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Text File | 1995-03-25 | 141.4 KB | 2,934 lines |
- Page No. 1
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- 1Soft Corp 71240,1625
- A La Mode Workgroup 74140,3617
- Systems Inc
- Aaron Bornstein spew@j51.com
- Abdenacer Moussaoui nacer@hpmcaa.mcm.hp.com
- Abimbola Olowofoyeku laa12@keele.ac.uk
- Able Art Software 71431,1673
- Abri Technologies 72345,1623
- Inc
- Absolute Value 72327,1673
- Software
- Access Softek 76702,776
- Achieve Software 73304,404
- ACK Software 71220,23
- Acme Workshops 71371,1257
- ACON ApS Software agner@login.dknet.dk
- Adam Nikic adamnik@werple.mira.net.au
- Adam Taub 72570,2065
- Adam Testad adam@testad.pc.my
- Adaptec Inc ftp.adaptec.com
- Adobe Systems Inc GO ADOBE http://www.adobe.com/
- Adrian Akison adrian.akison@cobe.com
- Adrian Collins ade@mcc.ac.uk
- Adrian Cunnelly adrian@amcsoft.demon.co.uk
- Adrian J Blackman Adrian.Blackman@chem.utas.edu.au
- Adrian Silasi ce146@city.ac.uk
- Advanced Computer 71204,2226
- Tektonics
- Advanced Gravis GO PCVENB
- Computer Technology http://ibd.ar.com/IBD/Advanced_Grav
- is.html
- Advanced Info Jdilday@cybernetics.net
- Retrieval Tech
- Advanced Learning alearncorp@aol.com
- Corp
- Advanced Personal 70323,136
- Systems
- Advanced Software 75510,56
- Adventure 71332,3605
- LearningWare
- Aeolus Software 76270,2436
- (Mark H. Kanial)
- Affinity 76344,1750
- Microsystems LTD
- Ahlgren, Joseph R 70461,2340
- AI Funk 71505,1277
- Aladdin Systems Inc 75300,1666 aladdin@well.sf.ca.us
- http://www.internex.com/DTP/Aladdin
- .html
- Page No. 2
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Alan Head head@rivett.mst.csiro.au
- Alan Phillips A.Phillips@lancaster.ac.uk
- Alan Reeve 71521.2200 reevesoft@delphi.com
- Alan Walworth ayw@netcom.com
- Albert Jenke AJenke@aol.com
- Aldus Corp GO ALDUS
- http://www.internex.com/DTP/Aldus.h
- tml
- Aleph Takoma Systems 71371,635
- Inc
- Alex Lepeck CLOCK@vms.huji.ac.il
- Alexander Kuplin 100125.3526
- Alexander potap@stoik.sensor.zgrad.su
- Miroschnichenko
- Alexander Walter 76500,1423
- Alexei Alyosha Efros AEfros@cc.utah.edu
- Jr
- Alive Software 73677,1344
- Allan B. Liss 76247,642 lissab@lldmpc.dnet.dupont.com
- Allan Computer 71341,2253
- Products
- Allan Grattan COMP1002@SLCSL.StLawrenceC.On.Ca
- Allan Tubbs tubbs@hogpa.ho.att.com
- Allen Gwinn allen@dia.com
- Allen Jackson 72357,644 ustccjf3@ibmmail.com
- Allison Software 72600,1200
- Alon Gingold gingold@chief.elron.net
- Alpha Software Corp PC VENE 15
- AlphaBytes Inc 71131,2734
- Alpine Software 73770,3273
- Alston Software Labs 76040,2247
- Alternate 71051,767
- Productivity
- Products
- Altsys Corp 76004,2071
- Alwin Hoogerdijk alwin@kgs.twi.tudelft.nl
- Amdox Co Ltd 76672,1273
- America OnLine Inc info@aol.com or ahotline@aol.com
- http://www.aol.com
- American Coders Ltd 74150,2370 joe@usacoder.rtp.nc.us
- American Digital 72310,443
- Cartography
- American Digital 71543,3345
- Corporation
- American Megatrends robs@internet.megatrends.com
- (AMI)
- American Power GO APCSUPPORT techs@aptech.UUCP
- Conversion Corp
- American Systems 72446,316
- Page No. 3
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Ames Laboratory homer@ameslab.gov
- Amir Mirenberg ila2043@zeus.dataserv.co.il
- Amos Zaslavsky kemp@techunix.technion.ac.il
- Amr A Awadallah amr@frcu.eun.eg
- Anders Munch juul@diku.dk
- Andre Engelhorn ae1@irz.inf.tu-dresedn.de
- Andre Morales andrepm@ix.netcom.com
- Andre Schild 100034,3536
- Andreas Groegel ag@studbox.uni-stuttgart.de
- Andrei Belogortseff 74634,2173 andreib@delphi.com
- Andres Henckens henckens@luc.ac.be
- Andrew H Derbyshire help@kev.com
- Andrew J Lenzini alenzini@teleport.COM
- Andrew Malek admalek@sacam.oren.ortn.edu
- Andrew Rossman andyross@infopls.chi.il.us
- Andrey Spasibozhko as@hq.icb.chel.su
- Andrzej Brzezinski umbrzez0@silver.cs.umanitoba.ca
- Andy Birkhead andyb@indy.net
- Andy Charmatz. antech@netcom.com
- A.N.D. Technologies
- Andy Hakim ahakim@uh.edu
- Anne Foxworthy anne@greebo.apana.org.au
- Anneke anneke@chem.ruu.nl
- Sicherer-Roetman
- Annete Cuomo 73747,3537
- Anssi Johansson avij@spt.fi
- Anthony Vervoort falstaff@netcom.com
- Antonio Carlos M d acmq@coe.ufrj.br
- Querioz
- Antony Lewis AML1005@CAM.AC.UK
- Antti Peltonen antti.peltonen@oulu.fi
- Apogee Software 72550,634
- Apple Computer Inc GO MACINTOSH http://www.apple.com/
- Approach Software 76646,3367 help@approach.com
- Corp
- Apricot in Canada GO WINADV
- Arabesque Software GO WINAPA
- Inc
- Arbor Verde Press 73510,3550
- Arcadia Technologies 75600,1105
- Inc
- Arcanum Computing 71020,2613
- Archtek America Corp smrtlink@aol.com
- Ari Hovila, Jari ajh@uwasa.fi
- Perkiomaki
- Ariel Corp ariel@ariel.com
- Aristosoft Inc GO WINAPC
- Arjen Merckens a.merckens@appsw.rug.nl
- Arno Schaefer schaefer@rbg.informatik.th-darmstad
- t.de
- http://rbhp62.rbg.informatik.th-dar
- mstadt.de/~schaefer/home_eng.html
- Page No. 4
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- ArsLonga Group 75260,2077 skip@shell.portal.com
- http://www.portal.com/~skip/ayli.ht
- ml
- Arthur McKendry 75020,1301
- Arthur Tanzella 71175,76
- Artisoft Inc GO ARTISOFT
- Arturo J Monge mongev@cariari.ucr.ac.cr
- Arun Bhalla abhalla@imsa.edu
- ASCII Computer 70370,124
- Enterprises
- Ashmount Research 70007,5437 ashmount@cix.compulink.co.uk
- ASP Assoc. of 72050,1433 or GO
- Shareware Profess. ASPFORUM
- ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536
- Associated 70366,755
- Information Services
- Athena Design Inc info@athena.com
- Athena Systems markd@silogic.uucp
- Development Group
- ATI Technologies Inc GO ATITECH http://www.atitech.ca/
- 74740,667
- Auburn Software 70400,1022
- August Applications augapp@aol.com
- Austin Software 71251,1121
- Design
- Autodesk Inc 71241,2067 or ftp.autodesk.com
- Autonomi Sdn Bhd adam@testad.pc.my
- Avinash Chopde avinash@acm.org
- Awareness 75262,1471 yee@utdallas.edu
- Productions, Thomas
- Yee
- Axel Rodhe exp109@physik.uni-kiel.d400.de
- B. Alex Robinsson arobinson@avoice.com
- Baker Enterprises rbakerpc@delphi.com
- Bardon Data Systems 72340,375
- Barn Owl Software 74017,1344
- Barry Drodge Barry.R.Drodge@Waterloo.NCR.COM
- Barry Naujok naujok@barney.eng.monash.edu.au
- BASIC Systems Inc 70034,1341
- BayDee Inc 70302,557
- BC Enterprises 76350,154
- Software Inc
- BCM Software 71470,2225
- Beame & Whiteside sales@bws.com
- Software Ltd
- Ben Gerdemann beng@peak.org
- http://www.peak.org/~beng/
- Ben Sprachman 72550,3025 BenS@hw.stratus.com
- Page No. 5
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Bengt Bolinder bbo@fih.dk
- Benjamin W Hartley 70033,2612
- Benny Nissen beast@ruc.dk
- BeastWare
- Bent Lynggaard lynggaard@risoe.dk
- Berend de Boer 100120,3121 berend@beard.nest.nl
- Berkeley Systems Inc osw@berksys.com
- http://www.bsdi.com/ or
- http://www.berksys.com/
- Berkeley Toolworks apivis@berktool.com
- BestWare Inc Accounting forum
- Bhaqavat Dharma and bhagavat@dharma.demon.co.uk
- Akinchana Devi
- Biblogic Computer 75020,556
- Services
- Bill Alexander, 70750,2147 QuickWare@aol.com
- Quickware
- Bill Blackledge 70162,1130
- Bill Dickson 76226,2652
- Bill Lambdin bill.lambdin@pcohio.com
- Bill Moore 71001,2364
- Bill Moses bmoses@gcl.georcoll.on.co
- Bill Neisius bill@solaria.hac.com
- Bill Pierpoint bill@nfesc.navy.mil
- Bill Pytlovany billp@aol.com
- Binary Systems 72775,240
- (Larry Pendarvis)
- Bit Masons 72561,2637
- Consulting
- BJ van der Merwe ben.van.der.merwe@digitec.co.za
- Blackledge Law 70162,1130
- Office
- Blue Bull Software 75720,327
- Blue Cannon Software 70372,421
- Blue Sky Software 72440,1776
- Corp
- BlueCollar Software 72630,1714
- Bob Bedoll, Boeing rfb@sdc.cs.boeing.com
- Computer Serv.
- Bob Berry 76555,167
- Bob Breedlove bob@bobsware.com
- Bob Bruninga c/oTim Dugan
- TPDugan@dockmaster.ncsc.mil
- Bob Hulst B.J.Hulst@ET.TUDelft.NL
- Bob Rosenberger 70007,4004
- Bob Taylor r.taylor@ic.ac.uk
- Bob Winters kd7p@seanet.com
- Bob Zimmerman bobzim@mcs.com
- http://www.mcs.com/~bobzim/home.htm
- l
- Page No. 6
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Boca Research 75300,2672
- BocaSoft c/o 75300,2672
- Indelible Blue
- Bok Nan Lo 73523,2502 lo@cs.unr.edu
- Borland GO BORLAND customer-support@borland.com
- International Inc http://www.borland.com/
- Bowen Software 76665,736
- Boxer Software 70242,2126
- Boyd Ross rossboyd@nbnet.nb.ca
- Brad Keister keister@poincare.phys.cmu.edu
- Brad P Smith B.P.Smith@BIX.com
- Bradley S Murray, GO SWREG ID 3638 bmurray@pluto.njcc.com
- Princeton Comp C
- Brandon Fridley 74012,1635
- Brandon Shaw brandonshaw@delphi.com
- Brandon Staggs bstaggs@aloha.net
- Bremer Corp 71614,2556 zboray@io.com
- http://www.io.com/~zboray/shareware
- /
- Brendan Babb Brendan@micro.uct.ac.za
- Brendan Gowing bgowing@dsg.cs.tcd.ie
- http://www.dsg.cs.tcd.ie/
- Brendon Woirhaye celerity@adp.so.mp.usbr.gov
- Brent Hugh bhugh@cstp.umkc.edu
- Brent Noorda 72212,1622 bsn@world.std.com
- Brentson Worrell 71121,1601
- Bret Lanius bret.lanius@ptonline.com
- Brian C. Madsen bmadsen@tribble.khis.com
- Brian Fell FELLBRIAN@urvax.urich.edu
- Brian Goble goble@ee.washington.edu
- Brian Lockrey brian@aiinet.com
- Brian McClure bmcclure@olie.wvitcoe.wvnet.edu
- Brian McMahon mcmahon@cad.uccb.ns.ca
- Brian Quinion brian@quinion.demon.co.uk
- http://www.mps.ohio-state.edu/cgi-b
- in/hpp/BriQui.html#spell2
- Brian R Showalter brshowal@vax1.acs.jmu.edu
- Brian Risman brisman@io.org
- Brian Sawert bsawert@primenet.com
- Brian Snyder bsnyder@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu
- Brian Strack Jensen purple@diku.dk
- Brighton Beach bbs@cyber.com.au
- Software
- Brightridge 74676,235
- Solutions Inc
- Bristol Computing 71341,1463
- Systems Inc
- Bristol Technology info@bristol.com
- http://www.bristol.com/
- Page No. 7
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Bromfield Software 71054,3051
- Products
- Brooklyn North harawitz@fox.nstn.ns.ca
- Software Works http://watarts.uwaterloo.ca/ENGL/nr
- andall/html_editors.html
- Bruce Adelsman badelsman@aol.com
- Bruce Armstrong SS6BGA@fs2.ballarat.edu.au
- Bruce Davidson B.R.Davidson@durham.ac.uk URL:
- http://www.dur.ac.uk/~d22t8r
- Bruce Guthrie bgu@cu.nih.gov
- Bruce Nunnally 73024.3000
- Bruce Sabalaskey sabasoft@xnet.com
- Bruce Winterbon bk850@FreeNet.Carleton.ca
- Budget Software Co 70033,643
- Buerg Software 70007,1212
- Burkhard Daniel 100342,2050 burk@berlin.snafu.de
- Buttonware Inc 73230,1363
- Byron Darrah darrah@kaiwan.com
- Byte O'Software 72050,2241
- C A Marriott 100113,1140 chris@chrism.demon.co.uk
- http:/www.winternet.com/~jasc/skyma
- p.html
- C Neil Bauers nbauers@samphire.demon.co.uk
- C&E Associaties 72717,1612
- C-Vision Software 72223,2016
- c/o Eduardo F J de e.jucah@ieee.org
- Castro
- C2C Systems 76100,2305 C2CUSA@delphi.com
- International
- Caber Software 73147,2665
- Caere Corp GO DTPBVEN support@caere.co
- Caesar M Samsi 72030,562 csamsi@clark.net
- http://www.io.org/~roddie/wsirc.htm
- l
- Caladonia Systems 70711,3300
- Inc
- Californa Software support@calsoft.com
- Inc
- California Software 76266,2634 Jim.derr@spacebbs.com
- Design http://www.calsoft.com/
- Cambridge Scientific info@camsci.com
- Computing
- Campbell Services 75300,1555 support@ontime.mhs.copuserve.com
- Inc
- Canalrun Inc CanalRun@aol.com
- Candlelight Software 70346,1010
- Canon Computer GO CANON
- Systems Inc
- Canyon Software 71320,1277 danb@canyonsw.com
- Page No. 8
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Cardinal cardtec@aol.com
- Technologies Inc
- Carel Windt windc@biol.rug.nl
- CareWare 74270,516
- Carl Henry chenry@tidal.nosc.mil
- Carl J. Lambrecht cjlambre@mailbox.syr.edu
- Carl Klingsford carlk@mv.mv.com
- Carl Mellesmoen cgm133@cs.usask.ca
- Carlo Moretti moretti@zeus.csr.unibo.it
- Carlos Berguido 72411,1071
- Carlos Legarreta legarret@titan.ucs.umass.edu
- Carr Software 70043,3574
- Carry Associates 71435,470
- Cary Ravitz 70431,32
- Cascoly Software 76703,3046
- Casey Rippon ripponc@islandnet.com
- Casio Inc GO PALMTOP
- cc:Mail Inc marketing@ccmail.com
- http://www.ccmail.com/
- CCI Ltd 70431,3525
- CCS Enterprises Inc info@ccs.com
- CE Software Inc 76136,2137
- Cecilia Wong 76655,344
- Central Point GO CPSDOS or
- Software Inc CPSWIN
- Cesare Feroldi c.feroldi@agora.stm.it
- Chad Knudson knudson@aero.und.nodak.edu
- Chad Trabant fscmt1@aurora.alaska.edu
- Chad Wagner cmwagner@gate.net
- Chang-Ping Lee DCF cpl@leland.Stanford.EDU
- Software
- Changing Seasons 71371,731
- Software
- Charles Aitkens 71054,3051
- Charles H Culberson 70511,3134
- Charles K Snider 73730,1315
- Charles P Staats 72747,2474
- Charles Scheffold daredev@dorsai.dorsai.org
- and Thomas Pytel
- Chatfield Software 71031,1036
- Inc
- Cheat River 73710,2611
- Engineering
- Checkbox Software 71034,2654
- Cheyenne Software GO CHEYENNE http://www.chey.com/
- Inc
- Chiam, Yih Wei eng40263@nus.sg
- (Peter)
- Chieh Cheng gypsy@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
- http://falcon.cc.ukans.edu/~mothbal
- l/
- Page No. 9
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Chin Huang cthuang@io.org
- Chinook Software mschwart@nyx.cs.du.edu
- Chip Morrow chip@infinet.com
- Chris A Gordon cagg@interlog.com
- Chris B Sakkas sakkascb@ucunix.san.uc.edu
- Chris Blum chbl@stud.uni-sb.de
- Chris Craig chris3@garfield.cs.mun.ca
- Chris Doan doanc@netcom.com
- Chris Hewitt, 100036,133
- Technical Pixies
- Chris Laird c1102@tower.york.ac.uk
- Chris Lautenbach viper@ttcbbs.com
- Chris Marriot 100113,1140 chris@chrism.demon.co.uk
- Chris Michaels chris.michaels@pegproj.com
- Chris O'Donnel 70341,1427 CHRISOD@delphi.com
- Chris Ruckman ruckman@oasys.dt.navy.mil
- Chris Sitte 73030,1070
- Softwaretechnik
- Chris Stone cstone@hms.com
- Chris Stromberger stromc@arlut.utexas.edu
- Christ van Willegen rcsacw@urc.tue.nl
- Christian Blum chbl@stud.uni-sb.de
- Christian M Wikström cwikstro@cc.helsinki.fi
- Christian Strevel ggonzale@rsservb.cem.itesm.mx
- Christofer R S 70541,3614
- Schanck
- Christoffer Lawrence clb@prism.mindware.brisnet.org.au
- Burke
- Christophe David davidc@email.enst.fr
- Christopher Bodine 74367,1131 bodine_ch@froaks.enet.dec.com
- Christopher Burke clb@prism.mindware.brisnet.org.au
- Christopher E Long 76500,2073
- Christopher King cking@eosc.osshe.edu
- Christopher R Lafave clafave@holonet.net
- Christopher W Geib 72144,1426 ChrisWGeib@aol.com
- Chuck Forsberg 70007,2304 caf@omen.COM
- Chuck Wells chuck@tiac.net
- CICA (Internet FTP ftp.cica.indiana.edu
- etc) http://www.cica.indiana.edu/
- Circular Logic perry@delphi.com
- Ciriaco Garcia de ciri@gui.uva.es
- Celis
- Clarion Software GO CLARION
- Corp
- Claris Corp GO CLARIS http://www.claris.com/
- Claudio Roberto roberti@dsi.unimi.it
- CMD Data Services 70701,2123
- (Scott Whitehead)
- Page No. 10
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Coast to Coast cdrom@Mail.Coast.NET
- Telecommunications http://www.coast.net/
- Colin Garbutt 1000034,3436
- Colin Jason Adams umadam19@cc.umanitoba.ca
- Command Corp Inc 73517,757 mhw@gacc.atl.ga.us
- Command Line 72673,357
- Software
- Commercial Software 73277,2003
- Associates
- Common Sense 70274,3020
- Software
- Commtouch SW Inc pronto@commtouch.co.il
- Compaq Computer Corp support@compaq.com
- http://www.compaq.com/
- Compass 70511,720
- CompuServe Inc 70006,101 http://www.compuserve.com/
- CompuTater Software 73677,3450
- Computer Associates GO CAI
- Int Inc
- Computer Associates GO CAI
- Int. Inc
- Computer Counselors 72255,305
- Inc
- Computer Ease (Doug 71221,2766
- Patrick)
- Computer Knowledge 75655,210
- Computer Witchcraft 76130,1463 help@win.net
- Inc davideo@aborigine.win.net
- Concentric Data GO DBA
- Systems
- Confirm (Aad 76260,2363
- Slingerland)
- ConVal Software Inc 72330,1621
- Cool Software Inc ronl@coolsoft.com
- http://www.coolsoft.com/
- Cooney Applied 71001,1370
- Technology
- Core Systems 71552,3666 lvuong@cais.com
- http://www.pylon.com:80/homeworld/
- Corel Systems Corp GO COREL
- Corex Technologies devo@acs.bu.edu
- Corp
- Cornel Huth cornel@crl.com
- ftp://ftp.crl.com/users/ro/cornel
- Cornell Law School lii@fatty.law.cornell.edu
- Cortlandt 71066,155
- Technologies
- Courtney Krehbiel 72341,2033 courtney@cts.com
- Coyote Data Ltd 71756,444
- Page No. 11
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- CQ Research Corp 70621,2170
- (Grep Pickwell)
- Craig Jackson cjackson@cybernetics.com
- Craig Young craig@clo.midland.co.nz
- Creative Labs Inc ftp.creaf.com
- http://www.creaf.com/
- Creative Systems 71511,151
- Programming Corp
- Creative Systems 71511,151
- Programming Corp
- Crescent Software 72657,3070
- Inc
- Crosscourt Systems 72446,2704
- Crossdown 70724,2075
- Crynwr Software info@crynwr.com
- http://www.crynwr.com/
- Crystal Services Inc 71035,2430
- CSA Systems Advisers postmaster@csam.com.my
- (M) Sdn
- CSD Inc 72701,155
- CTRALT Associates 76004,1664
- Cumberland Software 70713,3476
- Custom Data 76702,1355
- Solutions
- Custom Real Time 72467,1255
- Software Inc
- Custom Technologies 76004,1543
- Cybernetic Software 76645,3010
- Cybernetic Systems 70233,1754
- Inc
- Cybersource Pty Ltd info@cyber.com.au
- Cypher Mountain 72401,1352
- Systems
- Cz Software Corp czsoft@halcyon.com
- D Bartley dbartley@epix.net
- D J Harvey Software 100031,627 harveydj@cardiff.ac.uk
- D. Kuznetsov 76342,1200 LeoK@Dnai.Com
- Daan Waterman Daan.Waterman@ensing.idn.nl
- DAC Micro Systems 72617,2436
- Dado Colussi Dado.Colussi@Helsinki.FI
- http://www.helsinki.fi/~gcolussi
- Dale J Hubbard dhubbard@auto.pc.my
- Dalibor Cerar dalibor@e5.ijs.si
- Dan Bruton astro@tamu.edu
- Dan Censor censor@bguee.bgu.ac.il
- Dan Drinnon c/o chip@infinet.com
- Chip Morrow
- Dan Lewis dan.lewis@ksp.com
- Dan Schikore drs@cs.purdue.edu
- Page No. 12
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Dan Shearer ccdps@lux.levels.unisa.edu.au
- Dan Stickel dan@delfin.com
- Dan Tomandl dant@uwashington.edu
- Dane Beko dbeko@indirect.com
- Daniel A Sill sill@zoe.as.utexas.edu
- Daniel Bodoh bodoh@xraylith.wisc.edu
- Daniel Corbier corbier@delphi.com
- Daniel Farfan p00249@psilink.com
- Daniel P Stasinski, dse@pacific.net
- DSE Softw Publ.
- Daniel Schikore drs@cs.purdue.edu
- Daniel Thomas 72301,2164
- Daniel Tietze tietze@darmstadt.gmd.de
- Danny Brand brands@sara.nl
- Dara T. Khani darak@iplmail.orl.mmc.com
- Darkside dell@vox.darksice.com
- International
- Darren E. Penner dpenner@ee.ualberta.ca
- Daryl Clarke daryl@garfield.cs.mun.ca
- Data Access Corp GO DACCESS
- Data By Design, carnellm@citadel.edu
- Michael Carnell
- Data Fellows Ltd data.fellows@datafellows.fi
- http://www.datafellows.fi/
- Data Logic Limited istewart@datlog.co.uk
- Data Rescue Services kkondak@lynx.cs.usfca.edu
- Data Solutions 72356,354
- DataEase DATAEASE forum
- International Inc
- DataGem Co 75540,762
- Datalus Inc 71044,1132
- DataMicro Inc 71251,2123
- Dataphile Software 74706,506
- Datastorm GO DSTORM dick@datastorm.com
- Technologies Inc
- DataViz Inc 72603,1674
- Datawatch Corp info@datawatch.com
- DataWell 73510,3077
- Dave Briccetti & 74475,1072
- Associates
- Dave Gillett dgil@ipsaint.ipsa.reuter.com
- Dave Grabowski 70721.2222 dcg5662@hertz.njit.edu
- Dave Hall support@vironix.com
- Dave Kirsch Zoid@mindlink.bc.ca
- Dave Lester 75600,237
- Dave Potts davep@ensoniq.com
- Dave Reus dave.reus@pobox.com
- Dave Sawford dws@mrao.cam.ac.uk
- Dave Verschleiser dversch@intac.com
- Page No. 13
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Dave Williams dwilliam@csuvaxl.murdoch.edu.au
- Dave Woodall woodall@adrs1.dseg.ti.com
- David A Feinleib 76516,20
- David A Karp daaron@uclink2.berkeley.edu
- David A Schweizer d.a.schweizer@gamma.rug.nl
- David Baldwin 76327,53
- David Balmer dbalmer@dfw.net
- David Brown dbrown@husky1.stmarys.ca
- David Colston, davidcolston@delphi.com
- Colston & Assoc.Inc
- David Crossmier 75230, 2317 cross:@eola.cs.ucf.edu
- David Daniel david.daniel.aanderson@panasia.com
- Andersson
- David Douthitt rat@ruth.uucp
- David E. Hess hess@enh.nist.gov
- David G King dgk@waikato.ac.nz
- David Greenberg greenbg.cs.huji.ac.il
- David H Hoeft daveh@aritek.com
- David H Pritchett 70242,760
- David Hamel 70242,2126
- David Hudson dhudson@marlin.ssnet.com
- David J Camp david%campfire@wupost.wustl.edu
- David Johnston DaveJ67@aol.com
- David Kirschbaum kirschd@ljl.com
- David L Baldwin 76327,53
- David L Dight 100033,2563 davidd@interconnect.com.au
- David P Beiter byter@mcimail.com
- David Perkovic dpc@mep.com
- David Pyles 74730,167 davidpyles@delphi.com
- David R Conrad David_Conrad@mts.cc.wayne.edu
- David S Hooper, ACD dhooper@sol.UVic.CA
- Systems Ltd
- David Smith physics@computek.net
- David Stafford 72411,2670
- David Starr starrd@iia.org
- David T. Gray ad666@rgfn.epcc.edu
- David Toste aa521@freenet.toronto.on.ca
- David Woakes david@maxwell.demon.co.uk
- Davis Augustine 72230,3053
- Dayflo Tracker Corp 73540,2433
- dbF Software 72117,165
- Productions
- DBLinx Dave Cohen, 70431,132 acsw@ix.netcom.com
- AlleyCat Softw
- Dell Computer Corp. GO DELL support@dell.com
- http://www.us.dell.com/
- Delphi INFO@delphi.com
- http://xmission.com/~wwwads/delphi.
- html
- Page No. 14
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Delphi Internet INFO@delphi.com or
- Services askdelphi@delphi.com
- Delrina Corp 76300,2500 http://www.delrina.com/
- Delrina Technology GO DELRINA http://www.delrina.com/
- Inc
- DeltaComm 71035,2167 jeff.woods@delta.com
- Development Inc
- Deltapoint Inc GO WINAPD
- Demetre Koymanakos demetre@intranet.gr
- Denis Chevron 100333,27 hnet@dialup.francenet.fr
- Dennis Baer dennis.baer@hofbbs.com
- Dennis Cox dennis@ponder.csci.unt.edu
- Dennis Cunningham 71107,3037
- Dennis Fink 75554.3123 dennis.fink@psl-online.com
- Dennis Kim dennis@netcom.com
- Dennis Revie 73427,112
- Derek Backus 72233,3255 dbackus@patchbay.com
- Design Science Inc 73157,1116
- Desktop Solutions 74676,3314
- Devin Carraway dcarrawa@nermal.santarosa.edu
- Dextron Laboratories 72610,2756 daxman@ix.netcom.com
- DI Management 71319,1040
- Corporation
- Dick Bryant 75236,3243
- Digicom Systems Inc 70007,4634
- Digital Equipment GO DEC http://www.digital.com/ or
- Corp http://www.dec.com/
- Diny Hurwitz dhurwitz.earth.execpc.com
- Diomidis Spinellis dspin@leon.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr
- Dirac Systems (Dan USENET dan.page@synapse.org
- Page)
- Dirk Vermeersch dirkv@netcom.com
- DiskMaster Software 73507,3505
- Disston Ridge Inc 70441,544
- Distinct Corp mkgg@distinct.com
- DJ Delorie dj@ctron.com
- DLM Consulting 71171,500
- DMGI Diversifed Duncan_Smith@mindlink.bc.ca
- Product Group
- Dmitriy Zaslavskiy dimka@phase.physics.qc.edu
- Dmitry Mostovoy dmost@dials.msk.su
- Dmitry S. Kohmanyuk dk@burka.carrier.kiev.ua
- DMP Software 73210,2531
- DNPAP Group c/o Neil neil@dcs.kcl.ac.uk
- Faulks
- Dobbs Journal 76704,50
- Dominic Herity 100016,3477
- Dominique Lovy lovy@scsun.uniqe.ch
- Don Bradner dbridman@redshift.com
- Page No. 15
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Don Branson 73613,3606
- Don Rubin 70402,2714 rubin@orville.jhuapl.edu
- Donald Johnson pikes@mda.ca
- Donald Mace 71171,500
- Donald P Bontemps Jr dpbj@crash.cts.com
- Doren Rosenthal as194@cleveland.freenet.edu
- Doug Ansuini 74012,2555 ansuni@ecs.umass.edu until 94/12
- only
- Doug Overmyer 71021,2535 overmyer@netcom.com
- Douglas East 72673,357
- Douglas Thomson doug@giaeb.cc.monash.edu.au
- Dow Jones & Co djnr.support@cor.dowjones.com
- http://www.secapl.com/secap/quotese
- rver/djia.html
- DownSoft Software 74716,521
- Company
- Dr Dobb's Magazine 76704.50
- Dr Ross Lazarus ross@westmead.health.su.oz.au
- Dr Weiguang Huang huang@unsw.edu.au
- Dr Ziga Turk ziga.turk@fagg.uni-lj.si
- http://www.fagg.uni-lj.si/~zturk/
- Dr. Warren L. Kovach 100016,2265 WarrenK@kovcomp.demon.co.uk
- Dragan Petric drpetric@cromath.math.hr
- Dragons Eye Software 76057,101
- DS Products 70731,1673
- DT Software Inc 72607,3323
- Duane Paulson 70671,666 duanep@holonet.net
- Duanfang He, Duanfeng.He@AtlantaGa.NCR.com
- "Jackson"
- Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch@pickard.mast.QueensU.ca
- DustBowl Designs oenglund@bilbo.abo.fi
- Duxbury Systems Inc 76150,2046
- Dvorak Development 71333,11
- Dynamic Software 71155,614
- Development
- E-Tech Research Inc 74774,301
- Earl Woodman earl@engr.mun.ca
- Eastern Mountain 71570,533
- Software
- Econo-Soft 73267,1664
- Ed Guy 71750,1036 Ed_Guy@mindlink.bc.ca
- Ed Hamrick 71740,3236 EdHamrick@aol.com
- Ed Sinkovits 73003,3065 edsink@mbnet.mb.ca
- Eddie Rowe 934rowe@merlin.nlu.edu
- Edfel J Rivera e_rivera@ns1.inter.edu
- Edward Milczarek edwardm@M3iSystems.QC.CA
- Edwin Educational 70322,2163
- Software
- Edwin Groothuis edwin@mavetju.iaehv.nl
- Page No. 16
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Eelco Cramer crame000@hio.tem.nhl.nl
- Eicon Technology GO EICON
- EINet winweb@einet.net
- EJM Computer 76662,2772
- Consulting Ltd
- Elfring Soft Fonts, 72417,3437 or
- Gary Elfring 74774,2265
- Elk Creek Software 70640,1614
- Elson Embry embryev@aol.com
- Elvish Consulting 73077,3605
- EmmaSoft Software 71460,2644
- Company Inc
- Emmett Henderson emmetth@netcom.com
- EMS Professional eengelmann@worldbank.org
- Software http://www.paltech.com/ems/ems.htm
- ENC Enterprises 70153,2207
- Ensoniq Corp davep@ensoniq.com
- Epic Megagames 70451,633 70451,633@compuserve.com
- Epson America Inc 70205,1152 or GO
- Equisys 100023,2100
- Erhard Hilbig zahilb@pbhrzt.uni-paderborn.de
- Eric Begbie 70374,2367
- Eric Bergman-Terrell 73667,3517
- Eric Engelmann eengelmann@worldbank.org
- http://www.xmission.com/~wwwads/ems
- /ems.html
- Eric Isaacson 71333,3154
- Eric Johnson ejohnson@csn.org
- Eric Jorgensen smeagol@rt66.com
- Eric Peters peters@CS.ColoState.EDU
- Eric Retherford 76001,3436 ericr@ba.kent.edu
- Eric Tauck 72457,1557
- Eric Vyncke vyncke@nrb.be
- Eric Wuehler eric2@bert.cs.byu.edu
- Eschalon Development 76625,1320 Robert_Salesas@MindLink.bc.ca
- Inc
- Eugene Kim eekim@husc.harvard.edu
- Eugene L Sokolov esokolov@sbchm1.chem.sunysb.edu
- Eugene Roshal Eugene_Roshal@p0.f23.n5010.z2.fidon
- et.or
- Eugene V Kaspersky c/o gerard.vuile@metro-net.ch
- Everett Kaser 70673,1547
- Software
- Everett Stephens e0step01@ulkyvx.louisville.edu
- ExLogica 75136,1033
- Expressware 75226,2020
- Corporation
- Extensis corp extensis@aol.com
- Page No. 17
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Eyal Doron eyald@phys1.technion.ac.il
- F Robert Falbo c/o phan@gla.ecoledoc.ibp.fr
- FAB Software 75206,1366
- Fagerlund Consulting 70253,1046
- Falk Data Systems 71420,2431
- Falk Huth wsaho@cluster.urz.uni-halle.de
- FamilyWare/Tmod wk08703@worldlink.com
- Technology
- Farhad Abdolian faab@drsvr1.setrc.abb.se
- Farpoint Software 74030,554
- Faught Data Systems 73770,1574
- Inc
- Felsina Software felsina@crl.com
- ftp://ftp.crl.com/users/ro/felsina/
- FelsHome.html
- Fergus Duniho fdnh@troi.cc.rochester.edu
- Fifth Generation GO FIFTH
- Systems Inc
- First Financial 70272,3655
- Software
- First Magnitude 76170,2251
- First Step Software 71242,1414
- Fischer Grafix & 70233,1315
- Software
- FLFSoft Inc 75010,237
- Fly by Night 76436,274
- Software
- Foley Hi-Tech 70262,1463
- Systems
- FormGen Inc 70446,76 info@mildram.com
- FormGen Inc info@mildram.com
- Franck Uberto uberto@esrf.fr
- Frank A Vorstenbosch prompt@hacktic.nl
- Frank Carrol, 71344,356
- Trionum Inc
- Frank Feingold ffeingol@earth.execpc.com
- Frank Gadegast phade$contrib.de
- Frank Molzahn molzahn@cc.umanitoba.ca
- Frank Pilhofer fp@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de
- http://www.uni-frakfurt.de/~fp/uude
- view/
- Frank van der Hulst frank@whare.cavebbs.gen.nz
- Frank Wang c/o Dane Beko dbeko@PrimeNet.Com
- Franklin Hu 72630,3457
- Frans Veldman Veldman@ESaSS.iaf.nl
- Fred P Brucker 71021,356
- Fredrik Holmberg fred-hol@dsv.su.se
- Free and Easy 74660,3406
- Software
- Page No. 18
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Frisk Software frisk@complex.is
- International
- Frontier tcptech@FrontierTech.com
- Technologies Corp http://www.frontiertech.com/
- Fubar Systems cambler@zeus.calpoly.edu
- FunStuff Software 71141,1224
- Future Soft GO DYNACOMM http://www.fse.com/fsehome.html
- Engineering Inc
- G David Baley david@frax.demon.co.uk
- G. E. Terry gterry@gate.net
- Gabriel D. Ortiz ch154gdo@arriba.nbm.org
- Gamma Research Gamma Research c/o kaliss@sdn.com
- Gamma Software 73737,1721
- Garbo (Internet garbo.uwasa.fi
- FTP etc)
- Garry Spencer gspencer@stim.tec.tn.us
- Gary E Hauser ghauser@usit.net
- Gary Gehman glgehman@netaxs.com
- Gary Killops c/o kaliss@sdn.com
- Gary Maddox 76711,547
- Gary Nugent gnugent@cara.ie
- Gary Pardun cpardun@matt.ksu.ksu.edu
- Gary Tessler 71044,542
- Gateway 2000 Inc 73567,2755
- http://www.mcs.com/~brooklyn/home.h
- tml
- Gateway Software Inc 73567,2755
- Gazelle Systems Inc 76702,265
- Gene Ninestein ninestein@dart.com
- Gene Toye gtoye@pssparc2.mitek.com
- Gene W. Lee lee@convex.com
- General Videotex bix@genvid.com
- Corp
- Genie Information feedback@genie.geis.com
- Services Inc http://www.genie.com/
- Geoffrey K 100013,1042 theg@snoopy.nsainc.com
- Geoffrey Lawrence glh1@cornell.edu
- Haushe
- Geoffrey Sy sy@sshq.tor250.org
- George Clijsen clijsen@ie.philips.nl
- George Denissoff george.denissoff@compart.fi
- George G Fredal ag819@detroit.freenet.org
- George W Hart hart@ctr.columbia.edu
- Gerald R Brown 71023,243
- Gerolf J Starke starke@rhrk.uni-kl.de
- Gershon Elber gershon@gr.cs.utah.edu
- Gert Ensing Gert.Ensing@ensing.idn.nl
- Gervase Gallant ggallant@nlnet.nf.ca
- Gilles Vollant 100144.2636
- Page No. 19
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Gilmore Software 71431,2535
- Development
- Giorgio Fontana fontana@itnvax.science.unitn.it
- Giuseppe Desoli dede@dibe.unige.it
- GJC Lockhorst lokhorst@filint.fwb.eur.nl
- Gjetaas Inc 70135,1052
- Glen Neal glen.neal@woodybbs.com
- Glen Taylor c/o dbeko@PrimeNet.com
- Glencoe Computing 72416,1362
- Global Network adv1@gnn.comm
- Navigator http://www.nearnet.gnn.com/gnn/gnn.
- html
- Gnosis Inc 72030,1547
- GO Software 100024,2337
- Golan Yaniv 76350,333 rloewy@panix.com
- HyperAct Inc
- Gold Software 70571, 3161
- Gordon Goldsborough goldsborough@brandonu.ca
- Gordon Smith 72567,3416
- Graeme Scott graemes@festival.ed.ac.uk
- Graham Ferguson 100026,370
- Grand Universal 70400,153
- Grannys Old 73577,230 mh@cs.appstate.edu
- Fashioned Software
- Grant Botes grantb@iaccess.za
- Graphware Inc 72077,3367
- Gray Design 73607,2105
- Associates
- Greg Bixby 70473,1432
- Greg Gadbois greg@dragonsys.com
- Greg Mahlknecht mahlknec@beastie.cs.und.ac.za
- Greg Reinacker 71774,605
- Greg Roelofs, Mark zip-bugs@wkuvx1.wku.edu
- Adler ...
- Gregg Brenham gtd651a@prism.gatech.edu
- Gregory Sherman gregory.sherman@greatesc.com
- GRH Software 75676,556
- Grumpfish Inc 71064,2543
- Grumpyware 72117,3156
- Grzegorz Kochaniak greg@ansoft.com
- GST Software 7135,332
- GTX Software 71210,3632
- Guia International 70363,3357
- Corp
- Guido Jaekel GJaekel@Physik.Uni-Osnabrueck.DE
- Guido Struben 72613,3574 strubens@cuugnet.cuug.ab.ca
- Gulf Sierra 73270,77
- Gunnar Dahlström dahlstr@vtek.chalmers.se
- Guru Systems Ltd 72717,1651
- Page No. 20
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Gus Skiaker norski@genie.geis.com
- Guy Anthony Bartoli GBRTOLI@delphi.com
- Guy Gallo 71171,3555
- Guy W Lecky-Thompson G.W.Lecky-Thompson@derby.ac.uk
- Hamarsoft c/o Jeff jeffg@mi.net
- Gilchrist
- Hamid Shojaee 75420,63 shojaee@enuxsa.eas.asu.edu
- Hamish Marson h.marson@waikato.ac.nz
- HammerSoft 71540,3266
- Hand-Crafted Softw, 72037,3607 ledwards@cyberspace.com
- Larry Edwards
- HandyWare 72567,3416
- Hank Volpe hank.volpe@ghawk.com
- Hans Bonefaas joosts@iaehv.nl
- Hans Conzett 100015,146
- Hans Salvisberg 73237,3556
- Hans Zorn 73134.2177
- Harald Feldmann harald.feldmann@almac.co.uk
- Harald Helfgott seiere@uwyo.edu
- Harry Baecker harry_baecker@mindlink.bc.ca
- Hassen Ali Yassien yassien@civil.ubc.ca
- Hawk Software 75130,1650
- Hayes Microcomputer GO HAYFORUM tech_support@hayes.com
- Products Inc
- HDC Computer GO WINAPA
- Corporation
- Heiko Boch boch@rbg.informatik.th-darmstadt.de
- Helios Software 100041,235
- Solutions
- HELP Software 73720,2530
- Hemal Popat hemal@popath.demon.co.uk
- Henley Quadling quadling@mhhepo.hep.umn.edu
- Henrik Ström hstroem@pvv.unit.no
- Henrique Aviila hvianna@vortex.ufrgs.br
- Vianna
- Henry (Herb) Cumbie evillage@delphi.com
- Herbert Raab Herbert.Raab@jk.uni-linz.ac.at
- Hercules Computer hercules@netcom.com
- Technology Inc
- Herman Mansur Herman_Mansur.chemistry@Muwayf.unim
- elb.e
- Herne Data Systems 72060,1153
- Ltd
- HFK Software 71160,646
- Hippocrates isendo@leon.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr
- Hiroshi Ishikawa ishi@kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
- Hoa Gia Nguyen VIETech@haydn.stanford.edu
- Home Plan (Chuck 71321,167
- Herndon)
- Page No. 21
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- HomeCraft Software 71450,254
- Hongbo Data Systems 100032,2724 hongbo@csd.unsw.oz.au
- Hongbo Ni 100032,2724
- Hot Wax Software 72163,2442
- Howard Ong hildalim@ncb.gov.sg
- Howard Wood HRRWood@aol.com
- Hughes Financial 76057,2400
- Services
- Hundred Acre info@pooh.com http://www.pooh.com/
- Consulting
- HyperAct Inc 76350,333 rloewy@panix.com
- Hyperbole Studios 70471,1635
- Ian Stewartson istewart@datlog.co.uk
- IBM Personal GO IBM http://www.ibm.com
- Software
- Igor Ivanovich evsikov@lcta5.jinr.dubna.su
- Evsikov
- Image Machines Corp 71165,2641
- ImagiSoft Inc 70632,1177
- Impact Software 71630,1703
- Impressions Software 71333,463
- Inc
- IMSI Int. 71121,1404
- Microcomputer
- Software
- In/Quest, LLC (Jim 70505,531 jim.turner@boardwatch.com
- Turner)
- Infinity Data 74020,2616
- Products
- Info Match netmind@infomatch.com
- Communications
- Info-ZIP newt@uchicago.edu
- InfoMagic Inc info@infomagic.com
- http://ibd.ar.com/IBD/InfoMagic,_In
- c.html
- Information 70166,1152
- Technology
- Informative 71311,2334 or
- Technologies 70166,1152
- Inline Design 75300,2014
- Innovative Computer lhotka@incstar.com
- Enterprises
- Innovative Data 76702,1361
- Concepts Inc
- Insight Advantage 73627,3532
- Insight Software 71672,3464
- Solutions
- Insignia Solutions GO MACCVEN http://www.insignia.com/
- Inc
- Page No. 22
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Insitu Inc sales@insitu.com
- Integrated 72451,2217
- Consulting
- Intellect Systems 72630,3457
- Intellicorp vajda@intellicorp.com
- Intelligent 70441,2746
- Educational Software
- Intercon info@intercon.com
- http://www.intercon.com/
- Interface 71510,3321
- Technologies Inc
- InterGroup 74602,3121 outreach@world.std.com
- Technologies
- Interpretive 70401,2062
- Software
- Intuit Inc GO INTUIT
- http://www.careermosaic.com/cm/intu
- it/intuit1.html or
- http://www.intuit.com/
- Ipswitch Inc info@ipswitch.com
- Iram Weinstein 70741,3711 iram@trg1.saic.com
- Irwin Computer 71370,1513
- Engineering
- Isaac Yao ijy0@ns1.cc.lehigh.edu
- Isicad Inc GO ISICAD
- Ismail Arit iarit@tara.mines.colorado.edu
- It's Your Money Inc 72621,2222
- Ivo Duentsch duentsch@triton.rz.uni-osnabrueck.d
- e
- Iwory Tower 76427,2611
- J David Sapir ds8s@fermi.clas.virginia.edu
- J Lee Ellis & Shawn fnjsa@enterprise.pico.alaska.edu
- Abshear
- J Vitushkin emailer@kvaker.demos.su
- J.R. Lee Chin LEECHIN@psychology.newcastle.edu.au
- Jack de Winter jack@wildside.kwnet.on.ca
- Jack Hildenbrand c/o kaliss@sdn.com
- Ray Kaliss
- Jacobus L Beljon s866195@dutiws.twi.tudelft.nl
- Jaka Gubensek jaka.gubensek@abm.gn.apc.org
- JAM Software Dmitry.Kohmanyuk@UA.net
- James D Ozeran dan-ozeran@uchicago.edu
- James Derr 76266,2634 jim.derr@kandy.com
- (California SW
- Design)
- James Fielden fielden@utkux.utk.edu
- James Holroyd eon@cix.compulink.co.uk
- James M Curran 72261,655
- James M Johnson (Jim jjohnson@oneworld.owt.com
- Johnson)
- Page No. 23
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- James N Cox 76665,3443
- James Sanders Sandersj@sandersj.demon.co.uk
- James Tolliver 76515,1246 JTJTJTJT@AOL.COM
- James W Thompson sirjames@rmii.com
- Jamestown Software 74275,745
- Jan Nieuwenhuis niuew@nioz.nl
- Jandel Scientific support@jandel.com
- Software
- Janet D dascalu@math.tau.ac.il
- Jared duBois jared10@ix.netcom.com
- Jarle Pettersen jarlep@powertech.no
- Jasc Inc 72557,256 jasc@winternet.com
- http://www.winternet.com/~jasc
- Jason Haskins jhaskins@seattleu.edu
- Jason Hughes hughes@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
- Jason J Ozin, jason_o@cix.compulink.co.uk
- JaySoft
- Jason Mathews mathews@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov
- Javier Gomez uvifejgg@cesga.es
- Guinovart
- Jean van Waterschoot jvanwater@BIX.com
- http://www.mcs.com/~jvwater@mcs.com
- Jean-Pierre 73261,2701
- Menicucci
- JEANius Software 71011,2020
- Jeff Beckley eudora-sales@qualcomm.com
- Jeff Bondono ah314@detroit.freenet.org
- Jeff Goke jjgoke@.cs.csbsju.edu
- Jeff Owens kowens@teleport.com
- Jeff Rollason 100031,3537
- Jeff Wunderlich 71702,1025
- Jefferson Bjoraker bjoraker@gold.tc.umn.edu
- Jeffery Foy jfoy@glia.biostr.washington.edu
- Jeffrey Carlyle Jeffrey.Carlyle@bgamug.com
- Jeffrey J Gosper Jeffrey.Gosper@brunel.ac.uk
- Jens Joergen Nielsen jjn@login.dknet.dk
- Jeroen Schipper jschipper@hut.nl
- Jeroen W. Pluimers jeroenp@rulfc1.LeidenUniv.n1
- Jerry Allen 72652,3147
- Jerry J Quintana 73172,605 tnfiore@technet.nm.org
- Jerry Lovett seriousdev@delphi.com
- Jerry Stern 72144,1241
- Jesper Frandsen jesperf@daimi.aau.dk
- Ji-Shin Ho u7711501@bicmos.ee.nctu.edu.tw
- Jibben Software, 72657,3303
- Scott Jibben
- Jih-Shin Ho u7711501@bicmos.ee.nctu.edu.tw
- Jill Swift jswift@infohwy.com
- Jim Balcom nstn2025@fox.nstn.ns.ca
- Page No. 24
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Jim Button c/o David Coons
- ekdfc@ttacs.ttu.edu
- Jim Connolly transusa@usa.net
- Jim Derr 76266,2634 jim.derr@spacebbs.com
- Jim E Smith jim.smith@lunatic.com
- Jim Hanoian jim.hanoian@ibmii.ids.net
- Jim Hass 73057,3113
- Jim Koorneef fnord@cml.com
- Jim Loomis 72527,2067
- Jim Lynch jwl@cray.com
- Jim McLaughlin jmclaugh@bnr.ca
- Jim Schwartz DuneWalker@GEnie.geis.com
- Jim Tolliver 76516,1246 jtjtjtjt@aol.com
- Jim Tucker jtucker@adam.com.au
- Jim Turner 70505.531 jim.turner@boardwatch.com
- Jimmy Paris Software 70242,1114
- JJ Heim jj.heim@boardwatch.com
- JMJ Software 75160,2530
- JNGoodale 71116,302
- Jody R. Cairns jodyc@cauchy.math.mun.ca
- Joe Ahlgren 70461,2340
- Joe deNicola 71612,2333
- Joe Eversole jeversol@iquest.net
- Joe Herrera 70323,3140
- Joe Shapiro gbb@ConSolve.COM
- Joe Spector spector@enursa.eas.asu.edu
- Johannes Schumann 100126,310 hannes@muc.de
- Johee Jeong 73072,3651
- John A Ferguson johnf@dse.govt.nz
- John A. Kiernan jkiernan@julian.uwo.ca
- John Allen jallen@iol.ie
- John Bridges 75300,2137
- John Chin psjrl@wombat.newcastle.edu
- John Coulthard w.j.coulthard@ubc.ca
- John Crabb J.A.Crabb@exeter.ac.uk
- John D McCutcheon jdmccadd@bslnet.com
- John D. Zitterkopf jdz1@ra.MsState.Edu
- John Dovey pjcd@maties.sun.ac.za
- John F Wehman jwehman@picosof.com
- John H Wolfe, wolfe@acm.org
- Analytical Insights
- John Henckel henckel@vnet.ibm.com
- John Intorcio 73417,155
- John Jerrim 76662,2315 JohnJerrim@aol.com
- John Junod 72321,366 junodj@css583.gordon.army.mil
- John Kennedy jkennedy@netcon.smc.edu
- John L Hancock 75200,2272
- John Lagonikas zeleps@prometheus.hol.forthnet.gr
- John McCaffrey 72360,2777 mccaffjt@perkin-elmer.com
- Page No. 25
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- John Militano ummilit2@cc.umanitoba.ca
- John Napier 100023,201 100023,201@compuserve.com
- John Navas 70244,2046 JNavas@Netcom.com
- John Newlin 71535,665
- John P M Dillon John_P._M._Dillon@smtpgty.anatcp.ro
- ckwel
- John P Silva jsilva@netcom.com
- John Rawnsley 72662,3361
- John Reading readingj@aol.com
- John Reah 100143,1544 REAHJ@mlb371.btlabsmh.bt.co.uk
- John Rennie jrennie@cix.compulink.co.uk
- John Steed 75745,1371
- John Turnbull 100410,717
- John Vias 72260,1601
- John Wong john@wolfinc.pl.my
- Johnson Technologies 71071,1215
- Jon Clempner 100013,57
- Jon Krahmer jonK@blkbox.com
- Jon Lanceley jal6@unix.bton.ac.uk
- Jonas Högström c91jonho@und.ida.liu.se
- Jonatan Schull Schull@SoftLock.com
- Jonathan Burt jonathan@jaburt.demon.co.uk
- Jonathan Durward jgdurwar@uwaterloo.ca
- (Jon Durward)
- Jonathan Higbee jon.higbee@saltair.com
- Jordan Bigel 76557,3722
- Jordan Hargrave 72510,1143 jordanh@vern.bga.com
- Jordi Mas Hernandez Jmas@servicom.es
- JORF Company 73607,3026
- Jose M Madiedo Gil madiedo@cica.es
- Jose Solorzano jhsolorz@wsuhub.uc.twsu.edu
- Josef Ferincz ferincz@chemie.fu-berlin.de
- Joseph A Herrera 70323,3140
- Joseph Kohn joemkohn@aol.com
- Joseph Marshall petermarshall@cix.compulink.co.uk
- Joseph Shepperd 73175,623
- Jouni Leppjrvi jml@stekt.olulu.fi
- Jouni Miettunen jon@stekt.oulu.fi
- Joy Mukherjee jmukher@lonestar.utsa.edu
- JP Software Inc 75300,210
- JQL 73062,2642
- Juan M wtpagagj@lg.ehu.es
- Aguirregabiria
- Julie Melbin julie@world.std.com or
- tor@connectus.com
- http://www.connectus.com/~tor/notgn
- u.html
- Julio Botelho cacp@vms1.nce.ufrj.br
- Jurek Makowiecki 70152,1501
- Page No. 26
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Jussi Jumppanen jussi@sydney.dialix.oz.au
- Just Excellent 72271,2630
- Software Inc
- Just For Me Software 71150,1305
- Inc
- Just-In-Time 73020,3205
- Computing Services
- Jwalk and Associates jwalk@crash.cts.com
- Jürgen G. Weber weberj@dialog.informatik.uni-stuttg
- art.d
- Jürgen Müller juergen.mueller@isw.uni-stuttgart.d
- e
- K Srinivasan srini@ireq.hydro.qc.ca
- Ka Iok Tong tongk@archsci.arch.su.edu.au
- Kaare Fundal KF@mmf.ruc.dk
- Kai de Leeuw kai-de@dsv.su.se
- http://www.dsv.su.se/~kai-de/
- Kai Risku Kai.Risku@hut.fi
- Kai Uwe Rommel 100265,2651 rommel@ars.muc.de
- Kamal Abdali abdali@netcom.com
- Karen Mintzias km@salata.com
- Kari Smolander kake@hyeena.jyu.fi
- Karl Hahn hahn@lds.loral.com
- Karl Thoroddsen karlth@rhi.hi.is
- Karsten Hansky hansky@igel.physik.th-zwicka.de
- (DL3HRT)
- Kathryn Nowicka katalina@ozemail.com.au
- Kaufmann Friedrich fkauf@fstgds06.tu-graz.ac.at
- Keith Ledbetter 72240,1221
- Keith Macdonald keith@heliosof.demon.co.uk
- Keith Marshall, 73047,253
- Progressive Logic
- Keith Parkansky keithp@execpc.com
- Keith S Brown brownk@samnet.jsc.nasa.gov
- Kelly Lucas lucas@mcafee.com
- Kemal Djakman djakman@fwi.uva.nl
- Ken Elpus elpus@freenet.fsu.edu
- Ken Gresham kgresham@america.net
- Kendall Bennett 100237,2213 kjb@citri.edu.au
- Kenneth A. Reek kar@cs.rit.edu
- Kenneth Liew s892831@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au
- Kent Briggs kbriggs@execpc.com
- Kent Langseth langseth@atlanta.com
- Kent Peterson peterson@halcyon.com
- Kent Tong tongk@archsci.arch.su.edu.au
- Kermit Development fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu
- and Distribution
- Kevin Burfitt zaph@torps.apana.org.au
- Kevin Foley 70731,2507
- Page No. 27
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Kevin Houle kjhoule@iowegia.dsm.ia.us
- Kevin Krausnick kpk@netcom.com
- Kevin McQuiggin 70661,563 mcquiggi@sfu.ca
- Kevin Mitchell GO MACAP
- Kevin Willows synaptek@hookup.net
- Kevin Woolley kjw1@stirling.ac.uk
- Key Software dan.lewis@ksp.com
- Products
- Khaled Al-Bassam cca3602%sakaauo3.bitnet@vtbit.cc.vt
- .edu
- Khor Chin Heong khow@kch.pl.my
- Kilgore Software 71020,3234
- Kim Heino, Tapani T. Kim.Heino@utu.fi
- Salmi
- Kindred Spirits 72561,1343
- King Software 70521,2600
- Kirmo Uusitalo kuu@niksula.cs.hut.fi
- KlassM Software 76207,3377
- Klaus Hoferichter c/o kaliss@sdn.com
- KMR Consulting kar@cs.rit.edu
- Knowledge Dynamics 76416,3214
- Corp
- Knowledgeware Inc KWIKSERVE
- Knut Torgersen knutt@ifi.uio.no
- Konrad Budych kbudych@ii.uj.edu.pl
- Konstantine Kondakov 76304,750 kkondak@lynx.cs.usfca.edu
- Korenthal Associates 76004,2605
- Kristofer Sweger 72713,1241
- KroTek Electronics 70620,1755
- Krzysztof Mazela krzysm@lna.oz.au
- Kyle Anthony York noesis@ucscb.ucsc.edu
- Kyle Quinnell kquinnel@nsu.edu
- Kylon Gustin, Bible 72203,2004
- Research System
- Laboratory sales@labtech.com
- Technologies Corp
- Ladew Co 71420,1453
- Lahey Computer lahey!support@uunet.uu.net
- Systems http://ibd.ar.com/IBD/Lahey_Compute
- r_Systems.html
- Lake Fffips Software 73500,3261
- Inc
- Lambert Klein 72010,624
- Lane Davis 73577,1675
- Langin Software 73770,615
- Larry Bennett ad822@yfn.ysu.edu
- Larry Board lboard@crash.cts.com
- Larry Kahn kahn@kahn.pdial.interpath.net
- Larry Mathews c/o eric@k.mintz-hoke.com
- Eric Knight
- Page No. 28
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Larry T Hardiman, Larry@Birdsong.Sunnyvale.CA.US
- Birdsong Company
- Larry W Parker 70534,1447
- Larry Weaver 72460,3072
- Lars Beijar, Swedish beijar@sr.se
- Broadcasting
- Lars Otte HOMER@vaxld.ameslab.gov
- Lee Jackson ljackson@mdf.fidonet.org
- Lee Raymond epamail.epa.gov
- Leigh Koven compulov@rave.cybercom.com
- Lenard Dean 70312,415
- Leonardo Haddad mmedia@world.std.com
- Loureiro
- Lester Hightower 72134.3446 hightowe@scri.fsu.edu
- http://www.scri.fsu.edu/~hightowe/d
- tm.html
- Lincoln Beach 70700,630
- Software
- Linda Bloom bloomunit@delphi.com
- Logical Vision Ltd lvision@unixg.ubc.ca
- Logical Vision Ltd lvision@unixg.ubc.ca
- Logicode Technology logicode@aol.com
- inc
- Lois B. Laulicht lois.laulicht@channel1.com
- Long Doan ld@netrix.com
- Looking Glass 71055,1240
- Technologies
- Lotus Development GO LOTUS http://www.lotus.com/
- Corp
- Louis M Miranda 73567,471
- Lovells 70404,3470
- LRV Company 76615,600
- Lucien Cinc lcinc@moss.newcastle.edu.au
- Luts Mueller 76530,244
- M P Data 71224,645
- M Squared mudge@escmail.olr.mmc.com
- Technologies
- Macromedia Inc GO MACROMEDIA
- Magee Enterprises 75300,521
- Inc
- Magma Systems 75300,2062
- Magnum Opus Studios nickc@netcom.com
- Makai Software c/o chip@infinet.com
- Chip Morrow
- Malcolm Boyle mal@nottm.demon.co.uk
- Malcolm d MacDowell 71232,455
- Malcolm Drury drury@gsc.emr.ca
- Management richh@pipeline.com
- Information Techn.
- Inc
- Page No. 29
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Manjit Singh msingh@ucs.indiana.edu
- Manoochehr malekzad@bcf.usc.edu
- Malekzadeh
- Marc Brewerton marc@ionsys.demon.co.uk
- Marc Lensink lensink@chem.rug.nl
- Marc Singer elf@netcom.com
- Marc Stern stern@mble.philips.be
- Marco van den Broek bro@mh.nl
- Marco Vazio marco.vazio@pmn.it
- Mario van den Ancker mario@astro.uva.nl
- Mario Veraart mveraart@fel.tno.nl
- Marius Eugene van marius@up.ac.za
- Wyk
- Mariusz Orlikowski mariuszo@j-23.p.lodz.pl
- Mark A Davis DavisM@aspu02.apsu.edu
- Mark Aitchison M.Aitchison@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
- Mark Becker marc@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu
- http://falcon.cc.ukans.edu/~marc
- Mark Chapman chapman@miller.cs.uwm.edu
- Mark Christian 70032,117
- Mark DiVecchio markd@silogic.uucp
- Mark Harris 73577,230 mh@cs.appstate.edu
- Mark Pinteric pinteric@diminis.phy.hr
- Mark R. Rinfret mrr@mrsoft.network23.com
- Mark S. Zinzow MARKZ@uiuc.edu
- http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/markz
- Mark Strong 70043,114
- Mark Summerfield csmarks.pg@swansea.ac.uk
- Mark Thomas n1360906@student.fit.qut.edu.au
- Markku Vuorenmaa Markku.Vuorenmaa@uta.fi
- Marko Bohanec marko.bohanec@ijs.si
- Marko Marjamaa mama@phoneix.oulu.fi
- Markus Herbord markus.herbord@medizin.uni-ulm.de
- Martin Braun polaris@login.dknet.dk
- Martin Freiss freiss.pad@sni.de
- Martin Kuhne 100416,2660 p7003ce@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de
- Martin Overton gbsalmgo@ibmmail.com
- Martin Towner phmct@siva.bris.ac.uk
- Martin Vallevand martin.vallevand@synapse.org
- Masters 70012,2162
- MasterWorks 73527,1676
- Matt Lombardi 73143,533
- Matt Rilling 73361,2733
- Matthew Baker 72143,3333 matt.baker@ase.com
- Maurer Associates, 74017,2140
- Scott Maurer
- Maurice Dykes mhdykes@Thinkage.On.Ca
- Maurizio Giunti giunti@stad.ds.unifi.it
- Maurizio Maccani maurizio.maccani%hlbbs@ax.apc.org
- Page No. 30
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- McAdams Associates 70353,1644
- McAfee Associates GO MCAFEE or aryeh@mcafee.com
- 76702,1714 http://www.mcafee.com/
- MCH Development Corp 74167,3276
- MECA Software Inc MECA
- Medlin Accounting 71520,61
- Shareware
- Megahertz Corp GO MODEMVEND
- MegaTech 75460,460
- Merit Network Inc cruise2feedback@merit.edu
- Merlot International 76711.1171
- METZ Software Inc 75300,1627
- Michael B. Tierney 70604,1512 mbt+@pitt.edu
- Michael Barnes ssumbarn@rdg.ac.uk
- Michael Caldwell mcaldwel@gmu.edu
- Michael Carr Mdcarr@mailgw.sanders.lockheed.com
- Michael Dvorkin 73773,2527 mid@aol.com
- Michael E Holin holin@am.heim1.tu-clausthal.de
- Michael Gallias gallias@ph.und.ac.za
- Michael Gardner mikeg@alaska.net
- Michael Gold 71543,1172
- Michael H Vartanian vart@clark.net
- Michael J Marshall michael@xon.co.uk
- Michael J Sadaway 75046,2272
- Michael S Hart hart@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu
- Michael Salem michaels@michaels,demon.co.uk
- Michael Schwartz mschwart@nyx.cs.du.edu
- Michael Stal Michael.Stal@zfe.siemens.de
- Michael W Chen wchen@neptune.calstatela.edu
- Michael Wolter wolter@dickinson.edu
- Michal Szokolo msz@plearn.edu.pl
- Michelangelo msebast@cs.unitn.it
- Sebastiani
- MiCord 70233,663
- Micro Computer 73327,1172
- Resources
- Micro System 76060,102
- Solutions
- MicroDynamics 72010,2546
- Development
- MicroFox Company 73057,3113
- Micrografx Inc GO MICROGRAFX
- Micrometric 71631,744
- MicroNet Inc 76004,1611
- Microrim Inc MICRORIM
- Microsoft GO MICROSOFT xxx@microsoft.com
- Corporation http://www.microsoft.com
- (.../pages/misc/whatsnew.htm)
- MicroTools Inc 72077,437
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- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- MicroWerks 72510,1766
- Mijenix Corp 75430,1545
- Mik Kvitchko 74127,3671 mik@cnj.digex.com
- Mike Burton mburton@mortimer.keytronic.com
- Mike Dickson mike.dickson@almac.co.uk
- Mike Dumdei mdumdei@darkstar.swsc.k12.ar.us
- Mike Durkin mdurkin@wiretap.spies.com
- Mike Fitzsimmons mikef@uiuc.edu
- http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/~mikef
- Mike Kelleher mikekell@crl.com
- Mike King mike@apollo.is.co.za
- Mike Lawrie mlawrie@apies.frd.ac.za
- Mike Manry (Michael manry@uta.edu
- T. Manry)
- Mike McCammant mikemc@netcom.com
- Mike Perry pcs@f21.n396.zl.fidonet.org
- Mike Ryan goloris@ramp.com
- MIKSoft Inc 74127,3671 mik@cnj.digex.com
- Millenium Software 72560,2466
- Inc
- Millenium 71055,2625
- Technologies
- Corporation
- Mimos (Internet mimos.my or jaring.my
- FTP etc) http://mimos.my
- Minuteman Systems bck@world.std.com
- Miracle Concepts Inc miraclec@epix.net
- Mission Critical 73127,77
- Software
- Mitchell and software@mga.com
- Gauthier Ass. Inc
- MKM Software 72704,3566
- mol@molcol.demon.co. mol@molcol@demon.co.uk
- uk
- Money Smith Systems 70324,1077
- Moonlite Software 71203,1454
- MoonStone Software 71021,3617 harry.iwatsuki@stjhmc.fidinet.org
- Moraff, c/o Eric eric@k.mintz-hoke.com
- Knight
- Morton Utilities 70132,3707
- Motes Educational 73757,1111
- Software
- Moti Ben-Ari benari@datasrv.co.il
- Mountain Data 72737,3237
- Systems
- Mountain Software 70717,3564
- Mountain View 74040,533
- Software
- Mr Gayle Davis 72067,2726
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- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- MTE Industries 70323,1415
- MTE Industries 70323,1415
- Multiball-Software c/o Kirmo Uusitalo
- Company Oy kuu@snakemail.hut.fi
- Multitech Systems GO MODEMVEN
- Inc
- MVP Software 70363,15
- My Little Realm 70761,2175
- Enterprises
- MyLife Software 71303,3604
- Nassib Nassar 74620,111
- National Center for mosaic-w@ncsa.uiuc.edu
- Supercomp. Appl http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Softwa
- re/WinMosaic/HomePage.html
- National GO MODEMVEN
- Semiconductor Corp http://www.commerce.net/directories
- /participants/ns/home.html
- Natural Software 70047,744
- NederWare berend@beard.nest.nl
- Nedzad Limic nlimic@math.hr
- Neil Faulks neil@dcs.kcl.ac.uk
- Neil Ferguson neil.ferguson@linacre.oxford.ac.uk
- Neil J Rubenking 72241,50
- Nels Anderson 71020,2613
- netApps Systems infoinet@achilles.net
- NetCom On-Line info@netcom.com
- Communication Serv. http://www.netcom.com/
- NetGuide netmail@netguide.cmp.com
- http://www.cmp.com/NetGuide/home.ht
- ml
- NetManage Inc info@netmanage.com
- support@netmanage.com
- http://www.netmanage.com/
- Netscape info@mcom.com
- Communications Corp http://mosaic/mcom.com/
- Network Research vyncke@nrb.be
- Belgium
- NEVERNever Software geert@ph.tn.tudelft.nl.
- New Generation 70312,127
- Software
- New Gutenberg 73762,2732
- Software
- New Vision Techn Inc NewVision1@aol.com
- Newdorf Research 73170,216
- Nicholas Centanni nickc@netcom.com
- Nicholas Varacalli n_varach@vega.concordia.ca
- Nick Onoufriou nick.onoufriou@rose.com
- Nick Temple ntemple@cs.wku.edu
- Nickleware 72730,216
- Page No. 33
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Nico E de Vries 100115,2303 desk@aip.nl
- Nico Mak Computing 70056,241 nicomac@winzip.com
- Inc
- Nildram Software 76004,3436 adrian.mardlin@nildram.com
- Adrian Mardlin
- Nine-Patch Software 71222,3565
- Noah Davids Noah_Davids@vos.stratus.com
- NoGate Consulting 71777,2716
- Nombas 72212,1622 bsn@std.world.com
- Nomssi Nzali Jacques nomssi@physikus.physik.tu-chemnitz.
- Hubert Chr. de
- http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~momssi
- Norbert Juffa juffa@ira.uka.de
- Norman Walsh walsh@cs.umass.edu
- Norman Yee nyee@netcom.com
- Normand Peladeau peladeau@psysoc.login.qc.ca
- Notis Systems Inc wingopher@notis.com
- http://ibd.ar.com/IBD/NOTIS_Systems
- _Inc.html or
- http://www.notis.com/
- Novagraph Inc 74036,2325
- NovaSoft 72130,1400
- Novell Applications GO WPFILES ftp.
- Group WPUSERS http://www.wordperfect.com/
- Novell Inc GO NETWIRE ftp@novell.com
- http://www.novell.com/
- Ntergaid Inc GO NTERGAID
- NuText Systems 71702,1025
- NutriSoft 71563,124 NutriSoft@aol.com
- O'Reilly & adv1@gnn.comm
- Associates
- Oak Hill Software 70441,657
- Inc
- Oberon Software 72518,3500 http://www.oberon.com/
- Object Evolution 74724,1637
- Objectshare Systems 76536,1063
- Inc
- Odd de Presno opresno@extern.uio
- http://login.eunet.no/~presno/index
- .html
- Offe Enterprises 71610,661
- Ole Sas Thrane zippo.diku.dk
- Olga Cherkasova olga@isg.co.il
- Olimbiou Diamanti mavromatis@olymp.ccf.auth.gr
- Oliver Christ I/NET career@ibm.net
- Inc
- Oliver Fromme fromme@rz.tu-clausthal.de
- Oliver Heidelbach oheiabbd@fub46.zedat.fu-berlin.de
- Olowofoyeku Abimbola laa12@seq1.keele.ac.uk
- Page No. 34
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Olsen Outdoors 70031,534
- Omega Logic Inc 70262,3063
- Omen Technology 70007,2304 caf@omen.com
- Open Windows 75236,3243
- (Richard W Bryant)
- Oregon Software 74040,533
- Group
- Organic Software 71043,3153
- Orion Development 71140,2416
- Corp
- Ososoft 71571,222
- Ozarks West Software 74774,417
- Inc
- P. Simon Tuffs 71672,3067 simon@rahul.net
- P.K. Winter 71213,1337
- Packard Bell 76711,503
- Electronics Inc
- Painless Accounting 70337,3337
- Palindrome Corp NOVHW
- Paolo Sergio Asioli netsearch@poldid.polito.it
- Paolo Tosolini tosolini@psicosun.univ.trieste.it
- http://www.univ.trieste.it/tosolini
- .html
- Paradise Programming 70322,231
- Parcell Software 72250,1356
- Parsons Technology PT
- Inc
- Pat Budde budde@slam01.mdc.com
- Pat White p.white@fs2.mbs.ac.uk
- Pathfinder 100117,603
- Associates
- Patri-Soft 76347,2477
- Patrick Breen 70312,743 pbreen@world.std.com
- Patrick Harvey, See mrgalaxy@ix.netcom.com
- also QWIZ Inc
- Patrick Ko pko@hk.super.net
- Patrick Ko Shu Pui pko@hk.super.net
- Patrick Leblanc pgleblan@acs.ucalgary.ca
- Patrick Lee patlee@panix.com
- Patrick MacKinlay Patrick.MacKinlay@brunel.ac.uk
- Patrick Pollet ppollet@cismibm.univ-lyon1.fr
- Patrick Taylor exuptr@exu.ericsson.se
- Paul Beckingham 72230,765
- Paul Carapetis P.Carapetis@as03.bull.oz.au
- Paul Gallagher paulg@resmel.bhp.com.au
- Paul Hooper phoop@dialix.ox.au
- Paul Howe phowe@uoft02.utoledo.edu
- Paul Kunkel kunkel@u.washington.edu
- Paul Nelson ch023pan@arriba.nm.org
- Page No. 35
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Paul Poellinger 70732,3576 pelican@onramp.net
- Silent O Software
- Paul Pukite DAINA pukite@daina.com
- Engineering
- Paul R Bearden 72117,510 pbeard@onramp.net
- Paul Roub proub@bix.com
- Paul Shields 100353,43
- Paul Steckler steck@ccs.neu.edu
- Paul Thomson pthomson@delphi.com
- Paul Wheaton banana@montana.com
- Paulo Caridade ujcf21@obelix.fe.up.pt
- Pavel Machek machek@troja.fjfi.cvut.cz
- Pawel Wzietek wzietek@lps.u.psud.fr
- PC Computing 72241,2220 yli-ron@pcc.ziff.com
- http://zcias3.ziff.com/%7Epccomp/
- Computing BBS
- PC Help Line 72357,3523
- PC Information 71360,72
- Systems
- PC Light Inc 73527,2425
- PC Magazine BBS 72241,104 GO 556.3896@mcimail.com
- (MAGNET) PCMAG http://zcias3.ziff.com/%7Epcmag/
- PC Telnet pctelnet@ncsa.uiuc.edu
- http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Softwa
- re/PCTelnet/">here</a>
- PC World on-line BBS GO PCWORLD
- PC-DSD 70742,2473
- PC/Contact ZIFF Net GO ZNT:PCCONTAC http://www.pcweek.ziff.com
- PCX 70216,174
- Peachtree Software 71333,2420 or GO
- Pearl America Inc 71043,674
- PED Software Corp info@ped.com
- Pedro Mendes prm@aber.ac.uk
- Pembroke franks@cix.compulink.co.uk
- International Ltd
- Pentti Mattila Pentti.Mattila@vtt.fi
- Per Goetterup pg@login.dknet.dk
- Peregrine Systems 74512,653 http://www.peregrine.com/
- Performance Design rfdmail@world.std.com
- Peripheral Data 70741,2060
- Systems
- Perry Rovers Perry.Rovers@kub.nl
- Pete Maclean 75776,660
- Peter Antypas r64ac95@rics2.cba.uh.edu
- Peter Bel stv_bel@hrovx1.hro.nl
- Peter Brandstrom d91-pbr@nada.kth.se
- Peter Brooks slipknot@micromind.com
- http://interport.net/~pbrooks/slipk
- not.html
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- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Peter Charpentier 70053,705
- Peter Eddy 71541,1420
- Peter Gutmann pgutl@cs.aukuni.ac.nz
- Peter Hubinsky hubak@elf.stuba.sk
- Peter Jennings peterj@netcom.com
- Peter Karrer pkarrer@bernina.ethz.ch
- Peter Koehnkow pkoehnko@cube.net
- Peter Neuendorffer petern@channel1.com
- Peter Reilley pvr@wang.com
- Peter Scargill pscargill@cix.compulink.co.uk
- Peter Scott aa375@freenet.carleton.ca
- Peter Summers peter@cardiology.medrmh.unimelb.edu
- .au
- Peter T Smith DDS 72617,70
- Peter Vanderborght vdborght@uia.ua.ac.be
- Petr Kielar kielar@karlov.mff.cuni.cz
- Phade Software phade@cs.tu-berlin.de
- Phil Ashby ashbysoft@cix.compulink.co.uk
- Philip B. Eskelin Jr 76216,1410
- Philippe Jounin ark@ifh.sncf.fr
- Phillip A Kaufman 72431,2543 phil@qcktrn.com
- Phillip H. Sherrod 71333,27
- Photodex Corp photodex@netcom.com
- Piaf Inc 73407,1034
- Pierre Jelenc 71022,1726 rcpj@panix.com
- Pierre R. Schwob prs@hk.net http://www.hk.net/~pre
- Pieter Scholtz pscholtz@cybernet.za
- Pik A Program Inc 73730,2117
- Pine Grove Software 72366,306
- Pinecliffe 74730,1734 or
- International 76711,1171
- Pinnacle Software 70154,1577 pinnacl@cam.org
- Piotr Rotkiewicz piro@chem.uw.edu.pl
- Piotr Warezak aster@krysia.uni.lodz.pl
- Pkware Inc 75300,730 PKWARE.Inc@mixcom.com
- Plannet Crafters Inc 73040,334
- Playroom Software 76702,1603
- PLC Software 70751,1322
- PlotSoft Solutions 70007,3536
- PocketWare (Jeff 100031,3537
- Rollason)
- Polaris Software Inc GO WINAPA
- Poqet Computer GO PALMTOP
- Potomac Computer 70451,633
- Systems
- Power BBS Computing 71155,2035 Mark_newton@newton.com
- PowerSoft Corp GO POWERSOFT
- Practical GO PPIFORUM
- Peripherals 70007,4074
- Page No. 37
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Precision Software 70007,5562
- Publishing
- Predrag Bjelanovic pbl@doc.ic.ac.uk
- Primavera Systems PCVENDB tsupport@primavera.com
- Inc
- Prime Consulting 76711.1171
- Group Inc
- Pro Dev Software 72617,1266
- Prof Dr Nick nsherbak@iicm,tu-graz.ac.at
- Scherbakov
- Prof Timo Salmi ts@uwasa.fi
- Prof. Joe R. Doupnik jrd@cc.usu.edu
- Professional 71511,1717
- Automated Systems
- Prologic Software 76340,2626
- Prospector Software info@prospector.com
- Provalis Research 71760,2103
- PT WinWare 70304,654
- Public Brand 72241,457 or GO
- Software PBSAPP
- Public Software 71355,470
- Library (PsL)
- Public Software 71355,470
- Library PsL
- Pyramid Software 73467,221
- Qiang Zheng qz2@columbia.edu
- http://www.columbia.edu/~qz2
- QPC Software djpk@troi.cc.rochester.edu
- Qualit Inc qaulit@netcom.com
- ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/qualit/htm
- l/defhtml.htm
- Quarterdeck Office QUARTERDECK comp.os.msdos.desqview
- Systems Inc http://www.qdeck.com/
- QuickSoft Inc (Sold 76004,2277
- to Starlite)
- QuickWare 70750,2147 Quickware@aol.com
- Quid Pro Quo 73760,2032
- Software
- Quincey Koziol koziol@ncsa.uiuc.edu
- R Janorkar Ron.Janorkar@pl.f203.n107.zl.fidone
- t.org
- R K West Consulting 72301,435
- R M Tafreshi moshtr@rdxhdw22.aud.alcatel.com
- R.N. (Dick) Wisan wisanr@hartwick.edu
- R/ACCESS Software 76236,2706
- Inc
- Rafe Aldridge rca@ib.rl.ac.uk
- Raffaele Spangaro raspa@maya.dei.unipd.it
- Page No. 38
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Rahul Dhesi dhesi@cirrus.com
- Rajeev Karunakaran rajeev@netcom.com
- Ralf Brown Ralf_Brown@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU
- Ralf Philipp philipp@westnet.com
- Rams Island Software 76244,324
- Rand Smith smithr@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
- Randall R Spangler rspangle@micro.caltech.edu
- Randolph Beck 72361,753
- Randy R Patterson 75024,1472 randy@norden1.com
- Randy S Gregory randy@agecon.wisc.edu
- Randy Spangler rspangle@micro.caltech.edu
- Randy Stimpson softwise@halcyon.com
- Rapid Deployment robert.craig@canrem.com
- Software
- Ravitz Software Inc 70431,32
- Ray Lischner lisch@tempest-sw.com
- Ray Van Tassle rayvt@comm.mot.com
- Raymond A J Pesek 72270,650
- Raymond Penners raymondp@stack.urc.tue.nl
- Raymond T Kaya 71230,2500
- RCCO Research. 71053,55
- Walter Boswell
- Rd Thomas rain@ghawk.com
- Real Software 76646,323
- Reality Technologies GO REALITY
- Inc
- Redwood Games 71501,3553
- Reid Smith reid.smith@poohs.com
- Reidar Gresseth gresseth@unixg.ubc.ca
- Reidar Gresseth, gresseth@ucs.ubc.ca
- Chris Hook
- Renier Crause s9147659@rkw-lan.cs.ac.za
- Rescource Concepts pscholz@aol.com
- Inc
- Responsive Software alanmacy@holonet.net
- http://www.holonet.net/responsive
- RetailWare 72331,53
- Rete Civica Milanese Daniele_G._Paccaloni@rcm.dsi.unimi.
- it
- Rey Barry rbarry@hopper.acs.virginia.edu
- RGH Software 76670,110
- Rhode Island Soft 72662,463
- Systems
- Rhys Weatherley rhys@fit.qut.edu.au
- Richard A Williams 72317,2073
- Richard Breuer ricki@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.d
- e
- Richard Edwards redwards@wchat.on.ca
- Richard Gosiorovsky gosiorov@vm.stuba.sk
- Page No. 39
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Richard Horne rshorne@delphi.com
- Richard Hsiung rhsiung@kaiwan.com
- Richard L Ahrens ahrens26@wharton.upenn.edu
- http://futures.wharton.upenn.edu/~a
- hrens26/ivc11.zip
- Richard Levey levesys@pacevm.bitnet
- Richard Marks rmarks@MDC.unisys.COM
- Richard Turenne 72361,3117
- Richard Way calctech@halcyon.com
- Richard Wisan WISANR@hartwick.edu
- Rick Black mnrgb@aol.com
- Rick Vandenberg rick@vsystem.wimsey.bc.ca
- Right to Left 71542,3631
- Software
- Riku Saikkonen rjs@spider@compart.fi
- Rimrock Software 71211,70
- RKS Software Inc 72357,2034
- RO-Soft 76130,203
- Rob Beckers rjb@eel-mail.mc.duke.edu
- Rob Chen rchen@orion.oac.uci.edu
- Rob Hueniken 70162,1521
- Rob Stevens 71441,734 stevensr@cadvision.com
- Rob van Helmond dedos5@info.win.tue.nl
- Rob Woods woodsrg@newton.ccs.tuns.ca
- Robbin Merritt RobbinM@aol.com
- Robert A Wolfe bonwolfe@umich.edu
- Robert Barrentine 100014,2347
- Consulting
- Robert Beauchaine bobb@vice.ICO.TEK.COM
- Robert Bruce rab@cdrom.com
- Robert Davies robertd@kauri.vuw.ac.nz
- Robert Dewar SimTel /mdsos/ada
- Robert E Frazier 70172,177
- Robert F Nee 70461,2034 nee@finist_10.sbi.com
- Robert Galle Joze.Kosec@guest.arnes.si
- Robert Geeslin geeslin@vms.ocom.okstate.edu
- Robert Geeslin geeslin@vms.ocom.okstate.edu
- Robert Heath heath@ncrcae.columbiasc.ncr.com
- Robert Huff rhuff@netcom.com
- Robert J Butler 74542,2077 r.butler9@genie.geis.com
- Robert Juhasz robertj@lwfwsl.uni-paderborn.de
- Robert K Jung 72077,445 robjung@world.std.com
- Robert K Summers 72357,2034
- Robert M Bernard 70263,326
- Robert Muchsel rmuchsel@iiic.ethz.ch
- Robert Newton rnewton@scu.edu.au
- Robert Pearson telical@eskimo.com
- Robert Rothenburg rrothenbg@ic.sunysb.edu
- Robert Schmidt robert@idt.unit.no
- Page No. 40
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Robert Smathers roberts@triton.unm.edu
- Robert Steinbach egress@iquest.com
- Robert W Babcock peprbv@cfa0.harvard.edu
- Robert W Baker rbakerpc@delphi.com
- Robichaux and 71336,336
- Associates
- Rochester Heritage 72617,132
- Roger Fliege fliege@cei.com
- Roger Hadgraft roger.hadgraft@eng.monash.edu.au
- Roger Kurrat kurrat@surface.mat.ethz.ch
- Roger Rene Kommer 100412,3624 roger@architektur.uni-kassel.de
- Roger Winstanley winstanl@clark.net
- Roland Ortloff ortlofrd@sutdbox.uni-stuttgart.de
- Roland Skinner roland.skinner@leclub.proxima.alt.z
- a
- Roland van der Put roland@mailman.gds.nl
- Roman M Zielinski Roman.Zielinski@eua.ericsson.se
- Ron Barak Ron.Barak@padis.gn.apc.org
- Ron Black blackr@email.kaiserslautern.army.mi
- l
- Ron Croonenberg R.Croonenberg@atis.nl
- Ron Gualtieri RON@imr1.usa.com
- Ron Loewy 100274.162 rloewy@panix.com
- Ron Pritchett pritchet@ash.cs.scarolina.edu
- Ronald James Heath heathr@delphi.com
- Rosewood Software 70461,2507
- RoSi Software 100031,2222
- Ross Barclay rbarclay@trentu.ca
- Ross Beresford ross@bryson.demon.co.uk
- Ross Greenberg 72461,3212
- Roy Bixler as327@cleveland.freenet.edu
- RP Huang p26814@email.mot.com
- Rubicon Computer 71307,1212
- Labs Inc
- Rune Froysa rune.froysa@svit.uio.no
- Rupert Toncic Rupert@bcmrtc.demon.co.uk
- Russ Irwin 71045,222
- Russel E Holcomb 70062,2236
- Russel Hildreth 71041,2132
- Russel Holloway 72144,1376 jrholl00@ukpr.edu
- Russel Lang rjl@monul.cc.monash.edu.au
- Russel Schulz russel@alpha3.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
- Russel Smith rssmith@tenet.edu
- Russell Nelson info@crynwr.com
- Russell Stevens 70150,323
- Ryan Kim ryank@cyberspace.org
- Ryuichiro Araki raraki@human.waseda.ac.jp
- RzK Doris Koepke 70126,1660 koepke@gmd.de
- S Graham sgraham@shilho.nimh.nih.gov
- Page No. 41
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- S Jason Olasky olaskys@hfsi.com
- Salvatore Besso mc????@mclink.it
- Salvisberg Software 73237,3556
- & Consulting
- Samkhya 71016,460
- Samuel H Smith 71150,2731
- Samuel Marshall Samuel.Marshall@durham.ac.uk
- http://www.dur.ac.uk/~d405ua
- Sandd Sofware 71674,3116
- Santinon Cristian scris@varano.ing.unico.it
- Sapphire Software 71223,3653
- Inc
- Save The Planet saveplanet@igc.org
- Software
- Systems
- Scan/US Inc 75540,1103
- http://www.scanus.com/scanus/4windo
- ws.html
- Schreck Software 76467,2213
- Schulenberg and 72650,3160
- Associates
- Schulenberg and 72650,3160
- Associates
- Science Fun 72371,312
- Science Translations 72144,1241
- SciTech Software 100237,2213 rcskb@minyos.xx.rmit.edu.au
- Scitor Corp sales@scitor.com
- ScofWare Associates 70162,2357
- Scott Chapman schapman@ior.com
- Scott Davenport sdavenpo@94083.u94.stevens-tech.edu
- Scott Dudley scott@lanius.com
- Scott H. Pultz scott@eskimo.com
- Scott Hall shall01@bigcat.missouri.edu
- Scott MacLean arthor@cais.com
- Sean Lee yunghsia@usc.edu
- Sean O'Dell seano@netcom.com
- ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/seano/home
- .html
- Seaware Corp 71426,204
- Selfhelp Software 70724,2276
- SemWare Corp 75300,2710 tech.support@semware.atl.ga.us
- Sensation Software 70054,2661
- Sergey Yuriewich evsikov@lcta9.jinr.dubna.su
- Shmakov
- ServantWare 76636,1166
- Shalom Halevy 70274,2564
- Shane Software Intl 73060,2370
- Shanti Hofshi shofshi@powergrid.electriciti.com
- Page No. 42
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Shawn Hargreaves slh100@tower.york.ac.uk (until
- 1996)
- Shawn Harvell shawnhar@chopia.udel.edu
- Shawn Leclaire shawnl@landyne.on.ca
- Si Gainey cm3bcsjg@bs47c.staffs.ac.uk
- Sierra Solutions 545-0183@mcimail.com
- Sigma Designs Inc GO DTPVEN
- Silicon Systems 72451,327 http://www.ssi1.com/
- SilvaSoft Software 71736,316
- Inc
- Silver & Sage 74130,3460
- Software
- Silver Wolf Software 71441.1637 spencer@cerfnet.com
- Silverware dans@access.digex.net
- Simon Carter simonc@bruce.cs.monash.edu.au
- Simon Griffiths GRIFFITHS_S@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz
- Simple Software Inc 70242,101
- SimpleWare Robert E 75221,2357
- Pitcher
- SimTel (Internet OAK.Oakland.Edu
- FTP etc) http://www.acs.oakland.edu
- SitBack Technologies 71155,726
- Inc
- Sloop Software 72540,144
- Small Planet walsh@cs.umass.edu
- Software
- SMI Corporation 72644,2335
- Smokin Software 76666,1512
- Soft GAM's Software 73210,3374
- Softarc Inc sales@saolgate.softarc.com
- SoftCraft Inc 71221,376
- Softkey (GO SPINNAKER)
- International Inc (old)
- SoftRX Shareware 72007,467
- Software & 100015,551
- Consulting
- Software Co-op 72241,455
- Software Concepts 72461,3212
- Design
- Software 70313,3615 softcons@world.std.com
- Construction Co
- Software Creations 73230,3254 http://www.swcbbs.com/
- Software Designs Inc 70353,1604
- Software Dynamics 71621,1163
- Software Excitement 76636,1166
- Software for Amateur 70531,1405
- Radio
- Software hallucin@iinet.com.au
- Hallucinations
- Page No. 43
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Software Publishing GO SPC FORUM
- Corp
- Software Store 70214,1626
- Products
- Software Vision 70304,64
- Corporation
- Software Workshop 76207,217
- Inc
- SoftWest 70205,533
- Softworks 73435,1277
- Soltech soltech@netcom.com
- Soren Pingel pingel@daimi.aau.dk
- Dalsgaard
- Source Code Systems 75300,3241
- SourceWare Archive jfanjoy@interlog.com
- Group http://www.interlog.com/~jfanjoy/ho
- me/html
- Southwind Software 70401,3026
- Spalding Software 74431,240 joefer@america.net
- SpanSoft 100101,1155 nick.hunter@almac.co.uk
- Specific 76470,3424
- Applications
- Software
- SpeedSoft 72361,1552
- Development
- Speedy Software 71551,3641
- Spirit7 Software 73530,3236
- Corp
- Spry and O'Reilly & ibox@ora.com
- Associates
- Spry Inc sales@spry.com or info@spry.com
- http://www.spry.com/
- Spyglass Inc info@spyglass.com
- http://www.spyglass.com/
- SST Inc 70233,2504 sstinc@netcom.com
- Stac Electronics Inc GO STAC FORUM
- Stale Schumacher staalesc@ifi.uio.no
- Stan Wong s.wong@ieee.org or
- stanwong@kaiwan.com
- Stanley Schweitzer stans@princeton.edu
- Star Guidance 71565,1001
- Consulting Inc
- Statistitical mktg@statsci.com
- Sciences Inc
- Stefan Olson 100352,1315 stefan@olson.manawatu.gen.nz
- Stephan Loescher loescher@leo.org
- Stephen A Jernigan sajernig@ingr.com
- Stephen Graham gti@cix.compulink.co.uk
- Stephen Herzog, herzogs@sdesign.com
- Secure Design
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- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Stephen M Baines periodic@vollans.demon.co.uk
- Stephen McConnel, steve@acadcomp.sil.org
- Academic Comp. D.
- Stephen Testa stesta@bilbo.bio.purdue.edu
- StereoGraphics Corp stereo@well.sf.ca.us
- Steve Balogh steve@cc.monash.edu.au
- Steve Belleguelle sbx@cs.nott.ac.uk
- Steve Clarke lockadmin@trumpton.demon.co.uk
- Steve Drew drew@bootrom.mtroyal.ab.ca
- Steve Englestad 76660,274
- Steve Estvanik 76703,3046
- Steve Jernigan sajernig@ingr.com
- Steve Karra SKarra@Banyan.COM
- Steve Madsen sjmadsen@nextsrv.cas.muohio.edu
- Steve Marx 72672,3476
- Steve McCarthy 74264,3441 sjm@halcyon.com
- http://www.halcyon.com/htbin/hit_co
- unter.pl/sjm/righton.html
- Steve McCauley dwm@cam.org
- Steve Oshrin seoshrin@whale.st.usm.edu
- Steve Poulsen SPoulsen@acol.com
- Steve R Walker 71021,1544 ccocssw@acme.gatech.edu
- Steven A Brown 73140,3340
- Steven Fox stevefox@c2.hinet.net
- Steven J. McCarthy smccrew@hebron.connected.com
- Steven Johnson sjohnson@netcom.com
- Steven Woas swoas@innet.com
- Stewart A. Berman 76366,1664
- Stewart Johnson 72401,1352
- Stiller Research 74777,3004 wolfgang@freenet.tlh.fl.us
- Wolfgang Stiller
- Stoktrax Systems 71465,1741
- Strat Tech Inc 72317,2332
- Strategic Mapping GO PCVEN
- Inc
- Strategic Marketing 76547,747
- Associates
- Strategic Solutions 71321,2745
- Stuart stuart.whitmore@uninova.com
- Stuart Swain sswain@tartarus.uwa.edu.au
- Succinct Systems 76720,516
- Sudarshan Karkada skarkada@aol.com
- Sulyok Peter sulyok@math.klte.hu
- Sunderland Software cschanck@access.digex.net
- http://access/digex.net/~cschanck/s
- s/bingo.html
- Super Tools (Joseph 70323,3140
- A. Herrera)
- Superior Soft 72557,3003
- Page No. 45
- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- SuperSet Software GO WINADV
- Corp
- Support Group Inc 74020,10
- Supra Corp sales@supra.com
- Supra Corporation GO MODEMVEN supratech@supra.com
- http://www.supra.com/
- Supreme Soft msingh@ucs.indiana.edu
- Suwanto & Mang indosoft@netcom.com
- Hartono
- Sverre H. Huseby sverrehu@ifi.uio.no
- SWFTE International GO SWFTE
- Ltd
- Symantec Corp GO SYMANTEC http://www.symantec.com/
- Sympathetic 71046,1476 sbillard@kaiwan.com
- Software, S Billard http://www.kaiwan.com/~sbillard
- SynaptiCAD (Dan 70410,2636
- Notestein)
- Syntonic Software 72060,1556
- T G Muench 71171,2424
- T J R Cutts (Tim tjrc1@mole.bio.cam.ac.uk
- Cutts) http://cyclin.zoo.cam.ac.uk/pub/ref
- s/
- T.P. van den Bout T.P.vandenBout@et.tudelft.nl
- T/Maker Co GO MACVEN
- Tandy Radio Shack GO TANDYNET
- Corp
- Tarkan Yetiser tyetiser@cyberia.com
- TaxWare 70020,1065
- Tay-Jee Software 72330,1776
- TDWare 72607,3710
- Tea Time Software 71020,1350
- TechnoJock Software 74017,227
- Inc
- Technology chip@infinet.com
- Consultants
- TechSmith Corp, 75226,3136
- Dewey C Hou
- TechSoft Systems Inc frank@whare.cavebbs.gen.nz
- Ted Gruber Software 72000,1642
- Ted Johansson 100257,2662 Through Compuserve
- http://www-bprc.mps.ohio-state.edu/
- cgi-bin/hpp?ModemSta.html
- Teik Leong Tan ttan@unlinfo.unl.edu
- Teleadapt 100111,2713
- http://traveller.eu.net/TeleAdapt/
- Telebit Corp GO MODEMVEN info@telebit.com
- http://www.telebit.com/
- Telvox 100064,125
- Teleinformation
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- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Tembo Software, John strongj@acslink.net.au
- Strong
- Tenax Software chigh@halcyon.com
- Engineering
- TengWare Enterprises 71541,1317
- Terry A Gray tgray@coyote.csusm.edu
- Terry E Dow dowte@ief.itg.ti.com
- Tesserax Information 72247,1463
- Systems
- TexaSoft 70721,3145
- Thaddaeus Kong teddy@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au
- The Associates 71610,637
- The Binary Toolshed 70724,2747
- The Leading Edge 76311,1426 edge@wchat.on.ca
- The Manager Inc 76177,1321
- The MathWorks Inc info@mathworks.com
- The Pipeline info@pipeline.com
- The Santa Cruz SCO FORUM
- Operation Inc (SCO)
- The Software Loft 100042,1237
- The TriChlor Group ngueynh@nosc.mil
- The Wollongong Group sales@twg.com http://www.twg.com/
- Inc
- Theron Wierenga mups_wiereng@wmich.edu
- Thieves and Kings 77250,3067
- Thomas C Johnson 71371,1257
- Thomas E Dell dell@vox.darkside.com
- Thomas Esken esken@uni-muenster.de
- Thomas Jaeger 71031,3613 czarsoft@aol.com
- Thomas K Dyas tdyas@eden.rutgers.edu
- Thomas N Anderson 73770,3612 toma@sqi.com
- Thomas W. Thomas@wallop.deomon.co.uk
- William-Powlett
- Thomas Yee 75262,1471
- Thornton Software 70743,2546
- Solutions
- ThunderBYTE North bondt@dutiws.TVI.TUDelft.NL
- America Corp
- Tim Benoit timothy.benoit@Harris.COM
- Tim Carlson 76740,3424
- Tim Cutts tjrc1@mbfs.bio.cam.ac.uk
- Tim Hirtle hirtle@nosc.mil
- Tim Johnson 74557,3134
- Tim Parish 100351,2443
- Tim Slegel slegel@vnet.ibm.com
- Tim Tschirner ittschir@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
- Tim V. Shaporev tim@sharporev.msk.su
- Tim Vasquez 71611,2267 weather@genie.geis.com
- Tim Wisseman cocomax@qorn.echo.com
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- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Timeworks DTPUEND
- International Inc
- Timothy J Weber 70511,2247
- Timothy L Hirtle hirtle@nosc.mil
- Timur Shaporev tim@rd.relcom.msk.su
- Tinker Software 74010,773
- TJS Lab Inc 76367,1401
- Todd Hansen shansen@cello.gina.calstate.edu
- Todd Sankey sankey@physics.ubc.ca
- Tola Dalton edalton@ix.netcom.com
- Tom Almy tom.almy@tek.com
- Tom Baird tmb1@ncr.com
- Tom Diviney diviney@sky700.bwi.wec.com
- Tom Gardner jdark@hebron.connected.com
- Tom Gillispie gillispi@interc.cust.ccur.com
- Tom Hudgins 73523,3314
- Tom Lane tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us
- Tom Meyer meyertr@colorado.edu
- Tom Potter tdp@id.net
- Tom Steiner steiner@sfu.ca
- Tommy Software North TSNA@aol.com
- America Inc
- Ton Martens tmartens@xs4all.nl
- http://www.xs4all.nl/~tmartens
- Toni Nikkanen tnikkane@clinet.fi
- Tony Caine 72614,1451 arcaine@slip.net
- Tony G Wu u800620@.Oz.nthu.edu.tw
- Tony Lee leetn@ccmail.apldbio.com
- Tony Papadimitriou tonyp@ars.ath.forthnet.gr
- Tony Robinson ajr@eng.com.ac.uk
- TOR Co-op Enterprise podnos@tor.spb.su
- Torbert Data Systems 73747,2336
- Inc
- Trax Softworks Inc info@traxsoft.com
- Trendtech 76210,771
- Corporation
- Trinity Software 72037,1345
- Trius Inc 72727,616 or
- 71333,103
- Tron Black 70054,1007 TronB@aol.com
- Troy Miller troym@convex.com
- Troy Rollo troy@cbme.unsw.edu.au
- Trumpet Software peter@psychnet.psychol.utas.edu.au
- International
- TSC Computing Inc 71331,2306
- TsPlayer Group tsplayer@dspg.com
- TSR Systems Ltd 70314,1636
- Tsung Hu 72070,3515
- TurboSystems Co 72427,1603
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- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- TVSWare 76427,3056
- Ulrich Hund hund@inf.fu-berlin.de
- Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl@rz.uni-regensburg.de
- Unicorn Software 70272,3317
- Limited
- Unique Software 70130,330
- Unique Software 70322,211
- Productions
- Universal Technical 75300,2453
- Systems
- Unknown (CMDLINE) 72527,574
- Up an Running del@mark.enet.dec.com
- Software
- US Robotics Inc GO MODEMVEND support@usr.com or
- salesinfo@usr.com
- Useful Software 70242,3102
- Uwe Zimmermann uzful@mv.mv.com
- Vadim Vygonets vadik@cs.huji.ac.il
- VARed Software 73427,112
- Ventura Software Inc GO VENTURA
- (See Corel)
- Vernon D Buerg 70007,1212
- Versatile Software 71155,614
- Solutions Inc
- Viable Software 72043,46
- Alternatives
- Vias & Associates 72260,1601
- Vic Williams c/o Ray Kaliss kaliss@sdn.com
- VIETech Hoa VIETech@haydn.stanford.edu
- GiaNguyen
- Vietnamese Profess. hcgvn@netcom.com
- Society VPS
- Viewpoint Systems 71127,2610
- Inc
- Vin Aniello aniello@remus.rutgers.edu
- Virtual Magic 70304,2045
- Software
- Visionary Software 100035,62
- Vlad Vespalec, vlad@aztec.co.za
- Microtek Services
- Vladimir Podnos podnos@tor.spb.su
- VN MicroSys nguyenh@nosc.mil
- Vollant Gilles 100144,2636
- Voyetra Technologies 71141,3422
- VytalNet Inc sales@vytalnet.com
- W. Scott Thoman thoman@law.mail.cornell.edu
- W.F. Schroeder schroeder.pad@sni.de
- Walnut Creek CD-ROM info@cdrom.com or orders@cdrom.com
- http://www.cdrom.com/
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- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Walt Stoneburner wwco@netcom.com
- Walter Boswell, RCCO 71053,55
- Research
- Walter J Kennamer 74025,514
- Ward Harrington 70570,1120
- Ward Mundy Software 76274,775
- WareCraft 70521,1036
- Warren Hearnes whearnes@isye.gatech.edu
- Wasco Technical 72020,2031
- Software
- Waterloo Maple info@maplesoft.on.ca
- Software
- Wayne Geiser 70313,3615 softcons@world.std.com
- Wayne Thomas c/o dbeko@PrimeNet.Com
- Webber Technical wbberd@nbnet.nb.ca
- Services
- Websters Lexxicon sales@websters.com
- Publishing Corp
- Wei Jiang lzhao@atitech.ca
- WER Development Werdev@aol.com
- Wesley Loewer loewer@tenet.edu
- Western Digital Corp GO WDC ftp.wdc.com www.wdc.com
- Westley L Hespeth us002654@interramp.com
- Westmarch 71664,3726 jburrow@halcyom.com
- Development Corp
- WetZoft Applications 75300,2531 or
- 75166,3200
- Wheel Games 76662,1623
- Whirlwind c/o kaliss@sdn.com
- Technologies
- White Harvest 70402,1706
- Software Inc
- White River Software 72070,3515
- Will Baldwin 76200,275
- William A Jackson 71571,1234
- William Anderson 71662,545
- Consulting
- William Bell pp001529@interramp.com
- William Cheung wcheung@ee.ubc.ca
- William Harrington bill@ddi.digital.net
- William L. Garrard DigitalDaz@aol.com
- William L. Menninger willus@ilm.pfc.mit.edu
- William Luitje luitje@m-net.arbornet.org
- William S Ataras III 70322,1514
- William Werth billw@eskimo.com
- Wilson Windowware 73260,2535
- Inc http://oneworld.wa.com/wilson/pages
- /index.html
- Windhamwood 72260,1700
- Publishing
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- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Windowcraft Corp GO WINAPB
- Windows User 75300,3513 75300,3513@compuserve.com
- Windows users group GO WUGNET
- network WUGNET
- Winnovation 71774,605
- Winterra Software 70244,2371
- Group
- Winvelope Software 71620,24
- WinWare Inc 70272,1656
- WinWear Inc 71477,1674
- WiseWare 72247,1323
- Wolf Software Design 72777,1556
- Wolfgang Hesseler hesseler@athene.informatik.uni-bonn
- .de
- Wolfgang Siebeck siebeck@infoac.rmi.de
- Wolfram Research Inc info@wri.com http://www.wri.com/
- WooleySoft, Kevin 100332,2104 kjwl@stirling.ac.uk
- Wooley
- Words to Go 76515,1510
- Wouter C M Klingens wkling@knoware.nl
- WSS Division of DDC babcock@cfa.harvard.edu
- XD Systems 70741,3711
- XWare Inc 76477,2113
- Y.C.C. 75470,2177
- Yardbird Software 73650,104
- Yaron Danon danony@rpi.edu
- Yat Tung Cheung ycheung3@ie.cuhk.hk
- Yijun Ding xxye@curie.ualr.edu
- Yonat Dascalu Dascalu@math.tau.ac.il
- Yutaka Emura 73560,2250
- Yves Charier 73170,2176
- Yves Han yves@amc.uva.nl
- Yves Roumazeilles Roumazeilles@sagem.fr
- Yvonne Fripp genyj@lure.latrobe.edu.au
- Z Jiang zjiang@metz.une.edu.au
- Zachariah Tripp zet@christa.unh.edu
- Zack Ives zack@pacific.pacific.net
- Zarkware 71211,1250
- Zenith Data Systems GO ZENITH
- http://www.quadralay.com/www/Austin
- /AustinBusiness/Hoover/zenith.html
- Zenographics Inc GO ZENO
- Zeos International support@zeos.com
- Ltd
- Zgraf Software 70742,1356 jjkabo@delphi.com
- Products
- Zhuhan Jiang zjiang@metz.une.edu.au
- Ziffnet Support on 72241,1517
- Site
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- 03/25/95
- SoftBase (Shareware SBAPR95*.ZIP)
- of Compuserve and Internet addresses
- Internet e-mail: adam@testad.pc.my
- Company name Compuserve Internet
- Zoom Telephonics Inc GO MODEMVEN
- Zoran Dukic dukic@olimp.irb.hr
- Zoran Milenovic zoranm@interaccess.com
- Zpay Payroll Systems 76711,1141
- Inc
- Zvi Netiv ila2007@datasrv.co.il
- Zvi Shippony zvi@hipp.jpl.nasa.gov
- Zyxel USA 71333,2734 brentm@hydra.sdsc.edu
- http://www.zyxel.com/