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- { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library }
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- { Copyright (c) 1995,99 Inprise Corporation }
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- {*******************************************************}
- unit Consts;
- interface
- resourcestring
- SOpenFileTitle = 'Open';
- SAssignError = 'Cannot assign a %s to a %s';
- SFCreateError = 'Cannot create file %s';
- SFOpenError = 'Cannot open file %s';
- SReadError = 'Stream read error';
- SWriteError = 'Stream write error';
- SMemoryStreamError = 'Out of memory while expanding memory stream';
- SCantWriteResourceStreamError = 'Can''t write to a read-only resource stream';
- SDuplicateReference = 'WriteObject called twice for the same instance';
- SClassNotFound = 'Class %s not found';
- SInvalidImage = 'Invalid stream format';
- SResNotFound = 'Resource %s not found';
- SClassMismatch = 'Resource %s is of incorrect class';
- SListIndexError = 'List index out of bounds (%d)';
- SListCapacityError = 'List capacity out of bounds (%d)';
- SListCountError = 'List count out of bounds (%d)';
- SSortedListError = 'Operation not allowed on sorted string list';
- SDuplicateString = 'String list does not allow duplicates';
- SInvalidTabIndex = 'Tab index out of bounds';
- SInvalidTabPosition = 'Tab position incompatible with current tab style';
- SInvalidTabStyle = 'Tab style incompatible with current tab position';
- SDuplicateName = 'A component named %s already exists';
- SInvalidName = '''''%s'''' is not a valid component name';
- SDuplicateClass = 'A class named %s already exists';
- SNoComSupport = '%s has not been registered as a COM class';
- SInvalidInteger = '''''%s'''' is not a valid integer value';
- SLineTooLong = 'Line too long';
- SInvalidPropertyValue = 'Invalid property value';
- SInvalidPropertyPath = 'Invalid property path';
- SInvalidPropertyType = 'Invalid property type: %s';
- SInvalidPropertyElement = 'Invalid property element: %s';
- SUnknownProperty = 'Property does not exist';
- SReadOnlyProperty = 'Property is read-only';
- SPropertyException = 'Error reading %s%s%s: %s';
- SAncestorNotFound = 'Ancestor for ''%s'' not found';
- SInvalidBitmap = 'Bitmap image is not valid';
- SInvalidIcon = 'Icon image is not valid';
- SInvalidMetafile = 'Metafile is not valid';
- SInvalidPixelFormat = 'Invalid pixel format';
- SBitmapEmpty = 'Bitmap is empty';
- SScanLine = 'Scan line index out of range';
- SChangeIconSize = 'Cannot change the size of an icon';
- SOleGraphic = 'Invalid operation on TOleGraphic';
- SUnknownExtension = 'Unknown picture file extension (.%s)';
- SUnknownClipboardFormat = 'Unsupported clipboard format';
- SOutOfResources = 'Out of system resources';
- SNoCanvasHandle = 'Canvas does not allow drawing';
- SInvalidImageSize = 'Invalid image size';
- STooManyImages = 'Too many images';
- SDimsDoNotMatch = 'Image dimensions do not match image list dimensions';
- SInvalidImageList = 'Invalid ImageList';
- SReplaceImage = 'Unable to Replace Image';
- SImageIndexError = 'Invalid ImageList Index';
- SImageReadFail = 'Failed to read ImageList data from stream';
- SImageWriteFail = 'Failed to write ImageList data to stream';
- SWindowDCError = 'Error creating window device context';
- SClientNotSet = 'Client of TDrag not initialized';
- SWindowClass = 'Error creating window class';
- SWindowCreate = 'Error creating window';
- SCannotFocus = 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window';
- SParentRequired = 'Control ''%s'' has no parent window';
- SMDIChildNotVisible = 'Cannot hide an MDI Child Form';
- SVisibleChanged = 'Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide';
- SCannotShowModal = 'Cannot make a visible window modal';
- SScrollBarRange = 'Scrollbar property out of range';
- SPropertyOutOfRange = '%s property out of range';
- SMenuIndexError = 'Menu index out of range';
- SMenuReinserted = 'Menu inserted twice';
- SMenuNotFound = 'Sub-menu is not in menu';
- SNoTimers = 'Not enough timers available';
- SNotPrinting = 'Printer is not currently printing';
- SPrinting = 'Printing in progress';
- SPrinterIndexError = 'Printer index out of range';
- SInvalidPrinter = 'Printer selected is not valid';
- SDeviceOnPort = '%s on %s';
- SGroupIndexTooLow = 'GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item''s GroupIndex';
- STwoMDIForms = 'Cannot have more than one MDI form per application';
- SNoMDIForm = 'Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active';
- SRegisterError = 'Invalid component registration';
- SImageCanvasNeedsBitmap = 'Can only modify an image if it contains a bitmap';
- SControlParentSetToSelf = 'A control cannot have itself as its parent';
- SOKButton = 'OK';
- SCancelButton = 'Cancel';
- SYesButton = '&Yes';
- SNoButton = '&No';
- SHelpButton = '&Help';
- SCloseButton = '&Close';
- SIgnoreButton = '&Ignore';
- SRetryButton = '&Retry';
- SAbortButton = 'Abort';
- SAllButton = '&All';
- SCannotDragForm = 'Cannot drag a form';
- SPutObjectError = 'PutObject to undefined item';
- SCardDLLNotLoaded = 'Could not load CARDS.DLL';
- SDuplicateCardId = 'Duplicate CardId found';
- SDdeErr = 'An error returned from DDE ($0%x)';
- SDdeConvErr = 'DDE Error - conversation not established ($0%x)';
- SDdeMemErr = 'Error occurred when DDE ran out of memory ($0%x)';
- SDdeNoConnect = 'Unable to connect DDE conversation';
- SFB = 'FB';
- SFG = 'FG';
- SBG = 'BG';
- SOldTShape = 'Cannot load older version of TShape';
- SVMetafiles = 'Metafiles';
- SVEnhMetafiles = 'Enhanced Metafiles';
- SVIcons = 'Icons';
- SVBitmaps = 'Bitmaps';
- SGridTooLarge = 'Grid too large for operation';
- STooManyDeleted = 'Too many rows or columns deleted';
- SIndexOutOfRange = 'Grid index out of range';
- SFixedColTooBig = 'Fixed column count must be less than column count';
- SFixedRowTooBig = 'Fixed row count must be less than row count';
- SInvalidStringGridOp = 'Cannot insert or delete rows from grid';
- SParseError = '%s on line %d';
- SIdentifierExpected = 'Identifier expected';
- SStringExpected = 'String expected';
- SNumberExpected = 'Number expected';
- SCharExpected = '''''%s'''' expected';
- SSymbolExpected = '%s expected';
- SInvalidNumber = 'Invalid numeric value';
- SInvalidString = 'Invalid string constant';
- SInvalidProperty = 'Invalid property value';
- SInvalidBinary = 'Invalid binary value';
- SOutlineIndexError = 'Outline index not found';
- SOutlineExpandError = 'Parent must be expanded';
- SInvalidCurrentItem = 'Invalid value for current item';
- SMaskErr = 'Invalid input value';
- SMaskEditErr = 'Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes';
- SOutlineError = 'Invalid outline index';
- SOutlineBadLevel = 'Incorrect level assignment';
- SOutlineSelection = 'Invalid selection';
- SOutlineFileLoad = 'File load error';
- SOutlineLongLine = 'Line too long';
- SOutlineMaxLevels = 'Maximum outline depth exceeded';
- SMsgDlgWarning = 'Warning';
- SMsgDlgError = 'Error';
- SMsgDlgInformation = 'Information';
- SMsgDlgConfirm = 'Confirm';
- SMsgDlgYes = '&Yes';
- SMsgDlgNo = '&No';
- SMsgDlgOK = 'OK';
- SMsgDlgCancel = 'Cancel';
- SMsgDlgHelp = '&Help';
- SMsgDlgHelpNone = 'No help available';
- SMsgDlgHelpHelp = 'Help';
- SMsgDlgAbort = '&Abort';
- SMsgDlgRetry = '&Retry';
- SMsgDlgIgnore = '&Ignore';
- SMsgDlgAll = '&All';
- SMsgDlgNoToAll = 'N&o to All';
- SMsgDlgYesToAll = 'Yes to &All';
- SmkcBkSp = 'BkSp';
- SmkcTab = 'Tab';
- SmkcEsc = 'Esc';
- SmkcEnter = 'Enter';
- SmkcSpace = 'Space';
- SmkcPgUp = 'PgUp';
- SmkcPgDn = 'PgDn';
- SmkcEnd = 'End';
- SmkcHome = 'Home';
- SmkcLeft = 'Left';
- SmkcUp = 'Up';
- SmkcRight = 'Right';
- SmkcDown = 'Down';
- SmkcIns = 'Ins';
- SmkcDel = 'Del';
- SmkcShift = 'Shift+';
- SmkcCtrl = 'Ctrl+';
- SmkcAlt = 'Alt+';
- srUnknown = '(Unknown)';
- srNone = '(None)';
- SOutOfRange = 'Value must be between %d and %d';
- SCannotCreateName = 'Cannot create a default method name for an unnamed component';
- SDateEncodeError = 'Invalid argument to date encode';
- STimeEncodeError = 'Invalid argument to time encode';
- SInvalidDate = '''''%s'''' is not a valid date';
- SInvalidTime = '''''%s'''' is not a valid time';
- SInvalidDateTime = '''''%s'''' is not a valid date and time';
- SInvalidFileName = 'Invalid file name - %s';
- SDefaultFilter = 'All files (*.*)|*.*';
- sAllFilter = 'All';
- SNoVolumeLabel = ': [ - no volume label - ]';
- SInsertLineError = 'Unable to insert a line';
- SConfirmCreateDir = 'The specified directory does not exist. Create it?';
- SSelectDirCap = 'Select Directory';
- SCannotCreateDir = 'Unable to create directory';
- SDirNameCap = 'Directory &Name:';
- SDrivesCap = 'D&rives:';
- SDirsCap = '&Directories:';
- SFilesCap = '&Files: (*.*)';
- SNetworkCap = 'Ne&twork...';
- SColorPrefix = 'Color'; //!! obsolete - delete in 5.0
- SColorTags = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'; //!! obsolete - delete in 5.0
- SInvalidClipFmt = 'Invalid clipboard format';
- SIconToClipboard = 'Clipboard does not support Icons';
- SCannotOpenClipboard = 'Cannot open clipboard';
- SDefault = 'Default';
- SInvalidMemoSize = 'Text exceeds memo capacity';
- SCustomColors = 'Custom Colors';
- SInvalidPrinterOp = 'Operation not supported on selected printer';
- SNoDefaultPrinter = 'There is no default printer currently selected';
- SIniFileWriteError = 'Unable to write to %s';
- SBitsIndexError = 'Bits index out of range';
- SUntitled = '(Untitled)';
- SInvalidRegType = 'Invalid data type for ''%s''';
- SRegCreateFailed = 'Failed to create key %s';
- SRegSetDataFailed = 'Failed to set data for ''%s''';
- SRegGetDataFailed = 'Failed to get data for ''%s''';
- SUnknownConversion = 'Unknown RichEdit conversion file extension (.%s)';
- SDuplicateMenus = 'Menu ''%s'' is already being used by another form';
- SPictureLabel = 'Picture:';
- SPictureDesc = ' (%dx%d)';
- SPreviewLabel = 'Preview';
- SCannotOpenAVI = 'Cannot open AVI';
- SNotOpenErr = 'No MCI device open';
- SMPOpenFilter = 'All files (*.*)|*.*|Wave files (*.wav)|*.wav|Midi files (*.mid)|*.mid|Video for Windows (*.avi)|*.avi';
- SMCINil = '';
- SMCIAVIVideo = 'AVIVideo';
- SMCICDAudio = 'CDAudio';
- SMCIDigitalVideo = 'DigitalVideo';
- SMCIMMMovie = 'MMMovie';
- SMCIOther = 'Other';
- SMCIOverlay = 'Overlay';
- SMCIScanner = 'Scanner';
- SMCISequencer = 'Sequencer';
- SMCIVideodisc = 'Videodisc';
- SMCIWaveAudio = 'WaveAudio';
- SMCIUnknownError = 'Unknown error code';
- SBoldItalicFont = 'Bold Italic';
- SBoldFont = 'Bold';
- SItalicFont = 'Italic';
- SRegularFont = 'Regular';
- SPropertiesVerb = 'Properties';
- sWindowsSocketError = 'Windows socket error: %s (%d), on API ''%s''';
- sAsyncSocketError = 'Asynchronous socket error %d';
- sNoAddress = 'No address specified';
- sCannotListenOnOpen = 'Can''t listen on an open socket';
- sCannotCreateSocket = 'Can''t create new socket';
- sSocketAlreadyOpen = 'Socket already open';
- sCantChangeWhileActive = 'Can''t change value while socket is active';
- sSocketMustBeBlocking = 'Socket must be in blocking mode';
- sSocketIOError = '%s error %d, %s';
- sSocketRead = 'Read';
- sSocketWrite = 'Write';
- SServiceFailed = 'Service failed on %s: %s';
- SExecute = 'execute';
- SStart = 'start';
- SStop = 'stop';
- SPause = 'pause';
- SContinue = 'continue';
- SInterrogate = 'interrogate';
- SShutdown = 'shutdown';
- SCustomError = 'Service failed in custom message(%d): %s';
- SServiceInstallOK = 'Service installed successfully';
- SServiceInstallFailed = 'Service "%s" failed to install with error: "%s"';
- SServiceUninstallOK = 'Service uninstalled successfully';
- SServiceUninstallFailed = 'Service "%s" failed to uninstall with error: "%s"';
- SInvalidActionRegistration = 'Invalid action registration';
- SInvalidActionUnregistration = 'Invalid action unregistration';
- SInvalidActionEnumeration = 'Invalid action enumeration';
- SInvalidActionCreation = 'Invalid action creation';
- SDockedCtlNeedsName = 'Docked control must have a name';
- SDockTreeRemoveError = 'Error removing control from dock tree';
- SDockZoneNotFound = ' - Dock zone not found';
- SDockZoneHasNoCtl = ' - Dock zone has no control';
- SAllCommands = 'All Commands';
- SDuplicateItem = 'List does not allow duplicates ($0%x)';
- SDuplicatePropertyCategory = 'A property category called %s already exists';
- SUnknownPropertyCategory = 'Property category does not exist (%s)';
- SActionCategoryName = 'Action';
- SActionCategoryDesc = 'Action properties and/or events';
- SDataCategoryName = 'Data';
- SDataCategoryDesc = 'Data properties and/or events';
- SDatabaseCategoryName = 'Database';
- SDatabaseCategoryDesc = 'Database and Data Aware properties and/or events';
- SDragNDropCategoryName = 'Drag, Drop and Docking';
- SDragNDropCategoryDesc = 'Drag, Drop and Docking properties and/or events';
- SHelpCategoryName = 'Help and Hints';
- SHelpCategoryDesc = 'Help and Hint properties and/or events';
- SLayoutCategoryName = 'Layout';
- SLayoutCategoryDesc = 'Layout properties and/or events';
- SLegacyCategoryName = 'Legacy';
- SLegacyCategoryDesc = 'Legacy properties and/or events';
- SLinkageCategoryName = 'Linkage';
- SLinkageCategoryDesc = 'Linkage properties and/or events';
- SLocaleCategoryName = 'Locale';
- SLocaleCategoryDesc = 'Locale properties and/or events';
- SLocalizableCategoryName = 'Localizable';
- SLocalizableCategoryDesc = 'Localizable properties and/or events';
- SMiscellaneousCategoryName = 'Miscellaneous';
- SMiscellaneousCategoryDesc = 'Miscellaneous properties and/or events';
- SVisualCategoryName = 'Visual';
- SVisualCategoryDesc = 'Visual properties and/or events';
- SInputCategoryName = 'Input';
- SInputCategoryDesc = 'Input properties and/or events';
- SInvalidMask = '''%s'' is an invalid mask at (%d)';
- SInvalidFilter = 'Property filters may only be name, class or type based (%d:%d)';
- SInvalidCategory = 'Categories must define their own name and description';
- sOperationNotAllowed = 'Operation not allowed while dispatching application events';
- implementation
- end.