18 A drive to play audio cds has not been found on your system.
19 Time
20 Title
21 Unable to open the source for reading.
22 Unable to get information on the source.
23 An unexpected error occured.
24 Unable to open the destination for writing.
25 Unable to encode / write the data into the destination.
26 Unlicensed.\n\nFor evaluation purposes only, the fully functional, unregistered version of Audio Converter may be used for up to thirty (30) days. Further use requires the registration.
27 Unregistered
28 Your evaluation period has expired.
29 Unable to enumerate / list the audio CD tracks.\n\n
30 Unable to get the audio CD.\n\n
31 %s\n\nThis output file already exists. Would you like to overwrite?
32 Please select the files or tracks that are to be converted either by pushing Add Folder, Add Files or Audio CD button.
33 Unable to display settings dialog because the output format of the selected items is different.
34 The output format of the selected items has no output settings.
35 Please select items in the list before pushing this button.