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- VERSION 2.00
- Begin Form Form1
- Caption = "Subdoc sample project"
- Height = 6510
- KeyPreview = -1 'True
- Left = 1035
- LinkTopic = "Form1"
- ScaleHeight = 5820
- ScaleWidth = 7365
- Top = 1140
- Width = 7485
- Begin Menu MStart
- Caption = "&Tile"
- End
- Begin Menu MFinish
- Caption = "&Finish"
- End
- DefInt A-Z
- '' This form doesn't do anything much - just a sample
- '' of code for subdoc to show off with.
- '' *** However try remming out the lines in MStart_Click
- '' that take the loss of frame borders into account
- '' and see what happens.
- Dim T() As TILE ' will contain tiles
- Sub MFinish_Click ()
- End
- End Sub
- Sub MStart_Click ()
- '' Start the sample application:-
- '' ask for name, create tiles, compute form
- '' dimensions then lay out tiles.
- '' *** Interesting code modification in this procedure ***
- n$ = InputBox$("Please input a name", "", "Geoffrey")
- nc = Len(n$)
- fw = form1.Width ' INCORRECT !!!!
- fh = form1.Height
- ' divide form EXACTLY into NC squares each way
- fw = form1.Width - lostframewidthintwips()
- fh = form1.Height - lostframeheightintwips(True)
- ' rem the preceeding two lines out and see what happens
- intvlx = fw / nc ' intervals
- intvly = fh / nc
- form1.FontSize = Tilefontsize
- ReDim T(1 To nc, 1 To nc) As TILE
- For r = 1 To nc
- For c = 1 To nc
- T(r, c).top = (r - 1) * intvly
- T(r, c).left = (c - 1) * intvlx
- T(r, c).bottom = (r) * intvly
- T(r, c).right = (c) * intvlx
- T(r, c).letter = Mid$(n$, 1 + (r + c - 2) Mod nc, 1)
- T(r, c).clr = QBColor(1 + ((r + c) Mod 15))
- Call showtile(r, c)
- Next c
- Next r
- End Sub
- Sub showtile (r, c)
- '' Show the tile in the gloabl array T()
- '' R and C are row and column indeces
- form1.DrawWidth = 1
- Dim ti As TILE
- ti = T(r, c) ' current tile working var
- Line (ti.left, ti.top)-(ti.right, ti.bottom), ti.clr, BF
- Line (ti.left, ti.top)-(ti.right, ti.bottom), QBColor(0), B
- lw = form1.TextWidth(ti.letter)
- lh = form1.TextHeight(ti.letter)
- form1.CurrentX = (ti.left + ti.right - lw) / 2
- form1.CurrentY = (ti.top + ti.bottom - lh) / 2
- form1.Print ti.letter;
- End Sub