PC World Plus! (NZ) 2001 June
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{ }
{ Borland Delphi Visual Component Library }
{ }
{ Copyright (c) 1995,99 Inprise Corporation }
{ }
unit Grids;
uses Messages, Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Menus, Controls, Forms,
StdCtrls, Mask;
MaxCustomExtents = MaxListSize;
MaxShortInt = High(ShortInt);
EInvalidGridOperation = class(Exception);
{ Internal grid types }
TGetExtentsFunc = function(Index: Longint): Integer of object;
TGridAxisDrawInfo = record
EffectiveLineWidth: Integer;
FixedBoundary: Integer;
GridBoundary: Integer;
GridExtent: Integer;
LastFullVisibleCell: Longint;
FullVisBoundary: Integer;
FixedCellCount: Integer;
FirstGridCell: Integer;
GridCellCount: Integer;
GetExtent: TGetExtentsFunc;
TGridDrawInfo = record
Horz, Vert: TGridAxisDrawInfo;
TGridState = (gsNormal, gsSelecting, gsRowSizing, gsColSizing,
gsRowMoving, gsColMoving);
TGridMovement = gsRowMoving..gsColMoving;
{ TInplaceEdit }
{ The inplace editor is not intended to be used outside the grid }
TCustomGrid = class;
TInplaceEdit = class(TCustomMaskEdit)
procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
procedure DblClick; override;
function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer;
MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
function EditCanModify: Boolean; override;
procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override;
procedure KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
procedure BoundsChanged; virtual;
procedure UpdateContents; virtual;
procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override;
property Grid: TCustomGrid;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
procedure Deselect;
procedure Hide;
procedure Invalidate; reintroduce;
procedure Move(const Loc: TRect);
function PosEqual(const Rect: TRect): Boolean;
procedure SetFocus; reintroduce;
procedure UpdateLoc(const Loc: TRect);
function Visible: Boolean;
{ TCustomGrid }
{ TCustomGrid is an abstract base class that can be used to implement
general purpose grid style controls. The control will call DrawCell for
each of the cells allowing the derived class to fill in the contents of
the cell. The base class handles scrolling, selection, cursor keys, and
Called by Paint. If DefaultDrawing is true the font and brush are
intialized to the control font and cell color. The cell is prepainted
in the cell color and a focus rect is drawn in the focused cell after
DrawCell returns. The state passed will reflect whether the cell is
a fixed cell, the focused cell or in the selection.
Called when the size of the grid has changed.
Allows a single line border to be drawn around the control.
The current column of the focused cell (runtime only).
The number of columns in the grid.
The width of each column (up to a maximum MaxCustomExtents, runtime
The default column width. Changing this value will throw away any
customization done either visually or through ColWidths.
Indicates whether the Paint should do the drawing talked about above in
The default row height. Changing this value will throw away any
customization done either visually or through RowHeights.
The number of non-scrolling columns. This value must be at least one
below ColCount.
The number of non-scrolling rows. This value must be at least one
below RowCount.
The width of the lines drawn between the cells.
The index of the left most displayed column (runtime only).
The following options are available:
goFixedHorzLine: Draw horizontal grid lines in the fixed cell area.
goFixedVertLine: Draw veritical grid lines in the fixed cell area.
goHorzLine: Draw horizontal lines between cells.
goVertLine: Draw vertical lines between cells.
goRangeSelect: Allow a range of cells to be selected.
goDrawFocusSelected: Draw the focused cell in the selected color.
goRowSizing: Allows rows to be individually resized.
goColSizing: Allows columns to be individually resized.
goRowMoving: Allows rows to be moved with the mouse
goColMoving: Allows columns to be moved with the mouse.
goEditing: Places an edit control over the focused cell.
goAlwaysShowEditor: Always shows the editor in place instead of
waiting for a keypress or F2 to display it.
goTabs: Enables the tabbing between columns.
goRowSelect: Selection and movement is done a row at a time.
The row of the focused cell (runtime only).
The number of rows in the grid.
The hieght of each row (up to a maximum MaxCustomExtents, runtime
Determines whether the control has scrollbars.
A TGridRect of the current selection.
Called when the TopRow or LeftCol change.
The index of the top most row displayed (runtime only)
The number of columns fully displayed. There could be one more column
partially displayed.
The number of rows fully displayed. There could be one more row
partially displayed.
Protected members, for implementors of TCustomGrid descendents
Options mixed in only at design time to aid design-time editing.
Default = [goColSizing, goRowSizing], which makes grid cols and rows
resizeable at design time, regardless of the Options settings.
Controls the use of maximum screen clipping optimizations when the
grid window changes size. Default = False, which means only the
area exposed by the size change will be redrawn, for less flicker.
VirtualView = True means the entire data area of the grid is redrawn
when the size changes. This is required when the data displayed in
the grid is not bound to the number of rows or columns in the grid,
such as the dbgrid (a few grid rows displaying a view onto a million
row table).
TGridOption = (goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine,
goRangeSelect, goDrawFocusSelected, goRowSizing, goColSizing, goRowMoving,
goColMoving, goEditing, goTabs, goRowSelect,
goAlwaysShowEditor, goThumbTracking);
TGridOptions = set of TGridOption;
TGridDrawState = set of (gdSelected, gdFocused, gdFixed);
TGridScrollDirection = set of (sdLeft, sdRight, sdUp, sdDown);
TGridCoord = record
X: Longint;
Y: Longint;
TGridRect = record
case Integer of
0: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Longint);
1: (TopLeft, BottomRight: TGridCoord);
TSelectCellEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint;
var CanSelect: Boolean) of object;
TDrawCellEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint;
Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState) of object;
TCustomGrid = class(TCustomControl)
FGridState: TGridState;
FSaveCellExtents: Boolean;
DesignOptionsBoost: TGridOptions;
VirtualView: Boolean;
procedure CalcDrawInfo(var DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo);
procedure CalcFixedInfo(var DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo);
procedure CalcSizingState(X, Y: Integer; var State: TGridState;
var Index: Longint; var SizingPos, SizingOfs: Integer;
var FixedInfo: TGridDrawInfo); virtual;
function CreateEditor: TInplaceEdit; virtual;
procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override;
procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
X, Y: Integer); override;
procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
X, Y: Integer); override;
procedure AdjustSize(Index, Amount: Longint; Rows: Boolean); reintroduce; dynamic;
function BoxRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Longint): TRect;
procedure DoExit; override;
function CellRect(ACol, ARow: Longint): TRect;
function CanEditAcceptKey(Key: Char): Boolean; dynamic;
function CanGridAcceptKey(Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState): Boolean; dynamic;
function CanEditModify: Boolean; dynamic;
function CanEditShow: Boolean; virtual;
function DoMouseWheelDown(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
function DoMouseWheelUp(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
function GetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint): string; dynamic;
procedure SetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint; const Value: string); dynamic;
function GetEditMask(ACol, ARow: Longint): string; dynamic;
function GetEditLimit: Integer; dynamic;
function GetGridWidth: Integer;
function GetGridHeight: Integer;
procedure HideEditor;
procedure ShowEditor;
procedure ShowEditorChar(Ch: Char);
procedure InvalidateEditor;
procedure MoveColumn(FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint);
procedure ColumnMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint); dynamic;
procedure MoveRow(FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint);
procedure RowMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint); dynamic;
procedure DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect;
AState: TGridDrawState); virtual; abstract;
procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
procedure MoveColRow(ACol, ARow: Longint; MoveAnchor, Show: Boolean);
function SelectCell(ACol, ARow: Longint): Boolean; virtual;
procedure SizeChanged(OldColCount, OldRowCount: Longint); dynamic;
function Sizing(X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
procedure ScrollData(DX, DY: Integer);
procedure InvalidateCell(ACol, ARow: Longint);
procedure InvalidateCol(ACol: Longint);
procedure InvalidateRow(ARow: Longint);
procedure TopLeftChanged; dynamic;
procedure TimedScroll(Direction: TGridScrollDirection); dynamic;
procedure Paint; override;
procedure ColWidthsChanged; dynamic;
procedure RowHeightsChanged; dynamic;
procedure DeleteColumn(ACol: Longint); virtual;
procedure DeleteRow(ARow: Longint); virtual;
procedure UpdateDesigner;
function BeginColumnDrag(var Origin, Destination: Integer;
const MousePt: TPoint): Boolean; dynamic;
function BeginRowDrag(var Origin, Destination: Integer;
const MousePt: TPoint): Boolean; dynamic;
function CheckColumnDrag(var Origin, Destination: Integer;
const MousePt: TPoint): Boolean; dynamic;
function CheckRowDrag(var Origin, Destination: Integer;
const MousePt: TPoint): Boolean; dynamic;
function EndColumnDrag(var Origin, Destination: Integer;
const MousePt: TPoint): Boolean; dynamic;
function EndRowDrag(var Origin, Destination: Integer;
const MousePt: TPoint): Boolean; dynamic;
property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle default bsSingle;
property Col: Longint;
property Color default clWindow;
property ColCount: Longint default 5;
property ColWidths[Index: Longint]: Integer;
property DefaultColWidth: Integer default 64;
property DefaultDrawing: Boolean default True;
property DefaultRowHeight: Integer default 24;
property EditorMode: Boolean;
property FixedColor: TColor default clBtnFace;
property FixedCols: Integer default 1;
property FixedRows: Integer default 1;
property GridHeight: Integer;
property GridLineWidth: Integer default 1;
property GridWidth: Integer;
property HitTest: TPoint;
property InplaceEditor: TInplaceEdit;
property LeftCol: Longint;
property Options: TGridOptions default [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine, goRangeSelect];
property ParentColor default False;
property Row: Longint;
property RowCount: Longint default 5;
property RowHeights[Index: Longint]: Integer;
property ScrollBars: TScrollStyle default ssBoth;
property Selection: TGridRect;
property TabStops[Index: Longint]: Boolean;
property TopRow: Longint;
property VisibleColCount: Integer;
property VisibleRowCount: Integer;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
function MouseCoord(X, Y: Integer): TGridCoord;
property TabStop default True;
{ TDrawGrid }
{ A grid relies on the OnDrawCell event to display the cells.
This method returns control relative screen coordinates of the cell or
an empty rectangle if the cell is not visible.
Setting to true shows the editor, as if the F2 key was pressed, when
goEditing is turned on and goAlwaysShowEditor is turned off.
Takes control relative screen X, Y location and fills in the column and
row that contain that point.
Called when the user request to move a column with the mouse when
the goColMoving option is on.
This event is passed the same information as the DrawCell method
discussed above.
Called to retrieve edit mask in the inplace editor when goEditing is
turned on.
Called to retrieve text to edit when goEditing is turned on.
Called when the user request to move a row with the mouse when
the goRowMoving option is on.
Called when goEditing is turned on to reflect changes to the text
made by the editor.
Invoked when TopRow or LeftCol change. }
TGetEditEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint; var Value: string) of object;
TSetEditEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint; const Value: string) of object;
TMovedEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint) of object;
TDrawGrid = class(TCustomGrid)
procedure ColumnMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint); override;
procedure DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect;
AState: TGridDrawState); override;
function GetEditMask(ACol, ARow: Longint): string; override;
function GetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint): string; override;
procedure RowMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint); override;
function SelectCell(ACol, ARow: Longint): Boolean; override;
procedure SetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint; const Value: string); override;
procedure TopLeftChanged; override;
function CellRect(ACol, ARow: Longint): TRect;
procedure MouseToCell(X, Y: Integer; var ACol, ARow: Longint);
property Canvas;
property Col;
property ColWidths;
property EditorMode;
property GridHeight;
property GridWidth;
property LeftCol;
property Selection;
property Row;
property RowHeights;
property TabStops;
property TopRow;
property Align;
property Anchors;
property BiDiMode;
property BorderStyle;
property Color;
property ColCount;
property Constraints;
property Ctl3D;
property DefaultColWidth;
property DefaultRowHeight;
property DefaultDrawing;
property DragCursor;
property DragKind;
property DragMode;
property Enabled;
property FixedColor;
property FixedCols;
property RowCount;
property FixedRows;
property Font;
property GridLineWidth;
property Options;
property ParentBiDiMode;
property ParentColor;
property ParentCtl3D;
property ParentFont;
property ParentShowHint;
property PopupMenu;
property ScrollBars;
property ShowHint;
property TabOrder;
property TabStop;
property Visible;
property VisibleColCount;
property VisibleRowCount;
property OnClick;
property OnColumnMoved: TMovedEvent;
property OnContextPopup;
property OnDblClick;
property OnDragDrop;
property OnDragOver;
property OnDrawCell: TDrawCellEvent;
property OnEndDock;
property OnEndDrag;
property OnEnter;
property OnExit;
property OnGetEditMask: TGetEditEvent;
property OnGetEditText: TGetEditEvent;
property OnKeyDown;
property OnKeyPress;
property OnKeyUp;
property OnMouseDown;
property OnMouseMove;
property OnMouseUp;
property OnMouseWheelDown;
property OnMouseWheelUp;
property OnRowMoved: TMovedEvent;
property OnSelectCell: TSelectCellEvent;
property OnSetEditText: TSetEditEvent;
property OnStartDock;
property OnStartDrag;
property OnTopLeftChanged: TNotifyEvent;
{ TStringGrid }
{ TStringGrid adds to TDrawGrid the ability to save a string and associated
object (much like TListBox). It also adds to the DefaultDrawing the drawing
of the string associated with the current cell.
A ColCount by RowCount array of strings which are associated with each
cell. By default, the string is drawn into the cell before OnDrawCell
is called. This can be turned off (along with all the other default
drawing) by setting DefaultDrawing to false.
A TStrings object that contains the strings and objects in the column
indicated by Index. The TStrings will always have a count of RowCount.
If a another TStrings is assigned to it, the strings and objects beyond
RowCount are ignored.
A ColCount by Rowcount array of TObject's associated with each cell.
Object put into this array will *not* be destroyed automatically when
the grid is destroyed.
A TStrings object that contains the strings and objects in the row
indicated by Index. The TStrings will always have a count of ColCount.
If a another TStrings is assigned to it, the strings and objects beyond
ColCount are ignored. }
TStringGrid = class;
TStringGridStrings = class(TStrings)
function Get(Index: Integer): string; override;
function GetCount: Integer; override;
function GetObject(Index: Integer): TObject; override;
procedure Put(Index: Integer; const S: string); override;
procedure PutObject(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); override;
procedure SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean); override;
constructor Create(AGrid: TStringGrid; AIndex: Longint);
function Add(const S: string): Integer; override;
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
procedure Clear; override;
procedure Delete(Index: Integer); override;
procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string); override;
TStringGrid = class(TDrawGrid)
procedure ColumnMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint); override;
procedure DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect;
AState: TGridDrawState); override;
function GetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint): string; override;
procedure SetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint; const Value: string); override;
procedure RowMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex: Longint); override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
property Cells[ACol, ARow: Integer]: string;
property Cols[Index: Integer]: TStrings;
property Objects[ACol, ARow: Integer]: TObject;
property Rows[Index: Integer]: TStrings;