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- DefInt A-Z
- '' This module deals with discovering how much of a form
- '' gets lost with the border.
- '' **** NB Essential for all VB programmers ****
- '' Written by Peter Fox. 3 Feb 1993
- '' 2 Tees Close, Witham, Essex CM8 1LG,England
- '' Domestic tel: 0376 517206
- '' Intnl tel: +44 376 517206
- '' (Compuserve ID: 100116,1031)
- '' Make the best use of them you can.
- Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "User" (ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Integer
- '' API call works with Win 3.0 provided nIndex <= 35(decimal)
- '' Constants declared with the style SM_...
- Const SM_CXSCREEN = 0
- Const SM_CYSCREEN = 1
- Const SM_CYCAPTION = 4 ' pixels height of a caption bar (also menu bar)
- Const SM_CXBORDER = 5 ' pixels width of a frame border (technically non-sizeable!)
- Const SM_CYBORDER = 6 ' pixels height of a frame border (technically non-sizeable!)
- Const SM_CYMENU = 15
- Const SM_CXFRAME = 32
- Const SM_CYFRAME = 33
- Function lostframeheightintwips% (withmenu%)
- '' Return the height (in twips) that is lost because the FORM.HEIGHT property
- '' includes the title and borders
- '' If WITHMENU% is true then we have to inclue a (single) menu bar in the
- '' value to be lost.
- captionht = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) ' system dimensions in pixels
- fixborderHt = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER)
- sizborderHt = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME)
- stppy = screen.TwipsPerPixelY ' conversion factor for this screen
- If withmenu% Then m = 2 Else m = 1 ' 2 title heights if we have a menu bar
- lostheightinpix = (m * (captionht - fixborderHt)) + (2 * sizborderHt)
- lostframeheightintwips = lostheightinpix * stppy
- End Function
- Function LostFramewidthintwips% ()
- '' Return the width (in twips) that is lost because the FORM.WIDTH
- '' property includes the borders
- sizborderWd = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME) ' pixel width of frame
- stppx = screen.TwipsPerPixelX ' conversion factor
- lostwidthinpix = 2 * sizborderWd
- LostFramewidthintwips = lostwidthinpix * stppx
- End Function