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- 2M access always directly to NEC765 diskette controller chip and 8237
- DMA controller. But you haven't to do the same!. The standard DOS and BIOS
- functions still works when 2M is installed, supporting new diskette formats
- as standard ones. If you need to format a 2M diskette from your high-level
- applications, this is possible also via standard INT 13h function 5.
- When 2M is installed on memory, INT 13h service 5 becomes increased
- its functionality. To find 2M resident on memory:
- Load AL with 0.
- Load ES:DI with 1492h:1992h.
- Load AH with a value from 0C0h to 0FFh.
- Call INT 2Fh.
- When INT 2Fh returns, if AL=0FFh and ES:DI points a "CiriSOFT:2M:2.0"
- null terminated string... 2M is in memory!. Note that ':' is a delimiter
- and not always CiriSOFT will be the manufacturer (I recomend search only
- for the ":2M:" substring). You can begin scanning with AH=0C0h and, if not
- found 2M there, continue with AH=0C1h and so on. If 2M has been loaded from
- booting a 2M disk, format functions are not available (and 2M installation
- check will correctly fail).
- When you had detected 2M on memory, you can call to INT 13h function
- 5 to format a diskette track. This is easiest than standard BIOS service:
- you don't need to select the disk density, media, or last sector in the
- track. Of course, the standard BIOS function is still available but you can
- call INT 13h as bellow:
- Load AH with 5.
- Load AL with 7Fh.
- Load CH with track number.
- Load DH with head number.
- Load DL with drive number.
- Load SI with 324Dh signature ("2M").
- Load ES:BX pointing to boot sector of future 2M diskette.
- Note that in standard BIOS call, AL sets the number of sectors (never
- is 7Fh) and SI is not necesary equal to 324Dh. This lets 2M to detect your
- intention. You have not to fill big tables on ES:BX, simply point to a boot
- sector of future diskette. This boot sector can be obtained from standard
- 2M diskette already formatted. New INT 13h format function return the sames
- codes in AH that the BIOS standard routines. Since 2.0 version of 2M, the
- track 0 head 0 contains a virtual BOOT sector in the first physical sector
- of FAT2, and in high and extra-high density diskettes the SuperBOOT code in
- the second-sixth sectors of FAT2. The FAT2 is emulated using FAT1 instead.
- The real BOOT sector is never shown in BIOS normal functions, and SuperBOOT
- code also can not be accessed through BIOS standard functions. The virtual
- boot sector is equal to real one when 2MF formats a diskette, but can be
- altered by SYS command, for example. If you desire to format a 2M diskette,
- and you want to make this diskette capable of SuperBOOT, you must write the
- real BOOT sector, the virtual BOOT sector *AND* the SuperBOOT code. This is
- possible using a little trick: when calling standard BIOS functions (read &
- write), select the 128 or 129 head (instead 0 and 1 ones). This lets 2M to
- know your intention, and physical sectors will be read or written without
- emulations. Note that first track of 2M diskette has less sectors than the
- rest, so you must access no more than 1 (boot) + N (FAT1) + 1 (the virtual
- BOOT) + 5 (SuperBOOT code) = 7 + N sectors ... and with double density only
- must be accessed boot, FAT1 and virtual BOOT (no SuperBOOT code!).
- If disk is formatted using the STV technology (when offset 65 of boot
- record is equal to 1) the completely track must be written after format to
- avoid future CRC errors on read. This does not is necessary on cylinder 0
- side 0. In cylinder 0 side 1 the track must be write using head 81h instead
- head 1. STV technology is used by 2MF if /M switch is present.
- You don't need to build your own boot sectors, buf if you decide to
- modify something, you must know:
- - 2M diskettes have always TWO FAT copies, for hardware reasons. Do
- not try to alter this specification (yes, for *hardware* reasons).
- - Modifing system ID probably makes 2M not able to detect the diskette,
- and standard BIOS will report sector-not-found errors.
- - Yoy can modify the jump instruction at the begin of boot, and the
- boot code located after destination of this jump. But data located
- from offset 63 to last byte before boot code is covered by checksum,
- and you have to compute it if you modify something (the arithmetic 8
- bits add off all bytes must be zero, use checksum byte to force it).
- - Resuming: you can only modify offsets from 0 to 2, from 11 to 61 (it
- is not recommended) and the boot code.
- - If you try to write a boot sector with 2M installed, you will really
- write the virtual boot sector, instead the real one. With 2M loaded
- on memory, the real boot sector can be modified only invocating BIOS
- write function in head 128 or 129 (instead 0-1). The virtual boot
- sector is located on first sector of the second FAT copy (when 2M is
- loaded, all BIOS access to second copy of FAT are emulated using the
- first copy instead). This trick makes 2M compatible with DOS SYS
- command. And much more, the first track of 2M diskette has the DOS
- standard format, with less space free where don't have room to place
- the completely FAT2.
- - If the boot sector has a invalid checksum, a 'seek error' will be
- reported.
- - The virtual boot sector can be modify without problem, inside of the
- reason limits. Note that with 2M installed you can access to this
- sector via standard DOS functions (sector 0) or BIOS (track 0 head 0
- and sector 1), never through FAT2 ... this is *emulated* by 2M (this
- emulation is only skipped while using head 128-129 instead 0-1).
- Here are the format of 2M diskettes, in order to meet your curiosity;
- 2M is not a secret or magic program!. See the source code files for more
- information (if you don't understand the source code comments, you may come
- to Spain next summer :) ).
- Assembler Comment Offset
- --------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------
- JMP BootP ; 3 bytes 0
- DB "2M-STV08" ; system ID of 2M 1.80M diskette 3
- DW 512 ; bytes per sector 11
- DB 1 ; sectors per cluster 13
- DW 1 ; sectors reserved at beginning 14
- DB 2 ; number of FAT copies 16
- DW 224 ; root directory entries 17
- DW 3772 ; total sectors on disk 19
- DB 0F0h ; media descriptor 21
- DW 11 ; sectors ocupied by each FAT 22
- DW 23 ; sectors per track 24
- DW 2 ; number of heads 26
- DD 0 ; special sectors reserved 28
- DD 0 ; number of sectors (32 bit drives) 32
- DB 0 ; physical drive 36
- DB 0 ; reserved 37
- DB 29h ; DOS >= 4.0 diskette 38
- DD 4B368A0Eh ; serial number (random) 39
- DB "NO NAME " ; disk label 43
- DB "FAT12 " ; FAT type 54
- DB 0 ; reserved by 2M 62
- DB 0 ; 2M checksum (if used) 63
- DB 7 ; format version (>=7 if virtual BOOT) 64
- DB 1 ; 1 if write track after format 65
- DB 0 ; data transfer rate on track 0 66
- DB 0 ; data transfer rate on track<>0 67
- DW BootP ; offset to boot program 68
- DW Infp0 ; T1: information for track 0 70
- DW InfpX ; T2: information for track<>0 72
- DW InfTm ; T3: tracks sectors size table 74
- * NORMAL FORMATS (820/1476/984/1804K). FOR EXAMPLE: 1804K.
- Infp0 DB 19, 70 ; number of sectors / GAP 3 for format
- DB 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ; sectors ordered (20..22 does not exist)
- DB 9,10,11,12,13,14
- DB 15,16,17,18,19
- InfpX DB 11, 40 ; number of sectors / GAP3 for format
- DB 3 ; sector size
- DB 1, 2 ; sector slidding (override by 2MF /X /Y)
- InfTm DB 3,3,3,3,3,3 ; size of sectors 1, 2, 3,...
- DB 3,3,3,3,3
- BootP:... ; SuperBOOT loader
- * MAXIMUM CAPACITY FORMATS (902/1558/1066/1886K). FOR EXAMPLE: 1886K.
- Infp0 DB 19, 70 ; number of sectors, GAP3 for format
- DB 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ; sectors ordered (20..23 does not exist)
- DB 9,10,11,12,13,14
- DB 15,16,17,18,19
- InfpX DB 64, 3 ; number of sectors / GAP3 for preformat
- DB 7 ; number of sectors to renum
- DB 128+1, 4, 4 ; renum table:
- DB 128+12, 1, 4 ; number of sector, new number, size
- DB 128+23, 5, 4
- DB 128+34, 2, 4
- DB 128+45, 6, 3
- DB 128+51, 3, 4
- DB 128+62, 7, 2
- InfTm DB 4,4,4,4,4,3,2 ; size of sectors 1, 2, 3,...
- BootP:... ; SuperBOOT loader
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- 2M format function in Ralf Brown Interrupt List format:
- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- --------B-13057FSI324D-----------------------
- AX = 057Fh
- SI = 324Dh ("2M")
- CH = track number
- DH = head number
- DL = drive number
- ES:BX -> boot sector of future 2M diskette
- Return: CF set on error
- CF clear if successful
- AH = status (see AH=01h)
- Program: 2M is a TSR developed by Ciriaco Garcia de Celis to support
- non standard diskettes with 820-902/1476-1558K (5.25 DD/HD)
- and 984-1066/1804-1886K/3608-3772K (3.5 DD/HD/ED)
- Notes: it is not necessary to call AH=17h/AH=18h first (will be ignored)
- diskette format must begin always on cylinder 0 head 0
- the installation check for 2M must search a "CiriSOFT:2M:2.0" string or
- similar (recomended ":2M:" substring) in CiriSOFT TSR interface
- the boot sector can be obtained from a 2M diskette already formatted if
- reading (AH=02h) with head number 80h since 2M 2.0 (else use head 0)
- since 2.0 version of 2M, the BOOT sector is emuled using first physical
- sector of FAT2; the second-sixth physical sectors of FAT2 in HD or ED
- diskettes store the SuperBOOT code. To skip the FAT2 emulation (using
- FAT1) of 2M, in order to read the SuperBOOT code, head number must be
- 80h-81h instead 0-1 (bit 7 active) in standard read/write functions.
- This lets diskcopy programs to format 2M target diskettes copying
- SuperBOOT code. If target diskette is already 2MF formatted (provided
- of boot code) this trick it is not necessary
- when using STV technology (offset 65 of boot sector equal to 1) it is
- necessary to write the full track before formatting (except track 0
- side 0) to complete the format and skip future CRC errors on read; in
- track 0 side 1 the head used must be 81h instead 1. Diskcopy programs
- may do a format-write-verify secuential phases to improve performance
- SeeAlso: AH=05h"FLOPPY",INT 2F"CiriSOFT TSR interface"