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- [version]
- signature="$CHICAGO$"
- [DefaultInstall]
- AddReg=add.reg
- [add.reg]
- HKCR,CLSID\{25E609E0-B259-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}\,,,%DIOBJECT%
- HKCR,CLSID\{25E609E0-B259-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}\InProcServer32,,,"%11%\dinput.dll"
- HKCR,CLSID\{25E609E0-B259-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}\InProcServer32,ThreadingModel,,"Both"
- HKCR,CLSID\{25E609E1-B259-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}\,,,%DIDEVOBJECT%
- HKCR,CLSID\{25E609E1-B259-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}\InProcServer32,,,"%11%\dinput.dll"
- HKCR,CLSID\{25E609E1-B259-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}\InProcServer32,ThreadingModel,,"Both"
- HKCR,CLSID\{92187326-72B4-11d0-A1AC-0000F8026977}\,,,%GCCPL_DEFAULT%
- HKCR,CLSID\{92187326-72B4-11d0-A1AC-0000F8026977}\ProgID,,,%GCCPL_HANDLER%
- HKCR,CLSID\{92187326-72B4-11d0-A1AC-0000F8026977}\InProcHandler32,,,"%11%\gchand.dll"
- HKCR,CLSID\{92187326-72B4-11d0-A1AC-0000F8026977}\InProcServer32,,,"%11%\gcdef.dll"
- HKCR,CLSID\{92187326-72B4-11d0-A1AC-0000F8026977}\InProcServer32,ThreadingModel,,"Apartment"
- HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder",,,
- HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Joystick",,,
- HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Joystick\shellex",,,
- HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Joystick\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers",,,
- HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Joystick\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\Default Extension",,,"{92187326-72B4-11d0-A1AC-0000F8026977}"
- HKLM, "System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\Standard Gameport",OEMName,,%STD_GAMEPORT%
- HKLM, "System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\Standard Gameport",OEMCallout,,"msanalog.vxd"
- HKLM, "System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\Standard Gameport",OEMData,1,00,00,00,0c,00,00,00,00
- HKLM, "System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\Standard Gameport",PollFlags,1,01,00,00,00
- ; JOY_HWS_ISCARCTRL | JOY_HWS_YISJ2X, four buttons
- ; The wheel is reported in X and the pedals in Y
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\T1T2WithoutAdapter",OEMData,1,40,8,0,0,4,0,0,0
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\T1T2WithoutAdapter",OEMName,0,%TMT1_NOADAPT%
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\T1T2WithAdapter",OEMData,1,40,0,0,0,4,0,0,0
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\T1T2WithAdapter",OEMName,0,%TMT1_ADAPT%
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\LogitechThunderPad",OEMName,,"%V_JOY_LOGITECH_1%"
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\LogitechThunderPad",OEMData,1, 20, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\LogitechWingMan",OEMName,,"%V_JOY_LOGITECH_2%"
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\LogitechWingMan",OEMData,1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\LogitechWingManExtreme",OEMName,,"%V_JOY_LOGITECH_3%"
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\LogitechWingManExtreme",OEMData,1, a, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\LogitechWingManLight",OEMName,,"%V_JOY_LOGITECH_4%"
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\LogitechWingManLight",OEMData,1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\VID_045E&PID_0007","Flags1",1,04,00,00,00
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\VID_045E&PID_0008","Flags1",1,04,00,00,00
- HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\VID_045E&PID_000E","Flags1",1,04,00,00,00
- HKCR,CLSID\{EEC6993A-B3FD-11D2-A916-00C04FB98638},,,"PID Force Feedback Joystick Effect Driver"
- HKCR,CLSID\{EEC6993A-B3FD-11D2-A916-00C04FB98638}\InProcServer32,,,"%11%\pid.dll"
- HKCR,CLSID\{EEC6993A-B3FD-11D2-A916-00C04FB98638}\InProcServer32,"ThreadingModel",,"Both"
- HKLM,Software\Microsoft\DirectInput\Compatibility\CLIENT.EXE36DFF4810008E200,"MaxDeviceNameLength",1,06,00,00,00
- HKLM,Software\Microsoft\DirectInput\Compatibility\CLIENT.EXE35FEFABD00088200,"MaxDeviceNameLength",1,06,00,00,00
- [Strings.brz]
- DIOBJECT = "Objeto Microsoft DirectInput"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Objeto Microsoft DirectInputDevice"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "Folhas de propriedades padrπo da extensπo de shell do painel de controle 'Controladores de jogo'"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "Manipulador do painel de controle 'Controladores de jogo'"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "Porta de jogos padrπo"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 sem adaptador"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 com adaptador"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.chs]
- DIOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInput Object"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInputDevice Object"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "Game Controllers CPL Shell Extension Default Property Sheets"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "Game Controllers CPL Handler"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "▒Ω╫╝╙╬╧╖╢╦┐┌"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 without adapter"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 with adapter"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.cht]
- DIOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInput ¬½Ñ≤"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInputDevice ¬½Ñ≤"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "╣C└╕▒▒¿ε╛╣ CPL ┤▀╝h┬XÑR╣w│]ñ║«e¬φ"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "╣C└╕▒▒¿ε╛╣ CPL │B▓z╛╣"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "╝╨╖╟╣C└╕│s▒╡░≡"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 ñúºtñ╢¡▒Ñd"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 ºtñ╢¡▒Ñd"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.cze]
- DIOBJECT = "Objekt Microsoft DirectInput"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Objekt Microsoft DirectInputDevice"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "Seznam v²chozφch vlastnostφ hernφch za°φzenφ CPL Shell Extension"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "PopisovaΦ CPL hernφch za°φzenφ"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "Standardnφ gameport"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Formule Thrustmaster T1/T2 bez adaptΘru"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Formule Thrustmaster T1/T2 s adaptΘrem"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.dut]
- DIOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInput-object"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInputDevice-object"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "Standaardeigenschappentabblad voor CPL-shellextensies van de spelbesturingen"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "CPL-handler voor spelbesturingen"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "Standaard spelpoort"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 zonder adapter"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 met adapter"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.frn]
- DIOBJECT = "Objet Microsoft DirectInput"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Objet Microsoft DirectInputDevice"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "Feuilles de propriΘtΘ par dΘfaut de l'extension Panneau de configuration Contr⌠leurs de jeu"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "Gestionnaire Panneau de configuration des contr⌠leurs de jeu"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "Port jeu standard"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 sans carte"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 avec carte"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.ger]
- DIOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInput-Objekt"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInputDevice-Objekt"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "Standard-Eigenschaftenseiten fⁿr CPL-Shell-Erweiterungen von Spielsteuerungen"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "CPL-Handler fⁿr Spielsteuerungen"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "Standard-Gameport"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 ohne Adapter"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 mit Adapter"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.itn]
- DIOBJECT = "Oggetto Microsoft DirectInput"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Oggetto Microsoft DirectInputDevice"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "Proprietα predefinite estensioni di shell Periferiche di gioco del Pannello di controllo"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "Gestore Periferiche di gioco del Pannello di controllo"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "Porta giochi standard"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 senza adattatore"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 con adattatore"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.jpn]
- DIOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInput Object"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInputDevice Object"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "Game Controllers CPL Shell Extension Default Property Sheets"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "╣▐░╤ ║▌─█░╫ CPL ╩▌─▐╫"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "òWÅÇ╣▐░╤╬▀░─"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 ▒└▐╠▀└é╚é╡"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 ▒└▐╠▀└òté½"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.kor]
- DIOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInput ░│├╝"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInputDevice ░│├╝"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "░╘└╙ ─┴╞«╖╤╖» CPL ╝╨ ╚«└σ╕φ ▒Γ║╗ ╡ε╖╧ ┴ñ║╕ ╜├╞«"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "░╘└╙ ─┴╞«╖╤╖» CPL ╟┌╡Θ╖»"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "╟Ñ┴╪ ░╘└╙ ╞≈╞«"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2(╛ε┤≡┼═ ╛°└╜)"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2(╛ε┤≡┼═ └╓└╜)"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.nec]
- DIOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInput Object"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInputDevice Object"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "Game Controllers CPL Shell Extension Default Property Sheets"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "╣▐░╤ ║▌─█░╫ CPL ╩▌─▐╫"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "òWÅÇ╣▐░╤╬▀░─"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 ▒└▐╠▀└é╚é╡"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 ▒└▐╠▀└òté½"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.pol]
- DIOBJECT = "Obiekt Microsoft DirectInput"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Obiekt Microsoft DirectInputDevice"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "Game Controllers CPL Shell Extension Default Property Sheets"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "Game Controllers CPL Handler"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "Standardowy port gier"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 bez karty"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 z kart╣"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.rus]
- DIOBJECT = "╬ß·σΩ≥ DirectInput"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "╬ß·σΩ≥ DirectInputDevice"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "╬Ωφα ±ΓεΘ±≥Γ ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ εßεδε≈ΩΦ Φπ≡εΓ√⌡ ≤±≥≡εΘ±≥Γ"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "╙±≥≡εΘ±≥Γε ≤∩≡αΓδσφΦ Φπ≡εΓ√∞Φ ≤±≥≡εΘ±≥Γα∞Φ"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "╤≥αφΣα≡≥φ√Θ Φπ≡εΓεΘ ∩ε≡≥"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 ßστ ∩δα≥√"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 ± ∩δα≥εΘ"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.spa]
- DIOBJECT = "Objeto DirectInput de Microsoft"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Objeto DirectInputDevice de Microsoft"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "Hojas de propiedades predeterminadas de extensiones del shell del Panel de control de controladores para juegos"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "Identificador del Panel de control de controladores para juegos"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "Puerto para juegos estßndar"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 sin adaptador"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 con adaptador"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.swe]
- DIOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInput-objekt"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInputDevice-objekt"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "Standardegenskaper f÷r CPL-shell-tillΣgg till spelenheter"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "CPL-hanterare f÷r spelenheter"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "Standardport f÷r spel"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 utan kort"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 med kort"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"
- [Strings.eng]
- DIOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInput Object"
- DIDEVOBJECT = "Microsoft DirectInputDevice Object"
- GCCPL_DEFAULT = "Game Controllers CPL Shell Extension Default Property Sheets"
- GCCPL_HANDLER = "Game Controllers CPL Handler"
- STD_GAMEPORT = "Standard Gameport"
- TMT1_NOADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 without adapter"
- TMT1_ADAPT = "Thrustmaster Formula T1/T2 with adapter"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_1 = "Logitech ThunderPad"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_2 = "Logitech WingMan"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_3 = "Logitech WingMan Extreme"
- V_JOY_LOGITECH_4 = "Logitech WingMan Light"