PC World Plus! (NZ) 2001 June
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
2,043 lines
unit vcfi;
{ This file contains pascal declarations imported from a type library.
This file will be written during each import or refresh of the type
library editor. Changes to this file will be discarded during the
refresh process. }
{ VCI First Impression Library }
{ Version 1.0 }
{ Conversion log:
Warning: 'Label' is a reserved word. Label changed to Label_
Warning: 'Array' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Array' in _DVtChart.CopyDataFromArray changed to 'Array_'
Warning: 'Array' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Array' in _DVtChart.CopyDataToArray changed to 'Array_'
Warning: 'Set' is a reserved word. ICoor.Set changed to Set_
Warning: 'Set' is a reserved word. ILCoor.Set changed to Set_
Warning: 'Set' is a reserved word. ICoor3.Set changed to Set_
Warning: 'Set' is a reserved word. IColor.Set changed to Set_
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. IPicture.Type changed to Type_
Warning: 'Set' is a reserved word. IVcView3d.Set changed to Set_
Warning: 'Set' is a reserved word. IVcDoughnut.Set changed to Set_
Warning: 'Set' is a reserved word. IVcPie.Set changed to Set_
Warning: 'Set' is a reserved word. IVcWeighting.Set changed to Set_
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. Parameter 'Type' in IVcStatLines.Style changed to 'Type_'
Warning: 'Type' is a reserved word. IVcScale.Type changed to Type_
Warning: 'Set' is a reserved word. IVcLightSource.Set changed to Set_
uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, OleCtrls, StdVCL;
LIBID_VCIFiLib: TGUID = '{5A721583-5AF0-11CE-8384-0020AF2337F2}';
{ The list of VtFont styles }
{ FontStyleConstants }
VtFontStyleBold = 1;
VtFontStyleItalic = 2;
VtFontStyleOutline = 4;
{ The list of VtFont effects }
{ FontEffectsConstants }
VtFontEffectStrikeThrough = 256;
VtFontEffectUnderline = 512;
{ Frame Styles }
{ FrameStyleConstants }
VtFrameStyleNull = 0;
VtFrameStyleSingleLine = 1;
VtFrameStyleDoubleLine = 2;
VtFrameStyleThickInner = 3;
VtFrameStyleThickOuter = 4;
{ Brush Styles }
{ BrushStyleConstants }
VtBrushStyleNull = 0;
VtBrushStyleSolid = 1;
VtBrushStylePattern = 2;
VtBrushStyleHatched = 3;
{ The list of datapoint label component types }
{ LabelComponentConstants }
VtChLabelComponentValue = 1;
VtChLabelComponentPercent = 2;
VtChLabelComponentSeriesName = 4;
VtChLabelComponentPointName = 8;
{ Brush Patterns }
{ BrushPatternConstants }
VtBrushPattern94Percent = 0;
VtBrushPattern88Percent = 1;
VtBrushPattern75Percent = 2;
VtBrushPattern50Percent = 3;
VtBrushPattern25Percent = 4;
VtBrushPatternBoldHorizontal = 5;
VtBrushPatternBoldVertical = 6;
VtBrushPatternBoldDownDiagonal = 7;
VtBrushPatternBoldUpDiagonal = 8;
VtBrushPatternChecks = 9;
VtBrushPatternWeave = 10;
VtBrushPatternHorizontal = 11;
VtBrushPatternVertical = 12;
VtBrushPatternDownDiagonal = 13;
VtBrushPatternUpDiagonal = 14;
VtBrushPatternGrid = 15;
VtBrushPatternTrellis = 16;
VtBrushPatternInvertedTrellis = 17;
{ Brush Hatches }
{ BrushHatchConstants }
VtBrushHatchHorizontal = 0;
VtBrushHatchVertical = 1;
VtBrushHatchDownDiagonal = 2;
VtBrushHatchUpDiagonal = 3;
VtBrushHatchCross = 4;
VtBrushHatchDiagonalCross = 5;
{ Shadow Styles }
{ ShadowStyleConstants }
VtShadowStyleNull = 0;
VtShadowStyleDrop = 1;
{ Mouse Flag Constants }
{ MouseFlagConstants }
VtChMouseFlagShiftKeyDown = 4;
VtChMouseFlagControlKeyDown = 8;
{ Pen Styles }
{ PenStyleConstants }
VtPenStyleNull = 0;
VtPenStyleSolid = 1;
VtPenStyleDashed = 2;
VtPenStyleDotted = 3;
VtPenStyleDashDot = 4;
VtPenStyleDashDotDot = 5;
VtPenStyleDitted = 6;
VtPenStyleDashDit = 7;
VtPenStyleDashDitDit = 8;
{ Pen Join types }
{ PenJoinConstants }
VtPenJoinMiter = 0;
VtPenJoinRound = 1;
VtPenJoinBevel = 2;
{ Pen Cap types }
{ PenCapConstants }
VtPenCapButt = 0;
VtPenCapRound = 1;
VtPenCapSquare = 2;
{ Gradient Styles }
{ GradientStyleConstants }
VtGradientStyleHorizontal = 0;
VtGradientStyleVertical = 1;
VtGradientStyleRectangle = 2;
VtGradientStyleOval = 3;
{ Picture Types }
{ PictureTypeConstants }
VtPictureTypeNull = 0;
VtPictureTypeBMP = 1;
VtPictureTypeWMF = 2;
{ Picture Options (WMF only) }
{ PictureOptionConstants }
VtPictureOptionNoSizeHeader = 0;
VtPictureOptionTextAsCurves = 1;
{ Picture Map Types }
{ PictureMapTypeConstants }
VtPictureMapTypeActual = 0;
VtPictureMapTypeFitted = 1;
VtPictureMapTypeStretched = 2;
VtPictureMapTypeTiled = 3;
VtPictureMapTypeCropFitted = 4;
{ Fill Style Constants }
{ FillStyleConstants }
VtFillStyleNull = 0;
VtFillStyleBrush = 1;
VtFillStyleGradient = 2;
{ Chart Element Location Type Constants }
{ LocationTypeConstants }
VtChLocationTypeTopLeft = 0;
VtChLocationTypeTop = 1;
VtChLocationTypeTopRight = 2;
VtChLocationTypeLeft = 3;
VtChLocationTypeRight = 4;
VtChLocationTypeBottomLeft = 5;
VtChLocationTypeBottom = 6;
VtChLocationTypeBottomRight = 7;
VtChLocationTypeCustom = 8;
{ Axis Id Constants }
{ AxisIdConstants }
VtChAxisIdX = 0;
VtChAxisIdY = 1;
VtChAxisIdY2 = 2;
VtChAxisIdZ = 3;
{ Axis Tick Style Constants }
{ AxisTickStyleConstants }
VtChAxisTickStyleNone = 0;
VtChAxisTickStyleCenter = 1;
VtChAxisTickStyleInside = 2;
VtChAxisTickStyleOutside = 3;
{ Date Interval Constants }
{ DateIntervalTypeConstants }
VtChDateIntervalTypeNone = 0;
VtChDateIntervalTypeDaily = 1;
VtChDateIntervalTypeWeekly = 2;
VtChDateIntervalTypeSemimonthly = 3;
VtChDateIntervalTypeMonthly = 4;
VtChDateIntervalTypeYearly = 5;
{ Scale Type Constants }
{ ScaleTypeConstants }
VtChScaleTypeLinear = 0;
VtChScaleTypeLogarithmic = 1;
VtChScaleTypePercent = 2;
{ Percent Axis Basis Constants }
{ PercentAxisBasisConstants }
VtChPercentAxisBasisMaxChart = 0;
VtChPercentAxisBasisMaxRow = 1;
VtChPercentAxisBasisMaxColumn = 2;
VtChPercentAxisBasisSumChart = 3;
VtChPercentAxisBasisSumRow = 4;
VtChPercentAxisBasisSumColumn = 5;
{ Pie Weight Basis Constants }
{ PieWeightBasisConstants }
VtChPieWeightBasisNone = 0;
VtChPieWeightBasisTotal = 1;
VtChPieWeightBasisSeries = 2;
{ Pie Weight Style Constants }
{ PieWeightStyleConstants }
VtChPieWeightStyleArea = 0;
VtChPieWeightStyleDiameter = 1;
{ Sort Type Constants }
{ SortTypeConstants }
VtSortTypeNone = 0;
VtSortTypeAscending = 1;
VtSortTypeDescending = 2;
{ Angle Units Constants }
{ AngleUnitsConstants }
VtAngleUnitsDegrees = 0;
VtAngleUnitsRadians = 1;
VtAngleUnitsGrads = 2;
{ Sub Plot Label Location Type Constants }
{ SubPlotLabelLocationTypeConstants }
VtChSubPlotLabelLocationTypeNone = 0;
VtChSubPlotLabelLocationTypeAbove = 1;
VtChSubPlotLabelLocationTypeBelow = 2;
VtChSubPlotLabelLocationTypeCenter = 3;
{ The list of series/datapoint label line styles }
{ LabelLineStyleConstants }
VtChLabelLineStyleNone = 0;
VtChLabelLineStyleStraight = 1;
VtChLabelLineStyleBent = 2;
{ The list of series/datapoint label locations }
{ LabelLocationTypeConstants }
VtChLabelLocationTypeNone = 0;
VtChLabelLocationTypeAbovePoint = 1;
VtChLabelLocationTypeBelowPoint = 2;
VtChLabelLocationTypeCenter = 3;
VtChLabelLocationTypeBase = 4;
VtChLabelLocationTypeInside = 5;
VtChLabelLocationTypeOutside = 6;
VtChLabelLocationTypeLeft = 7;
VtChLabelLocationTypeRight = 8;
{ Contour VtColor Type Constants }
{ ContourColorTypeConstants }
VtChContourColorTypeAutomatic = 0;
VtChContourColorTypeGradient = 1;
VtChContourColorTypeManual = 2;
{ Contour Display Type Constants }
{ ContourDisplayTypeConstants }
VtChContourDisplayTypeCBands = 0;
VtChContourDisplayTypeCLines = 1;
{ Surface Base Type Constants }
{ SurfaceBaseTypeConstants }
VtChSurfaceBaseTypePedestal = 0;
VtChSurfaceBaseTypeStandard = 1;
VtChSurfaceBaseTypeStandardWithCBands = 2;
VtChSurfaceBaseTypeStandardWithCLines = 3;
{ Surface Display Type Constants }
{ SurfaceDisplayTypeConstants }
VtChSurfaceDisplayTypeNone = 0;
VtChSurfaceDisplayTypeCBands = 1;
VtChSurfaceDisplayTypeCLines = 2;
VtChSurfaceDisplayTypeSolid = 3;
VtChSurfaceDisplayTypeSolidWithCLines = 4;
{ Surface Projection Type Constants }
{ SurfaceProjectionTypeConstants }
VtChSurfaceProjectionTypeNone = 0;
VtChSurfaceProjectionTypeCBands = 1;
VtChSurfaceProjectionTypeCLines = 2;
{ Surface Wireframe Type Constants }
{ SurfaceWireframeTypeConstants }
VtChSurfaceWireframeTypeNone = 0;
VtChSurfaceWireframeTypeMajor = 1;
VtChSurfaceWireframeTypeMajorAndMinor = 2;
{ Marker Style Constants }
{ MarkerStyleConstants }
VtMarkerStyleDash = 0;
VtMarkerStylePlus = 1;
VtMarkerStyleX = 2;
VtMarkerStyleStar = 3;
VtMarkerStyleCircle = 4;
VtMarkerStyleSquare = 5;
VtMarkerStyleDiamond = 6;
VtMarkerStyleUpTriangle = 7;
VtMarkerStyleDownTriangle = 8;
VtMarkerStyleFilledCircle = 9;
VtMarkerStyleFilledSquare = 10;
VtMarkerStyleFilledDiamond = 11;
VtMarkerStyleFilledUpTriangle = 12;
VtMarkerStyleFilledDownTriangle = 13;
VtMarkerStyle3dBall = 14;
{ Projection Type Constants }
{ ProjectionTypeConstants }
VtProjectionTypePerspective = 0;
VtProjectionTypeOblique = 1;
VtProjectionTypeOrthogonal = 2;
{ Smoothing Type Constants }
{ SmoothingTypeConstants }
VtSmoothingTypeNone = 0;
VtSmoothingTypeQuadraticBSpline = 1;
VtSmoothingTypeCubicBSpline = 2;
{ Horizontal Alignment Constants }
{ HorizontalAlignmentConstants }
VtHorizontalAlignmentLeft = 0;
VtHorizontalAlignmentRight = 1;
VtHorizontalAlignmentCenter = 2;
{ Vertical Alignment Constants }
{ VerticalAlignmentConstants }
VtVerticalAlignmentTop = 0;
VtVerticalAlignmentBottom = 1;
VtVerticalAlignmentCenter = 2;
{ Orientation Constants }
{ OrientationConstants }
VtOrientationHorizontal = 0;
VtOrientationVertical = 1;
VtOrientationUp = 2;
VtOrientationDown = 3;
{ Device Context Type Constants }
{ DcTypeConstants }
VtDcTypeNull = 0;
VtDcTypeDisplay = 1;
VtDcTypePrinter = 2;
VtDcTypeMetafile = 3;
{ Print Scale Type Constants }
{ PrintScaleTypeConstants }
VtPrintScaleTypeActual = 0;
VtPrintScaleTypeFitted = 1;
VtPrintScaleTypeStretched = 2;
{ Stat Type Constants }
{ StatTypeConstants }
VtChStatsMinimum = 1;
VtChStatsMaximum = 2;
VtChStatsMean = 4;
VtChStatsStddev = 8;
VtChStatsRegression = 16;
{ Print Orientation Type Constants }
{ PrintOrientationTypeConstants }
VtPrintOrientationPortrait = 0;
VtPrintOrientationLandscape = 1;
{ 2D Text output Type Constants }
{ TextOutputTypeConstants }
VtTextOutputTypeHardware = 0;
VtTextOutputTypePolygon = 1;
{ Text Length Type Constants }
{ TextLengthTypeConstants }
VtTextLengthTypeVirtual = 0;
VtTextLengthTypeDevice = 1;
{ Chart Part Type Constants }
{ PartTypeConstants }
VtChPartTypeChart = 0;
VtChPartTypeTitle = 1;
VtChPartTypeFootnote = 2;
VtChPartTypeLegend = 3;
VtChPartTypePlot = 4;
VtChPartTypeSeries = 5;
VtChPartTypeSeriesLabel = 6;
VtChPartTypePoint = 7;
VtChPartTypePointLabel = 8;
VtChPartTypeAxis = 9;
VtChPartTypeAxisLabel = 10;
VtChPartTypeAxisTitle = 11;
{ The list of Draw modes }
{ DrawModeConstants }
VtChDrawModeDraw = 0;
VtChDrawModeBlit = 1;
{ The list of Formula One spreadsheet link modes }
{ SsLinkModeConstants }
VtChSsLinkModeOff = 0;
VtChSsLinkModeOn = 1;
VtChSsLinkModeAutoParse = 2;
{ The list of Series types }
{ SeriesTypeConstants }
VtChSeriesTypeDefault = -1;
VtChSeriesType3dBar = 0;
VtChSeriesType2dBar = 1;
VtChSeriesType3dHorizontalBar = 2;
VtChSeriesType2dHorizontalBar = 3;
VtChSeriesType3dClusteredBar = 4;
VtChSeriesType3dLine = 5;
VtChSeriesType2dLine = 6;
VtChSeriesType3dArea = 7;
VtChSeriesType2dArea = 8;
VtChSeriesType3dStep = 9;
VtChSeriesType2dStep = 10;
VtChSeriesType2dXY = 11;
VtChSeriesType2dPolar = 12;
VtChSeriesType2dRadarLine = 13;
VtChSeriesType2dRadarArea = 14;
VtChSeriesType2dBubble = 15;
VtChSeriesType2dHiLo = 16;
VtChSeriesType2dHLC = 17;
VtChSeriesType2dHLCRight = 18;
VtChSeriesType2dOHLC = 19;
VtChSeriesType2dOHLCBar = 20;
VtChSeriesType2dGantt = 21;
VtChSeriesType3dGantt = 22;
VtChSeriesType3dPie = 23;
VtChSeriesType2dPie = 24;
VtChSeriesType3dDoughnut = 25;
VtChSeriesType2dDates = 26;
VtChSeriesType3dBarHiLo = 27;
VtChSeriesType2dBarHiLo = 28;
VtChSeriesType3dHorizontalBarHiLo = 29;
VtChSeriesType2dHorizontalBarHiLo = 30;
VtChSeriesType3dClusteredBarHiLo = 31;
VtChSeriesType3dSurface = 32;
VtChSeriesType2dContour = 33;
VtChSeriesType3dXYZ = 34;
{ The list of Chart types }
{ ChartTypeConstants }
VtChChartType3dBar = 0;
VtChChartType2dBar = 1;
VtChChartType3dLine = 2;
VtChChartType2dLine = 3;
VtChChartType3dArea = 4;
VtChChartType2dArea = 5;
VtChChartType3dStep = 6;
VtChChartType2dStep = 7;
VtChChartType3dCombination = 8;
VtChChartType2dCombination = 9;
VtChChartType3dHorizontalBar = 10;
VtChChartType2dHorizontalBar = 11;
VtChChartType3dClusteredBar = 12;
VtChChartType3dPie = 13;
VtChChartType2dPie = 14;
VtChChartType3dDoughnut = 15;
VtChChartType2dXY = 16;
VtChChartType2dPolar = 17;
VtChChartType2dRadar = 18;
VtChChartType2dBubble = 19;
VtChChartType2dHiLo = 20;
VtChChartType2dGantt = 21;
VtChChartType3dGantt = 22;
VtChChartType3dSurface = 23;
VtChChartType2dContour = 24;
VtChChartType3dScatter = 25;
VtChChartType3dXYZ = 26;
{ Component class GUIDs }
Class_VtChart: TGUID = '{5A721580-5AF0-11CE-8384-0020AF2337F2}';
Class_Coor: TGUID = '{EBF97E21-731F-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_LCoor: TGUID = '{EBF97E23-731F-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Coor3: TGUID = '{177BF2A1-7350-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_LRect: TGUID = '{177BF2A3-7350-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Rect: TGUID = '{FE5517C1-73FE-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_VtColor: TGUID = '{9BA79C61-7403-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Brush: TGUID = '{AFE57021-7409-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Shadow: TGUID = '{AFE57023-7409-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_TextLayout: TGUID = '{E26C7701-756C-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Title: TGUID = '{C82141A1-7571-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Location: TGUID = '{EDDF9243-764B-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_VtFont: TGUID = '{2E6A37A1-77FC-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Backdrop: TGUID = '{2E6A37A3-77FC-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Frame: TGUID = '{2E6A37A5-77FC-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Gradient: TGUID = '{2E6A37A7-77FC-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_VtPicture: TGUID = '{FD30FB01-789C-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Fill: TGUID = '{FD30FB03-789C-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Pen: TGUID = '{279B5A41-8098-11CE-BECC-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Marker: TGUID = '{3080E743-813F-11CE-BECC-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Footnote: TGUID = '{4F053F01-8396-11CE-BECC-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Legend: TGUID = '{95C52B61-83B1-11CE-BECC-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_PrintInformation: TGUID = '{CFA0AC01-8B6E-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_DataGrid: TGUID = '{6CB603A1-8F70-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Plot: TGUID = '{F77BA681-9037-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_View3d: TGUID = '{21645F63-90F0-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_PlotBase: TGUID = '{508D02E1-90FC-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_Doughnut: TGUID = '{508D02E3-90FC-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_Pie: TGUID = '{508D02E5-90FC-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_Weighting: TGUID = '{508D02E7-90FC-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_Wall: TGUID = '{508D02E9-90FC-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_Series: TGUID = '{0AA0FE21-912A-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_Bar: TGUID = '{264931C1-91F1-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_HiLo: TGUID = '{51DCC621-95B7-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_Position: TGUID = '{51DCC623-95B7-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_SeriesMarker: TGUID = '{51DCC625-95B7-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_SeriesLabel: TGUID = '{51DCC627-95B7-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_StatLine: TGUID = '{2F6DD6A1-95E5-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_DataPointLabel: TGUID = '{2F6DD6A3-95E5-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_DataPoint: TGUID = '{2F6DD6A5-95E5-11CE-86B3-444553540000}';
Class_Axis: TGUID = '{027D7901-A023-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_CategoryScale: TGUID = '{62375361-A17D-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_DateScale: TGUID = '{62375363-A17D-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_AxisGrid: TGUID = '{62375365-A17D-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Intersection: TGUID = '{62375367-A17D-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Tick: TGUID = '{62375369-A17D-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_AxisScale: TGUID = '{6237536B-A17D-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_ValueScale: TGUID = '{6237536D-A17D-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_AxisTitle: TGUID = '{6237536F-A17D-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Label_: TGUID = '{62375371-A17D-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Light: TGUID = '{B54A6421-A25E-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Elevation: TGUID = '{A71FB701-A732-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Attribute: TGUID = '{A71FB703-A732-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Surface: TGUID = '{A71FB705-A732-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Contour: TGUID = '{A71FB707-A732-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_LightSource: TGUID = '{CD9EFA61-AA40-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_SeriesCollection: TGUID = '{C14E8B61-AE2B-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_DataPoints: TGUID = '{C20E5261-B06F-11CE-840F-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Labels: TGUID = '{62B9A401-B93D-11CE-8410-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_XYZ: TGUID = '{7D001801-BC65-11CE-8410-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_LightSources: TGUID = '{6FE35CC1-CE50-11CE-8410-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_Attributes: TGUID = '{5A693221-CFEF-11CE-8410-00AA0042CB33}';
Class_ContourGradient: TGUID = '{69032721-D303-11CE-8410-00AA0042CB33}';
{ Forward declarations }
{ Forward declarations: Interfaces }
_DVtChart = dispinterface;
_DVtChartEvents = dispinterface;
ICoor = dispinterface;
ILCoor = dispinterface;
ICoor3 = dispinterface;
ILRect = dispinterface;
IRect = dispinterface;
IColor = dispinterface;
IBrush = dispinterface;
IShadow = dispinterface;
ITextLayout = dispinterface;
IVcTitle = dispinterface;
ILocation = dispinterface;
IFont = dispinterface;
IBackdrop = dispinterface;
IFrame = dispinterface;
IGradient = dispinterface;
IPicture = dispinterface;
IFill = dispinterface;
IVcPen = dispinterface;
IVcMarker = dispinterface;
IVcFootnote = dispinterface;
IVcLegend = dispinterface;
IVcPrintInformation = dispinterface;
IVcDataGrid = dispinterface;
IVcPlot = dispinterface;
IVcView3d = dispinterface;
IVcPlotBase = dispinterface;
IVcDoughnut = dispinterface;
IVcPie = dispinterface;
IVcWeighting = dispinterface;
IVcWall = dispinterface;
IVcSeries = dispinterface;
IVcBar = dispinterface;
IVcHiLo = dispinterface;
IVcPosition = dispinterface;
IVcSeriesMarker = dispinterface;
IVcSeriesLabel = dispinterface;
IVcStatLines = dispinterface;
IVcDataPointLabel = dispinterface;
IVcDataPoint = dispinterface;
IVcAxis = dispinterface;
IVcCategoryScale = dispinterface;
IVcDateScale = dispinterface;
IVcAxisGrid = dispinterface;
IVcIntersection = dispinterface;
IVcTick = dispinterface;
IVcScale = dispinterface;
IVcValueScale = dispinterface;
IVcAxisTitle = dispinterface;
IVcLabel = dispinterface;
IVcLight = dispinterface;
IVcElevation = dispinterface;
IVcAttribute = dispinterface;
IVcSurface = dispinterface;
IVcContour = dispinterface;
IVcLightSource = dispinterface;
IVcSeriesCollection = dispinterface;
IVcDataPoints = dispinterface;
IVcLabels = dispinterface;
IVcXYZ = dispinterface;
IVcLightSources = dispinterface;
IVcAttributes = dispinterface;
IVcContourGradient = dispinterface;
{ Forward declarations: CoClasses }
VtChart = _DVtChart;
Coor = ICoor;
LCoor = ILCoor;
Coor3 = ICoor3;
LRect = ILRect;
Rect = IRect;
VtColor = IColor;
Brush = IBrush;
Shadow = IShadow;
TextLayout = ITextLayout;
Title = IVcTitle;
Location = ILocation;
VtFont = IFont;
Backdrop = IBackdrop;
Frame = IFrame;
Gradient = IGradient;
VtPicture = IPicture;
Fill = IFill;
Pen = IVcPen;
Marker = IVcMarker;
Footnote = IVcFootnote;
Legend = IVcLegend;
PrintInformation = IVcPrintInformation;
DataGrid = IVcDataGrid;
Plot = IVcPlot;
View3d = IVcView3d;
PlotBase = IVcPlotBase;
Doughnut = IVcDoughnut;
Pie = IVcPie;
Weighting = IVcWeighting;
Wall = IVcWall;
Series = IVcSeries;
Bar = IVcBar;
HiLo = IVcHiLo;
Position = IVcPosition;
SeriesMarker = IVcSeriesMarker;
SeriesLabel = IVcSeriesLabel;
StatLine = IVcStatLines;
DataPointLabel = IVcDataPointLabel;
DataPoint = IVcDataPoint;
Axis = IVcAxis;
CategoryScale = IVcCategoryScale;
DateScale = IVcDateScale;
AxisGrid = IVcAxisGrid;
Intersection = IVcIntersection;
Tick = IVcTick;
AxisScale = IVcScale;
ValueScale = IVcValueScale;
AxisTitle = IVcAxisTitle;
Label_ = IVcLabel;
Light = IVcLight;
Elevation = IVcElevation;
Attribute = IVcAttribute;
Surface = IVcSurface;
Contour = IVcContour;
LightSource = IVcLightSource;
SeriesCollection = IVcSeriesCollection;
DataPoints = IVcDataPoints;
Labels = IVcLabels;
LightSources = IVcLightSources;
Attributes = IVcAttributes;
ContourGradient = IVcContourGradient;
{ Forward declarations: Enums }
FontStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
FontEffectsConstants = TOleEnum;
FrameStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
BrushStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
LabelComponentConstants = TOleEnum;
BrushPatternConstants = TOleEnum;
BrushHatchConstants = TOleEnum;
ShadowStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
MouseFlagConstants = TOleEnum;
PenStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
PenJoinConstants = TOleEnum;
PenCapConstants = TOleEnum;
GradientStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
PictureTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
PictureOptionConstants = TOleEnum;
PictureMapTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
FillStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
LocationTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
AxisIdConstants = TOleEnum;
AxisTickStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
DateIntervalTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
ScaleTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
PercentAxisBasisConstants = TOleEnum;
PieWeightBasisConstants = TOleEnum;
PieWeightStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
SortTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
AngleUnitsConstants = TOleEnum;
SubPlotLabelLocationTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
LabelLineStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
LabelLocationTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
ContourColorTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
ContourDisplayTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
SurfaceBaseTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
SurfaceDisplayTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
SurfaceProjectionTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
SurfaceWireframeTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
MarkerStyleConstants = TOleEnum;
ProjectionTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
SmoothingTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
HorizontalAlignmentConstants = TOleEnum;
VerticalAlignmentConstants = TOleEnum;
OrientationConstants = TOleEnum;
DcTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
PrintScaleTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
StatTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
PrintOrientationTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
TextOutputTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
TextLengthTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
PartTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
DrawModeConstants = TOleEnum;
SsLinkModeConstants = TOleEnum;
SeriesTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
ChartTypeConstants = TOleEnum;
{ Interface for VtChart Control }
_DVtChart = dispinterface
property AutoIncrement: WordBool dispid 1;
property RandomFill: WordBool dispid 2;
property ChartType: Smallint dispid 3;
property Column: Smallint dispid 4;
property ColumnCount: Smallint dispid 5;
property ColumnLabel: WideString dispid 6;
property ColumnLabelCount: Smallint dispid 7;
property ColumnLabelIndex: Smallint dispid 8;
property Data: WideString dispid 9;
property FootnoteText: WideString dispid 10;
property Repaint: WordBool dispid 11;
property Row: Smallint dispid 12;
property RowCount: Smallint dispid 13;
property RowLabel: WideString dispid 14;
property RowLabelCount: Smallint dispid 15;
property RowLabelIndex: Smallint dispid 16;
property SeriesColumn: Smallint dispid 17;
property SeriesType: Smallint dispid 18;
property ShowLegend: WordBool dispid 19;
property SsLinkMode: Smallint dispid 20;
property SsLinkRange: WideString dispid 21;
property SsLinkSheet: WideString dispid 22;
property DrawMode: Smallint dispid 23;
property BorderStyle: Smallint dispid -504;
property Enabled: WordBool dispid -514;
property hWnd: Smallint dispid -515;
property Handle: Integer readonly dispid 24;
property Picture: IPictureDisp readonly dispid 25;
property Title: IDispatch dispid 26;
property Footnote: IDispatch dispid 27;
property TitleText: WideString dispid 28;
property Stacking: WordBool dispid 29;
property TextLengthType: Smallint dispid 30;
property AllowUserChanges: WordBool dispid 31;
property AllowSelections: WordBool dispid 32;
property AllowSeriesSelection: WordBool dispid 33;
property AllowDynamicRotation: WordBool dispid 34;
property ActiveSeriesCount: Smallint dispid 35;
property Backdrop: IDispatch dispid 36;
property PrintInformation: IDispatch dispid 37;
property Legend: IDispatch dispid 38;
property DataGrid: IDispatch dispid 39;
property Plot: IDispatch dispid 40;
property TwipsWidth: Integer dispid 41;
property TwipsHeight: Integer dispid 42;
property AllowDithering: WordBool dispid 43;
property ErrorOffset: Smallint dispid 44;
property DoSetCursor: WordBool dispid 45;
property FileName: WideString dispid 46;
property Chart3d: WordBool dispid 47;
property SsLinkBook: WideString dispid 48;
procedure EditPaste; dispid 49;
procedure EditCopy; dispid 50;
procedure ActivateSelectionDialog; dispid 51;
procedure Layout; dispid 52;
procedure ToDefaults; dispid 53;
procedure PrintSetupDialog; dispid 54;
procedure PrintChart; dispid 55;
procedure SelectPart(part, index1, index2, index3, index4: Smallint); dispid 56;
procedure GetSelectedPart(var part, index1, index2, index3, index4: Smallint); dispid 57;
procedure GetDLLVersion(var major, minor: Smallint); dispid 58;
procedure TwipsToChartPart(xVal, yVal: Integer; var part, index1, index2, index3, index4: Smallint); dispid 59;
procedure ReadFromFile(const FileName: WideString); dispid 60;
procedure WritePictureToFile(const FileName: WideString; pictureType, options: Smallint); dispid 61;
procedure WriteToFile(const FileName: WideString); dispid 62;
procedure ActivateFormatMenu(X, Y: Integer); dispid 63;
procedure GetMetafile(options: Smallint; var Handle: OLE_HANDLE; var Width, Height: Integer); dispid 64;
procedure CopyDataFromArray(Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Smallint; Array_: OleVariant); dispid 65;
procedure CopyDataToArray(Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Smallint; Array_: OleVariant); dispid 66;
procedure Draw(hDC: OLE_HANDLE; hDCType: Smallint; Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Integer; Layout, Stretch: WordBool); dispid 67;
property GetBitmap[options: OleVariant]: OLE_HANDLE readonly dispid 70;
procedure UseWizard; dispid 68;
procedure EditChartData; dispid 69;
procedure Refresh; dispid -550;
procedure AboutBox; dispid -552;
{ Event interface for Vtchart Control }
_DVtChartEvents = dispinterface
procedure ChartSelected(var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 1;
procedure TitleSelected(var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 2;
procedure FootnoteSelected(var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 3;
procedure LegendSelected(var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 4;
procedure PlotSelected(var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 5;
procedure AxisSelected(var AxisId, AxisIndex, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 6;
procedure AxisLabelSelected(var AxisId, AxisIndex, labelSetIndex, LabelIndex, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 7;
procedure AxisTitleSelected(var AxisId, AxisIndex, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 8;
procedure PointSelected(var Series, DataPoint, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 9;
procedure PointLabelSelected(var Series, DataPoint, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 10;
procedure SeriesSelected(var Series, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 11;
procedure SeriesLabelSelected(var Series, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 12;
procedure ChartActivated(var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 13;
procedure TitleActivated(var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 14;
procedure FootnoteActivated(var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 15;
procedure LegendActivated(var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 16;
procedure PlotActivated(var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 17;
procedure AxisActivated(var AxisId, AxisIndex, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 18;
procedure AxisLabelActivated(var AxisId, AxisIndex, labelSetIndex, LabelIndex, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 19;
procedure AxisTitleActivated(var AxisId, AxisIndex, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 20;
procedure PointActivated(var Series, DataPoint, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 21;
procedure PointLabelActivated(var Series, DataPoint, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 22;
procedure SeriesActivated(var Series, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 23;
procedure SeriesLabelActivated(var Series, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint); dispid 24;
procedure Click; dispid -600;
procedure DblClick; dispid -601;
procedure KeyDown(var KeyCode: Smallint; Shift: Smallint); dispid -602;
procedure KeyPress(var KeyAscii: Smallint); dispid -603;
procedure KeyUp(var KeyCode: Smallint; Shift: Smallint); dispid -604;
procedure MouseDown(Button, Shift: Smallint; X: OLE_XPOS_PIXELS; Y: OLE_YPOS_PIXELS); dispid -605;
procedure MouseMove(Button, Shift: Smallint; X: OLE_XPOS_PIXELS; Y: OLE_YPOS_PIXELS); dispid -606;
procedure MouseUp(Button, Shift: Smallint; X: OLE_XPOS_PIXELS; Y: OLE_YPOS_PIXELS); dispid -607;
procedure ApplyChanges; dispid 25;
{ Coor object }
ICoor = dispinterface
property X: Single dispid 1;
property Y: Single dispid 2;
procedure Set_(X, Y: Single); dispid 3;
{ LCoor object }
ILCoor = dispinterface
property X: Integer dispid 1;
property Y: Integer dispid 2;
procedure Set_(X, Y: Integer); dispid 3;
{ Coor3 object }
ICoor3 = dispinterface
property X: Single dispid 1;
property Y: Single dispid 2;
property Z: Single dispid 3;
procedure Set_(X, Y, Z: Single); dispid 4;
{ LRect object }
ILRect = dispinterface
property Min: IDispatch dispid 1;
property Max: IDispatch dispid 2;
{ Rect object }
IRect = dispinterface
property Min: IDispatch dispid 1;
property Max: IDispatch dispid 2;
{ VtColor object }
IColor = dispinterface
property Red: Smallint dispid 1;
property Green: Smallint dispid 2;
property Blue: Smallint dispid 3;
property Automatic: WordBool dispid 4;
procedure Set_(Red, Green, Blue: Smallint); dispid 5;
{ Brush object }
IBrush = dispinterface
property Style: Smallint dispid 1;
property FillColor: IDispatch dispid 2;
property PatternColor: IDispatch dispid 3;
property Index: Smallint dispid 4;
{ Shadow object }
IShadow = dispinterface
property Style: Smallint dispid 1;
property Brush: IDispatch dispid 2;
property Offset: IDispatch dispid 3;
{ TextLayout object }
ITextLayout = dispinterface
property HorzAlignment: Smallint dispid 1;
property VertAlignment: Smallint dispid 2;
property Orientation: Smallint dispid 3;
property WordWrap: WordBool dispid 4;
{ Title object }
IVcTitle = dispinterface
property TextLayout: IDispatch dispid 1;
property Text: WideString dispid 2;
property _Text: WideString dispid 0;
property Location: IDispatch dispid 3;
property Backdrop: IDispatch dispid 4;
property VtFont: IDispatch dispid 5;
property TextLength: Smallint dispid 6;
procedure Select; dispid 7;
{ Location object }
ILocation = dispinterface
property Rect: IDispatch dispid 1;
property Visible: WordBool dispid 2;
property LocationType: Smallint dispid 3;
{ VtFont object }
IFont = dispinterface
property Name: WideString dispid 1;
property Size: Single dispid 2;
property Style: Smallint dispid 3;
property Effect: Smallint dispid 4;
property VtColor: IDispatch dispid 5;
{ Backdrop object }
IBackdrop = dispinterface
property Shadow: IDispatch dispid 1;
property Frame: IDispatch dispid 2;
property Fill: IDispatch dispid 3;
{ Frame object }
IFrame = dispinterface
property Style: Smallint dispid 1;
property FrameColor: IDispatch dispid 2;
property SpaceColor: IDispatch dispid 3;
property Width: Single dispid 4;
{ Gradient object }
IGradient = dispinterface
property Style: Smallint dispid 1;
property FromColor: IDispatch dispid 2;
property ToColor: IDispatch dispid 3;
{ VtPicture object }
IPicture = dispinterface
property Type_: Smallint dispid 1;
property Map: Smallint dispid 2;
property Embedded: WordBool dispid 3;
property FileName: WideString dispid 4;
{ Fill object }
IFill = dispinterface
property Style: Smallint dispid 1;
property Brush: IDispatch dispid 2;
property Gradient: IDispatch dispid 3;
property VtPicture: IDispatch dispid 4;
{ Pen object }
IVcPen = dispinterface
property Style: Smallint dispid 1;
property Join: Smallint dispid 2;
property Cap: Smallint dispid 3;
property VtColor: IDispatch dispid 4;
property Width: Single dispid 5;
property Limit: Single dispid 6;
{ Marker object }
IVcMarker = dispinterface
property Visible: WordBool dispid 1;
property Style: Smallint dispid 2;
property Pen: IDispatch dispid 3;
property Size: Single dispid 4;
property FillColor: IDispatch dispid 5;
property VtPicture: IDispatch dispid 6;
{ Footnote object }
IVcFootnote = dispinterface
property TextLayout: IDispatch dispid 1;
property Location: IDispatch dispid 2;
property Backdrop: IDispatch dispid 3;
property VtFont: IDispatch dispid 4;
property Text: WideString dispid 5;
property _Text: WideString dispid 0;
property TextLength: Smallint dispid 6;
procedure Select; dispid 7;
{ Legend object }
IVcLegend = dispinterface
property Location: IDispatch dispid 1;
property Backdrop: IDispatch dispid 2;
property VtFont: IDispatch dispid 3;
property TextLayout: IDispatch dispid 4;
procedure Select; dispid 5;
{ PrintInformation object }
IVcPrintInformation = dispinterface
property ScaleType: Smallint dispid 1;
property Orientation: Smallint dispid 2;
property TopMargin: Single dispid 3;
property BottomMargin: Single dispid 4;
property LeftMargin: Single dispid 5;
property RightMargin: Single dispid 6;
property CenterHorizontally: WordBool dispid 7;
property CenterVertically: WordBool dispid 8;
property Monochrome: WordBool dispid 9;
property LayoutForPrinter: WordBool dispid 10;
procedure PrintCopies(NumberCopies: Smallint); dispid 11;
{ DataGrid object }
IVcDataGrid = dispinterface
property ColumnCount: Smallint dispid 1;
property ColumnLabelCount: Smallint dispid 2;
property RowLabelCount: Smallint dispid 3;
property RowCount: Smallint dispid 4;
procedure DeleteColumns(Column, Count: Smallint); dispid 5;
procedure InsertColumns(Column, Count: Smallint); dispid 6;
procedure DeleteColumnLabels(LabelIndex, Count: Smallint); dispid 7;
procedure InsertColumnLabels(LabelIndex, Count: Smallint); dispid 8;
procedure DeleteRows(Row, Count: Smallint); dispid 9;
procedure InsertRows(Row, Count: Smallint); dispid 10;
procedure DeleteRowLabels(LabelIndex, Count: Smallint); dispid 11;
procedure InsertRowLabels(LabelIndex, Count: Smallint); dispid 12;
procedure RandomDataFill; dispid 13;
procedure SetSize(RowLabelCount, ColumnLabelCount, DataRowCount, DataColumnCount: Smallint); dispid 14;
procedure InitializeLabels; dispid 15;
property ColumnLabel[Column, LabelIndex: Smallint]: WideString dispid 21;
property CompositeColumnLabel[Column: Smallint]: WideString readonly dispid 22;
property CompositeRowLabel[Row: Smallint]: WideString readonly dispid 23;
property RowLabel[Row, LabelIndex: Smallint]: WideString dispid 24;
procedure RandomFillColumns(Column, Count: Smallint); dispid 16;
procedure RandomFillRows(Row, Count: Smallint); dispid 17;
procedure MoveData(Top, Left, Bottom, Right, OverOffset, DownOffset: Smallint); dispid 18;
procedure GetData(Row, Column: Smallint; var DataPoint: Double; var nullFlag: Smallint); dispid 19;
procedure SetData(Row, Column: Smallint; DataPoint: Double; nullFlag: Smallint); dispid 20;
{ Plot object }
IVcPlot = dispinterface
property AngleUnit: Smallint dispid 1;
property Clockwise: WordBool dispid 2;
property Sort: Smallint dispid 3;
property MaxBubbleToAxisRatio: Single dispid 4;
property Backdrop: IDispatch dispid 5;
property Perspective: IDispatch dispid 6;
property ScaleAngle: Single dispid 7;
property StartingAngle: Single dispid 8;
property SubPlotLabelPosition: Smallint dispid 9;
property BarGap: Single dispid 10;
property xGap: Single dispid 11;
property AutoLayout: WordBool dispid 12;
property WidthToHeightRatio: Single dispid 13;
property DepthToHeightRatio: Single dispid 14;
property LocationRect: IDispatch dispid 15;
property Projection: Smallint dispid 16;
property zGap: Single dispid 17;
property View3d: IDispatch dispid 18;
property PlotBase: IDispatch dispid 19;
property Doughnut: IDispatch dispid 20;
property Pie: IDispatch dispid 21;
property Weighting: IDispatch dispid 22;
property Wall: IDispatch dispid 23;
property Elevation: IDispatch dispid 24;
property SeriesCollection: IDispatch dispid 25;
property DataSeriesInRow: WordBool dispid 26;
property Light: IDispatch dispid 27;
property XYZ: IDispatch dispid 28;
property DefaultPercentBasis: Smallint dispid 29;
property UniformAxis: WordBool dispid 30;
property Axis[AxisId: Smallint; Index: OleVariant]: IDispatch readonly dispid 31;
{ View3d object }
IVcView3d = dispinterface
property Rotation: Single dispid 1;
property Elevation: Single dispid 2;
procedure Set_(Rotation, Elevation: Single); dispid 4;
{ PlotBase object }
IVcPlotBase = dispinterface
property BaseHeight: Single dispid 1;
property Brush: IDispatch dispid 2;
property Pen: IDispatch dispid 3;
{ Doughnut object }
IVcDoughnut = dispinterface
property Sides: Smallint dispid 1;
property InteriorRatio: Single dispid 2;
procedure Set_(InteriorRatio: Single; Sides: Smallint); dispid 3;
{ Pie object }
IVcPie = dispinterface
property ThicknessRatio: Single dispid 1;
property TopRadiusRatio: Single dispid 2;
procedure Set_(ThicknessRatio, TopRadiusRation: Single); dispid 3;
{ Weighting object }
IVcWeighting = dispinterface
property Basis: Smallint dispid 1;
property Style: Smallint dispid 2;
procedure Set_(Basis, Style: Smallint); dispid 3;
{ Wall object }
IVcWall = dispinterface
property Width: Single dispid 1;
property Brush: IDispatch dispid 2;
property Pen: IDispatch dispid 3;
{ Series object }
IVcSeries = dispinterface
property SecondaryAxis: WordBool dispid 1;
property SmoothingType: Smallint dispid 2;
property SmoothingFactor: Smallint dispid 3;
property SeriesType: Smallint dispid 4;
property GuideLinePen: IDispatch dispid 5;
property ShowLine: WordBool dispid 6;
property Pen: IDispatch dispid 7;
property Bar: IDispatch dispid 8;
property HiLo: IDispatch dispid 9;
property Position: IDispatch dispid 10;
property SeriesMarker: IDispatch dispid 11;
property SeriesLabel: IDispatch dispid 12;
property StatLine: IDispatch dispid 13;
property DataPoints: IDispatch dispid 14;
property LegendText: WideString dispid 15;
property _LegendText: WideString dispid 0;
property ShowGuideLine[AxisId: Smallint]: WordBool dispid 17;
procedure Select; dispid 16;
property TypeByChartType[ChartType: Smallint]: Smallint readonly dispid 18;
{ Bar object }
IVcBar = dispinterface
property Sides: Smallint dispid 1;
property TopRatio: Single dispid 2;
{ HiLo object }
IVcHiLo = dispinterface
property GainColor: IDispatch dispid 1;
property LossColor: IDispatch dispid 2;
{ Position object }
IVcPosition = dispinterface
property Excluded: WordBool dispid 1;
property Hidden: WordBool dispid 2;
property Order: Smallint dispid 3;
property StackOrder: Smallint dispid 4;
{ SeriesMarker object }
IVcSeriesMarker = dispinterface
property Auto: WordBool dispid 1;
property Show: WordBool dispid 2;
{ SeriesLabel object }
IVcSeriesLabel = dispinterface
property Text: WideString dispid 1;
property _Text: WideString dispid 0;
property LocationType: Smallint dispid 2;
property LineStyle: Smallint dispid 3;
property Offset: IDispatch dispid 4;
property Backdrop: IDispatch dispid 5;
property VtFont: IDispatch dispid 6;
property TextLayout: IDispatch dispid 7;
property TextLength: Smallint dispid 8;
{ StatLine object }
IVcStatLines = dispinterface
property Flag: Smallint dispid 1;
property VtColor: IDispatch dispid 2;
property Width: Single dispid 3;
property Style[Type_: Smallint]: Smallint dispid 4;
{ DataPointLabel object }
IVcDataPointLabel = dispinterface
property Text: WideString dispid 1;
property _Text: WideString dispid 0;
property Backdrop: IDispatch dispid 2;
property VtFont: IDispatch dispid 3;
property Offset: IDispatch dispid 4;
property TextLayout: IDispatch dispid 5;
property LocationType: Smallint dispid 6;
property Custom: WordBool dispid 7;
property Component: Smallint dispid 8;
property LineStyle: Smallint dispid 9;
property ValueFormat: WideString dispid 10;
property PercentFormat: WideString dispid 11;
property TextLength: Smallint dispid 12;
procedure ResetCustomLabel; dispid 13;
procedure Select; dispid 14;
{ DataPoint object }
IVcDataPoint = dispinterface
property DataPointLabel: IDispatch dispid 1;
property Brush: IDispatch dispid 2;
property EdgePen: IDispatch dispid 3;
property Marker: IDispatch dispid 4;
property Offset: Single dispid 5;
property VtPicture: IDispatch dispid 6;
procedure ResetCustom; dispid 7;
procedure Select; dispid 8;
{ Axis(axisId, 1) object }
IVcAxis = dispinterface
property Pen: IDispatch dispid 1;
property LabelLevelCount: Smallint dispid 2;
property CategoryScale: IDispatch dispid 3;
property DateScale: IDispatch dispid 4;
property AxisGrid: IDispatch dispid 5;
property Intersection: IDispatch dispid 6;
property Tick: IDispatch dispid 7;
property AxisScale: IDispatch dispid 8;
property ValueScale: IDispatch dispid 9;
property AxisTitle: IDispatch dispid 10;
property Labels: IDispatch dispid 11;
{ CategoryScale object }
IVcCategoryScale = dispinterface
property Auto: WordBool dispid 1;
property DivisionsPerLabel: Smallint dispid 2;
property DivisionsPerTick: Smallint dispid 3;
property LabelTick: WordBool dispid 4;
{ DateScale object }
IVcDateScale = dispinterface
property Auto: WordBool dispid 1;
property Minimum: Double dispid 2;
property Maximum: Double dispid 3;
property MajInt: Smallint dispid 4;
property MajFreq: Smallint dispid 5;
property MinInt: Smallint dispid 6;
property MinFreq: Smallint dispid 7;
property SkipWeekend: WordBool dispid 8;
{ AxisGrid object }
IVcAxisGrid = dispinterface
property MinorPen: IDispatch dispid 1;
property MajorPen: IDispatch dispid 2;
{ Intersection object }
IVcIntersection = dispinterface
property Auto: WordBool dispid 1;
property Point: Double dispid 2;
property AxisId: Smallint dispid 3;
property Index: Smallint dispid 4;
property LabelsInsidePlot: WordBool dispid 5;
{ Tick object }
IVcTick = dispinterface
property Length: Single dispid 1;
property Style: Smallint dispid 2;
{ AxisScale object }
IVcScale = dispinterface
property Hide: WordBool dispid 1;
property Type_: Smallint dispid 2;
property LogBase: Smallint dispid 3;
property PercentBasis: Smallint dispid 4;
{ ValueScale object }
IVcValueScale = dispinterface
property Auto: WordBool dispid 1;
property Minimum: Double dispid 2;
property Maximum: Double dispid 3;
property MajorDivision: Smallint dispid 4;
property MinorDivision: Smallint dispid 5;
{ AxisTitle object }
IVcAxisTitle = dispinterface
property Text: WideString dispid 1;
property _Text: WideString dispid 0;
property Backdrop: IDispatch dispid 2;
property VtFont: IDispatch dispid 3;
property Visible: WordBool dispid 4;
property TextLayout: IDispatch dispid 5;
property TextLength: Smallint dispid 6;
{ Label object }
IVcLabel = dispinterface
property Backdrop: IDispatch dispid 1;
property Format: WideString dispid 2;
property VtFont: IDispatch dispid 3;
property Auto: WordBool dispid 4;
property Standing: WordBool dispid 5;
property TextLayout: IDispatch dispid 6;
property FormatLength: Smallint dispid 7;
{ Light object }
IVcLight = dispinterface
property AmbientIntensity: Single dispid 1;
property EdgeIntensity: Single dispid 2;
property EdgeVisible: WordBool dispid 3;
property LightSources: IDispatch dispid 4;
{ Elevation object }
IVcElevation = dispinterface
property ColorType: Smallint dispid 1;
property RowSmoothing: Smallint dispid 2;
property ColSmoothing: Smallint dispid 3;
property Surface: IDispatch dispid 4;
property AutoValues: WordBool dispid 5;
property SeparateContourData: WordBool dispid 6;
property Contour: IDispatch dispid 7;
property Attributes: IDispatch dispid 8;
property ContourGradient: IDispatch dispid 9;
{ Attribute object }
IVcAttribute = dispinterface
property Value: Double dispid 1;
property Brush: IDispatch dispid 2;
property Pen: IDispatch dispid 3;
property Text: WideString dispid 4;
property _Text: WideString dispid 0;
{ Surface object }
IVcSurface = dispinterface
property Brush: IDispatch dispid 1;
property WireframePen: IDispatch dispid 2;
property Projection: Smallint dispid 3;
property DisplayType: Smallint dispid 4;
property RowWireframe: Smallint dispid 5;
property ColWireframe: Smallint dispid 6;
property Base: Smallint dispid 7;
{ Contour object }
IVcContour = dispinterface
property DisplayType: Smallint dispid 1;
{ LightSource object }
IVcLightSource = dispinterface
property Intensity: Single dispid 1;
property X: Single dispid 2;
property Y: Single dispid 3;
property Z: Single dispid 4;
property _Intensity: Single dispid 0;
procedure Set_(X, Y, Z, Intensity: Single); dispid 5;
{ SeriesCollection Collection }
IVcSeriesCollection = dispinterface
property Count: Integer dispid 1;
property Item[Index: Smallint]: IDispatch readonly dispid 2;
{ DataPoints Collection }
IVcDataPoints = dispinterface
property Count: Integer dispid 1;
property Item[DataPoint: Smallint]: IDispatch readonly dispid 2;
property _Item[DataPoint: Smallint]: IDispatch readonly dispid 0;
{ Labels Collection }
IVcLabels = dispinterface
property Count: Integer dispid 1;
property Item[LabelIndex: Smallint]: IDispatch readonly dispid 2;
property _Item[LabelIndex: Smallint]: IDispatch readonly dispid 0;
{ XYZ Object }
IVcXYZ = dispinterface
property xIntersection: Double dispid 1;
property yIntersection: Double dispid 2;
property zIntersection: Double dispid 3;
property Automatic: WordBool dispid 4;
{ LightSources Collection }
IVcLightSources = dispinterface
property Count: Integer dispid 1;
property Item[Index: Smallint]: IDispatch readonly dispid 4;
function Add(X, Y, Z, Intensity: Single): IDispatch; dispid 2;
procedure Remove(Index: Smallint); dispid 3;
{ Contour Attributes Collection }
IVcAttributes = dispinterface
property Count: Smallint dispid 1;
property Item[Index: Smallint]: IDispatch readonly dispid 4;
property _Item[Index: Smallint]: IDispatch readonly dispid 0;
function Add(Value: Double): IDispatch; dispid 2;
procedure Remove(Index: Smallint); dispid 3;
{ Contour gradient from/to attributes object }
IVcContourGradient = dispinterface
property FromBrushColor: IDispatch dispid 1;
property ToBrushColor: IDispatch dispid 2;
property FromPenColor: IDispatch dispid 3;
property ToPenColor: IDispatch dispid 4;
{ VCI First Impression Chart }
TVtChartChartSelected = procedure(Sender: TObject; var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartTitleSelected = procedure(Sender: TObject; var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartFootnoteSelected = procedure(Sender: TObject; var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartLegendSelected = procedure(Sender: TObject; var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartPlotSelected = procedure(Sender: TObject; var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartAxisSelected = procedure(Sender: TObject; var AxisId, AxisIndex, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartAxisLabelSelected = procedure(Sender: TObject; var AxisId, AxisIndex, labelSetIndex, LabelIndex, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartAxisTitleSelected = procedure(Sender: TObject; var AxisId, AxisIndex, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartPointSelected = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Series, DataPoint, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartPointLabelSelected = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Series, DataPoint, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartSeriesSelected = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Series, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartSeriesLabelSelected = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Series, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartChartActivated = procedure(Sender: TObject; var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartTitleActivated = procedure(Sender: TObject; var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartFootnoteActivated = procedure(Sender: TObject; var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartLegendActivated = procedure(Sender: TObject; var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartPlotActivated = procedure(Sender: TObject; var MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartAxisActivated = procedure(Sender: TObject; var AxisId, AxisIndex, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartAxisLabelActivated = procedure(Sender: TObject; var AxisId, AxisIndex, labelSetIndex, LabelIndex, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartAxisTitleActivated = procedure(Sender: TObject; var AxisId, AxisIndex, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartPointActivated = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Series, DataPoint, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartPointLabelActivated = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Series, DataPoint, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartSeriesActivated = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Series, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChartSeriesLabelActivated = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Series, MouseFlags, Cancel: Smallint) of object;
TVtChart = class(TOleControl)
FOnChartSelected: TVtChartChartSelected;
FOnTitleSelected: TVtChartTitleSelected;
FOnFootnoteSelected: TVtChartFootnoteSelected;
FOnLegendSelected: TVtChartLegendSelected;
FOnPlotSelected: TVtChartPlotSelected;
FOnAxisSelected: TVtChartAxisSelected;
FOnAxisLabelSelected: TVtChartAxisLabelSelected;
FOnAxisTitleSelected: TVtChartAxisTitleSelected;
FOnPointSelected: TVtChartPointSelected;
FOnPointLabelSelected: TVtChartPointLabelSelected;
FOnSeriesSelected: TVtChartSeriesSelected;
FOnSeriesLabelSelected: TVtChartSeriesLabelSelected;
FOnChartActivated: TVtChartChartActivated;
FOnTitleActivated: TVtChartTitleActivated;
FOnFootnoteActivated: TVtChartFootnoteActivated;
FOnLegendActivated: TVtChartLegendActivated;
FOnPlotActivated: TVtChartPlotActivated;
FOnAxisActivated: TVtChartAxisActivated;
FOnAxisLabelActivated: TVtChartAxisLabelActivated;
FOnAxisTitleActivated: TVtChartAxisTitleActivated;
FOnPointActivated: TVtChartPointActivated;
FOnPointLabelActivated: TVtChartPointLabelActivated;
FOnSeriesActivated: TVtChartSeriesActivated;
FOnSeriesLabelActivated: TVtChartSeriesLabelActivated;
FOnApplyChanges: TNotifyEvent;
FIntf: _DVtChart;
function Get_GetBitmap(options: OleVariant): OLE_HANDLE;
procedure InitControlData; override;
procedure InitControlInterface(const Obj: IUnknown); override;
procedure EditPaste;
procedure EditCopy;
procedure ActivateSelectionDialog;
procedure Layout;
procedure ToDefaults;
procedure PrintSetupDialog;
procedure PrintChart;
procedure SelectPart(part, index1, index2, index3, index4: Smallint);
procedure GetSelectedPart(var part, index1, index2, index3, index4: Smallint);
procedure GetDLLVersion(var major, minor: Smallint);
procedure TwipsToChartPart(xVal, yVal: Integer; var part, index1, index2, index3, index4: Smallint);
procedure ReadFromFile(const FileName: WideString);
procedure WritePictureToFile(const FileName: WideString; pictureType, options: Smallint);
procedure WriteToFile(const FileName: WideString);
procedure ActivateFormatMenu(X, Y: Integer);
procedure GetMetafile(options: Smallint; var Handle: OLE_HANDLE; var Width, Height: Integer);
procedure CopyDataFromArray(Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Smallint; Array_: OleVariant);
procedure CopyDataToArray(Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Smallint; Array_: OleVariant);
procedure Draw(hDC: OLE_HANDLE; hDCType: Smallint; Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Integer; Layout, Stretch: WordBool);
procedure UseWizard;
procedure EditChartData;
procedure Refresh;
procedure AboutBox;
property ControlInterface: _DVtChart read FIntf;
property SsLinkSheet: WideString index 22 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp;
property Handle: Integer index 24 read GetIntegerProp;
property Picture: TPicture index 25 read GetTPictureProp;
property GetBitmap[options: OleVariant]: OLE_HANDLE read Get_GetBitmap;
property TabStop;
property Align;
property DragCursor;
property DragMode;
property ParentShowHint;
property PopupMenu;
property ShowHint;
property TabOrder;
property Visible;
property OnDragDrop;
property OnDragOver;
property OnEndDrag;
property OnEnter;
property OnExit;
property OnStartDrag;
property OnMouseUp;
property OnMouseMove;
property OnMouseDown;
property OnKeyUp;
property OnKeyPress;
property OnKeyDown;
property OnDblClick;
property OnClick;
property AutoIncrement: WordBool index 1 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property RandomFill: WordBool index 2 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property ChartType: Smallint index 3 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property Column: Smallint index 4 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property ColumnCount: Smallint index 5 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property ColumnLabel: WideString index 6 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property ColumnLabelCount: Smallint index 7 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property ColumnLabelIndex: Smallint index 8 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property Data: WideString index 9 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property FootnoteText: WideString index 10 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property Repaint: WordBool index 11 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property Row: Smallint index 12 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property RowCount: Smallint index 13 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property RowLabel: WideString index 14 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property RowLabelCount: Smallint index 15 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property RowLabelIndex: Smallint index 16 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property SeriesColumn: Smallint index 17 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property SeriesType: Smallint index 18 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property ShowLegend: WordBool index 19 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property SsLinkMode: Smallint index 20 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property SsLinkRange: WideString index 21 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property DrawMode: Smallint index 23 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property BorderStyle: Smallint index -504 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property Enabled: WordBool index -514 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property hWnd: Smallint index -515 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property Title: IDispatch index 26 read GetIDispatchProp write SetIDispatchProp stored False;
property Footnote: IDispatch index 27 read GetIDispatchProp write SetIDispatchProp stored False;
property TitleText: WideString index 28 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property Stacking: WordBool index 29 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property TextLengthType: Smallint index 30 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property AllowUserChanges: WordBool index 31 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property AllowSelections: WordBool index 32 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property AllowSeriesSelection: WordBool index 33 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property AllowDynamicRotation: WordBool index 34 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property ActiveSeriesCount: Smallint index 35 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property Backdrop: IDispatch index 36 read GetIDispatchProp write SetIDispatchProp stored False;
property PrintInformation: IDispatch index 37 read GetIDispatchProp write SetIDispatchProp stored False;
property Legend: IDispatch index 38 read GetIDispatchProp write SetIDispatchProp stored False;
property DataGrid: IDispatch index 39 read GetIDispatchProp write SetIDispatchProp stored False;
property Plot: IDispatch index 40 read GetIDispatchProp write SetIDispatchProp stored False;
property TwipsWidth: Integer index 41 read GetIntegerProp write SetIntegerProp stored False;
property TwipsHeight: Integer index 42 read GetIntegerProp write SetIntegerProp stored False;
property AllowDithering: WordBool index 43 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property ErrorOffset: Smallint index 44 read GetSmallintProp write SetSmallintProp stored False;
property DoSetCursor: WordBool index 45 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property FileName: WideString index 46 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property Chart3d: WordBool index 47 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
property SsLinkBook: WideString index 48 read GetWideStringProp write SetWideStringProp stored False;
property OnChartSelected: TVtChartChartSelected read FOnChartSelected write FOnChartSelected;
property OnTitleSelected: TVtChartTitleSelected read FOnTitleSelected write FOnTitleSelected;
property OnFootnoteSelected: TVtChartFootnoteSelected read FOnFootnoteSelected write FOnFootnoteSelected;
property OnLegendSelected: TVtChartLegendSelected read FOnLegendSelected write FOnLegendSelected;
property OnPlotSelected: TVtChartPlotSelected read FOnPlotSelected write FOnPlotSelected;
property OnAxisSelected: TVtChartAxisSelected read FOnAxisSelected write FOnAxisSelected;
property OnAxisLabelSelected: TVtChartAxisLabelSelected read FOnAxisLabelSelected write FOnAxisLabelSelected;
property OnAxisTitleSelected: TVtChartAxisTitleSelected read FOnAxisTitleSelected write FOnAxisTitleSelected;
property OnPointSelected: TVtChartPointSelected read FOnPointSelected write FOnPointSelected;
property OnPointLabelSelected: TVtChartPointLabelSelected read FOnPointLabelSelected write FOnPointLabelSelected;
property OnSeriesSelected: TVtChartSeriesSelected read FOnSeriesSelected write FOnSeriesSelected;
property OnSeriesLabelSelected: TVtChartSeriesLabelSelected read FOnSeriesLabelSelected write FOnSeriesLabelSelected;
property OnChartActivated: TVtChartChartActivated read FOnChartActivated write FOnChartActivated;
property OnTitleActivated: TVtChartTitleActivated read FOnTitleActivated write FOnTitleActivated;
property OnFootnoteActivated: TVtChartFootnoteActivated read FOnFootnoteActivated write FOnFootnoteActivated;
property OnLegendActivated: TVtChartLegendActivated read FOnLegendActivated write FOnLegendActivated;
property OnPlotActivated: TVtChartPlotActivated read FOnPlotActivated write FOnPlotActivated;
property OnAxisActivated: TVtChartAxisActivated read FOnAxisActivated write FOnAxisActivated;
property OnAxisLabelActivated: TVtChartAxisLabelActivated read FOnAxisLabelActivated write FOnAxisLabelActivated;
property OnAxisTitleActivated: TVtChartAxisTitleActivated read FOnAxisTitleActivated write FOnAxisTitleActivated;
property OnPointActivated: TVtChartPointActivated read FOnPointActivated write FOnPointActivated;
property OnPointLabelActivated: TVtChartPointLabelActivated read FOnPointLabelActivated write FOnPointLabelActivated;
property OnSeriesActivated: TVtChartSeriesActivated read FOnSeriesActivated write FOnSeriesActivated;
property OnSeriesLabelActivated: TVtChartSeriesLabelActivated read FOnSeriesLabelActivated write FOnSeriesLabelActivated;
property OnApplyChanges: TNotifyEvent read FOnApplyChanges write FOnApplyChanges;
procedure Register;
uses ComObj;
procedure TVtChart.InitControlData;
CEventDispIDs: array[0..24] of Integer = (
$00000001, $00000002, $00000003, $00000004, $00000005, $00000006,
$00000007, $00000008, $00000009, $0000000A, $0000000B, $0000000C,
$0000000D, $0000000E, $0000000F, $00000010, $00000011, $00000012,
$00000013, $00000014, $00000015, $00000016, $00000017, $00000018,
CLicenseKey: array[0..42] of Word = (
$0043, $006F, $0070, $0079, $0072, $0069, $0067, $0068, $0074, $0020,
$0028, $0063, $0029, $0020, $0031, $0039, $0039, $0035, $0020, $0056,
$0069, $0073, $0075, $0061, $006C, $0020, $0043, $006F, $006D, $0070,
$006F, $006E, $0065, $006E, $0074, $0073, $002C, $0020, $0049, $006E,
$0063, $002E, $0000);
CTPictureIDs: array [0..0] of Integer = (
CControlData: TControlData = (
ClassID: '{5A721580-5AF0-11CE-8384-0020AF2337F2}';
EventIID: '{5A721582-5AF0-11CE-8384-0020AF2337F2}';
EventCount: 25;
EventDispIDs: @CEventDispIDs;
LicenseKey: @CLicenseKey;
Flags: $00000008;
Version: 300;
FontCount: 0;
FontIDs: nil;
PictureCount: 1;
PictureIDs: @CTPictureIDs);
ControlData := @CControlData;
procedure TVtChart.InitControlInterface(const Obj: IUnknown);
FIntf := Obj as _DVtChart;
procedure TVtChart.EditPaste;
procedure TVtChart.EditCopy;
procedure TVtChart.ActivateSelectionDialog;
procedure TVtChart.Layout;
procedure TVtChart.ToDefaults;
procedure TVtChart.PrintSetupDialog;
procedure TVtChart.PrintChart;
procedure TVtChart.SelectPart(part, index1, index2, index3, index4: Smallint);
ControlInterface.SelectPart(part, index1, index2, index3, index4);
procedure TVtChart.GetSelectedPart(var part, index1, index2, index3, index4: Smallint);
ControlInterface.GetSelectedPart(part, index1, index2, index3, index4);
procedure TVtChart.GetDLLVersion(var major, minor: Smallint);
ControlInterface.GetDLLVersion(major, minor);
procedure TVtChart.TwipsToChartPart(xVal, yVal: Integer; var part, index1, index2, index3, index4: Smallint);
ControlInterface.TwipsToChartPart(xVal, yVal, part, index1, index2, index3, index4);
procedure TVtChart.ReadFromFile(const FileName: WideString);
procedure TVtChart.WritePictureToFile(const FileName: WideString; pictureType, options: Smallint);
ControlInterface.WritePictureToFile(FileName, pictureType, options);
procedure TVtChart.WriteToFile(const FileName: WideString);
procedure TVtChart.ActivateFormatMenu(X, Y: Integer);
ControlInterface.ActivateFormatMenu(X, Y);
procedure TVtChart.GetMetafile(options: Smallint; var Handle: OLE_HANDLE; var Width, Height: Integer);
ControlInterface.GetMetafile(options, Handle, Width, Height);
procedure TVtChart.CopyDataFromArray(Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Smallint; Array_: OleVariant);
ControlInterface.CopyDataFromArray(Top, Left, Bottom, Right, Array_);
procedure TVtChart.CopyDataToArray(Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Smallint; Array_: OleVariant);
ControlInterface.CopyDataToArray(Top, Left, Bottom, Right, Array_);
procedure TVtChart.Draw(hDC: OLE_HANDLE; hDCType: Smallint; Top, Left, Bottom, Right: Integer; Layout, Stretch: WordBool);
ControlInterface.Draw(hDC, hDCType, Top, Left, Bottom, Right, Layout, Stretch);
procedure TVtChart.UseWizard;
procedure TVtChart.EditChartData;
procedure TVtChart.Refresh;
procedure TVtChart.AboutBox;
function TVtChart.Get_GetBitmap(options: OleVariant): OLE_HANDLE;
Result := ControlInterface.GetBitmap[options];
procedure Register;
RegisterComponents('ActiveX', [TVtChart]); { do not localize }