DESCRIPTION_RESIDENTEINTERNET=Monitors all Internet traffic (e-mail, downloads, damaging applets, ActiveX, etc.). This component automatically installs the Resident File Protection.
NADA_SELECCIONADO=You must select at least one component.
ANALIZA_HD=Scan hard drive during installation.
REGISTRAR_SI=Yes, I want to register now.
SOLO_COMUNES=You cannot install the common files alone. They must always be accompanied by other modules.
UPDGRADES2_SI=The current configuration permits them.
WELCOME_TEXTO=Welcome to the program that will install %P on your computer.
TITLE_MAIN=Panda Antivirus 6.0 Platinum
SAFEDISK=Create boot diskette.
ACTUALIZAR60_TEXTO1=An previous installation of Panda Antivirus 6.0 was detected.
DISPLAY_WISESETUP=Assisted (Wise Setup)
ERROR_UPGRADE=Intelligent Upgrade did not finish successfully
DISCO_DURO_LLENO=There is not enough free space on your hard drive.\nThe program will cancel the installation.\nFree up space and try again later.
SOLO_NT4=This product may only be installed under Windows NT 4.0 WORKSTATION.
COMPANY_NAME=Panda Software
ACTUALIZAR60_TEXTO2=It will now be updated.
ANALIZA_TEXTO=From the installer you can make sure you are going to work in a virus-free environment. Select the parts of your system to be scanned:
CAMBIA_AUTO_TEXTO=The installation of the startup scan needs to modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Choose an action to take:
ACTUALIZAR60_TEXTO3=The target directory will be the one you previously chose:
DESCRIPTION_RESIDENTE=Real-time protection that monitors the possible entry or action of viruses.
DESCRIPTION_RESIDENTEFICHEROS=Monitors operations with files, programs, etc. in your system.
ERROR_WISE=The execution of Wise Setup was cancelled. Reselect the setup type.
REINSTALA_OPCION2=Add/Remove components.
SIN_VIRUS=No viruses found.
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process: %d
REINSTALA_OPCION3=Uninstall the product.
VER_README=View READ ME file now.
CONFIRMAR_IDIOMA=The language you chose at the beginning of the installation is different from the one the antivirus now has.\nIf you continue, the application language will change.\nDo you want to continue with the installation?
SOLO_W95=This product may only be installed under Windows 95/98.
ACTUALIZAR_COMP_TITULO=Add/Remove components
ANALIZA_VIRUS1=Virus found in memory.
DESCRIPTION_WINDOWS98=Module that integrates in Windows 98 to improve its performance.
DESCRIPTION_QUICKLAUNCH=Conveniently run Panda Antivirus 6.0 Platinum from the Quick Launch. This component automatically installs the scanner.
REINSTALA_TEXTO=From this screen you can update the installed version, add/remove components, or even uninstall it.
DESCRIPTION_CLIENTENOTES=Extension of the antivirus that integrates with Notes 4.x/5.x for the protection of its databases.
DESINSTALAR_TEXTO=A previous installation was detected.\nIt is a previous version of the antivirus. INSTALLATION WILL BE ABORTED AT THIS POINT.\nIt must be uninstalled before continuing.\nTo do this, go to Start\\ Settings\\ Control Panel\\ Add/Remove Programs and remove the application
README_TEXTO=The READ ME file contains last-minute information about the antivirus.
DESCRIPTION_EXCHANGE=Extension of the antivirus integrated in Outlook 97/98 for the monitoring of your e-mail.
DIRECTORIO_DESTINO=Target directory:
VERSIONANTIGUA_TEXTO=An installation of Panda Antivirus 6.0 was detected.\nThe version you are going to install is older. INSTALLATION WILL BE ABORTED AT THIS POINT.\nYou cannot install an older version of any product of the Panda Antivirus 6.0 family over a more modern version. If you wish to do so, you must first uninstall the existing version from 'Add/Remove Programs'.
NO_ADMINISTRADOR=The setup process has been canceled. To install Panda Antivirus 6.0 Platinum on Windows NT, it is necessary to have administrator rights.
ACTUALIZAR_COMP_TEXTO=Starting from the components previously selected, you may now change your selection.
CERRAR_EXCHANGE=You must exit all mail programs before installing the antivirus.
ERRORES_ANALISIS=Errors were found during the scan.
GRUPO_PROGRAMAS=Program group name:
REINSTALA_OPCION1A=Update with Intelligent Updates and Intelligent Upgrades.
PRODUCT_NAME16=Panda Antivirus 6.0
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
ACTUALIZAR_NO=Do not update
ANALIZA_MEM=Scan memory during installation.
ANALIZA_MEM_STATUS=Scanning memory...
DESCRIPTION_ASISTENTE=The scheduling of your antivirus scans can be accessed from the Maintenance Wizard.
INSTALACION_COMPLETA=This option will install all the components in your system. It is the recommended mode for most users. Furthermore, it will permit you to use Intelligent Upgrades (save time downloading new versions).
INSTALACION_INTRODUCCION=Select the type of installation and press Next.
REGISTRAR_TEXTO=If you have a permanent connection to Internet, you can register now if you wish:
REINSTALA_OPCION1B=Update with Intelligent Updates, not Intelligent Upgrades.
FOLDER_NAME=Panda Antivirus 6.0 Platinum
DESCRIPTION_WISESETUP=With this option, a wizard will help you select what should be installed and configured on the antivirus. If all components are not installed, it will not permit the use of the Intelligent Upgrades (save time downloading new versions).
DESINSTALAR_TITULO=Previous installation
ERROR_UPDATE=Intelligent Update did not finish successfully
REGISTRAR_NO=No, I'll do it later.
UPDGRADES2_NO=The current configuration does not permit them.
DESCRIPTION_CANALES=Subscription to Panda Channel, through which you will continually receive updated information of much use. It also integrates itself in the Active Desktop.
UPGRADES_SHAREWARE=No type of updating is possible with the shareware version,\nneither Upgrades nor Updates.
ONLYUPDATE=The update process concluded successfully.
LICENCIA_TITULO=License Agreement
DESCRIPTION_INICIO=Scan computer on startup in order to be protected from the very outset.
DESCRIPTION_SCANNER=Centralized interface (Zero Administration Security) which permits you to manage the different modules of your antivirus.
DESCRIPTION_COMUNES=Files common to all modules of obligatory installation.
INSTALACION_PERSONALIZADA=Select the custom option to personalize your installation. This is recommended only for advanced users. If all components are not installed, it will not permit the use of the Intelligent Upgrades (save time downloading new versions).
UNINST_DISPLAY_NAME=Panda Antivirus 6.0 Platinum
PANDASEMANA=Panda of the week
OPCIONES_TITULO=The permanent protection monitors all file-related operations and scans them in search of viruses.\nThe boot scan performs a scan before loading Windows.
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.
ACTUALIZAR_TEXTO=Faced with the daily threat of new viruses, if you have a permanent connection to Internet and are registered, Panda also offers you daily protection:
SAFEDISK_TEXTO=SafeDisk creates a boot disk with the command-line version of Panda Antivirus in order to tackle infection situations that make it impossible to boot from the hard drive.