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- ; Text Labels for Waterloo
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- battery
- brigade
- AM
- PM
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- st
- nd
- rd
- th
- An aide reports
- OK
- Find
- vs
- Seminary
- Ridge
- Cemetary
- Hill
- Twilight
- Attack
- Counterattack
- more
- Begins
- Ends
- Casualties
- Infantry
- Cavalry
- Artillery
- Enemy
- casualties
- colors
- French
- Anglo-Allied
- Score
- Decisive
- Tactical
- Marginal
- Victory
- Held
- Lost
- Captured
- Attacked
- Variant
- Division
- Corps
- en route
- Courier Messages
- %STR0's battery
- %STR0's btty
- %STR0's brigade
- %STR0 Regt.
- Assault
- Probe
- Wait
- Rally
- Defend
- Hold
- Line
- Skirmish
- D.Quick
- Wheel
- Halt
- Advance
- FallBack
- Retreat
- Battle
- Double
- Road
- Maneuver Column
- Adv
- Attach
- Unlimber
- Limber
- Targ.
- Inf.
- Atty
- Auto Targ.
- Charge
- NoStop
- Brig.
- Support
- Skirm
- Deploy
- Flank
- Rest
- Move
- captured
- Emperor
- Targeting
- wounded
- rallied
- routed
- surrenders
- Mediocre
- Competent
- Experienced
- Superb
- Legendary
- Cav.
- Brigade
- Cmdr.
- Napoleons
- Rifles
- Poor
- Inexperienced
- Experienced
- Veteran
- troops
- Rallying
- slowly
- steadily
- quickly
- Dbl.Line
- Reserve
- Btl.Line
- Corn
- Wheat
- Marsh
- Woods
- Orchard
- Rocky
- Chrg!
- Rtr.
- Qck.
- FBk.
- Hld!
- Whl.
- Oblq.
- Blkd:
- Dpl.
- Ord.
- Ref.
- Trgt.
- Genl.
- Regular
- ╔lite
- Blk.
- Det.
- Firing at %STR0
- %STR0's Battery
- %STR0's Brigade
- %STR0's Batty
- driven back
- repulsed
- %STR0's
- men
- Regt
- Btty
- Div.
- Column
- Routed
- Obq.
- Chg!
- More
- Yes
- No
- Player
- added
- dropped
- Opponent
- MultiPlayer Setup
- Scenario
- Players
- Not Ready
- Colonel
- General
- Marshal
- Game Canceled
- SynchErr: %NUM0/%NUM1 was %STR0 rcvd %STR1 from %STR2.
- %STR0's %STR1 transfered to %STR2.
- Synch
- Done
- Skirmish near %STR0!
- Altercation at %STR0!
- Engagement at %STR0!
- Battle of %STR0!
- Tactical Tip
- From %STR0:
- Battery
- French
- Anglo-Allied
- Anglo-Allied Casualty Score
- French Casualty Score
- Enemy Colors
- Decisive Anglo-Allied Victory!
- Anglo-Allied Tactical Victory
- Marginal Anglo-Allied Victory
- Decisive French Victory!
- French Tactical Victory
- Marginal French Victory
- of
- French Order Of Battle
- Anglo-Allied Order Of Battle
- Up
- Down
- Exit
- Artillery en route
- Troops en route
- Overall Command
- Army of Northern Virginia
- Army of the Potomac
- In Reserve
- Play
- Options
- Speculative
- Multiplayer
- Victory Points
- Victory Points (VP)
- VP
- regiments
- more en route
- batteries
- cannon
- Battle Line formation
- Double Line formation
- Skirmish Line formation
- Maneuver Column formation
- Road Column formation
- Held in Reserve
- Smoothbore Napoleons
- Three-Inch Rifles
- Game
- View
- Map
- Reports
- Info
- Leaders
- Bugle Calls
- Load a Saved Game
- Randomized Scenario
- Creating a Scenario
- Sound Effects
- Off
- Faint
- Moderate
- Loud
- Very Loud
- Change current preferences?
- No unit reselect on drag
- Right click moves unit
- Flags show relative strength
- Exaggerate elevations
- Sparse trees and small houses
- Show terrain grid
- Map rotate moves camera
- Map scrolling disabled
- Skip scenario introductions
- No Tactical Tips
- Maximize Game Speed
- More units in scenarios
- Reselect unit on drag
- Right click centers map
- Flags show unit morale
- Normal elevations
- Normal trees and houses
- Normal terrain
- Map rotate moves map
- Map scrolling enabled
- Show scenario introductions
- Show Tactical Tips
- Maximize Graphic Detail
- True units in scenarios
- Sessions
- No Available Sessions
- Join
- Create
- Cancel
- Chat
- Waiting For Host...
- Evening
- Loading Icons...
- Loading Art...
- Loading Fonts...
- Loading Sounds...
- Morning, July 1st.
- --- HALL of VALOR ---
- Full Draw on Scroll
- Minimal Draw on Scroll
- Normal Artillery Graphic
- Large Artillery Graphic
- Extended Scenario Time
- Normal Scenario Time
- Show Firing Damage
- Hide Firing Damage
- Napoleons
- 6lb. Smoothbores
- 32lb. Howitzers
- 10lb. Parrotts
- 3in. Ordnance
- 20lb. Parrotts
- 12lb. Howitzers
- 10lb. James Guns
- Mixed Guns
- %STR0's Division
- %STR0's Corps
- %STR0's Army
- No Trouble Explanation
- Explain Trouble
- Display Blocks
- Display Figures
- Pref I Off
- Pref I On
- Anglo-Allied
- Prussian
- French
- Double Line
- Road Column
- 2 Rank Battle Line
- 3 Rank Battle Line
- Attack Column
- Mixed Order
- Mass Column
- 4 Rank Battle Line
- Square
- Filters
- Routed Troops
- Troops with High Morale
- Troops Near Breaking
- Find
- Mass Column (hotkey 0)
- Skirmish (hotkey 2)
- Double-Line (hotkey 4)
- Line (hotkey 6)
- Maneuver Column (hotkey 7)
- Road Column (hotkey 9)
- Mixed-Order (hotkey 5)
- Attack Column (hotkey 8)
- 4-Rank Line (hotkey 3)
- Square (hotkey 1)
- Wheel Left (hotkey HOME)
- Wheel Right (hotkey PgUp)
- About Face (hotkey Shift-6)
- Double-Quick (hotkey Q)
- Halt (hotkey SPACEBAR)
- Attach to Brigade (hotkey Shift-X)
- Detach from Brigade (hotkey Shift-X)
- Advance (hotkey A)
- Charge (hotkey C)
- Fall Back (hotkey F)
- Retreat (hotkey R)
- Rally Routed Troops (hotkey Shift-R)
- Command - Multiplayer Only
- Hold Position (hotkey H)
- Volley (hotkey V)
- Activate (hotkey Shift-A)
- Deactivate (hotkey Shift-D)
- Gather Artillery to Commander (hotkey Shift-G)
- Auto Target (hotkey ALT-A)
- Target Artillery (hotkey ALT-G)
- Target Troops (hotkey ALT-T)
- Hold Long Range Fire (hotkey ALT-H)
- Line of Sight (hotkeys Shift-? or ALT-L)
- Occupy Building (hotkey Shift-O)
- Vacate Building (hotkey Shift-V)
- Manual Target (hotkey T)
- Pick Charge Target (hotkey T)
- Toggle LOS Grid (hotkeys SHIFT-? or ALT-L)
- Pause Game (hotkey P)
- Toggle Scenario Status Screen (hotkey F5)
- Toggle Find Leaders/VP Sites Panel (hotkey ALT-F)
- Toggle Elevation Grid (hotkey ALT-G)
- Toggle Jump Map (hotkey ALT-J)
- Toggle Command Buttons (hotkey ALT-B)
- Escape Menu (hotkey ESC)
- Compass
- Compass - North (hotkeys COMMA or PERIOD)
- Compass - Northeast (hotkeys COMMA or PERIOD)
- Compass - East (hotkeys COMMA or PERIOD)
- Compass - Southeast (hotkeys COMMA or PERIOD)
- Compass - South (hotkeys COMMA or PERIOD)
- Compass - Southwest (hotkeys COMMA or PERIOD)
- Compass - West (hotkeys COMMA or PERIOD)
- Compass - Northwest (hotkeys COMMA or PERIOD)
- Zoom Map in/out - 100% (hotkeys Z or X)
- Zoom Map in/out - 80% (hotkeys Z or X)
- Zoom Map in/out - 60% (hotkeys Z or X)
- Zoom Map in/out - 40% (hotkeys Z or X)
- Zoom Map in/out - 20% (hotkeys Z or X)
- Zoom Map in/out - 0% (hotkeys Z or X)
- Excellent (%d / %d)
- Good (%d / %d)
- Fair (%d / %d)
- Poor (%d / %d)
- Critical (%d / %d)
- Demoralized (%d / %d)
- Long Range Ammo
- Short Range Ammo
- Unit Cohesion - Superb
- Unit Cohesion - Excellent
- Unit Cohesion - Good
- Unit Cohesion - Fair
- Unit Cohesion - Disrupted
- Unit Cohesion - Disorganized
- Unit Cohesion - Broken
- Unit Cohesion - Scattered
- Save Game - select or type in a name
- <<
- >>
- Save
- Napolean
- 6lb Smoothbore
- 32lb Howitzer
- 10lb Parrott
- 3in Ordnance
- 20lb Parrott
- 12lb Howitzer
- 10lb James
- Mixed Guns
- Six 12lb Guns Two 10lb Howitzers
- Six 6lb Guns Two 7lb Howitzers
- Eight 7lb Howitzers
- Five 9lb Guns One 55in Howitzer
- Six 6lb Guns Two 55in Howitzers
- Two 6lb Guns
- Five 6lb Guns One 55in Howitzer
- Eight 6lb Guns
- Six 55in Howitzers
- Three 6lb Guns One 55in Howitzer
- Six 12lb Guns One 55in Howitzer
- Four 6lb Guns Two 55in Howitzers
- Five 6lb Guns
- Rockets
- Musket
- Rifle
- Mixed Firearms
- Sabre
- Lance
- UNIT: %s
- CO: %s
- Commander
- WEAPON: %s
- Low Cohesion
- Low Artillery Ammo
- Left Support
- Right Support
- Rear Support
- Defensive Forest
- Defensive Orchard
- Defensive Broken
- Defensive Sunken
- Defensive Hedge
- Defensive Wall
- Defensive Fort
- Fortified Rocky
- Fortified Sunken
- Fortified Hedge
- Fortified Wall
- Fortified Fort
- Extra Fortified Rocky
- Extra Fortified Hedge
- Extra Fortified Wall
- Extra Fortified Fort
- Entrenched
- Brigade Commander
- Senior Commander
- Army Commander
- Brigade Commander
- Senior Commander
- Army Commander
- Brigade Commander
- Senior Commander
- Army Commander
- Poor Troops
- Inexperienced Troops
- Experienced Troops
- Veteran Troops
- ╔lite Troops
- Load
- Load Game - select or type in a name
- 12 lb. Guns and 10 lb. Howitzers
- 6 lb. Guns and 7 lb. Howitzers
- 7 lb. Howitzers
- 9 lb. Guns and 5.5 inch Howitzers
- 6 lb. Guns and 5.5 inch Howitzers
- 6 lb. Guns
- 5.5 inch Howitzers
- 12 lb. Guns and 5.5 inch Howitzers
- 8 lb. Guns
- 6 lb. Guns
- 12 lb. Guns
- Howitzers
- Historical
- Variant
- Limited Ammo
- Unlimited Ammo
- Demorilization Game Ending
- Demorilization Effects
- Severe Rally
- Limited Rally
- Defensive Sandpit
- Fortified Sandpit
- 's Battery
- Six 12 lb. Guns, Two Howitzers
- Six 6 lb. Guns, Two Howitzers
- Eight Howitzers
- Five 9 lb. Guns, One Howitzer
- Six 6 lb. Guns, Two Howitzers
- Two 6 lb. Guns
- Five 6 lb. Guns, One Howitzer
- Eight 6 lb. Guns
- Six Howitzers
- Three 6 lb. Guns, One Howitzer
- Six 12 lb. Guns, Two Howitzers
- Four 6 lb. Guns, Two Howitzers
- Five 6 lb. Guns
- Congreve Rockets
- Heavy Artillerymen
- Horse Artillerymen
- Artillerymen
- Light Infantrymen
- Infantrymen
- Light Cavalrymen
- Heavy Cavalrymen
- army morale falls below zero
- Brown Bess Musket
- Musket Model 1776
- Potsdam Musket
- Baker Rifle
- Jaeger Rifle
- Straight Sword
- Curved Sabre
- Fast Rewind
- Rewind
- Stop
- Pause
- Play
- Fast Forward
- View Event - you may also double-click event in list
- Exit to End Game screen
- A fortified building
- has caught on fire
- ^Points For Enemy Casualties
- ^Enemy Demoralization Bonus
- ^Points For Enemy Morale Loss
- ^Points Spent On Reinforcements
- ^Objective Sites Controlled
- Best Infantry Battalion
- Best Cavalry Regiment
- Best Artillery Battery
- Best Brigade
- Unit that Sustained the Most Casualties
- Highest Ranked Casualty
- Best Infantry Battalion
- Best Cavalry Regiment
- Best Artillery Battery
- Best Brigade
- Unit that Sustained the Most Casualties
- Highest Ranked Casualty
- Defensive Abatis
- Fortified Abatis
- Starting Strength %d / Ending Strength %d - Suffered %d%% Casualties
- Enemy Casualties:
- N/A
- %s's %s, %s
- - Small
- - Medium
- - Large
- - Massive
- Effective
- Light Infantrymen
- Infantrymen
- Light Cavalrymen
- Heavy Cavalrymen
- Heavy Artillery
- Horse Artillery
- Artillery
- English
- Scottish
- Welsh
- Dutch
- Belgian
- Brunswick
- Hanoverian
- Nassau
- K.G.L.
- W. Indian
- Prussian
- W. Phalian
- Silesian
- Pomeranian
- Saxon
- Neumark
- French
- Polish
- Swiss
- Irish
- Brigade Strength - %s men
- Division Strength - %s men
- Corps Strength - %s men
- Army Strength - %s men
- All
- Friendly
- Fictional
- Surrendered
- Draw
- The battle ended in a draw
- (%d VP difference required for Marginal Victory)
- Excellent
- Good
- Fair
- Poor
- Critical
- Demoralized
- Pause Game
- Show Game Status
- Change to Slow Speed
- Change to Normal Speed
- Change to Fast Speed
- Change to Fastest Speed
- ^Total Points For Controlled Sites
- Leader
- Artillery
- Infantry
- Lancers
- Heavy Cavalry
- Light Cavalry
- Time Left %02dh %02dm $Current Time %02d:%02d
- Wounded
- Killed
- Defensive Town
- Infantry Casualties
- Cavalry Casualties
- Artillery Casualties
- Troops Surrendered
- Guns Captured by Enemy
- General %s's Brigade arrives at approximately %02d:%02d near %s
- General %s arrives at approximately %02d:%02d near %s
- Covers reinforcements up to %02d:%02d
- (%d VPs required for Tactical Victory)
- (%d VPs required for Decisive Victory)
- French Casualties
- Anglo-Allied Casualties
- French Troops Surrendered
- Anglo-Allied Troops Surrendered
- French Artillery Captured
- Anglo-Allied Artillery Captured
- Leader Casualties
- (none)
- %s Army Morale drops from %s to %s
- Long
- Points Remaining/Total: %d/%d
- Division Commanders Used/Max: %d/%d
- Points for Used/Allowed For Reinforcements: %d/%d
- %d pts
- I am returning to the game.
- @ ; This line must remain at end of file