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- This diskette contains files that accompany the
- Osborne/McGraw-Hill book:
- Sound Blaster: The Official Book (2nd Edition)
- You need about 3.5MB (three and one-half million bytes) of
- available space on your hard drive to install all of the software
- from the diskette that accompanies this book. The installation
- process creates a directory called \SBBOOK. It then decompresses
- files on the diskette and copies them to subdirectories under
- \SBBOOK. If you cannot perform the full installation, see the
- "Partial Installation" section for details on how to select
- individual programs to install. The installation process also
- copies all the files for Chapter 14, "Programming the Sound
- Blaster Family," to your hard disk.
- NOTE: The installation procedure does not change
- your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS file, so you needn't
- be concerned about making backup copies of these before
- you begin the installation of the diskette. The final
- installation of the Windows programs will, under your
- control, create program icons in your Sound Blaster
- program group. If you like, you can create a Sound
- Blaster Book program group for these programs. For
- more background on how to do this, please consult
- your Microsoft Windows User's Guide.
- (2)Full Installation
- To install all the programs, place the diskette into your A:
- (or B:) floppy drive. Switch the DOS prompt for that drive by
- typing A: (or B:) and press ENTER.
- NOTE: If you're in Microsoft Windows, go to the Program
- Manager and select Exit from the File menu to return to
- DOS.
- Now run the INSTALL batch file on the diskette, selecting one of
- the following two options:
- To install to hard drive C:, type INSTALL C:
- and then press ENTER.
- To install to hard drive D:, type INSTALL D:
- and then press ENTER.
- NOTE: You must include the colon (:) after the
- drive letter.
- After the installation starts, you'll be prompted several times
- to press any key to continue.
- NOTE: You can prematurely terminate the installation
- process by pressing Ctrl-C (hold down the Ctrl key and
- press C). Then press Y to confirm that you wish to
- terminate the batch (installation) file. If you run
- only DOS on your machine, then once the installation
- batch file finishes, you're done with the installation.
- If you run Microsoft Windows, your next step is to
- finish the installation of the Windows programs on the
- diskette. The INSTALL batch file displays information
- on your screen that tells you how to perform the Windows
- part of the installation. This information can be
- captured to your printer by doing a Print Screen, however
- for your convenience this information is duplicated in
- the sections that follow.
- (3)Creating a Program Group
- You're likely to add program icons for the Windows programs to
- your Sound Blaster program group, but if you wish to create a
- program group for the programs in this book, follow these
- instructions. From your Microsoft Windows Program Manager
- follow these steps:
- 1. Select New from the File menu.
- 2. Select Program Group, and then click OK.
- 3. Type Sound Blaster Book in the Description field.
- 4. Click OK.
- (3)Creating Program Icons
- Select the program group (probably your Sound Blaster program
- group but maybe a new Sound Blaster Book group) that'll be the
- home for the Windows programs that accompany
- Sound Blaster: The Official Book. From your Windows Program
- Manager, make certain that this program group is the currently
- selected one, the one that has the highlighted window title.
- From this program group, create program items for each of the
- files listed below, following these steps:
- 1. Select New from the File menu.
- 2. Click OK (program item is already selected).
- 3. Select Browse. (If you don't see the Browse button,
- you're in the File Manager.)
- 4. Navigate to each filename below, double-click them,
- then click OK:
- (2)Partial Installation
- You can install the software onto the hard disk without running
- the installation program. A partial installation is necessary
- if any of the following situations apply to you:
- >> You lack 3.5MB available space on your hard drive.
- >> You wish to copy the files to a directory other
- than \SBBOOK.
- >> You already have a directory called \SBBOOK (the
- INSTALL batch file does not copy files to the directory
- \SBBOOK if it already exists).
- The file FILELIST.TXT on the diskette lists the software provided
- with the name of the self-extracting file that contains each
- program. Suppose you want to make a fresh copy of the VoiceAssist
- demonstration program. It's provided in the self-extracting file
- VADEMO.EXE. Create a directory on your hard drive (if one doesn't
- already exist for these files). Switch to that directory and then
- run VADEMO.EXE. VADEMO.EXE then copies the files to your directory
- on the hard drive.
- Let's say you've put the diskette into the A: drive, and you wish
- to copy the files in VADEMO.EXE to a directory called \VADEMO that
- you've just created on your C: drive. Follow these instructions:
- 1. Type C: and then press ENTER.
- 2. Type CD\VADEMO and then press ENTER.
- 3. Type A:VADEMO.EXE and then press ENTER.
- NOTE: Refer to your DOS manual for more assistance with
- creating directories or moving into and out of them.
- 12/28/93