6 No GoBack reverts were found in the history log.
7 GoBack has reached the end of the list.\nContinue searching from the start of the list?
8 GoBack has reached the start of the list.\nContinue searching from the end of the list?
9 GoBack has finished searching the list.
10 This is the current version of the file that already exists on your hard drive.\nOpen anyway?
11 This is the current version of the file that already exists on your hard drive.
12 There is no application associated with the given filename extension.
13 An error occurred trying to open the selected file.
14 Opening file. Please wait...
15 Unable to create hidden GoBack drive.
16 Unable to set hidden GoBack drive to specified time.\nThe selected file may have "rolled off" the end of the history buffer.
17 Unable to copy file to destination.
18 Unable to identify GoBack drive.
19 Recover To
20 Recovering file. Please wait...
21 Rescuing files. Please wait...
22 Unable to rescue all files. The files that have not\nbeen rescued are still checked. The check has been\nremoved from those files successfully rescued.
23 Checked files have been rescued.
24 GoBack
26 Name
27 Size
28 Original Time
29 Unable to open GoBack device driver!
30 Unable to open GoBack history log!
31 (unknown)
32 List cannot be sorted until it\nhas finished filling.
33 GoBack File Recovery
34 GoBack.hlp
35 The GoBack ADMINISTRATOR password is required for this task.
36 The GoBack USER (or ADMINISTRATOR) password is required for this task.