5 GoBack is not installed or your GoBack\ninstallation is damaged.\n\nYou must install or reinstall GoBack\nbefore you can run this program.
6 The GoBack application GBDRIVE.EXE\nis damaged.\n\nYou should uninstall and reinstall\nGoBack to correct this problem.
7 GoBack Corruption Error
8 The GoBack Drive Window cannot be used\nwhile GoBack is disabled.
9 The GoBack Drive Window cannot be used\nwhile any drives are running in\nMS-DOS Compatibility mode.\n\nFor more information, see the GoBack User's Guide.
10 Unable to open GoBack history log!
11 There are no safe points during the selected day.\n\nThe GoBack Drive cannot be created.
12 The selected event is not a safe point.\n\nDo you want to create the GoBack Drive at\nthe next safe point?
13 The selected event is not a safe point.\n\nDo you want to create the GoBack Drive at\nthe previous safe point?
14 The selected event is in the oldest 20%% of the\nGoBack history.\n\nYou should copy any needed files off the Goback\ndisk to a different physical disk as soon as possible\nto reduce the possibility of important data being\noverwritten by newer data.
15 Unable to create GoBack Drive.\n\nSelected event is no longer valid.
16 Unable to create GoBack Drive.\n\nNo more drive letters were available.
17 The standard revert feature of GoBack can not be\nused while the Auto-Revert feature is enabled.
18 Their are no safe points during the selected day.\n\nPlease select a different day and try again.
19 The selected event is not a safe point.\n\nDo you want to revert to the next safe point?
20 The selected event is not a safe point.\n\nDo you want to revert to the previous safe point?
21 To revert your drive, GoBack must restart your computer.\nIs this OK?
22 GoBack is unable to revert all of your hard disks\nto the requested time. Would you like to revert\njust the currently selected hard disk?\n\nIf you select 'No', the revert request will be cancelled.
23 Would you like GoBack to revert all of your\nhard disks to the requested time?\n\nIf you select 'No', only the current drive will be reverted.\nIf you select 'Cancel', the revert request will be cancelled
24 Unable to restart the computer.\n\nRevert will occur the next time you\nrestart the computer.
25 You have already selected a command for\nGoBack to perform on the next restart.
26 Unable to communicate with GoBack device driver!
27 GoBack has reached the end of the selected day.\nContinue searching from the start of the day?
28 GoBack has reached the start of the selected day.\nContinue searching from the end of the day?
29 GoBack has finished searching the selected day.
30 Would you like to discard any GoBack drives before exiting?
31 An error occurred trying to run GBMenu.exe.
32 Find matching file, directory or note
33 History log already open!
34 Preview
35 GoBack has Expired
36 This %s version of GoBack has expired and\nwill now be UNINSTALLED.\n\nDuring this process, your computer will restart.\n\nIf you would like to purchase a copy of GoBack,\nplease visit your local software retailer or\ncontact Adaptec at 1-800-442-7274.
37 This preview version of GoBack has expired and\nwill uninstall itself on %s.\n\nIf you would like to purchase a copy of GoBack,\nplease visit your local software retailer or\ncontact Adaptec at 1-800-442-7274.
38 An error occurred trying to run Setup.exe.
39 GoBack Preview has Expired
40 Edit Folder Filter
41 Add Folder Filter
42 Please select the folder you wish to add to the filter list:
43 Edit File Type Filter
44 Add File Type Filter
45 The GoBack ADMINISTRATOR password is required for this task.
46 The GoBack USER (or ADMINISTRATOR) password is required for this task.
47 The GoBack password you typed is incorrect.
48 %s on the &Web
50 January
51 February
52 March
53 April
54 May
55 June
56 July
57 August
58 September
59 October
60 November
61 December
62 Please wait...
63 There are no events available for this day.
64 (GoBack Drives %1!s! set to %2!s!)
65 (GoBack Drive %1!s! set to %2!s!)
66 and
67 ,
68 GoBack Drive Created
69 GoBack drives %1!s! have been created showing\ndrives %2!s! as they were at %3!s! on %4!s!.\n\nBe sure to discard GoBack drives when you are done with them.
70 GoBack drive %1!s! has been created showing\ndrive %2!s! as it was at %3!s! on %4!s!.\n\nBe sure to discard GoBack drives when you are done with them.
71 GoBack Drive Discarded
72 GoBack Drives %s have been discarded.
73 GoBack Drive %s has been discarded.
74 S&et GoBack Drive to this Event
75 Cr&eate GoBack Drive at this Event
76 &Discard GoBack Drive
77 &Discard GoBack Drives %s
78 &Discard GoBack Drive %s
79 &Revert Drive to this Event
80 &Revert Drives %s to this Event
81 &Revert Drive %s to this Event
82 &Revert Drives %s to Selected Event
83 &Revert Drive %s to Selected Event
84 &Revert Drive to Selected Event
85 GoBack Drive -
86 System Safe Point
87 Unknown Safe Point event
88 Windows Started
89 Windows Shutdown
90 Windows Crashed on Exit
91 Windows DOS-Box Crashed
92 Unknown Windows Event
93 Strange: System booted without DOS Resident Driver
94 GoBack logging suspended due to massive file activity
95 GoBack logging resumed
96 Start of GoBack Log
97 Start of System Boot
98 -- not impl. System was improperly shudown --
99 Disk reverted to
100 Disk Revert Continuation After RESET
101 Disk Revert Completed
102 Disk Revert Failed
103 Auto-Revert Enabled
104 Disk Restored to System Snapshot
105 Unknown GoBack Event
106 Started restoring factory snapshot
107 Finished restoring factory snapshot
108 Failed restoring factory snapshot
109 File Deleted:
110 File Modified:
111 File Created:
112 File Replaced:
113 File Renamed:
114 Directory Deleted:
115 Directory Created:
116 File Opened:
117 Unknown File Event:
118 to
119 (
120 ,
121 empty
122 left open
123 flushed
124 (deleted)
125 )
126 Shell
127 ===== UNKNOWN LOG ENTRY TYPE =====
128 &Revert Drive
129 &Create GoBack Drive
130 GoBack &Menu
131 Unable to revert drive.\n\nThe selected event is no longer valid.
132 The GoBack Drive Window cannot be used\nwhile Windows is running in Safe Mode.\n\nGoBack will continue to protect your\nsystem during this time.
133 The GoBack Drive Window cannot be used\nwhile your computer is running from a\nFactory Image.
134 S&et GoBack Drive to Selected Event
135 Cr&eate GoBack Drive at Selected Event
136 Creating GoBack Drive. Please wait...
137 Discarding GoBack Drive. Please wait...
138 There were not enough drive letters available.\nGoBack Drives were not created for each drive.