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- SocketWrench/VB Custom Control
- Version 1.0a
- Welcome
- Please read this document carefully; it contains information about installing
- and using the SocketWrench Windows Sockets custom control. Before you install
- the control, please be sure that your system has the following products
- installed (the version number indicates the earliest release that is supported;
- a later release may also be used):
- Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Visual Basic 3.0
- Windows Sockets 1.1 Library
- If you have any questions about which version of the above products are
- installed, check the software documentation or contact your network or
- systems administrator.
- Catalyst Software
- SocketWrench/VB is part of a larger package currently under development by
- Catalyst Software. In addition to the comprehensive, but fairly low-level,
- access that SocketWrench provides, our package will include libraries
- and custom controls for many of the popular Internet application protocols
- such as FTP, TELNET, SMTP, POP3 and HTTP. Both dynamic link libraries (DLL's)
- and custom controls for Visual Basic (VBX's) will be included, providing the
- greatest flexibility to developers. And, of course, there are never any
- royalties or other hidden costs with any of Catalyst's tools.
- We feel that the most exciting component in the package is our World Wide
- Web browser custom control. The control offers the best of both worlds:
- a powerful browser that can be easily customized to meet the needs of your
- application. Although the Web control offers many options in the form of
- properties, methods and events, you can create your own custom browser by
- simply selecting the control, creating a text and button control and setting
- the resource property. And when integrated with our other controls, you can
- build a fully-featured, Internet-enabled application in just minutes!
- Free Distribution
- SocketWrench is freely re-distributable software. You may use the control
- in your own applications and redistribute the package as needed. However,
- SocketWrench has not been placed in the public domain. Catalyst Software
- retains the copyright and may, without prior notice, release subsequent
- versions of SocketWrench that are not freely re-distributable. As a developer,
- you may include the control in your applications as per the license agreement
- included with this software distribution.
- If you have found SocketWrench to be useful, please consider registering the
- software by completing the form in the register.txt file. There is no charge
- or obligation when registering SocketWrench, and you'll receive a $50.00
- discount towards the purchase of the complete package when it's released.
- To contact Catalyst Software, write to:
- Catalyst Software
- 638 Lindero Canyon Road
- Suite 107
- Oak Park, California 91301
- Phone: 818.879.1144
- Fax: 818.879.1211
- Email: mstefan@catsoft.com
- Please include your full name, address, daytime voice and fax number, and
- your email address if available. Catalyst Software is committed to providing
- tools, utilities and component software that truly solve developers problems.
- You can help right now by simply letting us know who you are. Thank you for
- your support.
- Documentation
- The documentation for this control is provided both as a Windows help file
- and as a Microsoft Word 6.0 document. Although the document is copyrighted,
- it may be freely copied and redistributed throughout your organization as
- needed.
- Installation
- To install SocketWrench, run the installation utility that is included with
- the package. If the package was downloaded from a bulletin board system, it
- will be necessary to extract the files from an archive. To install the
- software, select File..Run from the Program Manager menu. A dialog box will
- prompt you for the name of the program to execute. If you are installing from
- a diskette, enter a:\setup. Otherwise, specify the complete path where the
- setup utility is located.
- When the installation begins, you will be prompted to enter the name of a
- directory where documents and sample programs can be installed. If the
- directory does not exist, you can choose to have the setup utility create
- it for you. This distribution contains the following files:
- cswsock.vbx SocketWrench custom control
- cswsock.hlp Help file for the custom control
- cswsock.bas Visual Basic module to include in projects
- cswsock.doc SocketWrench control documentation (Word 6.0 format)
- tcpintro.doc Introduction to programming with SocketWrench
- compat.wri Control compatibility notes
- license.wri Software license agreement
- generic.* Visual Basic project for a sample application
- tcpecho.* Visual Basic project for a TCP test utility
- udpecho.* Visual Basic project for a UDP test utility
- tinyftp.* Visual Basic project for a simple FTP client
- The SocketWrench control and help file will be copied to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM
- directory along with the other Visual Basic controls. After all of the files
- have been installed, you will be prompted if you wish to create a program
- group for the help and documentation files.
- Once the installation is completed, you can add the control to your project
- from within Visual Basic by selecting File..Add File from the menu. Select
- the cswsock.vbx file from the file list, and you should see the control added
- to your toolbox. It is suggested that you also include the cswsock.bas module
- in your project as well. It defines global constants that are commonly used
- when programming the control.
- Windows Sockets Loopback Library
- For those systems that are not connected to a network, or do not have
- a Windows Sockets library, a stub "loopback" library has been included
- with this distribution of SocketWrench. This library allows SocketWrench
- to function as though a network connection exists, which in turn allows
- you to develop applications with SocketWrench. This library should only
- be installed and configured by someone who is familiar with TCP/IP. It
- should never be installed on a system which already has another TCP/IP
- protocol stack installed.
- If no Windows Sockets library is found on your system when SocketWrench
- is installed, you are given the option to install the loopback library.
- If you do install the library, it will be copied to the installation
- directory as WINSOCK.DLL. In order for the SocketWrench control to find
- the library, you must either include the installation directory in your
- PATH environment variable, or copy it to the \WINDOWS directory. If you
- do copy the library to the \WINDOWS directory, you must also copy the
- WINSOCK.INI file there as well. This file contains configuration data
- used by the library, and has two sections which look something like this:
- [Host]
- Address=
- Name=myhost
- Domain=mydomain.com
- [Files]
- Hosts=c:\catalyst\winsock\hosts
- Protocols=c:\catalyst\winsock\protocol
- Services=c:\catalyst\winsock\services
- The first section, "Host", describes the local system. The "Address"
- item specifies the IP address that is to be associated with the local
- host, "Name" specifies the name of the host, and "Domain" specifies
- the host's domain.
- The second section, "Files", specifies the location of the text databases
- which are used by the loopback library. If the values are incorrect
- (such as if they specify non-existant files), the function calls associated
- with the item will fail. This means that if, for example, the protocol
- file does not exist, any function which attempts to resolve a protocol name
- will fail with an error.
- Reporting Problems
- If you encounter a problem, either with the control itself, or with the
- documentation, please document the error and send an e-mail message to either
- of these addresses:
- CompuServe: 72202,1427
- Internet: mstefan@catsoft.com
- Please be as specific as you can about the problem that you're experiencing.
- When reporting the problem, please be sure to include the following
- information in your message:
- Operating system and version
- Physical connection (Ethernet, dialup SLIP/PPP, etc.)
- TCP/IP vendor and version information
- Known problems with a specific vendor's Windows Sockets implementation can
- be found in the Compatibility Notes document distributed with this product.
- Copyright 1995, Catalyst Software. All rights reserved.
- SocketWrench is a trademark of Catalyst Software.
- Windows and Visual Basic is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation