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- //////////
- //
- // File: QTVRUtilities.h
- //
- // Contains: Some utilities for working with QuickTime and QuickTime VR movies.
- // All utilities start with the prefix "QTVRUtils_".
- //
- // Written by: Tim Monroe
- //
- // Copyright: ⌐ 1996-1997 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- //
- // Change History (most recent first):
- //
- // <2> 01/27/97 rtm added some constants
- // <1> 11/27/96 rtm first file
- //
- //////////
- #pragma once
- // header files
- #ifndef __QTVRUtilities__
- #define __QTVRUtilities__
- #ifndef __MOVIES__
- #include <Movies.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __QUICKTIMEVR__
- #include <QuickTimeVR.h>
- #endif
- #include <QuickTimeVRFormat.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __TRAPS__
- #include <Traps.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __GESTALT__
- #include <Gestalt.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __Prefix_File__
- #include "WinPrefix.h"
- #endif
- #include <Endian.h>
- #include "QD3D.h"
- // constants
- enum {
- kQTVRSpeakerButton = mcFlagSuppressSpeakerButton,
- kQTVRBackButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressBackBtn,
- kQTVRZoomButtons = mcFlagQTVRSuppressZoomBtns,
- kQTVRHotSpotButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressHotSpotBtn,
- kQTVRTranslateButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressTranslateBtn,
- kQTVRHelpText = mcFlagQTVRSuppressHelpText,
- kQTVRHotSpotNames = mcFlagQTVRSuppressHotSpotNames,
- kQTVRCustomButton = mcFlagsUseCustomButton
- };
- // values of ╣
- #define kVRPi ((float)3.1415926535898)
- #define kVR2Pi ((float)(2.0 * 3.1415926535898))
- #define kVRPiOver2 ((float)(3.1415926535898 / 2.0))
- #define kVR3PiOver2 ((float)(3.0 * 3.1415926535898 / 2.0))
- // define a constant for an invalid hot spot ID;
- // hot spot IDs are just indices into an 8-bit palette, so valid IDs range from 0 to 255
- #define kQTVRUtils_InvalidHotSpotID (UInt32)-1
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians
- // QTVRUtils_RadiansToDegrees
- // Angle conversion utilities.
- //
- //////////
- #define QTVRUtils_DegreesToRadians(x) ((float)((x) * kVRPi / 180.0))
- #define QTVRUtils_RadiansToDegrees(x) ((float)((x) * 180.0 / kVRPi))
- // some other define'd symbols
- #define QTVRUtils_GetDistance(thePoint) sqrt((thePoint.x*thePoint.x)+(thePoint.y*thePoint.y)+(thePoint.z*thePoint.z))
- // function prototypes
- Boolean QTVRUtils_TrapAvailable (short theTrapWord);
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsQTVRMgrInstalled (void);
- long QTVRUtils_GetQTVRVersion (void);
- OSType QTVRUtils_GetControllerType (Movie theMovie);
- OSErr QTVRUtils_SetControllerType (Movie theMovie, OSType theType);
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsQTVRMovie (Movie theMovie);
- Boolean QTVRUtils_Is20QTVRMovie (Movie theMovie);
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsTranslateAvailable (QTVRInstance theInstance);
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsZoomAvailable (QTVRInstance theInstance);
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsPanoNode (QTVRInstance theInstance);
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsObjectNode (QTVRInstance theInstance);
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsHotSpotInNode (QTVRInstance theInstance);
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsMultiNode (QTVRInstance theInstance);
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsControllerBarVisible (MovieController theMC);
- short QTVRUtils_GetControllerBarHeight (MovieController theMC);
- void QTVRUtils_HideControllerBar (MovieController theMC);
- void QTVRUtils_ShowControllerBar (MovieController theMC);
- void QTVRUtils_ToggleControllerBar (MovieController theMC);
- void QTVRUtils_HideControllerButton (MovieController theMC, long theButton);
- void QTVRUtils_ShowControllerButton (MovieController theMC, long theButton);
- void QTVRUtils_ToggleControllerButton (MovieController theMC, long theButton);
- void QTVRUtils_ResetControllerButton (MovieController theMC, long theButton);
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsControllerButtonVisible (MovieController theMC, long theButton);
- void QTVRUtils_HideHotSpotNames (MovieController theMC);
- void QTVRUtils_ShowHotSpotNames (MovieController theMC);
- void QTVRUtils_ToggleHotSpotNames (MovieController theMC);
- OSErr QTVRUtils_GetVRWorldHeaderAtomData (QTVRInstance theInstance, QTVRWorldHeaderAtomPtr theVRWorldHdrAtomPtr);
- OSErr QTVRUtils_GetNodeHeaderAtomData (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, QTVRNodeHeaderAtomPtr theNodeHdrPtr);
- OSErr QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotAtomData (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theHotSpotID, QTVRHotSpotInfoAtomPtr theHotSpotInfoPtr);
- char * QTVRUtils_GetStringFromAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theParent, QTAtomID theID);
- OSErr QTVRUtils_AddStr255ToAtomContainer (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theParent, Str255 theString, QTAtomID *theID);
- UInt32 QTVRUtils_GetDefaultNodeID (QTVRInstance theInstance);
- UInt32 QTVRUtils_GetSceneFlags (QTVRInstance theInstance);
- char * QTVRUtils_GetSceneName (QTVRInstance theInstance);
- UInt32 QTVRUtils_GetNodeCount (QTVRInstance theInstance);
- OSErr QTVRUtils_GetNodeType (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, OSType *theNodeType);
- char * QTVRUtils_GetNodeName (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID);
- char * QTVRUtils_GetNodeComment (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID);
- UInt32 QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotCount (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, Handle theHotSpotIDs);
- UInt32 QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotIDByIndex (QTVRInstance theInstance, Handle theHotSpotIDs, UInt32 theIndex);
- OSErr QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotType (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theHotSpotID, OSType *theHotSpotType);
- char * QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotName (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theHotSpotID);
- float QTVRUtils_Point3DToPanAngle (float theX, float theY, float theZ);
- float QTVRUtils_Point3DToTiltAngle (float theX, float theY, float theZ);
- PASCAL_RTN OSErr QTVRUtils_StandardEnteringNodeProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, long theNodeID, MovieController theMC);
- PASCAL_RTN OSErr QTVRUtils_StandardLeavingNodeProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, long fromNodeID, long toNodeID, Boolean *theCancel, MovieController theMC);
- #endif // ifndef __QTVRUtilities__