home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; IPoint.Inf
- ; Copied to harddrive by the IntelliPoint Setup
- ; Configures system for Microsoft Mouse, IntelliMouse, IntelliMouseTrackball
- ; This file is installed by the IntelliPoint setup program.
- ; It allows the PNP detection to figure out that the drivers
- ; for the new hardware it just detected are already installed.
- ; No files are copied.
- [Version]
- Signature=$CHICAGO$
- LayoutFile=Layout.inf
- Class=Mouse
- Provider=%Provider%
- ClassGUID={4D36E96F-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} ; identifies MOUSE class GUID
- [DestinationDirs]
- DefaultDestDir = 11 ; LDID_SYS
- System.Copy = 11 ; LDID_SYS
- VxD.Copy = 22 ; LDID_VMM32
- INF.Copy = 17 ; LDID_INF
- STDUSBMOUSE.Copy = 10,system32\drivers
- HIDMouse.Copy = 11 ; LDID_SYS
- [ControlFlags]
- ExcludeFromSelect = USB\VID_045E&PID_0009,USB\VID_045E&PID_001E,USB\VID_045E&PID_0025
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Manufacturer Section
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Manufacturer]
- %Mfg% =Microsoft ; Microsoft
- %StdMfg% =StdMfg ; (Standard types)
- [StdMfg]
- [Microsoft] ; identify install sections for all our Mice
- ;
- ; Mice using the Install section STDUSBMOUSE
- ;
- %USB\VID_045E&PID_0009.DeviceDesc%=STDUSBMOUSE,USB\VID_045E&PID_0009 ; PID 0009, USB IntelliMouse
- %USB\VID_045E&PID_001E.DeviceDesc%=STDUSBMOUSE,USB\VID_045E&PID_001E ; PID 001E, USB IntelliMouse Explorer
- %USB\VID_045E&PID_0025.DeviceDesc%=STDUSBMOUSE,USB\VID_045E&PID_0025 ; PID 0025, USB IntelliMouse w/IntelliEye
- %USB\VID_045E&PID_0029.DeviceDesc%=STDUSBMOUSE,USB\VID_045E&PID_0029 ; PID 0029, USB IntelliMouse Web
- %USB\VID_045E&PID_0039.DeviceDesc%=STDUSBMOUSE,USB\VID_045E&PID_0039 ; PID 0039, USB IntelliMouse Optical
- ;
- ; Mice using the Install section Ser.Ipoint
- ; Ser.Ipoint.NT for NT
- ; Ser.Ipoint for Win9x
- ;
- %MSH0001.DevDesc%=Ser.Ipoint,MSH0001 ; MSH0001 - Serial IntelliMouse
- %SERENUM\MSH0001.DevDesc%=Ser.Ipoint,SERENUM\MSH0001
- %MSH0004.DevDesc%=Ser.Ipoint,MSH0004 ; MSH0004 - Serial IntelliMouse Trackball
- %SERENUM\MSH0004.DevDesc%=Ser.Ipoint,SERENUM\MSH0004
- %PNP0F01.DevDesc%=Ser.Ipoint,PNP0F01 ; PNP0F01 - Microsoft Serial Mouse
- %SERENUM\PNP0F01.DevDesc%=Ser.Ipoint,SERENUM\PNP0F01
- %PNP0F0A.DevDesc%=Ser.Ipoint,PNP0F0A ; PNP0F0A - Microsoft Serial Mouse
- ;
- ; Mice using the Install section PS2.Ipoint
- ; PS2.Ipoint.NT for NT
- ; PS2.Ipoint for Win9x
- ;
- %PNP0F0B.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13 ; PNP0F0B - PS/2 Mouse
- %BIOS\PNP0F0B.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- %ROOT\PNP0F0B.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- %MSH0002.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13 ; MSH0002 - PS/2 IntelliMouse
- %BIOS\MSH0002.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- %ROOT\MSH0002.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- %MSH0005.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13 ; MSH0005 - PS/2 IntelliMouse Trackball
- %BIOS\MSH0005.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- %ROOT\MSH0005.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- %MSH001F.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13 ; MSH001F - PS/2 IntelliMouse Explorer
- %BIOS\MSH001F.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- %ROOT\MSH001F.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- %MSH0020.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13 ; MSH0020 - PS/2 IntelliMouse w/IntelliEye
- %BIOS\MSH0020.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- %ROOT\MSH0020.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- %MSH002A.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13 ; MSH002A - PS/2 IntelliMouse Web
- %BIOS\MSH002A.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- %ROOT\MSH002A.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- %MSH003A.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13 ; MSH003A - PS/2 IntelliMouse Optical
- %BIOS\MSH003A.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- %ROOT\MSH003A.DevDesc%=PS2.Ipoint,*PNP0F13
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Install Sections
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;------------------------------------------------------
- ; Sections Common both Serial and PS2 for Windows9x
- ;------------------------------------------------------
- [Ipoint.DelReg]
- ; HKR relative to ClassGUID above of HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Class\Mouse
- HKR,,DevLoader
- HKR,,MouseDriver
- HKR,,MouseType
- HKR,,ComInfo
- HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Mouse\0000,"MouseDriver"
- HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Mouse\0001,"MouseDriver"
- HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Mouse\0002,"MouseDriver"
- HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Mouse\0003,"MouseDriver"
- HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Mouse\0004,"MouseDriver"
- HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Mouse\0005,"MouseDriver"
- HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Mouse\0006,"MouseDriver"
- HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Mouse\0007,"MouseDriver"
- HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Mouse\0008,"MouseDriver"
- HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Mouse\0009,"MouseDriver"
- HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\LMOUSE,"StaticVxD"
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Mouse\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\DriverPages"
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Install section for IntelliPoint Serial Mouse WinNT
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Ser.Ipoint.NT]
- AddReg=Ser.Ipoint.NT.AddReg
- [Ser.Ipoint.NT.Services]
- ; add our serial port driver to services
- AddService = mssermou, 0x00000002, Sermouse.Service.Inst, Sermouse.EventLog.Inst ; Port Driver
- [Sermouse.Service.Inst]
- DisplayName = %mssermou.SvcDesc%
- ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
- ServiceBinary = %12%\mssermou.sys
- LoadOrderGroup = Pointer Port
- [Sermouse.EventLog.Inst]
- AddReg = Sermouse.EventLog.AddReg
- [Sermouse.EventLog.AddReg]
- HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\mssermou.sys"
- HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7
- [Ser.Ipoint.NT.AddReg]
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\mssermou\Parameters,NumberOfButtons,0x00010001,0x00000002
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\mssermou\Parameters,MouseDataQueueSize,0x00010001,0x00000064
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\mssermou\Parameters,PointerDeviceBaseName,,"PointerPort"
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\mssermou\Parameters,SampleRate,0x00010001,0x00000028
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\mssermou,Tag,0x00010001,0x00000002
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\sermouse,Start,0x00010001,0x00000004
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Install section for IntelliPoint PS/2 Mouse WinNT
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- [PS2.Ipoint.NT]
- AddReg=msi8042.Ipoint.NT.AddReg
- LogConfig=msi8042.Ipoint.NT.LogConfig
- [msi8042.Ipoint.NT.AddReg]
- ;root, subkey, flag, value
- ; where flag 0x00010001 is "The value is "raw" data
- ; flag 0x00000000 is "the value is REG_SZ"
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msi8042\Parameters,NumberOfButtons,0x00010001,0x00000002
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msi8042\Parameters,MouseDataQueueSize,0x00010001,0x00000064
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msi8042\Parameters,PointerDeviceBaseName,,"PointerPort"
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msi8042\Parameters,SampleRate,0x00010001,0x00000028
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msi8042,Tag,0x00010001,0x00000002
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msi8042,Start,0x00010001,0x00000001
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msi8042,Type, 0x00010001, 0x00000001
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msi8042,ErrorControl, 0x00000001
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msi8042,Group,,"Keyboard Port"
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msi8042,ImagePath,,"system32\drivers\msi8042.sys"
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt,Start,0x00010001,0x00000004
- [msi8042.Ipoint.NT.LogConfig]
- [PS2.Ipoint.NT.Services]
- AddService = msi8042, 0x00000002, msi8042.Service.Inst, msi8042.EventLog.Inst ; Port Driver
- [msi8042.Service.Inst]
- DisplayName = %msi8042.SvcDesc%
- ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
- ServiceBinary = %12%\msi8042.sys
- LoadOrderGroup = Keyboard Port
- [msi8042.EventLog.Inst]
- AddReg = msi8042.EventLog.AddReg
- [msi8042.EventLog.AddReg]
- HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\msi8042.sys"
- HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Install section for IntelliPoint Serial Mouse for Win95
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; this section does the following
- ; renames the existing msmouse.vxd to msmouse.old
- ; deletes the registry entries listed in Ipoint.DelReg section
- ; adds to the registry entries listed in Ser.Ipoint.AddReg and Ipoint.AddReg
- ; copies msmouse.vxd from installation disk to \windows\system
- ; copies vmouse.vxd from installation disk to \windows\system\vmm32
- ; updates system.ini file with the entries listed in Ser.Ipoint.Ini
- ; finally, causes the system to reboot - this is required for Win95 to allow
- ; the IntelliPoint drivers to be loaded thus allowing the wheel and
- ; wheel button to become functional
- [Ser.Ipoint]
- DelReg=Ipoint.DelReg
- AddReg=Ser.Ipoint.AddReg, Ipoint.AddReg
- UpdateInis=Ser.Ipoint.Ini
- ;PosDup section
- ;Identify devices which may appear to be separate devices but in fact are the same device
- ;This can occur when a device is detected and is also enumerated. Typically, detection cannot
- ;identify the device exactly but enumeration can. In these cases the Device Manager will detect
- ;a conflict. The Device Manager will look at this list and search the root branch of the
- ;registry for devices listed in this section. If one is found and the resource in use by these
- ;devices overlap, the device manager will assume it has detected a duplicate and will move the
- ;root branch entry to the enumerator branch.
- ;
- [Ser.Ipoint.PosDup]
- [Ser.Ipoint.AddReg]
- HKR,,DevLoader,,*vmouse ; identifiy which driver is the devloader for this device
- HKR,,MouseType,,SERIAL ; identify device type of Serail
- HKR,,NoSetupUI,,1 ; add to registry NoSetupUI = 1
- HKR,,InfPath,,"Ipoint.inf"
- HKR,,InfSection,,"Ser.Ipoint"
- [Ser.Ipoint.Ini]
- system.ini,boot,,"mouse.drv=mouse.drv" ; ensure microsoft driver is used
- system.ini,386Enh,,"mouse=*vmouse,msmouse.vxd" ; make sure mini driver gets loaded
- system.ini,boot.description,,"mouse.drv=%SYSTEM_INI_DRIVER_DESCRIPTION%" ; driver description
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Install section for IntelliPoint PS/2 Mouse for Win95
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; this section does the following
- ; renames the existing msmouse.vxd to msmouse.old (section MSMouse.Rename)
- ; deletes the registry entries listed in Ipoint.DelReg section
- ; adds to the registry entries listed in PS2.Ipoint.AddReg and Ipoint.AddReg
- ; copies msmouse.vxd from installation disk to \windows\system
- ; copies vmouse.vxd from installation disk to \windows\system\vmm32
- ; copies mswheel.exe and mswheel.dll to \windows\system
- ; updates system.ini file with the entries listed in PS2.Ipoint.Ini
- ; PS2.LogConfig defines device configuration details
- ; finally, causes the system to reboot because of info in the PS2.LogConfig section
- ; - this is required for Win95 to allow
- ; the IntelliPoint drivers to be loaded thus allowing the wheel and
- ; wheel button to become functional
- [PS2.Ipoint]
- DelReg=Ipoint.DelReg
- AddReg=PS2.Ipoint.Addreg, Ipoint.AddReg
- UpdateInis=PS2.Ipoint.Ini
- LogConfig=PS2.LogConfig
- ;PosDup section
- ;Identify devices which may appear to be separate devices but in fact are the same device
- ;This can occur when a device is detected and is also enumerated. Typically, detection cannot
- ;identify the device exactly but enumeration can. In these cases the Device Manager will detect
- ;a conflict. The Device Manager will look at this list and search the root branch of the
- ;registry for devices listed in this section. If one is found and the resource in use by these
- ;devices overlap, the device manager will assume it has detected a duplicate and will move the
- ;root branch entry to the enumerator branch.
- [PS2.Ipoint.PosDup]
- *PNP0F13
- [PS2.Ipoint.AddReg]
- HKR,,DevLoader,,*vmouse
- HKR,,MouseType,,"PS2"
- HKR,,NoSetupUI,,1
- HKR,,InfPath,,"Ipoint.inf"
- HKR,,InfSection,,"PS2.Ipoint"
- [PS2.LogConfig]
- ConfigPriority=HARDWIRED
- IRQConfig=12
- [PS2.Ipoint.Ini]
- system.ini,boot,,"mouse.drv=mouse.drv"
- system.ini,386Enh,,"mouse=*vmouse,msmouse.vxd"
- system.ini,boot.description,,"mouse.drv=%SYSTEM_INI_DRIVER_DESCRIPTION%"
- HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern
- HKR,,NTMPDriver,,"hidusb.sys"
- hidclass.sys
- hidusb.sys
- hidparse.sys
- hidclass.sys
- hidusb.sys
- hidparse.sys
- ; --------------- All standard USB Mice
- CopyFiles=STDUSBMOUSE.Copy
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;;; Install section for HID mice ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- [HIDMouse]
- CopyFiles=HIDMouse.Copy
- AddReg=HIDMouse.AddReg
- [HIDMouse.Copy]
- mouhid.vxd,,,32
- mouse.drv
- ; msmouse.vxd required for scroll wheel and wheel button support
- msmouse.vxd,,,32
- [HIDMouse.AddReg]
- HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern
- HKR,,NTMPDriver,,"mouhid.vxd"
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Strings Section
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Strings]
- Provider="Microsoft"
- StdMfg ="(Standard mouse types)"
- Mfg="Microsoft"
- mssermou.SvcDesc="mssermou"
- msi8042.SvcDesc="msi8042"
- ;
- ; description strings for IntelliMouse, IntelliMouse Pro, Wheeled Mouse
- ; PNP id's - MSH0001, MSH0002
- MSH0001.DevDesc="Microsoft Serial Mouse with Wheel (IntelliPoint)"
- SERENUM\MSH0001.DevDesc="Microsoft Serial Mouse with Wheel (IntelliPoint)"
- MSH0002.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 Mouse with Wheel (IntelliPoint)"
- BIOS\MSH0002.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 Mouse with Wheel (IntelliPoint)"
- ROOT\MSH0002.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 Mouse with Wheel (IntelliPoint)"
- MSH001F.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse Explorer (IntelliPoint)"
- BIOS\MSH001F.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse Explorer (IntelliPoint)"
- ROOT\MSH001F.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse Explorer (IntelliPoint)"
- MSH0020.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse with IntelliEye (IntelliPoint)"
- BIOS\MSH0020.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse with IntelliEye (IntelliPoint)"
- ROOT\MSH0020.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse with IntelliEye (IntelliPoint)"
- MSH002A.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse Web (IntelliPoint)"
- BIOS\MSH002A.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse Web (IntelliPoint)"
- ROOT\MSH002A.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse Web (IntelliPoint)"
- MSH003A.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse Optical (IntelliPoint)"
- BIOS\MSH003A.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse Optical (IntelliPoint)"
- ROOT\MSH003A.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse Optical (IntelliPoint)"
- ;
- ; description strings for Microsoft IntelliMouse Trackball MSH0004, MSH0005
- MSH0004.DevDesc="Microsoft Serial IntelliMouse Trackball (IntelliPoint)"
- SERENUM\MSH0004.DevDesc="Microsoft Serial IntelliMouse Trackball (IntelliPoint)"
- MSH0005.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse Trackball (IntelliPoint)"
- BIOS\MSH0005.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse Trackball (IntelliPoint)"
- ROOT\MSH0005.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 IntelliMouse Trackball (IntelliPoint)"
- ;
- PNP0F01.DevDesc="Microsoft Serial Mouse (IntelliPoint)"
- SERENUM\PNP0F01.DevDesc="Microsoft Serial Mouse (IntelliPoint)"
- PNP0F0A.DevDesc="Microsoft Serial Mouse (IntelliPoint)"
- SERENUM\PNP0F0A.DevDesc="Microsoft Serial Mouse (IntelliPoint)"
- PNP0F0B.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 Mouse (IntelliPoint)"
- BIOS\PNP0F0B.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 Mouse (IntelliPoint)"
- ROOT\PNP0F0B.DevDesc="Microsoft PS/2 Mouse (IntelliPoint)"
- USB\VID_045E&PID_0009.DeviceDesc="Microsoft USB IntelliMouse (IntelliPoint)"
- USB\VID_045E&PID_001E.DeviceDesc="Microsoft USB IntelliMouse Explorer (IntelliPoint)"
- USB\VID_045E&PID_0025.DeviceDesc="Microsoft USB IntelliMouse w/IntelliEye (IntelliPoint)"
- USB\VID_045E&PID_0029.DeviceDesc="Microsoft USB IntelliMouse Optical (IntelliPoint)"
- USB\VID_045E&PID_0039.DeviceDesc="Microsoft USB IntelliMouse Optical (IntelliPoint)"
- HID_DEVICE_SYSTEM_MOUSE="HID-compliant mouse"