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- unit DockForm;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Menus,
- ExtCtrls, StdCtrls;
- type
- TDockableForm = class(TForm)
- Memo1: TMemo;
- procedure FormDockOver(Sender: TObject; Source: TDragDockObject; X,
- Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
- procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
- private
- function ComputeDockingRect(var DockRect: TRect; MousePos: TPoint): TAlign;
- procedure CMDockClient(var Message: TCMDockClient); message CM_DOCKCLIENT;
- public
- end;
- implementation
- {$R *.DFM}
- uses ComCtrls, TabHost, ConjoinHost, Main;
- procedure TDockableForm.FormDockOver(Sender: TObject;
- Source: TDragDockObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState;
- var Accept: Boolean);
- var
- ARect: TRect;
- begin
- Accept := (Source.Control is TDockableForm);
- //Draw dock preview depending on where the cursor is relative to our client area
- if Accept and (ComputeDockingRect(ARect, Point(X, Y)) <> alNone) then
- Source.DockRect := ARect;
- end;
- function TDockableForm.ComputeDockingRect(var DockRect: TRect; MousePos: TPoint): TAlign;
- var
- DockTopRect,
- DockLeftRect,
- DockBottomRect,
- DockRightRect,
- DockCenterRect: TRect;
- begin
- Result := alNone;
- //divide form up into docking "Zones"
- DockLeftRect.TopLeft := Point(0, 0);
- DockLeftRect.BottomRight := Point(ClientWidth div 5, ClientHeight);
- DockTopRect.TopLeft := Point(ClientWidth div 5, 0);
- DockTopRect.BottomRight := Point(ClientWidth div 5 * 4, ClientHeight div 5);
- DockRightRect.TopLeft := Point(ClientWidth div 5 * 4, 0);
- DockRightRect.BottomRight := Point(ClientWidth, ClientHeight);
- DockBottomRect.TopLeft := Point(ClientWidth div 5, ClientHeight div 5 * 4);
- DockBottomRect.BottomRight := Point(ClientWidth div 5 * 4, ClientHeight);
- DockCenterRect.TopLeft := Point(ClientWidth div 5, ClientHeight div 5);
- DockCenterRect.BottomRight := Point(ClientWidth div 5 * 4, ClientHeight div 5 * 4);
- //Find out where the mouse cursor is, to decide where to draw dock preview.
- if PtInRect(DockLeftRect, MousePos) then
- begin
- Result := alLeft;
- DockRect := DockLeftRect;
- DockRect.Right := ClientWidth div 2;
- end
- else
- if PtInRect(DockTopRect, MousePos) then
- begin
- Result := alTop;
- DockRect := DockTopRect;
- DockRect.Left := 0;
- DockRect.Right := ClientWidth;
- DockRect.Bottom := ClientHeight div 2;
- end
- else
- if PtInRect(DockRightRect, MousePos) then
- begin
- Result := alRight;
- DockRect := DockRightRect;
- DockRect.Left := ClientWidth div 2;
- end
- else
- if PtInRect(DockBottomRect, MousePos) then
- begin
- Result := alBottom;
- DockRect := DockBottomRect;
- DockRect.Left := 0;
- DockRect.Right := ClientWidth;
- DockRect.Top := ClientHeight div 2;
- end
- else
- if PtInRect(DockCenterRect, MousePos) then
- begin
- Result := alClient;
- DockRect := DockCenterRect;
- end;
- if Result = alNone then Exit;
- //DockRect is in screen coordinates.
- DockRect.TopLeft := ClientToScreen(DockRect.TopLeft);
- DockRect.BottomRight := ClientToScreen(DockRect.BottomRight);
- end;
- procedure TDockableForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject;
- var Action: TCloseAction);
- begin
- //the action taken depends on how the form is docked.
- if (HostDockSite is TConjoinDockHost) then
- begin
- //remove the form's caption from the conjoin dock host's caption list
- TConjoinDockHost(HostDockSite).UpdateCaption(Self);
- //if we're the last visible form on a conjoined form, hide the form
- if HostDockSite.VisibleDockClientCount <= 1 then
- HostDockSite.Hide;
- end;
- //if docked to a panel, tell the panel to hide itself. If there are other
- //visible dock clients on the panel, it ShowDockPanel won't allow it to
- //be hidden
- if (HostDockSite is TPanel) then
- MainForm.ShowDockPanel(HostDockSite as TPanel, False, nil);
- Action := caHide;
- end;
- procedure TDockableForm.CMDockClient(var Message: TCMDockClient);
- var
- ARect: TRect;
- DockType: TAlign;
- Host: TForm;
- Pt: TPoint;
- begin
- //Overriding this message allows the dock form to create host forms
- //depending on the mouse position when docking occurs. If we don't override
- //this message, the form will use VCL's default DockManager.
- //NOTE: the only time ManualDock can be safely called during a drag
- //operation is we override processing of CM_DOCKCLIENT.
- if Message.DockSource.Control is TDockableForm then
- begin
- //Find out how to dock (Using a TAlign as the result of ComputeDockingRect)
- Pt.x := Message.MousePos.x;
- Pt.y := Message.MousePos.y;
- DockType := ComputeDockingRect(ARect, Pt);
- //if we are over a dockable form docked to a panel in the
- //main window, manually dock the dragged form to the panel with
- //the correct orientation.
- if (HostDockSite is TPanel) then
- begin
- Message.DockSource.Control.ManualDock(HostDockSite, nil, DockType);
- Exit;
- end;
- //alClient => Create a TabDockHost and manually dock both forms to the PageControl
- //owned by the TabDockHost.
- if DockType = alClient then
- begin
- Host := TTabDockHost.Create(Application);
- Host.BoundsRect := Self.BoundsRect;
- Self.ManualDock(TTabDockHost(Host).PageControl1, nil, alClient);
- Message.DockSource.Control.ManualDock(TTabDockHost(Host).PageControl1, nil, alClient);
- Host.Visible := True;
- end
- //if DockType <> alClient, create the ConjoinDockHost and manually dock both
- //forms to it. Be sure to make dockable forms non-dockable when hosted by
- // ConjoinDockForm, since it is using the VCL default DockManager.
- else begin
- Host := TConjoinDockHost.Create(Application);
- Host.BoundsRect := Self.BoundsRect;
- Self.ManualDock(Host, nil, alNone);
- Self.DockSite := False;
- Message.DockSource.Control.ManualDock(Host, nil, DockType);
- TDockableForm(Message.DockSource.Control).DockSite := False;
- Host.Visible := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TDockableForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if HostDockSite is TConjoinDockHost then
- TConjoinDockHost(HostDockSite).UpdateCaption(nil);
- end;
- end.