4152 Function to be called, %s, was eliminated by linker
4153 Symbol was eliminated by linker
4154 Inaccessible value
4155 Expression illegal in evaluator
4156 Access violation at %08X accessing %08X
4157 In page error at %08X
4158 Out of memory at %08X
4159 Illegal instruction at %08X
4160 Noncontinuable exception at %08X
4161 Invalid disposition at %08X
4162 Array bounds exceeded at %08X
4163 Denormal floating point value at %08X
4164 Floating point divide by zero at %08X
4165 Floating point inexact result at %08X
4166 Floating point invalid operation at %08X
4167 Floating point overflow at %08X
4168 Floating point stack check at %08X
4169 Floating point underflow at %08X
4170 Integer divide by zero at %08X
4171 Integer overflow at %08X
4172 Privileged instruction at %08X
4173 Stack overflow at %08X
4174 Control C exit at %08X
4175 Unknown exception %08lX at %08lX
4176 identifier
4177 number
4178 Identifier
4179 Number
4180 real constant
4181 string constant
4182 end of file
4183 Identifier or number
4184 ',' or ';'
4185 ',' or ':'
4186 ';'
4187 ';', ')' or '='
4188 ',' or ')'
4189 Type
4190 Declaration
4191 Expression
4192 Statement
4193 'TO'
4194 'END'
4195 ':'
4196 ',', ')' or ']'
4197 ',' or identifier
4198 Hint
4199 Warning
4200 Error
4201 Fatal
4203 READ or WRITE
4204 Calling conventions differ
4205 Parameter lists differ
4206 method pointer and regular procedure
4207 regular procedure and method pointer
4208 Length
4209 Untyped
4210 (out of bound) %d
4211 Unknown type: %d
4212 Error(%d)
4213 Unassigned
4214 Unknown
4215 (no value)
4216 Assertion failure
4217 initialized set > 4 bytes in size
4218 class methods of safecall calling convention
4219 import of DLL symbol by ordinal
4220 ')', 'END' or 'PROPERTY'
4221 array property with safecall accessors
4222 constant cast to set type
4223 internal error
4224 none
4225 out of scope
4226 property of array type
4227 Generated by the Borland Delphi Pascal Compiler\n because -GD or --drc was supplied to the compiler.
4228 It contains compiler-generated resource bound to the executable.\n If it is empty, no compiler-generated resources were bound to the\n produced executable.