Microsoft Network Monitor,, NETMON.EXE , COMPANYNAME("Microsoft Corporation"), FILEDESCRIPTION("*Network Monitor*")
Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard 97,, wpwiz.exe, CHECKSUM(0x7BA78F74), EXETYPE("WIN32"), REGKEYPRESENT("HKR\Software\Microsoft\WebPost\SrcMRU")
Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard 98,, wpwiz.exe, COMPANYNAME(Microsoft Corporation), PRODUCTVERSION(6.*), REGKEYPRESENT("HKR\Software\Microsoft\WebPost\SrcMRU")
Microsoft Works 4.0,, msworks.exe, COMPANYNAME(Microsoft Corporation), PRODUCTVERSION(
Microsoft Works 4.0a,, msworks.exe, COMPANYNAME(Microsoft Corporation), PRODUCTVERSION(
Microsoft Works 4.5,, msworks.exe, COMPANYNAME(Microsoft Corporation), PRODUCTVERSION(
Mortice_Kern_Systems_Toolkit_6.2,, sh.exe, COMPANYNAME("Mortice Kern Systems Inc."), UPTOBINFILEVER("6.2")
PCDRW.EXE , DESCRIPTION("PC-Doctor For Windows - Copyright ⌐ 1996 WaterGate Software Inc. All Rights Reserved."), COMPANYNAME("Watergate Software, Inc."), PRODUCTNAME("PC-Doctor For Windows")
PCDRWDLD.EXE , DESCRIPTION("PC-Doctor For Windows Diagnostics Loader - Copyright c 1997 Watergate Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.")
Adaptec_Easy_CD_Creator_4 = Adaptec Easy CD Creator
adobe_type_mgr = "During the upgrade, Setup will uninstall the ATM Control Panel program, because Adobe Type Manager fonts are recognized by Windows 2000. After the upgrade, manage your ATM fonts using the Windows 2000 Control Panel."
ATI_Player = "You will not be able to open MPEG files."
3D_Studio_Max_r2_5 = "Windows 2000 drivers for the Sentinel parallel port adapter must be installed after upgrading. These drivers can be found on the 3D Studio Max CD inside the Sentinel\Win_nt50 folder. Consult 3D Studio Max Help for additinal instructions."
BCC50_winspctr = "You won't be able to use Help while running WinSpector."
borland_turbo_dbg = "The Borland Turbo Debugger needs to be reinstalled after the upgrade to Windows 2000, because it uses drivers that do not support Windows 2000. Before upgrading, check the product packaging to see if it supports Windows NT 4.0 and higher."
qpro56 = "You will not be able to use WYSIWYG mode after upgrade."
BoundsChecker_6.03 = "Bounds Checker 6.03"
Cheyenne_ARCServe_Agent = "Cheyenne Client Agent for Windows 95"
crystal_soundfusion_msg = "The audio, MIDI and mixer features of Crystal Semiconductor's SoundFusion(tm) are supported by Windows 2000, but the acceleration features are not. After the upgrade, your computer will have sound, but features provided by the PCI portion of this device will not be available. Contact Crystal Semiconductor Corporation for additional information."
Dell_OpenManage_Client="Dell OpenManage Client"
NewTek_Lightwave_5.5="Windows 2000 drivers for the Sentinel parallel port dongle must be reinstalled after upgrading for application to launch. These drivers can be found at"
hpbriokbd = "The software that supports the Hewlett Packard Brio Keyboard was not designed for Windows 2000. After upgrading, the keyboard will work properly, but the Suspend and Help buttons on the keyboard will not be functional. Contact Hewlett Packard for an update."
hpmmkbd = "The software that supports the Hewlett Packard Multimedia Keyboard was not designed for Windows 2000. The extended functions will not work after upgrading. Contact Hewlett Packard for updated software."
HP_Registration_Wizard = "HP Personal Guide and Registration Wizard"
ibmaptezkbd = "The extended functionality in the IBM Aptiva Keyboard was designed for Windows 95. Contact IBM for replacement software that runs on Windows 2000."
Iomega_Tools_Msg = "You will need a new version of Iomega Zip Software that supports Windows 2000. Go to <A HREF=""""></A> and download new software."
Lotus_SmartSuite_96 = "Lotus SmartSuite"
lotus_ssuite_96 = "For optimum compatibility with the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system, Lotus recommends that you upgrade to Lotus SmartSuite Millennium Edition 9.5 or later. To upgrade to this version of SmartSuite, in the U.S. call 1-800-343-5414. Outside the U.S. please contact your local Customer Service representative. You can also contact us via the Web at\home.nsf\welcome\customerservice."
mayo_clinic = "You will encounter minor display problems while using this program."
McAfee_Virus_Scan = "McAfee Virus Scan"
Mediamatics_MPEG_VideoCD_Player = "This program may use punctuation marks instead of letters when displaying the list of drives."
msasimov = "Full-screen mode does not work properly after upgrading to Windows 2000."
msbhuman = "You must disable full-screen animation after Setup is complete."
MSFURY3 = "Full-screen mode does not work properly after upgrading to Windows 2000."
Microsoft_FrontPage_98 = "Microsoft FrontPage 98"
msmoney97 = "You need to reinstall Home Banking options of Microsoft Money 97 after upgrading to Windows 2000."
Microsoft_Outlook_2000 = "Microsoft Outlook 2000"
Microsoft_Network_2 = "The Microsoft Network"
Microsoft_Network_5 = "The Microsoft Network"
Microsoft_Windows_CE_Services = "Windows CE Services"
Microsoft_Windows_CE_Help = "Updated software is required for your Windows CE device. Before you upgrade to Windows 2000, go to <A HREF=></A> and visit the Windows CE product page."
Microsoft_SQL_Server_7.0 = "Microsoft SQL Server 7.0"
mswms = "Your Microsoft Exchange Inbox will not work after Setup is complete. Consider using Microsoft Outlook Express instead."
msol2000 = "After Windows 2000 Setup is complete, you have to reinstall Microsoft Outlook 2000. To do this, start Outlook. If Outlook 2000 is part of your Startup folder, reinstallation will automatically begin the first time you log on to Windows 2000. Reinstallation takes a while, and the progress bar restarts several times."
fs10 = "Mijenix Free Space uses a different compression method on Windows 2000. To ensure that you do not lose data during the upgrade, you must uncompress any files and folders compressed with Free Space, and then uninstall the product. After migration is complete, you can reinstall Free Space and use it normally."
Mijenix_ZipMagic_98 = "ZipMagic 98"
Mijenix_ZipMagic_2000 = "ZipMagic 2000"
yeo = "Norton Your Eyes Only can cause serious problems during the upgrade to Windows 2000. Because of these incompatibilities, you must uninstall this program from your system before continuing."
PB_Nav_Assistant = "Some parts of this application will not work properly after the upgrade. For instance, the ability to open software applications after clicking the ""Software"" button will be lost."
Novell_Groupwise_5 = "Novell Groupwise Version 5"
ptacc60 = "After upgrading to Windows 2000 you will be unable to access help from within this program. Reinstalling Peachtree Accounting will resolve this problem."
Power_Quest_Partition_Magic="Partition Magic"
sc40 = "System Commander can cause serious problems during the upgrade to Windows 2000. Because of these incompatibilities, you must uninstall System Commander from your system before continuing."
CI5="This application can cause severe problems during the upgrade to Windows 2000. Because of this, you must uninstall ControlIt before continuing. You can reinstall this application after Setup has completed."
dashboard_95="Some parts of Dashboard 95 do not support Windows 2000. After setup is complete, you will not be able to use the Programs or Win Tools panels. Also, some icons may not display on the Dashboard Quick Launch Bar."
stbvision95 = "The STB Vision 95 utility that came with your video card does not support Windows 2000. Although your video card will continue to work, you won't be able to use this utility."
HP_Message_Board = "The Learn About HP Message Board portion of the program, containing the tutorial, does not support Windows 2000."
Videobrush_Whiteboard="You will not be able to use AVI files as input."
v3pro98 ="This virus scanner can cause serious problems during the upgrade to Windows 2000. You must uninstall V3 Professional 98 before continuing."
Mortice_Kern_Systems_Toolkit_6.2 = "MKS Toolkit"
PowerDesk_98_FileFinder = "Mijenix PowerDesk 98"
pdesk98ff = "PowerDesk File Finder will not be able to display its Viewer Pane on Windows 2000."
ati_mach_64 = "Your ATI Mach 64VT video card has extended Control Panel and Device Manager capabilities designed only for Windows 95 or Windows 98. Contact ATI for an updated driver for Windows 2000."
AdB_Multi_Wave_Digital_Dev = "Multi!Wav PRO Series (a multimedia device)"
condev = "Setup has detected an incompatibility between your video card & computer's mainboard. Because of this, your computer may not start up after the upgrade. Contact the manufacturer of your hardware for technical assistance."
Diamond_Monster_Control_Panel="Diamond Monster Sound II Control Panel"
ATI_3.1_DVD_Player = "ATI DVD Movie Player"
Chromatic_mpact_DVD = "Chromatic Mpact DVD Movie Player"
Creative_DXR3_DVD_Player = "Creative DXR3 DVD Movie Player"
Creative_Labs_DVD_Player = "Creative Labs DVD Movie Player"
CyberLink_Power_DVD = "CyberLink Power DVD Movie Player"
Diamond_DVD_Navigator = "Diamond DVD Navigator"
Divicore_Decoder = "Divicore DVD Movie Player"
Electronic_Arts_DVD_Player = "Electronic Arts DVD Player"
Intervideo_WinDVD = "Intervideo WinDVD Movie Player"
LuxSonor_Inc_DVD = "LuxSonor Inc. DVD Movie Player"
LuxSonor_Creative_Mix = "DVD Movie Player"
Margi_DVD-to-Go = "Margi DVD-to-Go Movie Player"
Mediamatics_Inc_DVD_Player = "Mediamatics Inc. DVD Movie Player"
MGI_DVD_Max = "MGI DVD Max Movie Player"
Nec_Z1_DVD = "NEC DVD Video Player"
Quadrant_International_DVD_Player = "Quadrant Intl. DVD Movie Player"
Ravisent_DVD_Player = "Ravisent DVD Player"
Siemens_Deskview = "Siemens Deskview"
Sigma_Designs_RealMagic_Hollywood_Plus = "Sigma Designs RealMagic Hollywood Plus"