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- Cello WWW Browser
- Release 1.01a
- 16 March 1994
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Table of Contents
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. What is Cello?
- 2. What you need to run Cello
- 3. Installation
- 4. Winsock notes
- 5. Documented (but not fixed) problems
- 6. Bug reports
- 7. New and repaired in this version.
- 8. File manifest for CELLO.ZIP
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- What is Cello?
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Most of you already know this, or you wouldn't have grabbed the
- file -- but we get mail from people who have downloaded the
- package without knowing what it is. This part's for them.
- Cello is a multipurpose Internet browser which permits you to
- access information from many sources in many formats.
- Technically, it's a WorldWideWeb client application. This
- means that you can use Cello to access data from WorldWideWeb,
- Gopher, FTP, and CSO/ph/qi servers, as well as X.500 directory
- servers, WAIS servers, HYTELNET, TechInfo, and others through external
- gateways. You can also use Cello and the WWW-HTML hypertext
- markup standard to build local hypertext systems on LANS, on
- single machines, and so on. Cello also permits the
- postprocessing of any file for which you've set up an
- association in the Windows File Manager -- for example, if you
- download an uncompressed Microsoft Word file from an FTP site,
- and the appropriate association exists in File Manager, Cello
- will run MS-Word on it for you. This same capability is used
- to view graphics and listen to sound files you get from the Net.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- What you need to run it
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- To run Cello, you need the files in this archive, plus some
- flavor of Winsock TCP/IP stack -- a piece of "middleware" which
- communicates with the Net. Cello works with all of the popular
- Winsock packages, although some trouble has been reported with
- certain implementations (see below). You will, of course, need
- to be directly connected to the network or have access to a
- SLIP or PPP server, depending on which of these your Winsock
- package supports.
- Cello runs on any hardware with a 386SX chip or better. We
- have seen it run with 2Mb RAM (with swapping on) on a
- 386/SX-16, but it's not a pretty sight. We recommend a minimum
- of 4 MB RAM. You will want to install -- if you haven't already --
- a video driver which supports 256-color operation.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Installation:
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- **************************************************************
- * This information (and a great deal more) is available from *
- * Cello's online help file, which can be viewed using the *
- * Windows help viewer after you've unzipped the distribution *
- * Filename: CLOHELP.HLP *
- **************************************************************
- First, install your Winsock software per the vendor's
- instructions. If you're installing Winsock for the first time,
- please use the vendor's PING application to check that your
- connection to the network, to your local gateway, and to your
- nameserver are working.
- We suggest that you create the following directories:
- Unzip the zipped archive (CELLO.ZIP) into the C:\CELLO
- directory, and follow the installation and configuration
- instructions in the online help file. If by chance you can't
- get Cello to start, you can still view the online help file by
- clicking on CLOHELP.HLP in File Manager; it's a Windows help
- application, and should start up in WinHelp without any trouble.
- A listing of the files in the archive is below; they include
- style files for various video resolutions, plus "empty"
- bookmark and CELLO.INI files
- If you do not currently use a TEMP directory (specified via the TEMP
- environment variable) we suggest that you do so. We also
- suggest that you enable the Windows virtual-memory feature.
- Special notes on setup for LAN administrators are in the online
- help.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Winsock notes:
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- PC-NFS' current winsock implementation does not support DNS
- natively. You can simulate DNS if you're running an NIS server
- and have the wshelper.exe add-on. This is to be fixed in the
- next version of PC-NFS.
- FTP Software:
- We receive mixed reports about Cello's operation with FTP Software's
- PCTCP Winsock. It seems to work well for the majority of people, but
- problems are sometimes reported with the retrieval of Web documents
- which contain multiple inlined images. Check the Cello FAQ for tips
- on configuration.
- Notes on the installation of Winsock are usually available with
- the vendor's distribution.
- (March 16 update) Despite extensive work with the FTP Software
- stack over the last month, it is still reported not to be
- working by some users. The author has no difficulty getting it
- to work with current releases on an NE2000 card with ODI
- drivers, but others report difficulties. Others say they have
- no problem. The problems which occur under the FTP Software
- stack don't occur when most other stacks are used. 'nuff
- said. We're continuing to work with it.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Documented problems which aren't fixed yet:
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Cello's builtin Telnet client has trouble with some SunOS
- and ULTRIX machines (and maybe more). For some reason these
- expect an <LF> character as the carriage-return prior to
- login. A typical symptom is that the host machine will give
- you a login prompt, you'll type the login name and hit <ENTER>,
- the cursor will return to the beginning of the line, and
- nothing else happens. To work around this, use <CTRL-ENTER>
- instead of <ENTER> to send the host machine a <LF> character.
- Another possibility is to use the Use Your Own Telnet...
- feature to splice in a telnet of your own.
- -- Only 8-1/2 x 11 paper is supported by the printing feature,
- and your mileage may vary depending on the make and model of
- printer you use.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Bug reports and further assistance:
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Send mail to cellobug@fatty.law.cornell.edu to report bugs.
- A great deal of assistance is also available from other
- Cellists on the CELLO-L listserv list. To subscribe, send mail
- to listserv@fatty.law.cornell.edu with
- SUB CELLO-L your full name
- as the only text in the message.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- New and repaired in this version
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Two significant bugs were repaired in this version:
- 1) Refusal to deal with Gopher+ and GN servers was repaired
- (this was actually an improper truncation of the port number).
- 2) Improper handling of text/plain from some servers was
- repaired. Be aware, however, that Cello does not rely on file
- extensions to determine "HTML-ness" of documents from non-HTTP
- servers. Instead, it looks for an <HTML> or <TITLE> tag in the
- first few lines of the document itself.
- A few other, minor bugs were fixed in this version as well.
- Have fun with it.
- Tb.
- Thomas R. Bruce
- Legal Information Institute
- Cornell Law School
- trb2@cornell.edu
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- 1024-768.STY Style/font file for 1024x768 display
- 640-480.STY Style/font file for 640x480 display
- 800-600.STY Style/font file for 800x600 display
- CELLO.BMK (Mostly) empty bookmark file
- CELLO.EXE The Cello executable
- CELLO.INI Cello .ini configuration file
- CELLO.SIG Sample .sig signature file (for e-mail)
- CELLO.STY Style/font file (same as 1024-768.STY)
- CLOHELP.HLP Cello Windows Help application
- README.1ST You're looking at it...