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File List | 1996-05-28 | 7.3 KB | 193 lines |
- 0151TER1.ZIP ----======< TERMINATE 1.51 >======-----
- .....The Final Datacomms Terminal!.....
- On-line help for novices but with all
- the flexibility experts require. Fax
- and Network support. CD Audio Player,
- complete Point system, Cost Manager,
- VISIBLE FAST (tm) mouseing. IEMSI and
- autologins. A superb filemanager:FREQ
- tag. Translate / kbd-editor. Voicecalls
- _______Prize_draw!______File_1_of_2____
- 0151TER2.ZIP ----======< TERMINATE 1.51 >======-----
- .....The Final Datacomms Terminal!.....
- Improved OS/2 timeslices and Digicom,
- ISDN, Fossil, supports up to 115,200bps
- BOTH files: 0151+TER1 *and* 0151TER2
- are needed for auto-installation. Scan
- ALL your VGA modes. Use either a Fax or
- Data Host with an adaptive answer modem
- NEWS!:SmartNote, QWK, Complete FAX, TSR
- _____Monthly Prize!_____File_2_of_2____
- 300TER.ZIP ------======< TERMINATE 3 >======------
- .....The Final Datacomms Terminal!.....
- Extremely Powerful Terminal Program w.
- many Features: Fax, VT52, VT100, VT220,
- ANSI, Avatar, Cost Calculation, File
- Manager, Point System, Scripts, Mini
- BBS. Settings for over 200 modem types,
- UART, Fossil, Int 14h, ISDN B-Channel
- Bundling, Digiboard, IEMSI, Doorway now
- <Presented_by_SerWiz_Comm,_Bo_Bendtsen>
- NEW in Version 3 : Compiled Scripts,
- Enhanced ISDN Support, Additional Cost
- Calculation Features, Terminate Mini
- BBS. Professional Mail Reader TERMAIL
- now with Gecho technology for message
- base (and QWK)! Mini BBS features new
- Doorway Mode support incl. printer re-
- direction and has Doorway.exe included!
- Also: Powerful compiled PreScription
- Script Language, Terminate Commander,
- IEMSI auto logons & mini-scripts, Keyb.
- Editor, Translation Tables, CD Player!
- ------======< TERMINATE 3 >======------
- TELIX_2.ZIP ---{ Telix Communications v3.21, update )---
- - Host+ BBS Host mode, BBS Installation
- DISK 02/02
- ZIPTRANS.ZIP Iki makine arasinda bilgi aktarimlari icin
- LYNC20.ZIP Kucuk ama cok marifetli bir terminal programi.
- ANS37D.ZIP ANSWER used with a supported voice mail card
- or modem with voice support is a voice mail
- and telephone answering system which
- features four primary modes of operation -
- the Personal Answering Machine, the Voice
- Mail Box, the Information Server, and the
- PhoneBook Dialer. Each mode operates
- independently but may access the same
- messages.
- FIX300.ZIP -----=======< TERMINATE 3 >=======-----
- - The Final Terminal -
- - by Bo Bendtsen -
- - Fix Problems with Terminal -
- - Emulation changing -
- _______________________________________
- LYNC30.ZIP Lync'in 3.uncu versiyonu. Laf aramizda
- Terminate 3.0 bir defa kullaniyorsam
- bunu 10 defa kullaniyorum. Cok marifetli valla
- doorway ozelliginden
- external protokol eklemeye kadar her seyi
- yapiyor.
- MICROLNK.ZIP Microlink 1.40 - Snappier, bug-free Shareware
- version of Stephen Leitner's excellent Windows
- telecommunication program. From the Mlink
- support BBS, 404-640-9225.
- COMIT.ZIP Unlu comit terminal programi. Kullanimi kolay
- ve zevkli..
- TELIX_1.ZIP ┌──{ Telix Communications v3.21, update )──┐
- │ Fast, powerful, and easy to use. 12 file │
- │ transfer protocols, 200 + modem setups, │
- │ terminal emulation, dialing directory, │
- │ 2 powerful script languages, scroll-back │
- │ and BBS HOST mode, keyboard macros, new │
- │ development team, many more new features.│
- │ Maintenance release, containts only the │
- │ files that have changed since v. 3.20. │
- └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
- DISK 01/02
- ISTANBUL.ZIP terminate icin telefon dosyasi
- GSZ0427.ZIP gsz modem protokol
- TELIX.ARJ Telix terminal programi
- 16550UA.ZIP
- SSQTER10.ZIP -------------------------------
- from
- -------------------------------
- Small Simple Terminal Program.
- It's only 10KBytes long.
- It can support ansi terminal.
- -------------------------------
- SSFAX500.ARJ v5.00 - Latest version of Simple Simon Fax Software
- from their Texas BBS.
- EASYDIAL.ZIP Ismi ustunde bir yeri kolayca aramak icin
- BOX.ARJ Internal modemler icin ekranda ledler..
- 19200.ZIP
- FX.ARJ Iki bilgisayari baglamak icin
- SIO145A.ZIP Ray Gwinn's comm drivers for OS/2, V1.45a.
- SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS are replacements of the
- OS2 communications drivers COM.SYS and
- VCOM.SYS which come with OS/2. VX00.SYS
- provides FOSSIL and virtual 16550 support
- for DOS programs SIO can be ordered to
- supporting any number of ports. Vmodem now
- has both inbound and outbound Telnet.
- 400TER.ZIP ------======< TERMINATE 4 >======------
- .....The Final Datacomms Terminal!.....
- Extremely Powerful Terminal Program w.
- many Features: Fax, VT52, VT100, VT220,
- ANSI, Avatar, Cost Calculation, File
- Manager, Point System, Scripts, Mini
- BBS. Settings for over 200 modem types,
- UART, Fossil, Int 14h, ISDN B-Channel
- Bundling, CAPI 1.1, IEMSI, Doorway now
- <Presented_by_SerWiz_Comm,_Bo_Bendtsen>
- NEWS: Internal ISDN CAPI 1.1 support,
- Compiled Scripts, Additional Cost
- Calculation Features, Terminate Mini
- BBS. Professional Mail Reader TERMAIL
- now with Gecho technology for message
- base (and QWK)! Mini BBS features new
- Doorway Mode support incl. printer re-
- direction and has Doorway.exe included!
- Also: Powerful compiled PreScription
- Script Language, Terminate Commander,
- IEMSI auto logons & mini-scripts, Keyb.
- Editor, Translation Tables, CD Player!
- ------======< TERMINATE 4 >======------
- PROCO2_1.ZIP Procomm Plus v.2.0 for Windows. Disk 1/4.
- SN:"PWWU2000081467"
- PROCO2_2.ZIP Procomm Plus v.2.0 for Windows. Disk 2/4.
- PROCO2_3.ZIP Procomm Plus v.2.0 for Windows. Disk 3/4.
- PROCO2_4.ZIP Procomm Plus v.2.0 for Windows. Disk 4/4.