home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 1995,99 Inprise Corporation }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit Dialogs;
- {$R-,T-,H+,X+}
- interface
- uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, CommDlg, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
- Forms, StdCtrls;
- const
- { Maximum number of custom colors in color dialog }
- MaxCustomColors = 16;
- type
- { TCommonDialog }
- TCommonDialog = class(TComponent)
- protected
- procedure DoClose; dynamic;
- procedure DoShow; dynamic;
- procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); virtual;
- function MessageHook(var Msg: TMessage): Boolean; virtual;
- function TaskModalDialog(DialogFunc: Pointer; var DialogData): Bool; virtual;
- function Execute: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- property Template: PChar;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure DefaultHandler(var Message); override;
- property Handle: HWnd;
- published
- property Ctl3D: Boolean default True;
- property HelpContext: THelpContext default 0;
- property OnClose: TNotifyEvent;
- property OnShow: TNotifyEvent;
- end;
- { TOpenDialog }
- TOpenOption = (ofReadOnly, ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly,
- ofNoChangeDir, ofShowHelp, ofNoValidate, ofAllowMultiSelect,
- ofExtensionDifferent, ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist, ofCreatePrompt,
- ofShareAware, ofNoReadOnlyReturn, ofNoTestFileCreate, ofNoNetworkButton,
- ofNoLongNames, ofOldStyleDialog, ofNoDereferenceLinks, ofEnableIncludeNotify,
- ofEnableSizing);
- TOpenOptions = set of TOpenOption;
- TFileEditStyle = (fsEdit, fsComboBox);
- TOFNotifyEx = type CommDlg.TOFNotifyEx;
- TIncludeItemEvent = procedure (const OFN: TOFNotifyEx; var Include: Boolean) of object;
- TOpenDialog = class(TCommonDialog)
- protected
- function CanClose(var OpenFileName: TOpenFileName): Boolean;
- function DoCanClose: Boolean; dynamic;
- function DoExecute(Func: Pointer): Bool;
- procedure DoSelectionChange; dynamic;
- procedure DoFolderChange; dynamic;
- procedure DoTypeChange; dynamic;
- procedure DoIncludeItem(const OFN: TOFNotifyEx; var Include: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
- procedure GetFileNames(var OpenFileName: TOpenFileName);
- function GetStaticRect: TRect; virtual;
- procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Execute: Boolean; override;
- property FileEditStyle: TFileEditStyle;
- property Files: TStrings;
- property HistoryList: TStrings;
- published
- property DefaultExt: string;
- property FileName: TFileName;
- property Filter: string;
- property FilterIndex: Integer default 1;
- property InitialDir: string;
- property Options: TOpenOptions default [ofHideReadOnly, ofEnableSizing];
- property Title: string;
- property OnCanClose: TCloseQueryEvent;
- property OnFolderChange: TNotifyEvent;
- property OnSelectionChange: TNotifyEvent;
- property OnTypeChange: TNotifyEvent;
- property OnIncludeItem: TIncludeItemEvent;
- end;
- { TSaveDialog }
- TSaveDialog = class(TOpenDialog)
- function Execute: Boolean; override;
- end;
- { TColorDialog }
- TColorDialogOption = (cdFullOpen, cdPreventFullOpen, cdShowHelp,
- cdSolidColor, cdAnyColor);
- TColorDialogOptions = set of TColorDialogOption;
- TCustomColors = array[0..MaxCustomColors - 1] of Longint;
- TColorDialog = class(TCommonDialog)
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Execute: Boolean; override;
- published
- property Color: TColor default clBlack;
- property Ctl3D default False;
- property CustomColors: TStrings;
- property Options: TColorDialogOptions default [];
- end;
- { TFontDialog }
- TFontDialogOption = (fdAnsiOnly, fdTrueTypeOnly, fdEffects,
- fdFixedPitchOnly, fdForceFontExist, fdNoFaceSel, fdNoOEMFonts,
- fdNoSimulations, fdNoSizeSel, fdNoStyleSel, fdNoVectorFonts,
- fdShowHelp, fdWysiwyg, fdLimitSize, fdScalableOnly, fdApplyButton);
- TFontDialogOptions = set of TFontDialogOption;
- TFontDialogDevice = (fdScreen, fdPrinter, fdBoth);
- TFDApplyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Wnd: HWND) of object;
- TFontDialog = class(TCommonDialog)
- protected
- procedure Apply(Wnd: HWND); dynamic;
- procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Execute: Boolean; override;
- published
- property Font: TFont;
- property Device: TFontDialogDevice default fdScreen;
- property MinFontSize: Integer;
- property MaxFontSize: Integer;
- property Options: TFontDialogOptions default [fdEffects];
- property OnApply: TFDApplyEvent;
- end;
- { TPrinterSetupDialog }
- TPrinterSetupDialog = class(TCommonDialog)
- public
- function Execute: Boolean; override;
- end;
- { TPrintDialog }
- TPrintRange = (prAllPages, prSelection, prPageNums);
- TPrintDialogOption = (poPrintToFile, poPageNums, poSelection, poWarning,
- poHelp, poDisablePrintToFile);
- TPrintDialogOptions = set of TPrintDialogOption;
- TPrintDialog = class(TCommonDialog)
- public
- function Execute: Boolean; override;
- published
- property Collate: Boolean default False;
- property Copies: Integer default 0;
- property FromPage: Integer default 0;
- property MinPage: Integer default 0;
- property MaxPage: Integer default 0;
- property Options: TPrintDialogOptions default [];
- property PrintToFile: Boolean default False;
- property PrintRange: TPrintRange default prAllPages;
- property ToPage: Integer default 0;
- end;
- { TFindDialog }
- TFindOption = (frDown, frFindNext, frHideMatchCase, frHideWholeWord,
- frHideUpDown, frMatchCase, frDisableMatchCase, frDisableUpDown,
- frDisableWholeWord, frReplace, frReplaceAll, frWholeWord, frShowHelp);
- TFindOptions = set of TFindOption;
- TFindReplaceFunc = function(var FindReplace: TFindReplace): HWnd stdcall;
- TFindDialog = class(TCommonDialog)
- protected
- function MessageHook(var Msg: TMessage): Boolean; override;
- procedure Find; dynamic;
- procedure Replace; dynamic;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure CloseDialog;
- function Execute: Boolean; override;
- property Left: Integer;
- property Position: TPoint;
- property Top: Integer;
- published
- property FindText: string;
- property Options: TFindOptions default [frDown];
- property OnFind: TNotifyEvent;
- end;
- { TReplaceDialog }
- TReplaceDialog = class(TFindDialog)
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- published
- property ReplaceText;
- property OnReplace;
- end;
- { Message dialog }
- type
- TMsgDlgType = (mtWarning, mtError, mtInformation, mtConfirmation, mtCustom);
- TMsgDlgBtn = (mbYes, mbNo, mbOK, mbCancel, mbAbort, mbRetry, mbIgnore,
- mbAll, mbNoToAll, mbYesToAll, mbHelp);
- TMsgDlgButtons = set of TMsgDlgBtn;
- const
- mbYesNoCancel = [mbYes, mbNo, mbCancel];
- mbOKCancel = [mbOK, mbCancel];
- mbAbortRetryIgnore = [mbAbort, mbRetry, mbIgnore];
- function CreateMessageDialog(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
- Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons): TForm;
- function MessageDlg(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
- Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; HelpCtx: Longint): Integer;
- function MessageDlgPos(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
- Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; HelpCtx: Longint; X, Y: Integer): Integer;
- function MessageDlgPosHelp(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
- Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; HelpCtx: Longint; X, Y: Integer;
- const HelpFileName: string): Integer;
- procedure ShowMessage(const Msg: string);
- procedure ShowMessageFmt(const Msg: string; Params: array of const);
- procedure ShowMessagePos(const Msg: string; X, Y: Integer);
- { Input dialog }
- function InputBox(const ACaption, APrompt, ADefault: string): string;
- function InputQuery(const ACaption, APrompt: string;
- var Value: string): Boolean;
- { Win98 and Win2k will default to the "My Documents" folder if the InitialDir
- property is empty and no files of the filtered type are contained in the
- current directory. Set this flag to True to force TOpenDialog and descendents
- to always open in the current directory when InitialDir is empty. (Same
- behavior as setting InitialDir to '.') }
- var
- ForceCurrentDirectory: Boolean = False;
- implementation