3101 Norton AntiVirus has detected a virus in %1. To prevent the virus from spreading, Norton AntiVirus has not allowed %2 to be accessed. This wizard will help you fix %3.
3102 a file that you are using
3103 the file
3104 the infected file
3105 an email message being retrieved
3106 the message
3107 the infected email attachment
3108 a file that you are downloading
3109 the downloaded file
3110 the infected file
3111 File:
3112 Message:
3113 Download:
3114 Norton AntiVirus has detected a virus in %1. To prevent the virus from spreading, Norton AntiVirus has not allowed %2 to be accessed. This wizard will help you fix %3.
3115 Norton AntiVirus recommends that you attempt to repair the virus, to remove the virus from %1.
3116 Choose "Repair %1" to attempt to remove the problem from %1. A backup of %1 will be made before the repair, so you will not lose any data.
3117 Norton AntiVirus has detected a virus or other malicious code in %1. This wizard will help you deal with the problem so you can resume normal operation.
3118 It is now safe to use your computer. Norton AntiVirus has successfully repaired %1 and removed the problem.\n
3119 Norton AntiVirus was unable to remove the virus or other malicious code from %1. It is still infected with %3. It might be damaged beyond repair, or your virus protection might be out of date and thus not yet have the ability to repair this problem.
3120 Norton AntiVirus recommends that you quarantine %1, which will safely isolate it in the Quarantine folder.
3121 The virus damaged %2 beyond repair when it was infected.
3122 Choose "Quarantine %2" to isolate %1 in the Quarantine folder. This will prevent the problem from spreading.
3124 Click Finish to resume using your computer. You may also choose to run the Quarantine Console now if you wish to send %1 to Symantec.
3125 Repair %1 (recommended)
3126 Quarantine %1 (recommended)
3127 Choose "Repair %2" to remove the problem from %1. A backup of %1 will be made before the repair, so you will not lose any data.
3128 Choose "Delete %2" to remove %2 from your computer.
3129 Choose "Quarantine %2" to isolate %1 in the Quarantine folder. This will prevent the problem from spreading. Items in Quarantine are isolated from the rest of the computer so the virus cannot spread to other files.
3130 Choose "Ignore the problem and do not scan %2 in the future" only if you are sure that %1 is safe. Norton AntiVirus will not scan %1 for viruses in the future. You might spread the problem to other files or other computers if you choose this action.
3131 Choose "Ignore the problem, and leave the %1 alone" only if you are sure that %1 is safe. You might spread the problem to other files or other computers if you choose this action.
3132 Choose "Delete %2" to remove %2 from your computer.
3133 (recommended)
3134 Repair %2
3135 Delete %2
3136 Quarantine %2
3137 Ignore the problem and do not scan %1 in the future
3138 Ignore the problem and continue with %1
3139 Norton AntiVirus
3140 Choosing delete is a permanent operation and cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to delete the infected item?
3143 This wizard will help you use Norton AntiVirus to handle %1 shown below. Once you have dealt with the virus, your computer will resume normal operation.
3144 It is now safe to use your computer. \n\nNorton AntiVirus has deleted %1.
3145 The attachment: "%s" to the message: "%s"
3146 The file: "%s" contained within the attachment: "%s" to the message: "%s"
3147 The file: "%s" contained within the file: "%s" being downloaded.
3148 The file: "%s" contained within the file: "%s"
3149 24
3150 Norton AntiVirus recommends that you repair %1, which will eliminate the malicious code.
3151 Norton AntiVirus has excluded %1. Norton AntiVirus will not scan %1 for problems in the future.\n
4054 %u bytes
4055 N/A
4056 Common
4057 Rare
4058 Alert
4059 This wizard will help you use Norton AntiVirus to handle %1 shown below. Once you have dealt with the virus, your computer will resume normal operation.
4060 Norton AntiVirus recommends that you repair %1, which will eliminate the malicious code.
4061 Cannot Repair
4062 Norton AntiVirus was unable to remove the virus or other malicious code from %1, which is still infected. It might be damaged beyond repair, or your virus protection might be out of date and thus not yet have the ability to repair this problem.
4063 Norton AntiVirus recommends that you quarantine %1, which will safely isolate it in the Quarantine folder.
4064 Cannot Quarantine
4065 Norton AntiVirus was unable to quarantine %1. It is still infected.
4066 Norton AntiVirus recommends that you delete %1.
4067 Cannot Exclude From Future Scans
4068 Norton AntiVirus was unable to exclude %1 from future scans. It is still infected.
4069 Action:
4070 Memory
4071 This file: "%s" was infected with the: "%s" virus.\n\nThe file was quarantined by Norton AntiVirus. %s\n
4072 This message contained an infection.\nThe contents of the message were removed by Norton AntiVirus.\n