IDS_SERIALNUMBERREQ=Please fill in the 'Serial Number' field.
IDS_SETUPTITLE=Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1 Update Setup
IDS_STARTCOPYTEXT=The Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1 update has enough information and disk space to update your Adobe Photoshop 6.0 files.\n\nClick NEXT to begin the update process.
IDS_SUCCESS_MSG=Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1 update was successful.\n
IDS_XTRA_SPACE4=The available space on disk drive <%s> is not enough\nfor updating Adobe Photoshop from version 6.0 to version 6.0.1.\n
IDS_SHORTSTROVERFLOW=The information in the '%s' field has exceeded the allowed length.\nPlease enter no more than one character.
TITLE_MAIN=Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1 Update
IDS_COMP_PRGFILES_DESC=Installs the Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1 update components.
ERROR_CANT_FIND_APPLICATION=Could not find Photoshop 6.0 installed on this machine. Please be sure Photoshop 6.0 is installed.
IDS_XTRA_SPACE5=The available space on disk drive <%s>is not enough\nfor Windows related temporary files.\n\n
IDS_INI_IDSERRORMSG=Setup is unable to load string identifier %s.
IDS_SUCCESSFUL_UPDATE=Adobe Photoshop 6.0 has been successfully updated.
IDS_XTRA_SPACE6=The available space on disk drive <%s>is not enough\nfor Installer related temporary files.\n
IDS_REMINDER_MSG=Thank you for choosing Adobe Photoshop Update.
IDS_NOTENOUGH_SPACE=The available space on destination disk drive (%s) is not enough for this installation.\nThis installation requires %ld MBytes of free disk space on this drive.
IDS_SETUPTYPE=Type of Installation:
IDS_NO_UPDATEFILE_DUE2SPACE=Unable to update %s.\n\nThis may possibly be due to lack of disk space.\nPlease check the free disk space before trying to update Adobe Photoshopr.
IDS_XTRA_SPACE7=The Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1 update requires %ld MBytes of free\ndisk space on this drive.\n\n
IDS_READMEDLGMSG1=Please read the following Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1 update readme.
IDS_FINISH_MSG1=Setup is complete. You may register your copy of %P \nelectronically from your computer at this time.
IDS_UPDATE_FAILED=Updating %s has failed.\n\nPlease reinstall Adobe Photoshop 6.0 before trying to update again.
IDS_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY=There is not sufficient memory for updating to Photoshop 6.0.1\n\nPlease quit other applications and try updating again.
ERROR_NOADOBEISF=Setup is unable to load a necessary installation file. Setup will now quit.
IDS_CANCEL_INSTALL_MSG=Setup is not complete. If you quit now,\n%s will not be installed.\n\nYou may run Setup at a later time to complete the\ninstallation.\n\nDo you wish to quit installing %s?
ERROR_NOSUPPORT_OS=This operating system is not supported by this installation.\n\nSetup will now quit.
IDS_CREATE_SHORTCUTS=Creating Program Folder and Shortcuts...
IDS_CANNOT_CREATEDIR=Unable to create backup directory %s.\n\nPlease check your permissions and free disk space before trying to update again.
IDS_CANNOT_FIND_APP=The updater cannot find Adobe Photoshop 6.0 in\n%s\n\nPlease attempt to locate Adobe Photoshop 6.0 again or cancel the update \nand install Adobe Photoshop 6.0 from the original disks or CD.
IDS_SUCCESS_AND_BACKUP=%s has been successfully updated.\n\nThe original files are located in %s.
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
IDS_EULA__DLG_TITLE=Software License Agreement
IDS_BROWSEDLG_MSG=Please verify the directory path where Adobe Photoshop 6.0 is located.
IDS_FILE_DOESNOTEXIST=The original %s does not exist in the expected location and cannot be updated.\n\nThis is a required file for the Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1 update.\n\nPlease restore it before trying to update Adobe Photoshop 6.0.
IDS_CANNOT_CREATE_BACKUP=Unable to create the backup of %s.\n\nPlease check your permissions and free disk space before trying to update Adobe Photoshop 6.0.
IDS_DEFINEDLG_ERR=Unable to display the user information dialog. The installation has failed and cannot continue.
IDS_APPDESTTEXT=Destination Directory:
IDS_CANNOT_UPDATE_FILE=Unable to update %s.\n\nThis is a required file for the Photoshop 6.0.1 update.\n\nPlease restore it before trying to update Photoshop 6.0.
IDS_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY =There is not sufficient memory for updating to Photoshop 6.0.1\n\nPlease quit other applications and try updating again.
IDS_ERROR_DURING_UPDATE=The %s updater has detected an error.\n\nPlease reinstall %s from your original CD or disks and try again.
IDS_EULA__REGION_MSG=Choose the country in which you purchased this software.
IDS_COMP_PRGFILES=Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1 Update
IDS_NOT_ORIGINAL_FILE=Unable to update %s.\n\nThe file on your system does not match the original Adobe Photoshop 6.0 file expected\nand it cannot be updated.