TITLE_MAIN=Installing Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Battle Demo
ISDX_ERR_OUTOFDISKSPACE=The setup program ran out of disk space during installation.
ISDX_ERR_BADSOURCETIME=A file's date and time could not be verified or were incorrect.
ISDX_ERR_MUSTBEWIN95=DirectX 5 requires Windows 95.
ISDX_ERR_NODIRECTXFOLDER=Make sure that the DirectX folder exists on your Media.\nThe folder is available under <InstallShield>TemplateData\DirectX 5 Template Data.\nYou can also find it on the DirectX SDK.
ISDX_INSTALLINGDX=Installing DirectX...
COMPANY_NAME=Breakaway Games
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process: %d
ISDX_ERR_SOURCEFILENOTFOUND=A required source file could not be found.
ISDX_ERR_UNKNOWNOS=The operating system on your system is not currently supported.
ARCADE_MSG=Do you want to install GameSpy Arcade at this time in order to play multiplayer games of "Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Battle" on GameSpy's lobby service?\n\nWARNING!!! \nAt the end of the GameSpy Arcade install, the launch GameSpy Arcade box is automatically checked. Please make sure you un-check the box so you don't accidentally launch GameSpy Arcade before the Waterloo install is complete.
ISDX_ERR_CANTFINDDIR=The setup program could not find the working directory.
ISDX_ERR_NOTENOUGHSPACE=Not enough space to install DirectX.
BAD_DRIVE_STRING=The drive which has been selected for installation\ndoes not have enough free space available for \nproper installation of Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Battle.\n\nPlease select another location for installation of the game.
DX_MSG=Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Battle Demo License Agreement
UNINST_KEY=Waterloo - Napoleon's Last Battle Demo
ISDX_ERR_BADSOURCESIZE=A file's size could not be verified or was incorrect.
DX_TITLE=Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Battle Demo License Agreement
ISDX_ERR_NOCOPY=A file's version could not be verified or was incorrect.
FOLDER_NAME=Waterloo - Napoleon's Last Battle Demo
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
ISDX_ERR_CANTFINDINF=A required .inf file could not be found.
ISDX_ERR_SERVICEPACKNUM=Incorrect service pack number for DirectX setup.
ISDX_ERR_NOTPREINSTALLEDONNT=The version of Windows NT on the system does not contain\nthe current version of DirectX. An older version of DirectX\nmay be present, or DirectX may be absent altogether.
DX_BOOT_MSG=Distributed with this game CD is DirectX8. Waterloo - Napoleon's Last Battle requires DirectX7 or higher to run properly.\n\nIf you wish to have DirectX 8 installed (or reinstalled) it can be done now. However, installing DirectX8\nwill require you to reboot your machine. \n\nWould you like to install DirectX8 now?
UNINST_DISPLAY_NAME=Waterloo - Napoleon's Last Battle Demo
ISDX_ERR_BADWINDOWSVERSION=DirectX does not support the Windows version on the system.
ISDX_ERR_USERHITCANCEL=The Cancel button was pressed before the application was fully installed.
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.
PRODUCT_NAME=Waterloo - Napoleon's Last Battle Demo