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- //////////
- //
- // File: QTVRUtilities.c
- //
- // Contains: Some utilities for working with QuickTime and QuickTime VR movies.
- // All utilities start with the prefix "QTVRUtils_".
- //
- // Written by: Tim Monroe
- //
- // Copyright: ⌐ 1996-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- //
- // Change History (most recent first):
- //
- // <21> 02/12/98 rtm added QTVRUtils_HideHotSpotNames and her sisters, *Show* and *Toggle*
- // <20> 01/27/98 rtm revised QTVRUtils_IsQTVRMgrInstalled and QTVRUtils_GetQTVRVersion
- // <19> 01/26/98 rtm revised QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotName to look also in hot spot atom for name atom
- // <18> 01/14/98 rtm added QTVRUtils_SetControllerType and QTVRUtils_AddStr255ToAtomContainer
- // <17> 10/20/97 rtm added QTVRUtils_IsMultiNode; added Endian*_BtoN macros to file format routines
- // <16> 10/17/97 rtm fixed QTVRUtils_IsControllerButtonVisible behavior for speaker button
- // <15> 10/07/97 rtm added cannotFindAtomErr result code to QTVRUtils_Get*AtomData functions
- // <14> 09/15/97 rtm added QTVRUtils_ToggleControllerBar
- // <13> 08/21/97 rtm added QTVRUtils_IsControllerButtonVisible
- // <12> 08/19/97 rtm added #ifdefs to support Windows compilation
- // <11> 08/05/97 rtm added QTVRUtils_GetNodeComment; still needs testing
- // <10> 07/27/97 rtm fixed QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotCount; added QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotIDByIndex
- // <9> 07/25/97 rtm revised QTVRUtils_Get*AtomData functions to use QTCopyAtomDataToPtr;
- // rewrote QTVRUtils_GetStringFromAtom
- // <8> 07/24/97 rtm removed sound volume utilities; added QTVRUtils_IsZoomAvailable;
- // revised QTVRUtils_IsQTVRMovie to use GetUserDataItem, not GetUserData
- // <7> 07/23/97 rtm revised file format utilities; added QTVRUtils_Get*AtomData functions
- // <6> 07/22/97 rtm fixed QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotCount to make sure handle is actually resized
- // <5> 07/21/97 rtm added QTVRUtils_GetNodeCount
- // <4> 06/04/97 rtm fixed QTVRUtils_ShowControllerButton and QTVRUtils_HideControllerButton,
- // and added some explanation of them; added QTVRUtils_ResetControllerButton
- // <3> 02/03/97 rtm revised QTVRUtils_ShowControllerButton and QTVRUtils_HideControllerButton
- // to use explicit flag
- // <2> 12/03/96 rtm added controller bar utilities
- // <1> 11/27/96 rtm first file
- //
- //////////
- // header files
- #ifndef __QTVRUtilities__
- #include "QTVRUtilities.h"
- #endif
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "QTUtilities.h"
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // General utilities.
- //
- // Use these functions to get information about the availability/features of QuickTime VR or other services.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_TrapAvailable
- // Check to see whether a given trap is implemented. This is based on IM: Operating System Utilities (p. 8-22).
- //
- //////////
- Boolean QTVRUtils_TrapAvailable (short theTrapWord)
- {
- TrapType myTrapType;
- short myNumToolboxTraps;
- // determine whether this is a Toolbox or an Operating System trap
- if ((theTrapWord & 0x0800) > 0)
- myTrapType = ToolTrap;
- else
- myTrapType = OSTrap;
- if (myTrapType == ToolTrap) {
- theTrapWord = theTrapWord & 0x07FF;
- if (NGetTrapAddress(_InitGraf, ToolTrap) == NGetTrapAddress(0xAA6E, ToolTrap))
- myNumToolboxTraps = 0x0200;
- else
- myNumToolboxTraps = 0x0400;
- if (theTrapWord >= myNumToolboxTraps)
- theTrapWord = _Unimplemented;
- }
- return(NGetTrapAddress(theTrapWord, myTrapType) != NGetTrapAddress(_Unimplemented, ToolTrap));
- }
- #endif
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_IsQTVRMgrInstalled
- // Is the QuickTime VR Manager installed?
- //
- //////////
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsQTVRMgrInstalled (void)
- {
- Boolean myQTVRAvail = false;
- long myAttrs;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- myErr = Gestalt(gestaltQTVRMgrAttr, &myAttrs);
- if (myErr == noErr)
- if (myAttrs & (1L << gestaltQTVRMgrPresent))
- myQTVRAvail = true;
- return(myQTVRAvail);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetQTVRVersion
- // Get the version of the QuickTime VR Manager installed.
- //
- // The low-order word of the returned long integer contains the version number,
- // so you can test a version like this:
- //
- // if (QTVRUtils_GetQTVRVersion() < 0x0210) // we require QTVR 2.1 or greater
- // return;
- //
- //////////
- long QTVRUtils_GetQTVRVersion (void)
- {
- long myVersion = 0L;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- myErr = Gestalt(gestaltQTVRMgrVers, &myVersion);
- if (myErr == noErr)
- return(myVersion);
- else
- return(0L);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetControllerType
- // Get the controller type of the specified movie.
- //
- //////////
- OSType QTVRUtils_GetControllerType (Movie theMovie)
- {
- UserData myUserData;
- OSType myType = kQTVRUnknownType;
- // make sure we've got a movie
- if (theMovie == NULL)
- return(myType);
- myUserData = GetMovieUserData(theMovie);
- if (myUserData != NULL)
- GetUserDataItem(myUserData, &myType, sizeof(myType), kQTControllerType, 0);
- return(EndianU32_BtoN(myType));
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_SetControllerType
- // Set the controller type of the specified movie.
- //
- // This function adds an item to the movie's user data;
- // the updated user data is written to the movie file when the movie is next updated
- // (by calling AddMovieResource or UpdateMovieResource).
- //
- //////////
- OSErr QTVRUtils_SetControllerType (Movie theMovie, OSType theType)
- {
- UserData myUserData;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- // make sure we've got a movie
- if (theMovie == NULL)
- return(paramErr);
- // get the movie's user data list
- myUserData = GetMovieUserData(theMovie);
- if (myUserData == NULL)
- return(paramErr);
- theType = EndianU32_NtoB(theType);
- myErr = SetUserDataItem(myUserData, &theType, sizeof(theType), kQTControllerType, 0);
- return(myErr);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_IsQTVRMovie
- // Is the specified movie a QTVR movie?
- //
- // WARNING: This function is intended for use ONLY when you want to determine if you've got a QTVR movie
- // but you don't want to use the QuickTime VR API (perhaps QTVR isn't installed...). The preferred way to
- // determine if a movie is a QTVR movie is to call QTVRGetQTVRTrack and then QTVRGetQTVRInstance; if you
- // get back a non-NULL instance, you've got a VR movie.
- //
- //////////
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsQTVRMovie (Movie theMovie)
- {
- Boolean myIsQTVRMovie = false;
- OSType myType;
- // QTVR movies have a special piece of user data identifying the movie controller type
- myType = QTVRUtils_GetControllerType(theMovie);
- if ((myType == kQTVRQTVRType) || (myType == kQTVROldPanoType) || (myType == kQTVROldObjectType))
- myIsQTVRMovie = true;
- return(myIsQTVRMovie);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_Is20QTVRMovie
- // Is the specified QTVR movie version 2.0 or greater?
- //
- //////////
- Boolean QTVRUtils_Is20QTVRMovie (Movie theMovie)
- {
- Boolean myIs20QTVRMovie = false;
- OSType myType;
- // QTVR movies have a special piece of user data identifying the movie controller type
- myType = QTVRUtils_GetControllerType(theMovie);
- if (myType == kQTVRQTVRType)
- myIs20QTVRMovie = true;
- return(myIs20QTVRMovie);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_IsTranslateAvailable
- // Is translation currently enabled for the specified object node?
- //
- //////////
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsTranslateAvailable (QTVRInstance theInstance)
- {
- Boolean myState;
- QTVRGetControlSetting(theInstance, kQTVRTranslation, &myState);
- return(myState);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_IsZoomAvailable
- // Is zooming currently enabled for the specified object node?
- //
- //////////
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsZoomAvailable (QTVRInstance theInstance)
- {
- Boolean myState;
- QTVRGetControlSetting(theInstance, kQTVRCanZoom, &myState);
- return(myState);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_IsPanoNode
- // Is the specified node a panoramic node?
- //
- //////////
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsPanoNode (QTVRInstance theInstance)
- {
- return(QTVRGetNodeType(theInstance, kQTVRCurrentNode) == kQTVRPanoramaType);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_IsObjectNode
- // Is the specified node an object node?
- //
- //////////
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsObjectNode (QTVRInstance theInstance)
- {
- return(QTVRGetNodeType(theInstance, kQTVRCurrentNode) == kQTVRObjectType);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_IsHotSpotInNode
- // Does the specified node contain at least one hot spot (whether visible, enabled, or whatever)?
- //
- // NOTE: This is not an easy function to implement using just the QTVR 2.1 API. We do have our own
- // utility QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotCount, but that function returns the number of hot spot information atoms
- // in the node, which is not (necessarily) the number of hot spot regions in the hot spot image track.
- // For panoramas, we could check to see if the panorama sample atom structure contains a reference
- // to a hot spot image track; if it does, we'd blindly assume that that track isn't empty. For objects,
- // we'll have to rely on QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotCount. So it goes....
- //
- // In an ideal world, there would be a hot spot information atom for each and every hot spot region in
- // the hot spot image track, in which case we could be happier using QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotCount.
- //
- //////////
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsHotSpotInNode (QTVRInstance theInstance)
- {
- return(QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotCount(theInstance, QTVRGetCurrentNodeID(theInstance), NULL) > 0);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_IsMultiNode
- // Does the specified QuickTime VR instance contain more than one node?
- //
- //////////
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsMultiNode (QTVRInstance theInstance)
- {
- return(QTVRUtils_GetNodeCount(theInstance) > (UInt32)1);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Controller bar utilities.
- //
- // Use these functions to manipulate the controller bar, its buttons, and the help text displayed in it.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_IsControllerBarVisible
- // Is the controller bar currently visible?
- //
- //////////
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsControllerBarVisible (MovieController theMC)
- {
- return((Boolean)MCGetVisible(theMC));
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetControllerBarHeight
- // Return the height of the controller bar displayed by the movie controller.
- //
- // Note that MCGetControllerBoundsRect returns rectangle of bar and movie, if attached;
- // so we need to unattach the controller bar first.
- //
- //////////
- short QTVRUtils_GetControllerBarHeight (MovieController theMC)
- {
- Boolean wasAttached = false;
- Rect myRect;
- short myHeight = 0;
- // if the controller bar is attached, detach it (and remember we did so)
- if (MCIsControllerAttached(theMC) == 1) {
- wasAttached = true;
- MCSetControllerAttached(theMC, false);
- }
- // get the rectangle of the controller
- MCGetControllerBoundsRect(theMC, &myRect);
- myHeight = myRect.bottom - myRect.top;
- // now reattach the controller bar, if it was originally attached
- if (wasAttached)
- MCSetControllerAttached(theMC, true);
- return(myHeight);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_HideControllerBar
- // Hide the controller bar provided by the movie controller.
- //
- //////////
- void QTVRUtils_HideControllerBar (MovieController theMC)
- {
- MCSetVisible(theMC, false);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_ShowControllerBar
- // Show the controller bar provided by the movie controller.
- //
- //////////
- void QTVRUtils_ShowControllerBar (MovieController theMC)
- {
- MCSetVisible(theMC, true);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_ToggleControllerBar
- // Toggle the state of the controller bar provided by the movie controller.
- //
- //////////
- void QTVRUtils_ToggleControllerBar (MovieController theMC)
- {
- if (QTVRUtils_IsControllerBarVisible(theMC))
- QTVRUtils_HideControllerBar(theMC);
- else
- QTVRUtils_ShowControllerBar(theMC);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_HideControllerButton
- // Hide the specified button in the controller bar.
- //
- // Some explanation is probably useful here: the first thing to understand is that every VR movie has
- // TWO sets of movie controller flags: (1) a set of "control flags" and (2) a set of "explicit flags".
- //
- // The control flags work as documented in IM: QuickTime Components (pp. 2-20f) and in VRPWQTVR2.0 (pp. 2-23f):
- // if a bit in the set of control flags is set (that is, equal to 1), then the associated action or property is
- // enabled. For instance, bit 17 (mcFlagQTVRSuppressZoomBtns) means to suppress the zoom buttons. So, if that
- // bit is set in a VR movie's control flags, the zoom buttons are NOT displayed. If that bit is clear, the zoom
- // buttons are displayed.
- //
- // However, the QuickTime VR movie controller sometimes suppresses buttons even when those buttons
- // have not been explicitly suppressed in the control flags. For example, if a particular VR movie does not
- // contain a sound track, then the movie controller automatically suppresses the speaker/volume button. Likewise,
- // if a movie does contain a sound track, then the speaker/volume button is automatically displayed, again without
- // regard to the actual value of bit 17 in the control flags.
- //
- // This might not be what you'd like to happen. For instance, if your application is playing a sound that it
- // loaded from a sound resource, you might want the user to be able to adjust the sound's volume using the volume
- // control. To do that, you need a way to *force* the speaker/volume button to appear. For this reason, the
- // explicit flags were introduced.
- //
- // The explicit flags indicate which bits in the control flags are to be used explicitly (that is, taken at
- // face value). If a certain bit is set in a movie's explicit flags, then the corresponding bit in the control
- // flags is interpreted as the desired setting for the feature (and the movie controller will not attempt to
- // do anything "clever"). In other words, if bit 17 is set in a movie's explicit flags and bit 17 is clear in
- // that movie's control flags, then the zoom buttons are displayed. Similarly, if bit 2 is set in a movie's
- // explicit flags and bit 2 is clear in that movie's control flags, then the speaker/volume button is displayed,
- // whether or not the movie contains a sound track.
- //
- // The final thing to understand: to get or set a bit in a movie's explicit flags, you must set the flag
- // mcFlagQTVRExplicitFlagSet in your call to mcActionGetFlags or mcActionSetFlags. To get or set a bit in a
- // movie's control flags, you must clear the flag mcFlagQTVRExplicitFlagSet in your call to mcActionGetFlags
- // or mcActionSetFlags. Note that when you use the defined constants to set values in the explicit flags, the
- // constant names might be confusing. For instance, setting the bit mcFlagSuppressSpeakerButton in a movie's
- // explicit flags doesn't cause the speaker to be suppressed; it just means: "use the actual value of the
- // mcFlagSuppressSpeakerButton bit in the control flags".
- //
- // Whew! Any questions? Okay, then now you'll understand how to hide or show a button in the controller bar:
- // set the appropriate explicit flag to 1 and set the corresponding control flag to the desired value. And
- // you'll understand how to let the movie controller do its "clever" work: clear the appropriate explicit flag.
- //
- //////////
- void QTVRUtils_HideControllerButton (MovieController theMC, long theButton)
- {
- long myControllerFlags;
- // get the current explicit flags and set the explicit flag for the specified button
- myControllerFlags = mcFlagQTVRExplicitFlagSet;
- MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionGetFlags, &myControllerFlags);
- MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionSetFlags, (void *)((myControllerFlags | theButton) | mcFlagQTVRExplicitFlagSet));
- // get the current control flags and set the suppress flag for the specified button
- myControllerFlags = 0;
- MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionGetFlags, &myControllerFlags);
- MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionSetFlags, (void *)((myControllerFlags | theButton) & ~mcFlagQTVRExplicitFlagSet));
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_ShowControllerButton
- // Show the specified button in the controller bar.
- //
- //////////
- void QTVRUtils_ShowControllerButton (MovieController theMC, long theButton)
- {
- long myControllerFlags;
- // get the current explicit flags and set the explicit flag for the specified button
- myControllerFlags = mcFlagQTVRExplicitFlagSet;
- MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionGetFlags, &myControllerFlags);
- MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionSetFlags, (void *)((myControllerFlags | theButton) | mcFlagQTVRExplicitFlagSet));
- // get the current control flags and clear the suppress flag for the specified button
- myControllerFlags = 0;
- MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionGetFlags, &myControllerFlags);
- MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionSetFlags, (void *)(myControllerFlags & ~theButton & ~mcFlagQTVRExplicitFlagSet));
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_ToggleControllerButton
- // Toggle the state of the specified button in the controller bar.
- //
- //////////
- void QTVRUtils_ToggleControllerButton (MovieController theMC, long theButton)
- {
- long myControllerFlags;
- // get the current control flags and toggle the suppress flag for the specified button
- myControllerFlags = 0;
- MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionGetFlags, &myControllerFlags);
- if (myControllerFlags & theButton) // if the button is currently suppressed...
- QTVRUtils_ShowControllerButton(theMC, theButton);
- else
- QTVRUtils_HideControllerButton(theMC, theButton);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_ResetControllerButton
- // Remove any explicit setting of the specified button in the controller bar.
- // (This allows the QuickTime VR movie controller to be as clever as it knows how to be.)
- //
- //////////
- void QTVRUtils_ResetControllerButton (MovieController theMC, long theButton)
- {
- long myControllerFlags = mcFlagQTVRExplicitFlagSet;
- // get the current explicit flags and clear the explicit flag for the specified button
- MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionGetFlags, &myControllerFlags);
- MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionSetFlags, (void *)((myControllerFlags | theButton) & ~mcFlagQTVRExplicitFlagSet));
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_IsControllerButtonVisible
- // Is the specified button in the controller bar currently visible?
- //
- //////////
- Boolean QTVRUtils_IsControllerButtonVisible (MovieController theMC, long theButton)
- {
- long myControllerFlags;
- // get the current control flags
- myControllerFlags = 0;
- MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionGetFlags, &myControllerFlags);
- // the speaker button requires some additional logic, because the QTVR movie controller treats it special;
- // be advised that that controller's special behavior could change in the future,
- // so you might need to tweak this code
- if (theButton == mcFlagSuppressSpeakerButton) {
- long myExplicitFlags;
- // get the current explicit flags
- myExplicitFlags = mcFlagQTVRExplicitFlagSet;
- MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionGetFlags, &myExplicitFlags);
- // the speaker button is not showing if the movie has no sound track and the explicit flag is not set
- if (!QTUtils_MovieHasSoundTrack(MCGetMovie(theMC)) && !(myExplicitFlags & theButton))
- return(false);
- }
- // examine the suppress flag for the specified button
- if (myControllerFlags & theButton) // if the button is currently suppressed...
- return(false);
- else
- return(true);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_HideHotSpotNames
- // Disable the displaying of hot spot names in the controller bar.
- //
- //////////
- void QTVRUtils_HideHotSpotNames (MovieController theMC)
- {
- QTVRUtils_HideControllerButton(theMC, kQTVRHotSpotNames);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_ShowHotSpotNames
- // Enable the displaying of hot spot names in the controller bar.
- //
- //////////
- void QTVRUtils_ShowHotSpotNames (MovieController theMC)
- {
- QTVRUtils_ShowControllerButton(theMC, kQTVRHotSpotNames);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_ToggleHotSpotNames
- // Toggle the displaying of hot spot names in the controller bar.
- //
- //////////
- void QTVRUtils_ToggleHotSpotNames (MovieController theMC)
- {
- QTVRUtils_ToggleControllerButton(theMC, kQTVRHotSpotNames);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // File format utilities.
- //
- // Use these functions to read information from QuickTime VR files that's not accessible using the API.
- // Throughout, we assume that we're dealing with format 2.0 files. We begin with a series of functions that
- // return a pointer to the data in an atom (QTVRUtils_Get*AtomData); you probably won't use these functions
- // directly.
- //
- // Keep in mind that data stored in QuickTime atoms is big-endian. We'll need to convert any multi-byte data
- // that we read from an atom to native format before we use it.
- //
- // Note that these file format utilities are all Getters. As yet, no Setters. Perhaps later?
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetVRWorldHeaderAtomData
- // Get a pointer to the VR world header atom data in a QTVR movie.
- //
- //////////
- OSErr QTVRUtils_GetVRWorldHeaderAtomData (QTVRInstance theInstance, QTVRWorldHeaderAtomPtr theVRWorldHdrAtomPtr)
- {
- QTAtomContainer myVRWorld;
- QTAtom myAtom;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- // get the VR world
- myErr = QTVRGetVRWorld(theInstance, &myVRWorld);
- if (myErr != noErr)
- return(myErr);
- // get the single VR world header atom in the VR world
- myAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(myVRWorld, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRWorldHeaderAtomType, 1, NULL);
- if (myAtom != 0)
- myErr = QTCopyAtomDataToPtr(myVRWorld, myAtom, false, sizeof(QTVRWorldHeaderAtom), theVRWorldHdrAtomPtr, NULL);
- else
- myErr = cannotFindAtomErr;
- QTDisposeAtomContainer(myVRWorld);
- return(myErr);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetNodeHeaderAtomData
- // Get a pointer to the node header atom data for the node having the specified node ID.
- //
- //////////
- OSErr QTVRUtils_GetNodeHeaderAtomData (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, QTVRNodeHeaderAtomPtr theNodeHdrPtr)
- {
- QTAtomContainer myNodeInfo;
- QTAtom myAtom;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- // get the node information atom container for the specified node
- myErr = QTVRGetNodeInfo(theInstance, theNodeID, &myNodeInfo);
- if (myErr != noErr)
- return(myErr);
- // get the single node header atom in the node information atom container
- myAtom = QTFindChildByID(myNodeInfo, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRNodeHeaderAtomType, 1, NULL);
- if (myAtom != 0)
- myErr = QTCopyAtomDataToPtr(myNodeInfo, myAtom, false, sizeof(QTVRNodeHeaderAtom), theNodeHdrPtr, NULL);
- else
- myErr = cannotFindAtomErr;
- QTDisposeAtomContainer(myNodeInfo);
- return(myErr);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotAtomData
- // Get a pointer to the hot spot atom data for hot spot having the specified hot spot ID in the specified node.
- //
- //////////
- OSErr QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotAtomData (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theHotSpotID, QTVRHotSpotInfoAtomPtr theHotSpotInfoPtr)
- {
- QTAtomContainer myNodeInfo;
- QTAtom myHSParentAtom;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- // (1) the node information atom container contains a *hot spot parent atom*;
- // (2) the hot spot parent atom contains one or more *hot spot atoms*;
- // (3) the hot spot atom contains two children, a *general hot spot information atom*
- // and a *specific hot spot information atom*.
- // We want to return a pointer to the general hot spot information atom data.
- // get the node information atom container for the specified node
- myErr = QTVRGetNodeInfo(theInstance, theNodeID, &myNodeInfo);
- if (myErr != noErr)
- return(myErr);
- // get the single hot spot parent atom in the node information atom container
- myHSParentAtom = QTFindChildByID(myNodeInfo, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRHotSpotParentAtomType, 1, NULL);
- if (myHSParentAtom != 0) {
- QTAtom myHSAtom;
- // get the hot spot atom whose atom ID is the specified hot spot ID
- myHSAtom = QTFindChildByID(myNodeInfo, myHSParentAtom, kQTVRHotSpotAtomType, theHotSpotID, NULL);
- if (myHSAtom != 0) {
- QTAtom myAtom;
- // get the single hot spot information atom in the hot spot atom
- myAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(myNodeInfo, myHSAtom, kQTVRHotSpotInfoAtomType, 1, NULL);
- if (myAtom != 0) {
- myErr = QTCopyAtomDataToPtr(myNodeInfo, myAtom, false, sizeof(QTVRHotSpotInfoAtom), theHotSpotInfoPtr, NULL);
- }
- } else {
- myErr = cannotFindAtomErr;
- }
- } else {
- myErr = cannotFindAtomErr;
- }
- QTDisposeAtomContainer(myNodeInfo);
- return(myErr);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetStringFromAtom
- // Get the string data from the string atom having the specified ID in the specified atom container.
- //
- // We use a different strategy here, since we don't know the size of the string data in advance.
- //
- //////////
- char *QTVRUtils_GetStringFromAtom (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theParent, QTAtomID theID)
- {
- QTVRStringAtomPtr myStringAtomPtr = NULL;
- QTAtom myNameAtom;
- char *myString = NULL;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- if (theContainer == NULL)
- return(myString);
- QTLockContainer(theContainer);
- myNameAtom = QTFindChildByID(theContainer, theParent, kQTVRStringAtomType, theID, NULL);
- if (myNameAtom != 0) {
- myErr = QTGetAtomDataPtr(theContainer, myNameAtom, NULL, (Ptr *)&myStringAtomPtr);
- if ((myErr == noErr) && (myStringAtomPtr != NULL)) {
- UInt16 myLength;
- myLength = EndianU16_BtoN(myStringAtomPtr->stringLength);
- if (myLength > 0) {
- myString = malloc(myLength + 1);
- if (myString != NULL) {
- memcpy(myString, myStringAtomPtr->theString, myLength);
- myString[myLength] = '\0';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- QTUnlockContainer(theContainer);
- return(myString);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_AddStr255ToAtomContainer
- // Add a Pascal string to the specified atom container; return (through theID) the ID of the new string atom.
- //
- //////////
- OSErr QTVRUtils_AddStr255ToAtomContainer (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theParent, Str255 theString, QTAtomID *theID)
- {
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- *theID = 0; // initialize the returned atom ID
- if ((theContainer == NULL) || (theParent == 0))
- return(paramErr);
- if (theString[0] != 0) {
- QTAtom myStringAtom;
- UInt16 mySize;
- QTVRStringAtomPtr myStringAtomPtr = NULL;
- mySize = sizeof(QTVRStringAtom) - 4 + theString[0] + 1;
- myStringAtomPtr = (QTVRStringAtomPtr)NewPtrClear(mySize);
- if (myStringAtomPtr != NULL) {
- myStringAtomPtr->stringUsage = EndianU16_NtoB(1);
- myStringAtomPtr->stringLength = EndianU16_NtoB(theString[0]);
- BlockMove(theString + 1, myStringAtomPtr->theString, theString[0]);
- myStringAtomPtr->theString[theString[0]] = '\0';
- myErr = QTInsertChild(theContainer, theParent, kQTVRStringAtomType, 0, 0, mySize, (Ptr)myStringAtomPtr, &myStringAtom);
- DisposePtr((Ptr)myStringAtomPtr);
- if (myErr == noErr)
- QTGetAtomTypeAndID(theContainer, myStringAtom, NULL, theID);
- }
- }
- return(myErr);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetDefaultNodeID
- // Get the ID of the default node in a QTVR movie.
- //
- //////////
- UInt32 QTVRUtils_GetDefaultNodeID (QTVRInstance theInstance)
- {
- QTVRWorldHeaderAtom myVRWorldHeader;
- UInt32 myNodeID = kQTVRCurrentNode;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- myErr = QTVRUtils_GetVRWorldHeaderAtomData(theInstance, &myVRWorldHeader);
- if (myErr == noErr)
- myNodeID = EndianU32_BtoN(myVRWorldHeader.defaultNodeID);
- return(myNodeID);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetSceneFlags
- // Get the set of flags associated with the VR scene.
- // (Currently these flags are undefined, however.)
- //
- //////////
- UInt32 QTVRUtils_GetSceneFlags (QTVRInstance theInstance)
- {
- QTVRWorldHeaderAtom myVRWorldHeader;
- UInt32 myFlags = 0L;
- OSErr myErr;
- myErr = QTVRUtils_GetVRWorldHeaderAtomData(theInstance, &myVRWorldHeader);
- if (myErr == noErr)
- myFlags = EndianU32_BtoN(myVRWorldHeader.vrWorldFlags);
- return(myFlags);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetSceneName
- // Get the name of the VR scene.
- // The caller is responsible for disposing of the pointer returned by this function (by calling free).
- //
- //////////
- char *QTVRUtils_GetSceneName (QTVRInstance theInstance)
- {
- QTVRWorldHeaderAtom myVRWorldHeader;
- char *mySceneName = NULL;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- myErr = QTVRUtils_GetVRWorldHeaderAtomData(theInstance, &myVRWorldHeader);
- if (myErr == noErr) {
- QTAtomID myNameAtomID;
- // get the atom ID of the name string atom
- myNameAtomID = EndianU32_BtoN(myVRWorldHeader.nameAtomID);
- if (myNameAtomID != 0) {
- QTAtomContainer myVRWorld;
- // the string atom containing the name of the scene is a *sibling* of the VR world header atom
- myErr = QTVRGetVRWorld(theInstance, &myVRWorld);
- if (myErr == noErr)
- mySceneName = QTVRUtils_GetStringFromAtom(myVRWorld, kParentAtomIsContainer, myNameAtomID);
- QTDisposeAtomContainer(myVRWorld);
- }
- }
- return(mySceneName);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetNodeCount
- // Get the number of nodes in a QTVR movie.
- //
- //////////
- UInt32 QTVRUtils_GetNodeCount (QTVRInstance theInstance)
- {
- QTAtomContainer myVRWorld;
- QTAtom myNodeParentAtom;
- UInt32 myNumNodes = 0;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- // get the VR world
- myErr = QTVRGetVRWorld(theInstance, &myVRWorld);
- if (myErr != noErr)
- return(myNumNodes);
- // get the node parent atom, whose children contain info about all nodes in the scene
- myNodeParentAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(myVRWorld, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRNodeParentAtomType, 1, NULL);
- if (myNodeParentAtom != 0) {
- // now count the node ID children of the node parent atom, which is the number of nodes in the scene
- myNumNodes = QTCountChildrenOfType(myVRWorld, myNodeParentAtom, kQTVRNodeIDAtomType);
- }
- QTDisposeAtomContainer(myVRWorld);
- return(myNumNodes);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetNodeType
- // Get the type of the node with the specified ID.
- //
- // NOTE: This function is redundant, given QTVRGetNodeType; it's included here for illustrative purposes only.
- //
- //////////
- OSErr QTVRUtils_GetNodeType (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, OSType *theNodeType)
- {
- QTVRNodeHeaderAtom myNodeHeader;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- // make sure we always return some meaningful value
- *theNodeType = kQTVRUnknownType;
- // get the node header atom data
- myErr = QTVRUtils_GetNodeHeaderAtomData(theInstance, theNodeID, &myNodeHeader);
- if (myErr == noErr)
- *theNodeType = EndianU32_BtoN(myNodeHeader.nodeType);
- return(myErr);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetNodeName
- // Get the name of the node with the specified ID.
- // The caller is responsible for disposing of the pointer returned by this function (by calling free).
- //
- //////////
- char *QTVRUtils_GetNodeName (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID)
- {
- QTVRNodeHeaderAtom myNodeHeader;
- char *myNodeName = NULL;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- myErr = QTVRUtils_GetNodeHeaderAtomData(theInstance, theNodeID, &myNodeHeader);
- if (myErr == noErr) {
- QTAtomID myNameAtomID;
- // get the atom ID of the name string atom
- myNameAtomID = EndianU32_BtoN(myNodeHeader.nameAtomID);
- if (myNameAtomID != 0) {
- QTAtomContainer myNodeInfo;
- // the string atom containing the name of the node is a *sibling* of the node information atom
- myErr = QTVRGetNodeInfo(theInstance, theNodeID, &myNodeInfo);
- if (myErr == noErr)
- myNodeName = QTVRUtils_GetStringFromAtom(myNodeInfo, kParentAtomIsContainer, myNameAtomID);
- QTDisposeAtomContainer(myNodeInfo);
- }
- }
- return(myNodeName);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetNodeComment
- // Get the comment for the node with the specified ID.
- // The caller is responsible for disposing of the pointer returned by this function (by calling free).
- //
- //////////
- char *QTVRUtils_GetNodeComment (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID)
- {
- QTVRNodeHeaderAtom myNodeHeader;
- char *myNodeCmt = NULL;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- myErr = QTVRUtils_GetNodeHeaderAtomData(theInstance, theNodeID, &myNodeHeader);
- if (myErr == noErr) {
- QTAtomID myCmtAtomID;
- // get the atom ID of the comment string atom
- myCmtAtomID = EndianU32_BtoN(myNodeHeader.commentAtomID);
- if (myCmtAtomID != 0) {
- QTAtomContainer myNodeInfo;
- // the string atom containing the comment for the node is a *sibling* of the node information atom
- myErr = QTVRGetNodeInfo(theInstance, theNodeID, &myNodeInfo);
- if (myErr == noErr)
- myNodeCmt = QTVRUtils_GetStringFromAtom(myNodeInfo, kParentAtomIsContainer, myCmtAtomID);
- QTDisposeAtomContainer(myNodeInfo);
- }
- }
- return(myNodeCmt);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotCount
- // Return the number of hot spots in the node with specified ID,
- // and fill the specified handle with a list of the hot spot IDs.
- //
- // If theHotSpotIDs == NULL on entry, do not pass back the list of IDs.
- //
- // WARNING: This routine determines the number of hot spots by counting
- // the hot spot atoms in a hot spot parent atom; this might not be
- // the same as counting the number of regions in the hot spot image track.
- // Sigh.
- //
- //////////
- UInt32 QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotCount (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, Handle theHotSpotIDs)
- {
- QTAtomContainer myNodeInfo;
- QTAtom myHSParentAtom = 0;
- UInt32 myNumHotSpots = 0;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- // get the node information atom container for the current node
- myErr = QTVRGetNodeInfo(theInstance, theNodeID, &myNodeInfo);
- // get the hot spot parent atom
- if (myErr == noErr)
- myHSParentAtom = QTFindChildByID(myNodeInfo, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRHotSpotParentAtomType, 1, NULL);
- if (myHSParentAtom != 0) {
- SignedByte myHState;
- Size mySize;
- // get the number of hot spots in the current node
- myNumHotSpots = QTCountChildrenOfType(myNodeInfo, myHSParentAtom, kQTVRHotSpotAtomType);
- // now pass back a list of the hot spot IDs;
- // if theHotSpotIDs is NULL on entry, we assume the caller doesn't want this information
- if (theHotSpotIDs != NULL) {
- // unlock the handle, if it's locked (so that we can resize it)
- myHState = HGetState(theHotSpotIDs);
- if (myHState & 0x80) // 0x80 == the block-is-locked bit in the SignedByte returned by HGetState
- HUnlock(theHotSpotIDs);
- // resize the handle to the appropriate size
- mySize = sizeof(UInt32) * myNumHotSpots;
- SetHandleSize(theHotSpotIDs, mySize);
- // restore the original handle state
- HSetState(theHotSpotIDs, myHState);
- // make sure we actually did resize the handle
- if (GetHandleSize(theHotSpotIDs) == mySize) {
- short myIndex;
- QTAtom myAtom;
- QTAtomID myID;
- UInt32 *myIDPtr;
- myIDPtr = (UInt32 *)*theHotSpotIDs;
- // loop thru all the hot spots to get their IDs
- for (myIndex = 1; myIndex <= (short)myNumHotSpots; myIndex++) {
- myAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(myNodeInfo, myHSParentAtom, kQTVRHotSpotAtomType, myIndex, &myID);
- myIDPtr[myIndex - 1] = (UInt32)myID;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- QTDisposeAtomContainer(myNodeInfo);
- return(myNumHotSpots);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotIDByIndex
- // Return the hot spot ID having the specified index in the list of hot spot IDs returned by QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotCount,
- // or kQTVRUtils_InvalidHotSpotID if no such hot spot exists.
- //
- //////////
- UInt32 QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotIDByIndex (QTVRInstance theInstance, Handle theHotSpotIDs, UInt32 theIndex)
- {
- Size mySize;
- UInt32 myID = kQTVRUtils_InvalidHotSpotID;
- UInt32 *myIDPtr;
- // make sure the instance and hot spot list are non-NULL
- if ((theInstance == NULL) || (theHotSpotIDs == NULL))
- return(myID);
- // make sure that the index is valid
- mySize = GetHandleSize(theHotSpotIDs);
- if (theIndex >= (mySize / sizeof(UInt32)))
- return(myID);
- myIDPtr = (UInt32 *)*theHotSpotIDs;
- myID = myIDPtr[theIndex];
- return(myID);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotType
- // Return the type of the hot spot having the specified hot spot ID in the specified node.
- //
- // NOTE: This function is semi-redundant, given QTVRGetHotSpotType; it's included here for illustrative purposes only.
- // (Note, however, that QTVRGetHotSpotType returns types only for hot spots in the current node; here we do any node!)
- //
- //////////
- OSErr QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotType (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theHotSpotID, OSType *theHotSpotType)
- {
- QTVRHotSpotInfoAtom myHotSpotAtomData;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- // make sure we always return some meaningful value
- *theHotSpotType = kQTVRHotSpotUndefinedType;
- // get the hot spot information atom data
- myErr = QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotAtomData(theInstance, theNodeID, theHotSpotID, &myHotSpotAtomData);
- if (myErr == noErr)
- *theHotSpotType = EndianU32_BtoN(myHotSpotAtomData.hotSpotType); // return the hot spot type
- return(myErr);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotName
- // Return the name of the hot spot having the specified hot spot ID in the specified node.
- // The caller is responsible for disposing of the pointer returned by this function (by calling free).
- //
- //////////
- char *QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotName (QTVRInstance theInstance, UInt32 theNodeID, UInt32 theHotSpotID)
- {
- QTVRHotSpotInfoAtom myHotSpotAtomData;
- char *myHotSpotName = NULL;
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- // get the hot spot information atom data
- myErr = QTVRUtils_GetHotSpotAtomData(theInstance, theNodeID, theHotSpotID, &myHotSpotAtomData);
- if (myErr == noErr) {
- QTAtomID myNameAtomID;
- // get the atom ID of the name string atom
- myNameAtomID = EndianU32_BtoN(myHotSpotAtomData.nameAtomID);
- if (myNameAtomID != 0) {
- QTAtomContainer myNodeInfo;
- QTAtom myHSParentAtom;
- QTAtom myHSAtom;
- QTAtom myNameAtom = 0;
- // version 2.0 documentation says that the hot spot name is contained in a string atom
- // that is a sibling of the hot spot atom (that is, a child of the hot spot parent atom);
- // some other documents indicate that a string atom is always a sibling of the atom that
- // contains the reference (in this case, a sibling of the hot spot information atom, and
- // hence a child of the hot spot atom); we will look first in the hot spot atom and then
- // in the hot spot parent atom. The version 2.1 documentation corrects the earlier error.
- // Mea culpa!
- // get the hot spot parent atom and the hot spot atom
- myErr = QTVRGetNodeInfo(theInstance, theNodeID, &myNodeInfo);
- if (myErr == noErr) {
- myHSParentAtom = QTFindChildByID(myNodeInfo, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTVRHotSpotParentAtomType, 1, NULL);
- if (myHSParentAtom != 0) {
- myHSAtom = QTFindChildByID(myNodeInfo, myHSParentAtom, kQTVRHotSpotAtomType, theHotSpotID, NULL);
- if (myHSAtom != 0) {
- QTAtom myParentAtom;
- // look for a string atom that is a child of the hot spot atom
- myParentAtom = myHSAtom;
- myNameAtom = QTFindChildByID(myNodeInfo, myParentAtom, kQTVRStringAtomType, theHotSpotID, NULL);
- if (myNameAtom == 0) {
- // no such atom in the hot spot atom; look in the hot spot parent atom
- myParentAtom = myHSParentAtom;
- myNameAtom = QTFindChildByID(myNodeInfo, myParentAtom, kQTVRStringAtomType, theHotSpotID, NULL);
- }
- if (myNameAtom != 0)
- myHotSpotName = QTVRUtils_GetStringFromAtom(myNodeInfo, myParentAtom, myNameAtomID);
- }
- }
- }
- QTDisposeAtomContainer(myNodeInfo);
- }
- }
- return(myHotSpotName);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Miscellaneous utilities.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_Point3DToPanAngle
- // Return the QTVR pan angle for a given QD3D point.
- //
- //////////
- float QTVRUtils_Point3DToPanAngle (float theX, float theY, float theZ)
- {
- #pragma unused(theY)
- float myPan;
- if (theZ != 0.0) {
- // note that atan always returns angles in the range -╣/2 to ╣/2
- myPan = atan(theX / theZ);
- myPan = (theZ > 0) ? myPan + kVRPi : myPan;
- } else {
- myPan = (theX > 0) ? kVR3PiOver2 : kVRPiOver2;
- }
- // make sure myPan is positive
- while (myPan < 0.0)
- myPan += kVR2Pi;
- return(myPan);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_Point3DToTiltAngle
- // Return the QTVR tilt angle for a given QD3D point.
- //
- //////////
- float QTVRUtils_Point3DToTiltAngle (float theX, float theY, float theZ)
- {
- float myTilt;
- float myDistance;
- TQ3Point3D myPoint;
- myPoint.x = theX;
- myPoint.y = theY;
- myPoint.z = theZ;
- myDistance = QTVRUtils_GetDistance(myPoint);
- if (myDistance != 0.0)
- myTilt = asin(theY / myDistance);
- else
- myTilt = 0.0;
- return(myTilt);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Node callback utilities.
- //
- // Use these to obtain standard behaviors when entering or exiting nodes.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_StandardEnteringNodeProc
- // A standard procedure for entering a new node.
- //
- // This function performs actions that many applications will want done when entering a new node:
- // * display back button only if multinode movie
- // * display show-hot-spot button only if there are hotspots
- // * display the translate button only for object nodes that can translate
- // * (this space for rent)
- //
- //////////
- PASCAL_RTN OSErr QTVRUtils_StandardEnteringNodeProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, long theNodeID, MovieController theMC)
- {
- #pragma unused(theNodeID)
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- if ((theInstance == NULL) || (theMC == NULL))
- return(paramErr);
- ///////
- // all nodes
- ///////
- // display the back button only if it's a multinode movie
- if (QTVRUtils_IsMultiNode(theInstance))
- QTVRUtils_ShowControllerButton(theMC, (long)mcFlagQTVRSuppressBackBtn);
- else
- QTVRUtils_HideControllerButton(theMC, (long)mcFlagQTVRSuppressBackBtn);
- // display the show-hot-spot button only if there are hotspots in the node
- if (QTVRUtils_IsHotSpotInNode(theInstance))
- QTVRUtils_ShowControllerButton(theMC, (long)mcFlagQTVRSuppressHotSpotBtn);
- else
- QTVRUtils_HideControllerButton(theMC, (long)mcFlagQTVRSuppressHotSpotBtn);
- ///////
- // panoramic nodes
- ///////
- if (QTVRUtils_IsPanoNode(theInstance)) {
- // hide the translate button
- QTVRUtils_HideControllerButton(theMC, (long)mcFlagQTVRSuppressTranslateBtn);
- } else {
- ///////
- // object nodes
- ///////
- // show the translate button, but only if translation is available
- if (QTVRUtils_IsTranslateAvailable(theInstance))
- QTVRUtils_ShowControllerButton(theMC, (long)mcFlagQTVRSuppressTranslateBtn);
- else
- QTVRUtils_HideControllerButton(theMC, (long)mcFlagQTVRSuppressTranslateBtn);
- }
- return(myErr);
- }
- //////////
- //
- // QTVRUtils_StandardLeavingNodeProc
- // A standard procedure for leaving a node.
- // This function performs actions that many applications will want done when leaving a node:
- // * (this space for rent)
- //
- // We assume that when this procedure is called, the application has decided NOT to cancel the move;
- // accordingly, we always return false in theCancel.
- //
- //////////
- PASCAL_RTN OSErr QTVRUtils_StandardLeavingNodeProc (QTVRInstance theInstance, long fromNodeID, long toNodeID, Boolean *theCancel, MovieController theMC)
- {
- #pragma unused(fromNodeID, toNodeID)
- OSErr myErr = noErr;
- if ((theInstance == NULL) || (theMC == NULL))
- return(paramErr);
- // nothing yet....
- *theCancel = false;
- return(myErr);
- }