PC World Plus! (NZ) 2000 September
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Text File
1,060 lines
// Filename: shared.js in IEIEShared.chm
// Version post beta 3 (7)
// version 07.01.99
//************************************************ EVENT HANDLING ********************************************
// re-directs to the proper event-driven functions.
window.onload= loadPage;
document.onclick= onclickTriage;
document.onmouseover= gettingHot;
document.onmouseout= gettingCold;
window.onresize= resizeDiv;
//window.onbeforeprint= set_to_print;
//window.onafterprint= reset_form;
//******************************************** USER-DEFINED GLOBAL VARIABLES ************************************
// The images listed below can all be changed by the user.
var sPreviousTip= "Previous topic";
var sNextTip= "Next topic";
var sExpandTip= "Expand/collapse";
var sPopupTip= "View definition";
var sShortcutTip= "";
var moniker= "ms-its:"; // moniker= ""; for flat files
var sSharedCHM= moniker+"IEShared.chm::/";
var closed = sSharedCHM + "plusCold.gif"; //image used for collapsed item in callExpand()
var closedHot = sSharedCHM + "plusHot.gif"; //hot image used for collapsed item in callExpand()
var expand = sSharedCHM + "minusCold.gif"; //image used for expanded item in callExpand()
var expandHot = sSharedCHM + "minusHot.gif"; //hot image used for expanded item in callExpand()
var previousCold= sSharedCHM + "previousCold.gif";
var previousHot= sSharedCHM + "previousHot.gif";
var nextCold= sSharedCHM + "nextCold.gif";
var nextHot= sSharedCHM + "nextHot.gif";
var shortcutCold= sSharedCHM + "shortcutCold.gif";
var shortcutHot= sSharedCHM + "shortcutHot.gif";
var popupCold= sSharedCHM + "popupCold.gif";
var popupHot= sSharedCHM + "popupHot.gif";
var emptyImg= sSharedCHM + "empty.gif"; //image used for empty expand
var noteImg= sSharedCHM + "note.gif"; //image used for notes
var tipImg= sSharedCHM + "tip.gif"; //image used for tips
var warningImg= sSharedCHM + "warning.gif"; //image used for warnings
var cautionImg= sSharedCHM + "caution.gif"; //image used for cautions
var importantImg= sSharedCHM + "important.gif"; //image used for important notice
var relTopicsImg= sSharedCHM + "rel_top.gif"; //image used for important notice
var branchImg= sSharedCHM + "elle.gif";
var branchImg_RTL= sSharedCHM + "elle_rtl.gif";
//******************************************** GLOBAL VARIABLES ******************************************
var printing = "FALSE";
var single = "FALSE";
var scroller = "FALSE";
var isRTL= (document.dir=="rtl");
var imgStyleRTL= "";
if (isRTL) imgStyleRTL=" style='filter:flipH' ";
var sActX_TDC= "CLASSID='CLSID:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83'"; //Tabular Data Control for reusable text data
var sSharedReusableTextFile= sSharedCHM + "shared.txt"; // common reusable text file
var sSharedReusableTextFileRecord= "para"; //reusable text record
var numbers= /\d/g; //javascript regular expression
var spaces= /\s/g; //javascript regular expression
var semicolon= /;/g; //javascript regular expression
var isIE5= (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5")>0) || (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")>0 && parseInt(navigator.appVersion)> 4);
var isPersistent= false;
//******************************************** INITIALIZATION *************************************************
//*** loadPage **********************************************************************************************
// Adds the default image tags and re-usable text to the HTML page.
function loadPage(){
isPersistent= (document.all.item("checklist")!=null) && (isIE5);
if (isPersistent) getChecklistState();
//****** setPreviousNext ************************************************************************ *********************************************************************************************
// insert previous/next navbar
// called by: <div id="nav">@@HTMLsequenceFile.txt or .lst@@</div>
function setPreviousNext(){
var oNav = document.all.item("nav");
if (oNav == null ) return;
var sPreviousALT= sPreviousTip;
var sNextALT= sNextTip;
var sHTMLfile= oNav.innerHTML;
var imgPrev= "<IMG SRC='"+previousCold+"' BORDER=0 ALT='"+ sPreviousALT +"' ALIGN='top' "+ imgStyleRTL +">";
var imgNext= "<IMG SRC='"+nextCold+"' BORDER=0 ALT='"+ sNextALT + "' ALIGN='top' "+ imgStyleRTL +">";
var previousNextObject= "<OBJECT ID='HTMlist' WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=51 " + sActX_TDC +"><param name='DataURL' value='"
+sHTMLfile +"'><param name='UseHeader' value=True></OBJECT>";
oNav.innerHTML= "<TABLE WIDTH='100%' STYLE='margin-top:0;' cellspacing=0>"
+ "<TR><TD style='text-align=left; background-color:transparent'><A ID='previousLink' HREF='#' REL='previous' CLASS='navbar'>"
+imgPrev + "</A></TD><TD width='100%' align='center'></td><TD style='text-align=right; background-color:transparent'><A ID='nextLink' HREF='#' REL='next' CLASS='navbar'>"
+imgNext+ "</A></TD></TR></TABLE>";
document.body.innerHTML= document.body.innerHTML + previousNextObject;
if (printing == "TRUE") return;
var thisLoc= document.location.href +"#";
if (previousLink.href== thisLoc) previousLink.style.display="none";
else previousLink.style.display="block";
if (nextLink.href== thisLoc) nextLink.style.display="none";
else nextLink.style.display="block";
//****** findPageSeq *********************************************************************************************
// finds this page in the "html sequence list" file (filename.lst) and determines the previous & next pages from the list
// the list is created from a tool named "chumper"
function findPageSeq() {
var rs= HTMlist.recordset;
var thisLoc= document.location.href;
var iLoc= thisLoc.lastIndexOf("/");
if (iLoc > 0) thisLoc= thisLoc.substring(iLoc+1, thisLoc.length);
if (nav.style == "[object]") {
printing = "FALSE";
printing = "TRUE";
while (!rs.EOF) {
if (thisLoc == rs.fields("HTMfiles").value){
if (!rs.EOF) nextLink.href=rs.fields("HTMfiles").value;
//******Re-usable text *********************************************************************************************
// Inserts the Tabular Data Control (TDC) object at the end of the page
// Inserts "re-usable text" from the txt file at: <span id="@@CHM_name@@@@index#@@" class="reuse"></span>
// e.g.<span id="printing4" class="reuse"></span> for record#4 in the printing.txt in printing.chm.
function addReusableText(){
var IESharedAdded= false; // make sure the object is only added once
var CHMspecificAdded= false; // make sure the object is only added once
var coll = document.all.tags("SPAN");
var sIndex,sRecord,sFile,sFileID,dataBindingObject;
// TDC object for IEShared.chm
var coreObject= "WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=51 "+sActX_TDC+"><param name='UseHeader' value=True><param name='FieldDelim' value='~'><param name='sort' value='INDEX'>";
var shareTextObject = "<OBJECT ID='IESharedText' " + coreObject + "<param name='DataURL' value='"+sSharedReusableTextFile+"'></OBJECT>";
for (var i=0; i< coll.length; i++)
if (coll[i].className.toLowerCase()=="reuse"){
if (isRTL) coll[i].dir= "rtl";
if (coll[i].id == null) return;
sFile= coll[i].id.toLowerCase();
sFile= sFile.replace(spaces,"");
sFileID= sFile;
sFile= sFile.replace(numbers,"");
if (sFile == sSharedReusableTextFileRecord) coll[i].dataSrc= "#IESharedText";
else coll[i].dataSrc= "#CHMspecificText";
coll[i].dataField= "INDEX";
if (!IESharedAdded && sFile==sSharedReusableTextFileRecord){
document.body.innerHTML= document.body.innerHTML + shareTextObject;
IESharedAdded= true;
else if (!CHMspecificAdded && sFile !=sSharedReusableTextFileRecord){
dataBindingObject= "<OBJECT ID='CHMspecificText'" + coreObject
+ "<param name='DataURL' value='"+sSharedCHM+sFile+".txt'></OBJECT>";
document.body.innerHTML= document.body.innerHTML + dataBindingObject;
CHMspecificAdded= true;
if (sFile == sSharedReusableTextFileRecord)
sRecord= IESharedText.recordset;
else sRecord= CHMspecificText.recordset;
do { sIndex= sRecord.fields("INDEX").value;
sText= sRecord.fields("TEXT").value;
if (sIndex < sFileID) sRecord.moveNext();
else break;
} while (!sRecord.EOF);
if (sIndex == sFileID) coll[i].innerHTML= sText;
//****** insertImages *********************************************************************************************
// Inserts shared images in User-Defined Variables section and thumbnails.
function insertImages(){
// insert alert icons
var collP = document.all.tags("P");
for (var i=0; i<collP.length; i++) {
if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="note") collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+noteImg+"' "+ imgStyleRTL +"> " + collP[i].innerHTML;
else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="warning") collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+warningImg+"'> " + collP[i].innerHTML;
else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="caution") collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+cautionImg+"'> " + collP[i].innerHTML;
else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="tip") collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+tipImg+"'> " + collP[i].innerHTML;
else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="important") collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+importantImg+"'> " + collP[i].innerHTML;
else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="empty") collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+emptyImg+"'> " + collP[i].innerHTML;
else if (collP[i].className.toLowerCase()=="reltopics") collP[i].innerHTML ="<img class='alert' src='"+relTopicsImg+"'> " + collP[i].innerHTML;
//indents for Navigation Tree
var collUL = document.all.tags("UL");
for (var i=0; i<collUL.length; i++) {
var indent= 0;
if (collUL[i].className.toLowerCase()=="navtree"){
if (isRTL) collUL[i].style.listStyleImage= "url('" + branchImg_RTL + "')";
else collUL[i].style.listStyleImage= "url('" + branchImg + "')";
for (var j = 0; j < collUL[i].children.length; j++)
if (collUL[i].children[j].className.toLowerCase()=="branch"){
if (isRTL) collUL[i].children[j].style.marginRight= (indent +'em');
else collUL[i].children[j].style.marginLeft= (indent +'em');
indent= indent + 0.75;
for (var i=0; i < document.anchors.length; i++){
var imgInsert="";
var imgStyle= "";
var imgSpace= "<span class='space'></span>";
var oBefore=document.anchors[i].parentElement.tagName;
var oAnchor= document.anchors[i].id.toLowerCase();
// insert RELTOPICS icons
// if (oAnchor=="reltopics")
// if (document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0) && document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0).className.toLowerCase() == "reltopics")
// imgInsert= ""; // not to re-insert when persistent
// else imgInsert= "<img class='alert' src='"+relTopicsImg+"'>" + imgSpace;
// insert SHORTCUT icons
if (oAnchor=="shortcut") {
document.anchors[i].title= sShortcutTip;
if (document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0) && document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0).className.toLowerCase() == "shortcut")
imgInsert= ""; // not to re-insert when persistent
else imgInsert= "<img class='shortcut' src='"+shortcutCold+"' "+ imgStyleRTL+ ">" + imgSpace;
// insert POPUP icons
else if (oAnchor=="wpopup" || oAnchor=="wpopupweb") document.anchors[i].title= sPopupTip;
else if (document.anchors[i].className.toLowerCase()=="popupicon")
if (document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0) && document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0).className.toLowerCase() == "popup")
imgInsert= ""; // not to re-insert when persistent
else imgInsert= "<img class='popup' src='"+popupCold+"'>" + imgSpace;
// insert EXPAND icons
else if (oAnchor=="expand") {
document.anchors[i].title= sExpandTip;
if (document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0) && document.anchors[i].children.tags("IMG")(0).className.toLowerCase() == "expand")
imgInsert= ""; // not to re-insert when persistent
if (document.anchors[i].parentElement.offsetLeft == document.anchors[i].offsetLeft) {
imgSpace= "<span class='space' style='width:0'></span>";
if (isRTL){ document.anchors[i].parentElement.style.marginRight= "1.5em"; imgStyle=" style=margin-right:'-1.5em'";}
else { document.anchors[i].parentElement.style.marginLeft= "1.5em"; imgStyle=" style=margin-left:'-1.5em'";}
imgInsert= "<img class='expand' src='"+ closed +"' "+imgStyle+">" +imgSpace;
// insert thumbnail images
else if (oAnchor=="thumbnail" || oAnchor=="thumbnailweb"){
var sAltText = document.anchors[i].innerHTML;
var sThumbnailText = document.anchors[i].title;
var oImg = document.anchors[i].href.toLowerCase();
if (oAnchor=="thumbnail")
var sThumbnailImg= moniker + getURL(oImg);
else var sThumbnailImg = document.anchors[i].href.toLowerCase();
document.anchors[i].outerHTML = "<DIV id='thumbDiv' class='thumbnail'>"+document.anchors[i].outerHTML+"</div>";
document.anchors[i].innerHTML = "<img class='thumbnail' src='" + sThumbnailImg + "' alt= ' " + sAltText + "'><p>" +sThumbnailText+"</p>";
if (isRTL) thumbDiv.style.styleFloat= "right";
document.anchors[i].innerHTML = imgInsert + document.anchors[i].innerHTML;
if (isRTL) document.anchors[i].dir="rtl";
//***** onclickTriage ****************************************************************************************
// redirects to the appropriate function based on the ID of the clicked <A> tag.
function onclickTriage(){
var e= window.event.srcElement;
// if the innerHTML in the <a> tag is encapsulated by a style tag or hightlighted in the word seach,
// the parentElement is called.
for (var i=0; i < 5; i++)
if (e.tagName!="A" && e.parentElement!=null) e= e.parentElement;
eID= e.id.toLowerCase();
if (popupOpen) closePopup();
// expand image in a new window
if (eID=="thumbnail" || eID=="pophtm") popNewWindow(e);
else if (eID=="thumbnailweb") callThumbnailWeb(e);
else if (eID=="wpopup") callPopup(e);
else if (eID=="wpopupweb") callPopupWeb(e);
else if (eID=="shortcut") callShortcut(e);
else if (eID=="reltopics") callRelatedTopics(e);
else if (eID=="altloc") callAltLocation(e);
else if (eID=="expand") callExpand(e);
//*** gettingHot ****************************************************************************************
// Makes all the required changes for mouseover.
function gettingHot() {
var e = window.event.srcElement;
if (e.id.toLowerCase()=="cold") e.id ="hot";
else if (e.src== previousCold) e.src = previousHot;
else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="navbar" && e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src== previousCold) e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src= previousHot;
else if (e.src== nextCold) e.src = nextHot;
else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="navbar" && e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src== nextCold) e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src= nextHot;
else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="shortcut" && e.tagName=="IMG") e.src = shortcutHot; //<img> tags have a class
else if (e.id.toLowerCase()=="shortcut") e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src = shortcutHot; //<a> tags have an ID
else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="popup" && e.tagName=="IMG") e.src = popupHot; //<img> tags have a class
else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="popupicon") e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src = popupHot; //<a> tags have an ID
else if ((e.className.toLowerCase()=="expand" && e.tagName=="IMG") ||( e.id.toLowerCase()=="expand")) expandGoesHot(e);
//*** gettingCold **************************************************************************************
// Initial state for mouseout.
function gettingCold() {
var e = window.event.srcElement;
if (e.id.toLowerCase()=="hot") e.id ="cold";
else if (e.src== previousHot) e.src = previousCold;
else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="navbar" && e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src== previousHot) e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src= previousCold;
else if (e.src== nextHot) e.src = nextCold;
else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="navbar" && e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src== nextHot) e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src= nextCold;
else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="shortcut" && e.tagName=="IMG") e.src = shortcutCold; //<img> tags have a class
else if (e.id.toLowerCase()=="shortcut") e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src= shortcutCold; //<a> tags have an ID
else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="popup" && e.tagName=="IMG") e.src = popupCold; //<img> tags have a class
else if (e.className.toLowerCase()=="popupicon") e.children.tags("IMG")(0).src= popupCold; //<a> tags have an ID
else if ((e.className.toLowerCase()=="expand" && e.tagName=="IMG") ||( e.id.toLowerCase()=="expand")) expandGoesCold(e);
//****************************************** OBJECT CONSTRUCTION **************************************
// Uses an A tag to pass parameters between an HTML page and this script.
// Creates an ActiveX Object from these parameters, appends the Object to the end of the page,
// and clicks it. These objects relate to HTMLHelp environment and information about them can be found on the http://HTMLHelp site.
// Object construction variables *********************************************************************
var sParamCHM,sParamFILE, sParamEXEC, sParamMETA,iEND;
var sActX_HH= " type='application/x-oleobject' classid='clsid:adb880a6-d8ff-11cf-9377-00aa003b7a11' ";
//*** callPopup ***************************************************************************************
// creates an object from an <A> tag HREF, the object inserts a winhelp popup
// called by: <A ID="wPopup" HREF="HELP=@@file_name.hlp@@ TOPIC=@@topic#@@">@@Popup text@@</A>
function callPopup(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
var eH= unescape(e.href);
var eH_= eH.toLowerCase();
event.returnValue = false;
var iTOPIC = eH_.lastIndexOf("topic=");
if (iTOPIC==-1) return;
sParamTOPIC = eH.substring((iTOPIC+6),eH.length); // extracts the topic for item2
var iHELP = eH_.lastIndexOf("help=");
if (iHELP==-1) return;
sParamHELP = eH.substring(iHELP+5,iTOPIC); // extracts the help file for item1
if (document.hhPopup) document.hhPopup.outerHTML = ""; // if hhPopup object exists, clears it
var h= "<object id='hhPopup'"+ sActX_HH + "STYLE='display:none'><param name='Command' value='WinHelp, Popup'>";
h= h + "<param name='Item1' value='" + sParamHELP + "'><param name='Item2' value='" + sParamTOPIC + "'></object>";
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", h);
//*** callAltLocation******************************************************************************
// creates an object from an <A> tag HREF, the object will navigate to the alternate location if the first location is not found.
// called from: <A ID="altLoc" HREF="CHM=@@1st_chm_name.chm;Alt_chm_name.chm@@ FILE=@@1st_file_name.htm;Alt_file_name.htm@@">@@Link text here@@</A>
function callAltLocation(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
var eH= unescape(e.href);
var eH_= eH.toLowerCase();
var sFILEarray,sCHMarray;
event.returnValue = false;
var sParamTXT= e.innerHTML;
sParamTXT= sParamTXT.replace(semicolon,"");
var iFILE = eH_.lastIndexOf("file=");
if (iFILE==-1) return;
sParamFILE= eH.substring((iFILE+5),eH.length); // extracts the 2 HTM files
sParamFILE= sParamFILE.replace(spaces,"");
iSPLIT= sParamFILE.match(semicolon);
if (iSPLIT)
sFILEarray = sParamFILE.split(";"); // separates the 2 HTM files
else return;
var iCHM = eH_.lastIndexOf("chm=");
if(iCHM==-1) return;
else sParamCHM = eH.substring(iCHM+4,iFILE); // extracts the 2 CHM's
sParamCHM= sParamCHM.replace(spaces,"");
iSPLIT= sParamCHM.match(semicolon);
if (iSPLIT)
sCHMarray= sParamCHM.split(";"); // separates the 2 CHM's
else return;
sParamFILE= moniker + sCHMarray[0]+ "::/" + sFILEarray[0] + ";" + moniker + sCHMarray[1]+ "::/" + sFILEarray[1];
if (document.hhAlt) document.hhAlt.outerHTML = ""; // if hhAlt object exists, clears it
var h= "<object id='hhAlt'"+ sActX_HH + "STYLE='display:none'><PARAM NAME='Command' VALUE='Related Topics'>";
h= h + "<param name='Item1' value='" + sParamTXT +";" + sParamFILE + "'></object>";
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", h);
//*** callRelatedTopics******************************************************************************
// creates an object from an <A> tag HREF, the object inserts a popup of the related topics to select
// called from: <A ID="relTopics" HREF="CHM=@@chm_name1.chm;chm_name2.chm@@ META=@@a_filename1;a_filename2@@">Related Topics</A>
function callRelatedTopics(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
var eH= unescape(e.href);
var eH_= eH.toLowerCase();
event.returnValue = false;
var iMETA = eH_.lastIndexOf("meta=");
if (iMETA==-1) return;
sParamMETA = eH.substring((iMETA+5),eH.length); // extracts the META keywords for item2
var iCHM = eH_.lastIndexOf("chm=");
if(iCHM==-1) sParamCHM = "";
else sParamCHM = eH.substring(iCHM+4,iMETA); // extracts the CHM files for item1
if (document.hhRel) document.hhRel.outerHTML = ""; // if hhRel object exists, clears it
var h= "<object id='hhRel'"+ sActX_HH + "STYLE='display:none'><param name='Command' value='ALink,MENU'>";
h= h + "<param name='Item1' value='" + sParamCHM + "'><param name='Item2' value='" + sParamMETA + "'></object>";
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", h);
//*** popNewWindow***************************************************************************************
// creates an object from an <A> tag HREF, the object then opens a new window from the image URL found in the HREF
// called from: <a id="thumbnail" title="Enlarge figure" href="CHM=NTArt.chm FILE=@@image_name.gif@@">@@alt text here@@</A>
// the thumbnail image is loaded by loadPage();
function popNewWindow(eventSrc) {
var eH= eventSrc.href;
event.returnValue = false;
// extracts the thumbnail image URL from the <a> tag HREF
sParamFILE = getURL(eH);
if (sParamFILE=="") return;
// if the hhWindow object exists, clears it
if (document.hhWindow) document.hhWindow.outerHTML = "";
var h = "<object id='hhWindow'"+ sActX_HH +" STYLE='display:none'><param name='Command' value='Related Topics'>";
h = h + "<param name='Window' value='$global_largeart'><param name='Item1' value='$global_largeart;" + moniker + sParamFILE+ "'> </object>";
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", h);
//*** callShortcut ***************************************************************************************
// creates an object from an <A> tag, the object then calls the executable code
// called from: <A ID="shortcut" HREF="EXEC=@@executable_name.exe@@ CHM=IEShared.chm FILE=@@error_file_name.htm@@">@@Shortcut text@@</A>
// the shortcut image is loaded by loadInitialImg();
function callShortcut(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
var eH= unescape(e.href);
var eH_= eH.toLowerCase();
event.returnValue = false;
// extracts the error file URL from the <a> tag HREF
iEND= eH.length;
sParamFILE = getURL(eH);
//code added to redirect if shortcut is nonexisting
var con_mmc;
var doc_mmc;
doc_mmc = sParamFILE.toLowerCase();
con_mmc = doc_mmc.indexOf("mmc.chm");
if (con_mmc != -1){
doc_mmc = " " + document.location;
con_mmc = doc_mmc.indexOf("mmc.chm");
if (con_mmc == -1){
sParamFILE = "IEShared.chm::/alt_url_deux.htm"
// *************************************************
var iEXEC = eH_.lastIndexOf("exec=");
if (iEXEC==-1) return;
else sParamEXEC = eH.substring(iEXEC+5,iEND); // extracts the executable for item1
if (document.hhShortcut) document.hhShortcut.outerHTML = ""; // if the hhShortcut object exists, clears it
var h = "<object id='hhShortcut'"+ sActX_HH +" STYLE='display:none'> <param name='Command' value='ShortCut'>";
if(sParamFILE != "") h = h + "<param name='Window' value='" + moniker + sParamFILE+ "'>";
h = h + "<param name='Item1' value='" + sParamEXEC + "'><param name='Item2' value='msg,1,1'></object>";
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", h);
//**************************************** EXPAND FUNCTIONS *********************************************************
//** callExpand **************************************************************************************************
// This expands & collapses (based on current state) "expandable" nodes as they are clicked.
// Called by: <A ID="expand" href="#">@@Hot text@@</A>
// Followed by: <div class="expand">
function callExpand(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
event.returnValue = false; // prevents navigating for <A> tag
var oExpandable = getExpandable(e);
var oImg = getImage(e);
if (oExpandable.style.display == "block")
doCollapse(oExpandable, oImg);
else doExpand(oExpandable, oImg);
//** expandGoesHot *********************************************************************************************
// Returns expand image to hot.
function expandGoesHot(eventSrc){
var e= eventSrc;
var oExpandable = getExpandable(e);
var oImg = getImage(e);
if (oExpandable.style.display == "block") oImg.src = expandHot;
else oImg.src = closedHot;
//** expandGoesCold *********************************************************************************************
// Returns expand image to cold.
function expandGoesCold(eventSrc){
var e= eventSrc;
var oExpandable = getExpandable(e);
var oImg = getImage(e);
if (oExpandable.style.display == "block") oImg.src = expand;
else oImg.src = closed;
//** getExpandable *****************************[used by callExpand, expandGoesHot, expandGoesCold]*******
// Determine if the element is an expandable node or a child of one.
function getExpandable(eventSrc){
var e = eventSrc;
var iNextTag, oExpandable;
for (var i=1;i<4; i++){
iNextTag= e.sourceIndex+e.children.length+i;
oExpandable= document.all(iNextTag);
if (oExpandable.className.toLowerCase()=="expand" || iNextTag == document.all.length)
return oExpandable;
//** getImage ***********************************[used by callExpand, expandGoesHot, expandGoesCold]*******
// Find the first image in the children of the current srcElement.
// (allows the image to be placed anywhere inside the <A HREF> tag)
function getImage(header) {
var oImg = header;
if(oImg.tagName != "IMG") oImg=oImg.children.tags("IMG")(0);
return oImg;
//**** expandAll *******************************************************************************************************
// Will expand or collapse all "expandable" nodes when clicked. [calls closeAll()]
// called by: <A HREF="#" onclick="expandAll();">expand all</A>
var stateExpand = false; //applies to the page
//**** ****************************************************************************************************************
function expandAll() {
var oExpandToggle, oImg;
var expandAllMsg = "expand all"; //message returned when CloseAll() is invoked
var closeAllMsg = "close all"; //message returned when ExpandAll() is invoked
var e= window.event.srcElement;
event.returnValue = false;
for (var i=0; i< document.anchors.length; i++){
oExpandToggle = document.anchors[i];
if (oExpandToggle.id.toLowerCase() == "expand"){
oExpandable = getExpandable(oExpandToggle);
oImg = getImage(oExpandToggle);
if (stateExpand == true) doCollapse(oExpandable, oImg);
else doExpand(oExpandable, oImg);
if (stateExpand == true) {
stateExpand = false;
e.innerText= expandAllMsg;
else {
stateExpand = true;
e.innerText= closeAllMsg;
//**** doExpand *******************************************************************************************************
// Expands expandable block & changes image
var redo = false;
function doExpand(oToExpand, oToChange) {
var oExpandable= oToExpand;
var oImg= oToChange;
oImg.src = expand;
oExpandable.style.display = "block";
if (!redo && !isIE5) {
redo = true;
doExpand(oToExpand, oToChange);
//**** doCollapse *****************************************************************************************************
// Collapses expandable block & changes image
function doCollapse(oToCollapse, oToChange) {
if (printing == "TRUE") return;
var oExpandable= oToCollapse;
var oImg= oToChange;
oExpandable.style.display = "none";
oImg.src = closed;
//******* WEB FUNCTIONS **************************************************************************
//**** callThumbnailWeb **************************************************************************************
function callThumbnailWeb(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
event.returnValue = false;
var thumbnailWin= window.open (e.href, "$global_largeart", "height=450, width=600, left=10, top=10, dependent=yes, resizable=yes, status=no, directories=no, titlebar=no, toolbar=yes, menubar=no, location=no","true");
thumbnailWin.document.write ("<html><head><title>Windows 2000</title></head><body><img src='"+e.href+"'></body></html>");
var popupOpen= false; //state of popups
var posX, posY; //coordinates of popups
var oPopup; //object to be used as popup content
//**** callPopupWeb **************************************************************************************
// the web popups have been converted from the object winHelp popup for the web.
// called by: <A ID="wPopupWeb" HREF="#">@@Popup text@@</A>
// followed by: <div class="popup">Popup content</div>
function callPopupWeb(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
// find the popup <div> that follows <a id="wPopupWeb"></a>
oPopup.style.visibility = "visible";
popupOpen = true;
//**** findPopup ****************************************************************************************
function findPopup(oX){
var e= oX;
var iNextTag;
for (var i=1;i<4; i++){
iNextTag= e.sourceIndex + i;
oPopup= document.all(iNextTag);
if (oPopup.className.toLowerCase()=="popup" || iNextTag == document.all.length)
if (iNextTag != document.all.length) {
posX = window.event.clientX;
posY = window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop+10;
else closePopup();
//**** positionPopup ************************************************************************************
// Set size and position of popup.
// If it is off the page, move up, but not past the very top of the page.
function positionPopup(oX){
var e= oX;
var popupOffsetWidth = oPopup.offsetWidth;
//determine if popup will be offscreen to right
var rightlimit = posX + popupOffsetWidth;
if (rightlimit >= document.body.clientWidth)
posX -= (rightlimit - document.body.clientWidth);
if (posX < 0) posX = 0;
//position popup
oPopup.style.top = posY;
oPopup.style.left = posX;
var pageBottom = document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight;
var popupHeight = oPopup.offsetHeight;
if (popupHeight + posY >= pageBottom) {
if (popupHeight <= document.body.clientHeight)
oPopup.style.top = pageBottom - popupHeight;
oPopup.style.top = document.body.scrollTop;
//**** closePopup ****************************************************************************************
// Close Popup
function closePopup() {
oPopup.style.visibility = "hidden";
popupOpen = false;
//********************************************* GENERAL FUNCTIONS ************************************************
//***ajustImg *************************************************************************************************************
// expands an image to the with of the window or shrinks it to 90px
function ajustImg(eventSrc) {
var e= eventSrc;
var fullWidth= document.body.offsetWidth;
fullWidth = fullWidth - 50;
if (e.style.pixelWidth==90)
else e.style.pixelWidth=90;
//** getURL **************************************[used in callShortcut, popNewWindow& loadPage]********
// extracts the file location (CHM::/HTM) URL
function getURL(sHREF) {
var spaces= /\s/g
var eH = unescape(sHREF);
eH = eH.replace(spaces,"");
var eH_= eH.toLowerCase();
var sParamFILE= "";
var sParamCHM= "";
var iFILE= eH_.lastIndexOf("file=");
if (iFILE!=-1){
iEND= iFILE +1;
sParamFILE = eH.substring(iFILE+5,eH.length);
var iCHM = eH_.lastIndexOf("chm=");
if (iCHM!=-1){
iEND = iCHM +1; // iEND used by callShortcut
sParamCHM = eH.substring(iCHM+4, iFILE);
sParamFILE= sParamCHM+"::/"+sParamFILE;
return sParamFILE;
//******************************************** IE5 PERSISTENCE *************************************************************
var oTD,iTD; // persistence
//****** Persistence for userData *********************************************************************************************
function getChecklistState(){
var pageID= addID();
if (checklist.all== "[object]") {
iTD= oTD.length;
printing = "TRUE";
isPersistent = false;
if (iTD == 0){
printing = "TRUE";
isPersistent = false;
// routine added to fix a bug in the ocx 06/14/99
lct = document.location + ".";
xax = 10;
xax = lct.indexOf("mk:@MSITStore");
if (xax != -1) {
lct = "ms-its:" + lct.substring(14,lct.length-1);
// alert("before reload : " + document.location);
// alert("replace with : " + lct);
isPersistent = false;
isPersistent = true;
// alert("after reload : " + document.location);
// routine added to fix a bug in the ocx 06/14/99
if (checklist.getAttribute("sPersist"+pageID+"0"))
for (i=0; i<iTD; i++){
if (oTD[i].type =="checkbox" || oTD[i].type =="radio"){
checkboxValue= checklist.getAttribute("sPersist"+pageID+i);
if (checkboxValue=="yes") oTD[i].checked=true;
else oTD[i].checked=false;
}// if
if (oTD[i].type =="text")
oTD[i].value= checklist.getAttribute("sPersist"+pageID+i);
}// for
} // end persistence
//** saveChecklistState *************************************************************************************************************
function saveChecklistState(){
var pageID= addID();
if (!isPersistent) return;
// you will need this document.location
for (i=0; i<iTD; i++){
if (oTD[i].type =="checkbox" || oTD[i].type =="radio"){
if (oTD[i].checked) checkboxValue="yes";
else checkboxValue="no";
checklist.setAttribute("sPersist"+pageID+i, checkboxValue);
}// if
if (oTD[i].type =="text")
checklist.setAttribute("sPersist"+pageID+i, oTD[i].value);
} // for
// routine added to fix a bug in the ocx 06/14/99
lct = document.location + ".";
xax = 10;
xax = lct.indexOf("mk:@MSITStore");
if (xax != -1) {
lct = "ms-its:" + lct.substring(14,lct.length-1);
// alert("before reload : " + document.location);
// alert("replace with : " + lct);
isPersistent = false;
isPersistent = true;
// alert("after reload : " + document.location);
// routine added to fix a bug in the ocx 06/14/99
}//end function
//** resizeDiv *******************************[used with callPopupWeb, setPreviousNext}****************************************************
// resize the page when the <div class=nav></div> && <div class=text></div> are found
function resizeDiv(){
if (printing == "TRUE") return;
var oNav = document.all.item("nav");
var oText= document.all.item("text");
if (popupOpen) closePopup();
if (oText == null) return;
if (oNav != null){
document.all.nav.style.width= document.body.offsetWidth;
document.all.text.style.width= document.body.offsetWidth-4;
document.all.text.style.top= document.all.nav.offsetHeight;
if (document.body.offsetHeight > document.all.nav.offsetHeight)
document.all.text.style.height= document.body.offsetHeight - document.all.nav.offsetHeight;
else document.all.text.style.height=0;
//** addID *************************************************************************************************************
function addID(){
var locID = document.location.href;
var iHTM = locID.lastIndexOf(".htm");
var iName=locID.lastIndexOf("/");
locID = locID.substring(iName+1,iHTM);
return locID;
//** set_to_print ***************
function set_to_print(){
var i;
printing = "TRUE";
if (window.text) {
if (!window.text.style){
scroller = "FALSE";
document.all.text.style.height = "auto";
scroller = "TRUE";
for (i=0; i < document.all.length; i++){
if (document.all[i].id == "expand") {
single = "TRUE";
if (document.all[i].tagName == "BODY") {
document.all[i].scroll = "auto";
if (document.all[i].tagName == "A" && scroller != "TRUE") {
document.all[i].outerHTML = "<A HREF=''>" + document.all[i].innerHTML + "</a>";
//** used to reset a page if needed ********************
function reset_form(){
if (single == "TRUE") document.location.reload();
if (scroller = "TRUE") document.location.reload();
//** on error routine *********************************
function errorHandler() {
// alert("Error Handled");
return true;