nico especializado
[StringName] Ability to crack locks.
[StringText] Aptitud para abrir cerraduras
[StringName] Ability to move undetected.
[StringText] Capacidad para moverse sin ser detectado
[StringName] Received
[StringText] Recibido
[StringName] Heal
[StringText] Curar
[StringName] Briefing
[StringText] Informe
[StringName] Team Selection
[StringText] Selecci≤n de personal
[StringName] Crew Equip
[StringText] Equipar al personal
[StringName] Crew Recruit
[StringText] Reclutar personal
[StringName] Purchase Equipment
[StringText] Adquirir equipamiento
[StringName] Left click to return to the hub.
[StringText] Haz clic para volver al centro
[StringName] Left click to select this crew member for the next job.
[StringText] Haz clic para seleccionar a este miembro del equipo para el siguiente trabajo
[StringName] Left click to drop this crew member from the next job.
[StringText] Haz clic para eliminar a este miembro del equipo del siguiente trabajo
[StringName] This crew slot is empty, you may fill it by recruiting more crew members.
[StringText] la casilla del equipo estß vacφa; necesitas reclutar nuevos miembros del equipo
[StringName] Empty Crew Equip Slot.
[StringText] Casilla vacφa
[StringName] Empty Library Equip Slot.
[StringText] Ranura de biblioteca del equipo vacφa
[StringName] Empty Shop Equip Slot.
[StringText] Casilla vacφa
[StringName] Shop Equipment.
[StringText] Equipamiento de la tienda
[StringName] Library Equipment.
[StringText] Equipamiento de la librerφa
[StringName] Crew Equipment.
[StringText] Equipamiento del personal
[StringName] You cannot exist empty crew members!
[StringText] íPor favor, selecciona al menos un miembro del equipo!
[StringName] This crew members has not been selected for the current job.
[StringText] Este miembro del equipo no ha sido seleccionado para el trabajo actual
[StringName] This crew member has been selected for the current job.
[StringText] Este miembro del equipo ha sido seleccionado para el trabajo actual.
[StringName] Items for sale
[StringText] Objetos en venta
[StringName] General Inventory
[StringText] Inventario General
[StringName] Remaining Money
[StringText] Dinero
[StringName] Details:
[StringText] Detalles:
[StringName] Cost
[StringText] Coste
[StringName] Crew Equipment
[StringText] Equipamiento del Personal
[StringName] Category Selection
[StringText] Selecci≤n de Categorφa
[StringName] Left click to view Weapon category items.
[StringText] Haz clic para visualizar los objetos de la Categorφa de Armas
[StringName] Left click to view Electronics category items.
[StringText] Haz clic para visualizar los objetos de la categorφa de Electr≤nica
[StringName] Left click to view Locks category items.
[StringText] Haz clic para visualizar los objetos de la categorφa de Cerraduras
[StringName] Left click to view your General purpose items.
[StringText] Haz clic para visualizar los objetos de la categorφa de Auxiliares
[StringName] Inside
[StringText] Dentro
[StringName] Outside
[StringText] Fuera
[StringName] Options
[StringText] Opciones
[StringName] Countermeasures
[StringText] Contramedidas
[StringName] Suspicion
[StringText] Sospecha
[StringName] Case %
[StringText] Reconocer %
[StringName] Purchase
[StringText] Adquirir
[StringName] Recruit
[StringText] Reclutar
[StringName] Dialog
[StringText] Dißlogo
[StringName] Payment Request
[StringText] Petici≤n de Pago
[StringName] Message
[StringText] Mensaje
[StringName] of
[StringText] de
[StringName] Heist
[StringText] Atraco
[StringName] Alarm
[StringText] Alarma
[StringName] Bank
[StringText] Banco
[StringName] Police Station
[StringText] Cuartel de Policφa
[StringName] Shop
[StringText] Tienda
[StringName] Electronics Shop
[StringText] Tienda de Electr≤nica
[StringName] Hardware Shop
[StringText] Ferreterφa
[StringName] Gun Shop
[StringText] Armerφa
[StringName] Bar
[StringText] Bar
[StringName] Restaurant
[StringText] Restaurante
[StringName] Office
[StringText] Oficina
[StringName] House
[StringText] Casa
[StringName] Flat
[StringText] Apartamento
[StringName] Hotel
[StringText] Hotel
[StringName] Motel
[StringText] Motel
[StringName] Mobile Home
[StringText] Caravana
[StringName] Warehouse
[StringText] AlmacΘn
[StringName] Factory
[StringText] Fßbrica
[StringName] Lab
[StringText] Laboratorio
[StringName] Heavy Industry
[StringText] Industria Pesada
[StringName] Fire Station
[StringText] Estaci≤n de bomberos
[StringName] Town Hall
[StringText] Ayuntamiento
[StringName] Airport
[StringText] Aeropuerto
[StringName] Hospital
[StringText] Hospital
[StringName] Prison
[StringText] Cßrcel
[StringName] Derelict Building
[StringText] Edificio Abandonado
[StringName] Shipping Container
[StringText] Contenedor
[StringName] Gas Station
[StringText] Gasolinera
[StringName] Supermarket
[StringText] Supermercado
[StringName] Generic Building
[StringText] Edificio GenΘrico
[StringName] Scrapyard
[StringText] Chatarrerφa
[StringName] Drug Store
[StringText] Droguerφa
[StringName] Guard House
[StringText] Caseta de Vigilancia
[StringName] Scrap Yard Crusher
[StringText] Trituradora de Chatarrerφa
[StringName] Prison Gatehouse
[StringText] Caseta de Vigilancia de la Cßrcel
[StringName] Guard Tower
[StringText] Torre de Vigilancia
[StringName] Cells
[StringText] Celda
[StringName] Casino
[StringText] Casino
[StringName] Telephone Kiosk
[StringText] Cabina Telef≤nica
[StringName] Whorehouse
[StringText] Casa de Putas
[StringName] Strip Bar
[StringText] Bar de Strip-Tease
[StringName] Respray Shop
[StringText] Taller de Pintura
[StringName] NYSE
[StringText] Bolsa de Nueva York
[StringName] TV Station
[StringText] Emisora de Televisi≤n
[StringName] Power Station
[StringText] Central ElΘctrica
[StringName] Man Hole
[StringText] Boca de Acceso
[StringName] Subway Entrance
[StringText] Entrada de Metro
[StringName] Objectives
[StringText] Objetivos
[StringName] Debriefing
[StringText] Informe
[StringName] Load and Save
[StringText] Cargar y Guardar
[StringName] Credits Screen
[StringText] CrΘditos
[StringName] Options Screen
[StringText] Opciones
[StringName] Start New Game
[StringText] Comenzar una Partida Nueva
[StringName] Next Available Crew Page
[StringText] Alternar entre pßginas de personal disponible
[StringName] Go Back
[StringText] Regresar
[StringName] Confirm
[StringText] Confirmar
[StringName] Continue
[StringText] Continuar
[StringName] Launch Level
[StringText] Comenzar Partida
[StringName] Quit Game
[StringText] Abandonar Partida
[StringName] Empty Slot
[StringText] Casilla vacφa
[StringName] BerettaInfo
[StringText] Arma de combate reglamentaria, precisa y potente a distancias cortas.
[StringName] M16Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] HK5Info
[StringText] Un arma compacta, poderosa y precisa, este subfusil es un arma excelente y muy completa, con una elevada frecuencia de disparo. Preferida de las fuerzas de seguridad y secretas de todo el mundo.
[StringName] RocketLauncherInfo
[StringText] Lanzacohetes pesado tierra-tierra que dispara potentes cohetes explosivos tierra-tierra con efectos devastadores.
[StringName] CoshInfo
[StringText] La porra es un peque±o instrumento contundente que se utiliza para dejar inconsciente al oponente de un preciso golpe en el cuello.
[StringName] PoliceScannerInfo
[StringText] Un aparato robado a la policφa extremadamente ilegal, que permite a su propietario escanear las frecuencias de radio codificadas de la policφa y escuchar sus conversaciones.
[StringName] LaptopInfo
[StringText] Un ordenador portßtil utilizado para ejecutar programas durante los desplazamientos.
[StringName] SoftwareInfo
[StringText] Un programa dise±ado para ser utilizado en un instrumento de ordenador y que lleva a cabo una funci≤n especφfica.
[StringName] FirstAidInfo
[StringText] Una caja que contiene diverso equipamiento mΘdico, utilizada en situaciones de emergencia.
[StringName] BodyVestInfo
[StringText] Un chaleco forrado de Kevlar que protege a su portador de la mayorφa de los calibres de municiones existentes, absorbe parte del da±o recibido ordinariamente al recibir un disparo.
[StringName] GrapplingInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IDCard1Info
[StringText] Una tarjeta que suele llevar la fotografφa del portador, a menudo con una tira electromagnΘtica incrustada que lleva un c≤digo de seguridad que permite al portador entrar en un edificio que, de otro modo, tendrφa acceso restringido.
[StringName] IDCard2Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IDCard3Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IDCard4Info
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] WirecuttersInfo
[StringText] Un instrumento utilizado exclusivamente para cortar alambradas. íDebe cortarse el suministro de energφa a la valla electrificada antes de utilizar en ella los cortaalambres!
[StringName] RemoteMineInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] DetonatorInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ProximityMineInfo
[StringText] Las minas de proximidad son sofisticados aparatos electr≤nicos que detectan el calor o el movimiento dentro de su radio de acci≤n.
[StringName] StringerStripInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] VideoTapeInfo
[StringText] Una humilde Cinta de Vφdeo VHS. Puede ser utilizada para proporcionar una imagen falsa para enga±ar a los guardias de seguridad que observan las imßgenes de las cßmaras CCTV.
[StringName] SprayPaintInfo
[StringText] Un bote de pintura spray puede servir para pintar la lente de una cßmara CCTV, impidiΘndola registrar imßgenes de su equipo cuando estΘn en el interior de un edificio, reduciendo asφ la necesidad de desactivar el sistema CCTV.
[StringName] ElectronicJammerInfo
[StringText] Sofisticado aparato electr≤nico que emite una se±al electromagnΘtica que desorienta a los dispositivos de seguridad y de comunicaci≤n.
[StringName] HarnessInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] SuctionHarnessInfo
[StringText] El arnΘs de ventosas estß dise±ado especialmente para permitir que el portador atraviese una parte del suelo equipada con sensores de presi≤n o movimiento.
[StringName] LongRangeScannerInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] IRGogglesInfo
[StringText] Las lentes de infrarrojos funcionan amplificando la cantidad de radiaci≤n de infrarrojos emitida por los cuerpos con calor, permitiendo que el usuario vea manchas de calor.
[StringName] StunGasInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] GasMaskInfo
[StringText] Una mßscara especial, equipada con microfiltros que permiten al usuario respirar en ambientes t≤xicos. Las mßscaras de gas son esenciales para vencer los efectos del gas lacrim≤geno, con los que estßn equipados algunos guardias de seguridad.
[StringName] StethoscopeInfo
[StringText] Los estetoscopios son instrumentos de escucha mΘdicos; permiten que un revientacajas escuchar el mecanismo de una caja fuerte de combinaci≤n para saber en quΘ sentido ha de girar la ruedecita para abrir la caja.
[StringName] LockpicksInfo
[StringText] Un equipo estßndar de ganz·as puede ser utilizado para imitar el movimiento de una llave en los mecanismos de una cerradura; en manos de un usuario habilidoso, pueden abrir la mayorφa de los cerrojos no electr≤nicos.
[StringName] LaserCutterInfo
[StringText] Resistente cortadora industrial que utiliza un rayo de energφa concentrada para cortar los metales como si fueran mantequilla. Abre la mayorφa de las cajas y cortinas metßlicas en cuesti≤n de minutos.
[StringName] DoorDecoderInfo
[StringText] Un aparato especialmente configurado, dise±ado para repasar todas las combinaciones posibles de las puertas con c≤digos numΘricos.
[StringName] MetalDetectorInfo
[StringText] Un sofisticado escßner electromagnΘtico similar a los detectores de metales utilizados en las playas, pero capaz de distinguir entre m·ltiples tipos de metal con rapidez y precisi≤n.
[StringName] PlansInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] TNTInfo
[StringText] El trinitrotolueno (TNT) es un explosivo poderoso y fiable que puede utlizarse para abrir algunas cajas fuertes.
[StringName] MotorisedTrolleyInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] MoneyBagInfo
[StringText] Una bolsa de vieja grande y espaciosa en la que se pueden llevar de manera segura grandes cantidades de billetes.
[StringName] AlarmPlansInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] AlarmJammerInfo
[StringText] Los neutralizadores de alarmas son sofisticados aparatos electr≤nicos utilizados para bloquear la se±al que normalmente se emite a un sistema de alarmas silencioso o remoto.
[StringName] LaserSightInfo
[StringText] Un perifΘrico militar dise±ado pare mejorar la punterφa. Se puede acoplar a la mayorφa de las armas, y proyecta un punto rojo muy visible sobre el blanco, permitiendo al tirador ver con claridad d≤nde estß apuntando.
[StringName] CSGasInfo
[StringText] El gas lacrim≤geno es un gas no letal utilizado en todo el mundo para controlar a las multitudes y situaciones con rehenes; causa una quemaz≤n en los pulmones y deja a sus vφctimas totalmente indefensas.
[StringName] ArchitecturalPlansInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] DesertEagleInfo
[StringText] El desert eagle es un arma de fuego pesada de calibre 50, muy poderosa pero difφcil de controlar. Excelentes prestaciones a la hora de detener a sus blancos, pero requiere una buena habilidad en el manejo de armas para ser controlada con efectividad.
[StringName] M60Info
[StringText] La M60 es una ametralladora automßtica de gran calibre del ejΘrcito, normalmente instalada sobre un vehφculo o disparada desde el suelo.
[StringName] TaserInfo
[StringText] El tßser emite una descarga de un voltaje increφblemente elevado en un pulso de energφa elΘctrica. Esto incapacita a la vφctima de inmediato creßndole espasmos musculares.
[StringName] CsGasGunInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] KnockoutDropsInfo
[StringText] Liquido sedante que puede ser administrado disimuladamente a un contrincante para dejarlo inconsciente.
[StringName] SniperRifleInfo
[StringText] Un arma poderosa de largo alcance con un potente objetivo, que puede ser utilizada para eliminar objetivos potenciales desde grandes distancias.
[StringName] SilencerPistolTypeInfo
[StringText] Un silenciador que amortigua el ruido emitido normalmente por el ca±≤n de una pistola.
[StringName] SilencerMachineTypeInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] GrenadeInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] SpiderMineInfo
[StringText] La mina rastreadora es un arma secreta desarrollada recientemente por el ejΘrcito para operaciones especiales.
[StringName] PowerDrillInfo
[StringText] Una poderosa taladradora industrial con un surtido de brocas, capaz de atravesar la mayorφa de los materiales.
[StringName] PoliceDisguiseInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] CivilianDisguiseInfo
[StringText] Un tΘrmino genΘrico para cualquier tipo de disfraz diferente de las ropas utilizadas normalmente por un miembro del equipo. Incluyes muchos tipos de uniforme, como por ejemplo los de guardias de seguridad o tΘcnicos de laboratorio.
[StringName] DeadBodyInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ToolkitInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ThermalVestInfo
[StringText] Un traje de cuerpo completo de alta tecnologφa que utiliza materiales sintΘticos para impedir la emisi≤n de calor infrarrojo.
[StringName] ComputerDiskInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] PackingCrateInfo
[StringText] Normalmente, las cajas de embalaje se utilizan para contener grandes cantidades de objetos de peso y habitualmente se las guarda en almacenes.
[StringName] CameraInfo
[StringText] Una cßmara SLR con zoom que puede utilizarse para tomar fotos de alta definici≤n tanto de dφa como de noche.
[StringName] FilmInfo
[StringText] Un carrete fotosensible que se puede utilizar con diversos equipos de filmaci≤n.
[StringName] SpadeInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] OxyTorchInfo
[StringText] Un poderoso instrumento para cortar metales mediante una llama de gas; puede cortar a travΘs de la mayorφa de los metales.
[StringName] TorchInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] ShotgunInfo
[StringText] Un arma poderosa que dispara cartuchos, mortal a quemarropa, menos efectiva desde lejos.
[StringName] CrowbarInfo
[StringText] Una palanca de acero muy resistente, ·til a la hora de abrir cajones, o cajas registradoras y cerraduras.
[StringName] ParcelInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] FlameThrowerInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] HeatCureInfo
[StringText] Cura Contra la Presi≤n Policial es un tΘrmino que se refiere a cualquier tipo de ayuda recibida de los pisos francos que ayude a quitarse de encima a la policφa. Eliminan la presi≤n policial de cualquiera que compre la cura contra la presi≤n policial.
[StringName] PrisonPassInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] MoneyInfo
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] MasterLockPickingKitInfo
[StringText] Sofisticado equipo de ganz·as que precisa de un nivel de habilidad superior para su uso, pero que es mßs efectivo contra una mayor variedad de cerraduras.
[StringName] ElectricLockPickInfo
[StringText] El ·ltimo grito en ganz·as; contiene una serie de ganz·as que pueden ser acopladas a un peque±o motor elΘctrico.
[StringName] BerettaName
[StringText] Beretta
[StringName] M16Name
[StringText] UNUSED
[StringName] HK5Name
[StringText] HK MP5
[StringName] RocketLauncherName
[StringText] Lanzacohetes
[StringName] CoshName
[StringText] Porra
[StringName] PoliceScannerName
[StringText] Detector de Policφa
[StringName] LaptopName
[StringText] Ordenador portßtil
[StringName] SoftwareName
[StringText] Software
[StringName] FirstAidName
[StringText] Botiquφn
[StringName] BodyVestName
[StringText] Chaleco Antibalas
[StringName] GrapplingName
[StringText] Garfio
[StringName] IDCard1Name
[StringText] Tarjeta de Identificaci≤n #1
[StringName] IDCard2Name
[StringText] Tarjeta de Identificaci≤n #2
[StringName] IDCard3Name
[StringText] Tarjeta de Identificaci≤n #3
[StringName] IDCard4Name
[StringText] Tarjeta de Identificaci≤n #4
[StringName] WirecuttersName
[StringText] Cortaalambres
[StringName] RemoteMineName
[StringText] Mina a Distancia
[StringName] DetonatorName
[StringText] Detonador
[StringName] ProximityMineName
[StringText] Mina de Proximidad
[StringName] StringerStripName
[StringText] Tiras
[StringName] VideoTapeName
[StringText] Cinta de Vφdeo
[StringName] SprayPaintName
[StringText] Bote de Pintura Spray
[StringName] ElectronicJammerName
[StringText] Neutralizador Electr≤nico
[StringName] HarnessName
[StringText] ArnΘs
[StringName] SuctionHarnessName
[StringText] ArnΘs de Ventosas
[StringName] LongRangeScannerName
[StringText] Escßner de Larga Distancia
[StringName] IRGogglesName
[StringText] Lentes de Infrarrojos
[StringName] StunGasName
[StringText] Gas Narc≤tico
[StringName] GasMaskName
[StringText] Mßscara de Gas
[StringName] StethoscopeName
[StringText] Estetoscopio
[StringName] LockpicksName
[StringText] Ganz·as
[StringName] LaserCutterName
[StringText] Cortadora Lßser
[StringName] DoorDecoderName
[StringText] Decodificador de Puerta
[StringName] MetalDetectorName
[StringText] Detector de Metales
[StringName] PlansName
[StringText] Planos
[StringName] TNTName
[StringText] TNT
[StringName] MotorisedTrolleyName
[StringText] Carrito Motorizado
[StringName] MoneyBagName
[StringText] Bolsa de Dinero
[StringName] AlarmPlansName
[StringText] Planos de Seguridad
[StringName] AlarmJammerName
[StringText] Neutralizador de Alarmas
[StringName] LaserSightName
[StringText] Objetivo Lßser
[StringName] CSGasName
[StringText] Gas CS o lacrim≤geno
[StringName] ArchitecturalPlansName
[StringText] Planos Estructurales
[StringName] DesertEagleName
[StringText] Desert Eagle
[StringName] M60Name
[StringText] M60
[StringName] TaserName
[StringText] Tßser
[StringName] CsGasGunName
[StringText] Pistola de Gas CS
[StringName] KnockoutDropsName
[StringText] Somnφferos
[StringName] SniperRifleName
[StringText] Fusil
[StringName] SilencerPistolTypeName
[StringText] Tipo de Silenciador para Pistola
[StringName] SilencerMachineTypeName
[StringText] Tipo de Silenciador para Mßquina
[StringName] GrenadeName
[StringText] Granada
[StringName] SpiderMineName
[StringText] Mina Rastreadora
[StringName] PowerDrillName
[StringText] Taladradora
[StringName] PoliceDisguiseName
[StringText] Disfraz de Policφa
[StringName] CivilianDisguiseName
[StringText] Disfraz de Civil
[StringName] DeadBodyName
[StringText] Cadßver
[StringName] ToolkitName
[StringText] Juego de Herramientas
[StringName] ThermalVestName
[StringText] Traje TΘrmico
[StringName] ComputerDiskName
[StringText] Disquete de Ordenador
[StringName] PackingCrateName
[StringText] Caja de Embalaje
[StringName] CameraName
[StringText] Cßmara
[StringName] FilmName
[StringText] Pelφcula
[StringName] SpadeName
[StringText] Pala
[StringName] OxyTorchName
[StringText] Soplete
[StringName] TorchName
[StringText] Linterna
[StringName] ShotgunName
[StringText] Escopeta de Ca±ones Recortados
[StringName] CrowbarName
[StringText] Palanqueta
[StringName] ParcelName
[StringText] Paquete
[StringName] FlameThrowerName
[StringText] Lanzallamas
[StringName] HeatCureName
[StringText] Cura para Presi≤n Policial
[StringName] PrisonPassName
[StringText] Pase de Prisi≤n
[StringName] MoneyName
[StringText] Dinero
[StringName] MasterLockPickingKitName
[StringText] Equipo Especial de Ganz·as
[StringName] ElectricLockPickName
[StringText] Ganz·a ElΘctrica
[StringName] RecommendedTeam
[StringText] Casillas Disponibles
[StringName] Level01Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Conoce al coronel para su pimer encargo
[StringName] Level01Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: No revelado
[StringName] Level01Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: No revelado
[StringName] Level01Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: MantΘn a tu equipo con vida
[StringName] Level02Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Encuentra y rescata a Nikita
[StringName] Level02Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: EncuΘntrate con tu contacto de huida
[StringName] Level02Objective3
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level02Objective4
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level03Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Atraca la recaudaci≤n mensual de Lefty
[StringName] Level03Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Recluta al ·ltimo miembro de tu equipo
[StringName] Level03Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: MantΘn a tu equipo con vida
[StringName] Level03Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: No permitas que escape la furgoneta blindada
[StringName] Level04Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: No revelado
[StringName] Level04Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Contacta con Cody, y obtΘn las ≤rdenes
[StringName] Level04Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: No revelado
[StringName] Level04Objective4
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level05Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: No revelado
[StringName] Level05Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: No revelado
[StringName] Level05Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Atraca los cuarteles de ambas pandillas
[StringName] Level05Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Debes completar los trabajos antes de las 10 am del tercer dφa
[StringName] Level06Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: EncuΘntrate con tu contacto
[StringName] Level06Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Mata a todos los miembros de la banda antes de abandonar la zona
[StringName] Level06Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: No revelado
[StringName] Level06Objective4
[StringText] .
[StringName] Level07Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: No revelado
[StringName] Level07Objective2
[StringText] #003#01#0#2: Asalta el banco central y consigue escapar con Θxito
[StringName] Level07Objective3
[StringText] #002#01#0#3: No revelado
[StringName] Level07Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: MantΘn a todos los miembros del equipo con vida
[StringName] Level08Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: No revelado
[StringName] Level08Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: MantΘn a todos los miembros de tu equipo con vida
[StringName] Level08Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: No revelado
[StringName] Level08Objective4
[StringText] #004#01#0#4: Llega al piso franco para poder escapar
[StringName] Level09Objective1
[StringText] #001#01#0#1: Encuentra los planos de cableado de la zona
[StringName] Level09Objective2
[StringText] #002#01#0#2: Reconoce el edificio de la Bolsa de N.Y. y planifica la operaci≤n
[StringName] Level09Objective3
[StringText] #003#01#0#3: Monta el equipo: tarjetas de identificaci≤n, acceso a las tiendas y portßtiles de los empleados